LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

An AMD X2 4400+ stock clocked is sort of pushing it with no hardware decoding. You might experience some dropped frames here and there.
Transformers used ISO-500 film, so there is nothing you can do about grain and sharpness in some scenes. It is a great transfer, and it would look the same whether it was on BR or HD DVD. However, if you are using a ATI 2xxxHD or 8500/8600 card, the hardware decoding and filtering technology does a much better job with applying de-noise filters to the picture. On my 8600GT hooked up to the 1080p projector, Transformers looks simply amazing.

Yeah, it looks much much better on my 19" CRT Viewsonic than my 24" LCD Benq.
I am having trouble with 1080p on my 4200+ with 2gb ram and x1950pro. But I am not using any of the x1950 features for decoding. Suppose I should look into that...

However, my quad core system runs it flawlessly.
finally got it and installed day before thanksgiving. ratatouille also arrived, already had been playing HD DVD's for the longest time, checked that first. then Blu-Ray:eek: awesomeness. then got corpse bride BD. continued awesomness, etc. i luv being able to play both formats now:cool:.

only quibble is that i've noticed the BR discs i have don't have pop-up live menus like some of the WB HD DVD's. more to come =).

it's a great deal if you already own a HTPC that can play both formats with ease.
only quibble is that i've noticed the BR discs i have don't have pop-up live menus like some of the WB HD DVD's. more to come =).

first blu-ray specs didnt have interactive menu's. HD-DVD did/does. Next blu-ray spec will have interactive menu effects like the hd-dvd... atleast i think that is what i read.
I downloaded the trial version of AnyDVD, because my system would work fine connected directly to my Plasma (Panny TH-50PX60U over HDMI with HDCP) but all I got when connected through my Receiver (JVC RX-D402, with HDCP HDMI 1.1) to the plasma, was audio.

AnyDVD and HD-DVD:
When I left AnyDVD running in the background, "Transformers" HD-DVD played fine on either my Plasma or my Non-hdcp Dell 24" monitor (over DVI), but I did have to change one setting in AnyDVD or it would stop playing shortly after starting. That setting:
Under "Video HD DVD" check "Rename highest XPL file..."

AnyDVD and Blu-ray Disc:
When I left anyDVD running in the background, NIN "Beside You In Time" Blu-ray disc played fine on either my Plasma or my Non hdcp Dell 24" monitor, but I did have to change one setting in AnyDVD or it would stop playing shortly after starting. That setting:
Under "Video Blu-Ray" check "Remove Blu-Ray region code" (auto), I don't know why, it just works.

I spent hours messing with this, trying to get it to work through my receiver, it just wouldn't (even though regular DVDs and everything else did), until I installed the trial version of AnyDVD, (works with the purchased version too).

Needless to say I bought AnyDVD (had a 20% discount on TG weekend).

I am using SPDIF from the Mobo's sound (abit IP35 Pro) to the Video card (MSI 8500GT), then to my receiver over HDMI cable, and as others, only get 2 channels. I can live with that, until a solution comes along, Since it's more important, for me, to have just one cable. Sux that I get surround with a DVD that has dts, but not from a HD-DVD or BD.

LG drive firmware: 1.00 (latest)
Power DVD Ultra (OEM) ver: 7.3.3319.0 (latest)

You can see pics the PC build HERE.

the oem will NOT give you multichannel or hi-res audio. you must upgrade to the ultra ($70 or 100 depending on which oem u gots) to make that work.

even if you do get that up and running, if you have uncompressed audio that is 24-bit/96kHz, it'll be downrezed to 16-bit/48kHz i believe. the audio pathway is not protected, thus downrezzed. read this:


PS the "information" overlay that PowerDVD displays tells you what the SOURCE is, not how your system is actually decoding the source material into actual uncompressed a/v. FYI.

the oem will NOT give you multichannel or hi-res audio. you must upgrade to the ultra ($70 or 100 depending on which oem u gots) to make that work.
Well, it is OEM, but it also says Ultra, right on the PDVD startup screen, point may be moot though, see below.

even if you do get that up and running, if you have uncompressed audio that is 24-bit/96kHz, it'll be downrezed to 16-bit/48kHz i believe. the audio pathway is not protected, thus downrezzed. read this:

I'd be fine with downrez, as long as I had actual surround/multi channel. Man I wish they would at least throw a dts track in there, would it kill them? All they got for multi channel is Dolby Digital HD (on the NIN Blu-Ray), and Dolby Digital Plus (on Transformers), and my receiver doesn't list either as supported.

