Linux Developers Threaten to Pull “Kill Switch”

That's how I would do it too if I were ever offended by how someone addressed me at work (note that in my many years working, this has never happened), but not everyone is comfortable with direct confrontation, and they shouldn't have to be in order to be respected at work.
Yes... Yes they should. If the offending comment is important enough to jeopardize someone's career over, it's important enough for them to step outside of their comfort zone in an attempt at resolution before escalation. If their social skills are so under-developed that they can't even attempt to solve something as minor as a nickname like "princess" or a comment like "where are you from?" they have no business working in an environment where other people might interact with them. It's not society's responsibility to prevent someone from being offended or experiencing discomfort, that's up to the individual.
My mother raised me well. She raised me to always be considerate of the people around me, and that meant watching what I do and what I say to make sure I don't hurt anyone. Again, this is not some SJW agenda. This is just good manners. Of course a good person doesnt want to hurt others with what they do or say, so they are constantly conscious of these things.

I'd argue dating at work is completely and totally inappropriate. I've seen it once in my career, and in that case the two apparent fell for eachother at work, but because it was inappropriate didn't tell anyone, until she could find a new job elsewhere. Still inappropriate, but I guess its the best course of action given the circumstances.

That's exactly the problem. That type of nicknames and banter are not OK with the guys either. Not at work, and not on your free time. If you cant be civil, not poke fun of people, give then nicknames or tell obscene jokes, then you are not a very good person. The traditional "locker room talk" is not ok in ANY setting. We should be speaking exactly the same to men and women, respectfully as fellow humans. Crude, vulgar jokes, poking fun, nicknames, these things are unbecoming on a teenager, but at least understandable as they are still learning how to be people. By the time you are a grown-ass man, you should have outgrown them a long time ago.

That's how I would do it too if I were ever offended by how someone addressed me at work (note that in my many years working, this has never happened), but not everyone is comfortable with direct confrontation, and they shouldn't have to be in order to be respected at work.

I guess the way I see the work environment is this. Does it pass the Picard test? If the Picard character of Star Trek fame wouldn't do or say something, you probably shouldn't either, at least not while at work.

Good lord, I bet you’re just a raging ball of hilarity to work with. Try pulling the stick out of your ass long enough to see how real people live and work.

I happened to meet my wife at work, we’ve been married for 15 years. Happens all the time in our company of roughly 3000 people.
Good lord, I bet you’re just a raging ball of hilarity to work with. Try pulling the stick out of your ass long enough to see how real people live and work.

I happened to meet my wife at work, we’ve been married for 15 years. Happens all the time in our company of roughly 3000 people.

Well, I say enjoy flirting with women at work if you still can because that ship is not only about to sail, but to go out to sea and sink and sink deeply. No doubt this will all change sooner rather than later. My best friend told me his wife's workplace is initiating a new dress code starting in 2019 that is designed to address harassment in the workplace. In short, take the sexiness away from women and out of the workplace. less cleavage, longer skirts. Additional causal days.
Well, I say enjoy flirting with women at work if you still can because that ship is not only about to sail, but to go out to sea and sink and sink deeply. No doubt this will all change sooner rather than later. My best friend told me his wife's workplace is initiating a new dress code starting in 2019 that is designed to address harassment in the workplace. In short, take the sexiness away from women and out of the workplace. less cleavage, longer skirts. Additional causal days.

That ship sailed for me 15 years ago...

The downside of meeting your wife at work? She would find out very soon if I started flirting with someone else. Not that I ever would. And, she packs a Glock.
Well, I say enjoy flirting with women at work if you still can because that ship is not only about to sail, but to go out to sea and sink and sink deeply. No doubt this will all change sooner rather than later. My best friend told me his wife's workplace is initiating a new dress code starting in 2019 that is designed to address harassment in the workplace. In short, take the sexiness away from women and out of the workplace. less cleavage, longer skirts. Additional causal days.

2019 in the office, 2029 on the streets. Can't have them seducing all the stallions at work.