You're right the audio pathway isn't protected, and neither is the video path when I watch an HD disc on my non-HDCP Dell 24" monitor, AnyDVD takes care of the audio and video, no? I sure couldn't play an HD disc on my Dell monitor without AnyDVD.

PS the "information" overlay that PowerDVD displays tells you what the SOURCE is, not how your system is actually decoding the source material into actual uncompressed a/v. FYI.
That's right, my receiver and plasma tell me, and they say Dolby Digital 2 channel and 1080i video, I don't know how you could tell sample rate or compression, if that's what you mean.

Thanks for the link and other info though.

1. it doesn't matter if you have anydvd hd or not. you will get 16/48 downrez regardless of descryption. it's all political between hollywood vs. media players.

2. ok, i re-read your post. you are using connecting spdif to your video card, which is essentially re-directed via hdmi to your AVR and that's that. why not just connect directly to the AVR? it's the same exact thing. current spdif spex doesn't allow for anything more than 640kilobit Dolby Digital 5.1 or EX 6.1 matrixed and 1504kilobit DTS (any flavor).

DD+ and DTS-HD can go upwards of 3megabit+, and this is just lossy, the lossless lpcm, truehd, dts-hd ma all go even higher. like you say, it's all about m00t because NONE of the digital connections (hdmi or otherwise) from HTPC->AV Receivers currently support anything higher than what spdif can support. that means you can't get any of the HD audio to work UNLESS you use analog. even then, you're left with 16/48 regardless of anydvd hd.

so, only standalone HD DVD+Blu-Ray players can decode all those codecs and pass them out via analog cables OR hdmi implementations.

1. it doesn't matter if you have anydvd hd or not. you will get 16/48 downrez regardless of descryption. it's all political between hollywood vs. media players.

2. ok, i re-read your post. you are using connecting spdif to your video card, which is essentially re-directed via hdmi to your AVR and that's that. why not just connect directly to the AVR? it's the same exact thing. current spdif spex doesn't allow for anything more than 640kilobit Dolby Digital 5.1 or EX 6.1 matrixed and 1504kilobit DTS (any flavor).

DD+ and DTS-HD can go upwards of 3megabit+, and this is just lossy, the lossless lpcm, truehd, dts-hd ma all go even higher. like you say, it's all about m00t because NONE of the digital connections (hdmi or otherwise) from HTPC->AV Receivers currently support anything higher than what spdif can support. that means you can't get any of the HD audio to work UNLESS you use analog. even then, you're left with 16/48 regardless of anydvd hd.

so, only standalone HD DVD+Blu-Ray players can decode all those codecs and pass them out via analog cables OR hdmi implementations.

Well the 35' HDMI cable (all my testing was done with a 2 Meter HDMI cable) is hard enough to hide (but it is hidden well), can you imagine trying to hide 6 coax cables along with that? Anyway, I actually use my rig more for DVDs (mostly music) with plain dts or DVD audio (in fact listening to Foo fighters 1x1 DVD-A right now), both of which do a great job of sending real surround to my receiver over HDMI from my PC. Still have to play SACDs from my stand alone DVD player though.

16/48 downrez is fine, I just want the surround.

Even after doling out the bux for AnyDVD HD, the cost of a dual format standalone player is expensive enough to keep me away, compared to this drive.

Thanks for taking the time to post, you have reaffirmed a lot of stuff I "almost knew".
u can't pass DVD Audio MLP through spdif either. what you're playing is simply Dolby Digital or DTS. MLP can only be played either through your analog outputs or standalone player (that's how i play both SACD+DVD Audio MLP).
u can't pass DVD Audio MLP through spdif either. what you're playing is simply Dolby Digital or DTS. MLP can only be played either through your analog outputs or standalone player (that's how i play both SACD+DVD Audio MLP).

By dammit, your right, I just grabbed the first DVD-A album I saw (Foo Fighters 1x1), thought it was Only DVD-A, but nope it's got DD too, and that is what was (and is now) playing.