I thought I was falling in love with a coworker recently. Then it got cold and she stopped wearing all these super short dresses and suddenly I was fine again.
Well, I say enjoy flirting with women at work if you still can because that ship is not only about to sail, but to go out to sea and sink and sink deeply. No doubt this will all change sooner rather than later. My best friend told me his wife's workplace is initiating a new dress code starting in 2019 that is designed to address harassment in the workplace. In short, take the sexiness away from women and out of the workplace. less cleavage, longer skirts. Additional causal days.
did someone there watch Jordan Peterson interviews? 'cause that was one his points in the vice interview. why are woman displaying sexual ques in the workplace and getting upset over the advances of men? if everyone dresses business like that wont happen. and remember, we're still figuring out how to work together, its only been 60 years of women in the workforce.
2019 in the office, 2029 on the streets. Can't have them seducing all the stallions at work.

I thought I was falling in love with a coworker recently. Then it got cold and she stopped wearing all these super short dresses and suddenly I was fine again.
Burkas required! Then finally we will be free of these evul urges. Slavery is freedom. Ignorance is strength!
2019 in the office, 2029 on the streets. Can't have them seducing all the stallions at work.

I thought I was falling in love with a coworker recently. Then it got cold and she stopped wearing all these super short dresses and suddenly I was fine again.

Which they CANNOT do FYI. All of linux is distributed under GPL, and any developers that have distributed their code under it, cannot legally withdraw or revoke their license. They can stop their future contributions from using the GPL, but what is already in there now they granted an irrevocable license to all to use, modify, and distribute it via the GPL.

I thought this too, but with a little research it turns out I was wrong.

If we were talking about the most recent version of GPL, GPL v3, this would be accurate.

It turns out that due to the complexity of the kernel, and the many legacy copyright claims inside it, it is still operating under the older GPL v2 license, which does allow copyright holders to revoke their license.

I highly doubt they would though. The people who have contributed this code have dedicated their lives to the linux kernel. I very much doubt they would destroy their baby just to make a point, and even if they did, it probably wouldn't be enough of them that the affected areas couldn't be replaced with fresh code. It might delay a few kernel releases, but in no way would it kill off Linux as we know it.
2019 in the office, 2029 on the streets. Can't have them seducing all the stallions at work.

I thought I was falling in love with a coworker recently. Then it got cold and she stopped wearing all these super short dresses and suddenly I was fine again.
You seem to be confusing lust with love. I have zero problem with workmates finding out they belong together and starting a relationship even if it can potentially lead to drama years down the line. That's a far cry from every last man in the office ogling cleavage or making crude comments behind a workmate's back. If those "stallions" can't handle that like mature adults, well sucks to be them right?
even if they did, it probably wouldn't be enough of them that the affected areas couldn't be replaced with fresh code.
Not as easy as one might think. Sure, you could replace it but then you could end up with a legal fight over whether or not the new code is different enough not to be covered by the previous copyright. Think Google vs. Sun Microsystems. If they did pull their code it could very well irrevocably cripple the Linux kernel depending upon what code was pulled.
Does it pass the Picard test? If the Picard character of Star Trek fame wouldn't do or say something, you probably shouldn't either, at least not while at work.

Can we lower that to the Riker test please? I think that's more than reasonable. And please keep Counselor Troy out of HR. :p

Honestly, the best course of action, is to use some common sense, be a decent person, and don't joke, date, or speak to anyone in any elevated sort of fashion, unless you personally know that person. That's not a hard way to live. If I don't know you, I'm damned sure going to keep the equivalent of the Picard test in mind. If I've worked with you for five years, and a little bit more slips out over time because we now have a better idea of who each other is, then a bit of banter, joking, etc. is ok. Be sure it's not going past your walls though. I personally keep work and personal life separate, but I've known some married couples that work at the same company, people that met each other and date, and in my experience, (in a more corporate type environment) they've manage to keep that from becoming a problem. Where I work now even has specific policies regarding this. You just can't work for the other person, and preferably not in the same department. We don't have issues here regarding these people.