But, both DVD-A and SACD can be played through HDMI 1.3, if you believe Oppo in the "Features" of the Oppo 980H and 981H:

"High-resolution multi-channel digital audio output through HDMI supporting CD, DVD-Audio, SACD, Dolby Digital and DTS sound tracks.
Direct Stream Digital (DSD) over HDMI (Requires compatible A/V receiver)"

I forget where I found it, but after a lot of looking, I found out "Requires compatible A/V receiver" means HDMI 1.3, which sux cause mine is 1.1

That's when I decided not to buy the 980H.
So... reading through the prior pages of this thread leaves me to believe that it is impossible to rip a BluRay disc or HDDvd from this drive out of the box? Has anyone tried this yet?

1. that is correct, any AV Receiver that can accept LPCM over hdmi (think of it like digital version of the 5.1/7.1 cables) can accept any HD audio format uncompressed, lossy whatever.

the standalone players are decoding all the HD audio formats internally inside the player and redirecting that digital PCM signal over the hdmi (digital equivalent of analog cables). so if you have AVR that is already HDMI 1.1, you have NO ISSUES when you connect to HD DVD or BLu-Ray player. don't worry about it! it's the same shit.

one of the reason for 1.3 is for AV Receivers that WANT to decode all those HD audio formats over hdmi. that means the standalone HD players has to pass those HD codecs directly to the AVR to process and stuff. so 6 half dozen or another or whatever phrase you want to use.

re: DVD Audio is PCM, so what i say above has been able to be pass via hdmi since hdmi 1.1.

re: SACD is NOT PCM, it is DSD. hell, even sony themselves convert to PCM to make editing workflow easier and encode to DSD in post. furthermore, NATIVE DSD decoding right @AV Receiver level is mostly unsupported by large # of AV Receivers. having said that, hdmi 1.2 gives you the capability to pass DSD right from your 'transport' (player) to AVR. however, a lot of standalone players and AVR's "cheat". for example, oppo's 981 converts DSD->PCM and passes that over hdmi. oppo's 980 on the other hand, streams DSD directly over HDMI without that conversion. then, if AVR's receive the PCM, it plays it just like HD standalone players pass it (PCM), just like DVD Audio (PCM). it's all just PCM to AVR. but if AVR's can receive AND decode DSD, that's the best one... but again, here some AVR mfr. "cheat". they can ACCEPT DSD, but convert it back to PCM anyways. in the end it's all m00t:

for more info, read about it here:

read about various hdmi implementations here:

viscero, this optical drive is JUST like any other drive, it does rip HD discs onto hard drive. i have tried this for both formats many a times already. firmware 1.0.

1. that is correct, any AV Receiver that can accept LPCM over hdmi (think of it like digital version of the 5.1/7.1 cables) can accept any HD audio format uncompressed, lossy whatever.

the standalone players are decoding all the HD audio formats internally inside the player and redirecting that digital PCM signal over the hdmi (digital equivalent of analog cables). so if you have AVR that is already HDMI 1.1, you have NO ISSUES when you connect to HD DVD or BLu-Ray player. don't worry about it! it's the same shit.

one of the reason for 1.3 is for AV Receivers that WANT to decode all those HD audio formats over hdmi. that means the standalone HD players has to pass those HD codecs directly to the AVR to process and stuff. so 6 half dozen or another or whatever phrase you want to use.

re: DVD Audio is PCM, so what i say above has been able to be pass via hdmi since hdmi 1.1.

re: SACD is NOT PCM, it is DSD. hell, even sony themselves convert to PCM to make editing workflow easier and encode to DSD in post. furthermore, NATIVE DSD decoding right @AV Receiver level is mostly unsupported by large # of AV Receivers. having said that, hdmi 1.2 gives you the capability to pass DSD right from your 'transport' (player) to AVR. however, a lot of standalone players and AVR's "cheat". for example, oppo's 981 converts DSD->PCM and passes that over hdmi. oppo's 980 on the other hand, streams DSD directly over HDMI without that conversion. then, if AVR's receive the PCM, it plays it just like HD standalone players pass it (PCM), just like DVD Audio (PCM). it's all just PCM to AVR. but if AVR's can receive AND decode DSD, that's the best one... but again, here some AVR mfr. "cheat". they can ACCEPT DSD, but convert it back to PCM anyways. in the end it's all m00t:

for more info, read about it here:

read about various hdmi implementations here:

viscero, this optical drive is JUST like any other drive, it does rip HD discs onto hard drive. i have tried this for both formats many a times already. firmware 1.0.

jedi the problem is that no sound card, or video card on the market are able to pass the true lpcm signal code to the reciver.

you can get the full hd/uncompressed sound by using a x-fi, or other card that will play the analog sound to a reciver. the x-fi I know can do it, creative has a special cable pack that lets you output to a reciveres 5.1/7.1 analog input.

the software otherwise converts everything to 5.1 dobly digital I belive. but wont play the dts-hd, or true-hd, or lpcm unless you use analog for now.
viscero, this optical drive is JUST like any other drive, it does rip HD discs onto hard drive. i have tried this for both formats many a times already. firmware 1.0.

Thanks for the confirmation on this!:)
Fry's in Vegas has these for 250 after 50 instant savings . . .

getting hot. . .
yesh, but the auzentech prelude:

is supposed to resolve that. auzentech sells DDLive/DTS-C (similar to LPCM concept BUT using compressed codex instead of LPCM via spdif). the prelude takes everything that is good about xf for gaming, adds DDL+DTS-C and PROMISES trueHD+DTS-HD decoding via spdif:
Optical / Coaxial COMBO Port
The SPDIF Output port has 25mbps bandwidth and supports DTS-
HD/DolbyTrue HD. It is possible to shift between Optical and Coaxial in this port.
but it could simply be a typo.

i have the very old mystique 7.1 DDL and it works beautifully. yeah i know i'm recompressing HD audio... but i like the convenience of 1 cable. i set PowerDVD to analog out and use sound card's spdif to transcode everything over one wire. uncompressed and HD audio codex still sound very nice.

the NEXT upgrade i do will be when sound card makers have figured out how to implement pcm x.1 over hdmi from PC. hopefully. there won't be enough security crap to hinder it.

jedi the problem is that no sound card, or video card on the market are able to pass the true lpcm signal code to the reciver.

you can get the full hd/uncompressed sound by using a x-fi, or other card that will play the analog sound to a reciver. the x-fi I know can do it, creative has a special cable pack that lets you output to a reciveres 5.1/7.1 analog input.

the software otherwise converts everything to 5.1 dobly digital I belive. but wont play the dts-hd, or true-hd, or lpcm unless you use analog for now.
i;ll have to research that card now.

The best/only solution would be to get a video card that can do both bitstream & lpcm via hdmi. right now theres an ati that puts sound over hdmi, but it is just dobly digital.

its a werid time we live in, where the pc has less abbility to output sound/video then stand alones.
the ati thing isn't just dolby digital, it's basically rerouting spdif over hdmi.

and you're right, it's a strange time we live in... but it's not because of technical issues, it's political. the mpaa/riaa doesn't want unsecure signals to pass through any of the PC ecosystem decrypted... but they forget that it has to be decrypted SOMEWHERE along the lines.
the ati thing isn't just dolby digital, it's basically rerouting spdif over hdmi.

and you're right, it's a strange time we live in... but it's not because of technical issues, it's political. the mpaa/riaa doesn't want unsecure signals to pass through any of the PC ecosystem decrypted... but they forget that it has to be decrypted SOMEWHERE along the lines.

I’ve been bitching about HDMI since day one as have Mitsubishi and a few others. What is being touted as simplicity and advantage is simply more ways to implement copy protection.

There is hope on the horizon maybe. By mid 2008 the HDMI Nazis are pushing hard to make HDMI the Standard connector between your video card and or audio card to your monitor and or speaker system.

Obviously the movie studios and MS and the usual suspects are behind this move. While I don’t pretend this will be a good thing once it’s done the hackers will finally have something a bit more solid to work with. When and if that happens I imagine there will be no shortage of “black boxes” to do HD from your PC properly audio wise.

I keep seeing the term HDMI 1.3 used here but keep in mind right now the so called standard is 1.3a and is about to change to 1.3b or 1.4. The backwards compatibility we were promised for HDMI doesn’t exist quite yet…….big surprise.

As far as DVD-A and SACD don’t look for any big changes there which is sad for real music lovers. Do to the lack of interest on the customer’s part with both formats and the mass move to MP-3 I feel both formats will soon be abandoned.:(
that is why displayport has been developed. nv/ati's nextgens are already including that as their standard, basically giving the middle finger to hdmi. no worries :D. our industries are smarter than that. displayport 1.1 has optional audio spex, if people desire to use that.

the way i see it, hdmi sound cards will be next (complete w/lpcm-out) or if auzentech is successful @extending the spdif spec to include higher bandwdith. i suspect that toslink/fiber out should have enough bandwidth because it is, after all, fiber. i dunno about the coaxial/copper version though. extending spdif is desirable because you simple update your drivers for your spdif chipset and you can do 7.1 pcm out :eek:. even if it's hdmi out, i'd be fine.

otherwise, it will be 1 plug-oriented in the future, whether hdmi or displayport or both or adaptors that go back and forth between one or the other.

re: hdmi 1.3. there IS a standard 1.3. actually 1.3, 1.3a, 1.3b are ALL different revision of the same thing AND is fully backwards compatible:
1.3a basically adds gives home installers more ability to splice their own cables and 1.3b simply adds testing spex. 1.3 is where all the features are added.

backwards compatible means 1.3b works with 1.0 devices. an example is 1080p60 can be transmitted as far back as 1.0 as well as 1.3b.

re: dvd audio/sacd. you mean classical/jazz music fans. that's what sacd has and most of DVD audio. if you're talking colplay, radiohead, etc. most pop music aren't on high-res discs.

I’ve been bitching about HDMI since day one as have Mitsubishi and a few others. What is being touted as simplicity and advantage is simply more ways to implement copy protection.

There is hope on the horizon maybe. By mid 2008 the HDMI Nazis are pushing hard to make HDMI the Standard connector between your video card and or audio card to your monitor and or speaker system.

Obviously the movie studios and MS and the usual suspects are behind this move. While I don’t pretend this will be a good thing once it’s done the hackers will finally have something a bit more solid to work with. When and if that happens I imagine there will be no shortage of “black boxes” to do HD from your PC properly audio wise.

I keep seeing the term HDMI 1.3 used here but keep in mind right now the so called standard is 1.3a and is about to change to 1.3b or 1.4. The backwards compatibility we were promised for HDMI doesn’t exist quite yet…….big surprise.

As far as DVD-A and SACD don’t look for any big changes there which is sad for real music lovers. Do to the lack of interest on the customer’s part with both formats and the mass move to MP-3 I feel both formats will soon be abandoned.:(
Not sure the price is 'hot' anymore, but since availability from 'reliable' sources has been scarce, I figured I'd post that Newegg has these back in stock... but at $309 + $6.33 s/h:


Supply and demand at work...

For those of you waiting (like i was) for the bd writer version, it's in stock at the Houston Frys (south 59) at 399. They raised the price of the non bd writer back up to 299 too btw.

1. that is correct, any AV Receiver that can accept LPCM over hdmi (think of it like digital version of the 5.1/7.1 cables) can accept any HD audio format uncompressed, lossy whatever.

the standalone players are decoding all the HD audio formats internally inside the player and redirecting that digital PCM signal over the hdmi (digital equivalent of analog cables). so if you have AVR that is already HDMI 1.1, you have NO ISSUES when you connect to HD DVD or BLu-Ray player. don't worry about it! it's the same shit.

one of the reason for 1.3 is for AV Receivers that WANT to decode all those HD audio formats over hdmi. that means the standalone HD players has to pass those HD codecs directly to the AVR to process and stuff. so 6 half dozen or another or whatever phrase you want to use.

re: DVD Audio is PCM, so what i say above has been able to be pass via hdmi since hdmi 1.1.

re: SACD is NOT PCM, it is DSD. hell, even sony themselves convert to PCM to make editing workflow easier and encode to DSD in post. furthermore, NATIVE DSD decoding right @AV Receiver level is mostly unsupported by large # of AV Receivers. having said that, hdmi 1.2 gives you the capability to pass DSD right from your 'transport' (player) to AVR. however, a lot of standalone players and AVR's "cheat". for example, oppo's 981 converts DSD->PCM and passes that over hdmi. oppo's 980 on the other hand, streams DSD directly over HDMI without that conversion. then, if AVR's receive the PCM, it plays it just like HD standalone players pass it (PCM), just like DVD Audio (PCM). it's all just PCM to AVR. but if AVR's can receive AND decode DSD, that's the best one... but again, here some AVR mfr. "cheat". they can ACCEPT DSD, but convert it back to PCM anyways. in the end it's all m00t:

for more info, read about it here:

read about various hdmi implementations here:

viscero, this optical drive is JUST like any other drive, it does rip HD discs onto hard drive. i have tried this for both formats many a times already. firmware 1.0.

You got most if it right but missed on the DSD format, especially as far as SADC is concerned. While most SACDs do contain a PCM track for playback in a regular DVD player SACD uses a sampling rate in the millions per second, something PCM can never approach.

Nice explanation here:


Unfortunately most people today will settle for MP-3 quality wise and even with low priced players SACD there are few of us users left.
:confused:what did i miss?

as for 2.8Mhz sampling rate of DSD vs. 192kHz sampling rate, it's a m00t point as i stated since most people's equipment can only make use of DVD A's sampling rate BARELY. furthermore dsd is only 1-bit vs. 16/20/24-bits of DVD Audio and higher sampling rate also introduces more floor noise for frequencies that man can't hear anyways. most people are deaf from 13kHz+.

just dig into the topic a bit more, the diff. between the 2 is there, but so minimal because most modern bands use protool to make their masters and they only set it @16bit/48kHz. it's RARE to see masters go any higher and older pre 90's computer audio editing tapes/analog stuff usually don't resolve higher than 16/48 anyways. it's only on recordings where they PRESERVE 24/192 or directly record to DSD that it works well.
Hi All,
Just got my LG-H20L from NCIX.com, i got it the next buisness day. It works great, but Im not fond of the software.. for some reason I can't read menus of Blu Ray. the only way I can watch the movie is if I first press "pause" then press"Next" weird. anyone else have this prob? I updated everything too. but, yeah this drive is great . I got it for 260 shipped.
Now that HDDVD is pretty much dead or is ending it's life soon I would be surprised if people still wanted this drive unless they already have a bunch of HD-DVDs. It's too bad, I thought they'd both be around for a long time and coexist.
Why would you want to buy more expensive BR movies in the future when the same HD DVD movies will be in the bargain bin?

Plus Universal and Paramount titles will still be HD DVD only for quite some time. Even if they switched sides tomorrow we wouldn't see the titles on BR for another year or more.
Now that HDDVD is pretty much dead or is ending it's life soon I would be surprised if people still wanted this drive unless they already have a bunch of HD-DVDs. It's too bad, I thought they'd both be around for a long time and coexist.
3 words: LOTR on HDVD. Well 6 words.. nevermind hehe.
Can someone post a link to where I can actually buy JP and LOTR on HD-DVD today? :confused:
In the latest HD Review magazine, the CEO of Paramount Norway Jon Einar Silvertsen said The Godfather and Indiana Jones movies are for sure scheduled for release in 2008.

At CEATAC in Japan not too long ago,Universal showcased Jurassic Park in an HD DVD presentation saying it was scheduled for release in 2008 as well.

As far as LOTR, I don't know when it will be released. That's up in the air as far as I know unless someone else has new news.

Don't be condescending and ignorant here, you know they aren't out yet.
At this point, I don't think anyone would or should be surprised if all the studios will be releasing on BD before Q4. With that said, and given that HD-DVD is tanking quickly, I'd be amazed if any of the huge catalog titles (like LOTR, JP, etc) are released on HD-DVD before they come out on BD.
JP is being done by Universal. Either Spielberg reached some agreement or they just curbed his rhetoric.

But why would they not release these what you call "huge catalog titles"? They have already released plenty of good movies, and they are continuing to. There's over 400 movie titles on both HD DVD and Blu-ray, some titles shared.. and other Blu-ray exclusives that are available on HD DVD due to region free titles. It isn't going to just poof one day and disappear. There are great multi-million dollar box office movies on both sides.