We don't need draconian rules. Just more common sense and decency. I'd hate to work for a company where I couldn't be myself (within reason) and occasionally joke around with my co-workers, or speak in a slightly more familiar way with the right people. That would absolutely suck. Luckily it's pretty free-flowing where I work. People tend to be decent, but still fun.
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An attempt to de-"inclusive" the kernel CoC is going on...

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
-our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
-size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and
-expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality,
-personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

+our community a harassment-free experience for everyone.

I have been thinking about this and based upon a number of 1st hand experiences of this type of people... They explicitly want INCLUSION. Its not good enough to say "no harassment", they want their particular sub-genre to be listed. The Kernel originally had a CodeOfConflict and it is questionable whether it was enforced, its aim was to deal with conflict if and when it occurred.
Some were not happy that conflicts were not dealt with (ok) but others did not feel included EVEN though the kernel and other FOSS development was some of the most non-exclusive there is... you provide, it is either accepted or rejected. That isn't good enough for certain people in society. Their way needs to be explicitly mentioned otherwise their interpretation is it is excluding them

This change should bring it closer to what is was and not provide a platform for special group having special protection when there is none needed... harassment is harassment and a lot of the left are EXTREMELY guilty of this *cough* rape apologist *cough* to hound individuals who don't agree..


-Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
-reported by contacting the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) at
-<tab@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>. All complaints will be reviewed and
-investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and
-appropriate to the circumstances. The TAB is obligated to maintain
-confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of
-specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
-Maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may
-face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the
-projectâs leadership.

Stripping out the arbitrary punishment

Oh and if people think there isn't a vocal group of feminist who want to shut out "white cis males" ... they are living under a rock. It might be a vocal minority but it exists and how they are doing it is fundamentally hypocritical to what they state they are standing for..

And to quote from the Gentoo forums:
Yamakuzure said:
notageek said:
Who is needlessly debating?

Why don't you just get on with the job and let CoC stay in its place?

Nobody is holding a gun to your head.
You didn't really read into the CC CoC, right?
Well, basically a CoC is a nice thing. It creates guidelines you can look up when in doubt. Something to get orientation.

The ContributorCovenant (CC) variant that gets pressed onto whoever doesn't say "no" firmly enough, pressed (and/or forced on) by its author CoralineAda, has some tiny flaws in it, which are undoubtedly intentional:
  • The list of examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
    • "Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
    This is a vague and unreasonable way of basically saying: "Whatever I don't like". This is bullshit and needs to be removed.
  • There is this part:

    "Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful."

    Which simply gives them god like power to remove anyone without a clear defined reason. This section is bullshit.
  • "This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers."

    Or in other words, if they want to kick someone out, they just need to find anything from anytime and anywhere, define it as "deemed inappropriate" and simply declare the wrongdoing was while representing the project.
So actually these points give god like power to project team members, basically allowing the lead team to harass and to ban anybody they like to.

And you know what? CoralineAda has been caught countless times violating their own CC CoC - to silence critics. said:
The CC is an SJW vehicle promulgated by Coraline Ada and a related group of activist malcontents. While the CC appears on the surface to be a call of civility, it's actually the tip of a very long and exsanguatory anti-meritocracy spear, one that ultimately seeks to elevate high-verbal-IQ non-technical politics-playing San-Francisco-residing cliques of social justice advocates into positions of recognition and authority in the free software world and beyond. If you write code and you're good at it, these people are a direct threat to your status, your hobby, and your livelihood, because if these people get their way, your technical excellence becomes secondary to their wokeness.

And she doesn't even disguises her intention:
virtguru said:

This whole COC business needs to stop. Now they are starting the character assassination campaign.
More will most likely follow, they will stop at nothing.

Sad days ... Sad days indeed
Erm, what's in there? (I am blocked, like anyone who has ever replied in a critical way to her/him/it.)

Here is a masterpiece of trolling the SJWs: