LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

Mine has shipped too. Should be here next Tuesday. I'll go grab some HD discs this weekend and will try it out in my current HTPC. If it's not smooth then I'll be upgrading. W00T!

It seems to me that the insurance is to cover time lost and possible shipping while RMAing the drive if need be. Call me cheap, but I rarely have items damaged in shipping, and I could spend the money on a beer or something.
Expensive? 270$ for a Blu-ray AND HD-DVD reader? Just a blu-ray reader for a PC is tha same price.. add in HD-DVD functionality, and this is a ggggreat deal. This is also where we should be getting excited because from here on out, prices will continue to fall. And hopefully within the year we can get a Blu-Ray or HD-DVD burner for even less than this. Here's to hoping..
My order is still setting at "product availability." They haven't charged me yet, so its cool. I just hope I get one and don't have to wait a month for it.
Can you get an external enclosure with SATAe on it, this would be great to have with my Notebook.
guys for those who want to get blu ray movie's to test out, head out to amazon blu-ray store they have this deal buy one get one free for selected movies. I brought pearl harbor, and gone in 60 sec's. Those where the only ones that i liked there. Though they did have pirates of the Caribbean too.
I would do the Amazon deal if I saw two movies that I wanted to own. There's a couple I would consider but not all movies are optimized in their HD format.
I would do the Amazon deal if I saw two movies that I wanted to own. There's a couple I would consider but not all movies are optimized in their HD format.

True. I remember the initial release of Blade Runner on DVD. IT LOOKED LIKE CRAP. It was also one of the early release DVD titles.... it'll be the same for a few HD/Blu-Ray titles as well.
I don't know what the deal is with NCIXUS, but i'm having one hell of a time getting my Debit card to go through.

Pisses me off, I've ordered thousands of dollars of equipment online with this card and NEVER had a problem. Try to order here and they complain because my address has a hyphen in it and my bank omits the hyphen. Wow.. this will be the last time I order from them.
True. I remember the initial release of Blade Runner on DVD. IT LOOKED LIKE CRAP. It was also one of the early release DVD titles.... it'll be the same for a few HD/Blu-Ray titles as well.

Actually, it looks like it is going to be pretty good. (HD DVD and Blu-ray versions)

“Honestly, I got to go through 977 boxes and cans of mag, IP, INs, 65mm visual effects comps, 35mm original dailies … everything ever printed,” de Lauzirika says. “I saw amazing, amazing material — much of which we've been able to pull and put on the DVD in some form, even if it didn't make it into The Final Cut.

“I think The Final Cut is the best version of them all. The picture and sound on it are just astounding. We really put a lot of work into the restoration, and we transferred the actual original neg at 4K, and it just looks stunning. Even more stunning are the visual effects, which were originally 65mm elements, then scanned at 8K. It looks like 3D. It's so sharp, with all these details that I'd never seen before.”

According to Galvao, the assembly and restoration for The Final Cut included some reworking of the original effects — tightening some mattes, doing some wire removal, etc.
True. I remember the initial release of Blade Runner on DVD. IT LOOKED LIKE CRAP. It was also one of the early release DVD titles.... it'll be the same for a few HD/Blu-Ray titles as well.

Probably more than few, to be honest. Most first gen DVDs were piles of shit.
Here's screens of the HDTV cap of Blade Runner, so the HD DVD and Blu-ray versions have to improve on this since they will be using the original reel scanned at 4K with special effects at 8K. The HDTV version uses crummy secondary and tertiary sources with tv studios who don't know how to encode and send out their feeds properly.

Well, I'm in. Just got my 8800GTX about a month ago, and have used a 2nd Xbox 360 HD-DVD drive (first is on the 360, ironically enough!) with PowerDVD with great success for months. But I have Blu-Ray movies as well, so something like this holds GREAT appeal!!! :)

Truth be told, I'm still not HDCP compliant. I'm still using a Dell 2405FPW LCD, and since it doesn't have HDCP. Fortunately, I find movies still look great at 1080p with VGA. ;)

Look forward to getting the drive and testing it out. Was at work when I ordered, and their verification required me to be at home and get their "verification code". But I've entered it now, and look forward to receiving the drive!!! :D
Can you get an external enclosure with SATAe on it, this would be great to have with my Notebook.
I'm also interested in some type of external enclosure. I would love to use this with my laptop. Does anyone know if this is possible?
My order is still setting at "product availability." They haven't charged me yet, so its cool. I just hope I get one and don't have to wait a month for it.

Well it's sold out already...mine shipped towards the end of the day yesterday, and VERY shortly after their website showed out of stock.

wonder if I got the last one? :D
hope not, i ordered mine yesterday too, and at the end of the day it passed all the verification stuff, only the shipping wasn't highlighted. Checked today and no updates, hope they will ship it out on monday for me.
Well it's sold out already...mine shipped towards the end of the day yesterday, and VERY shortly after their website showed out of stock.

wonder if I got the last one? :D
When did you order and are you a US resident? I ordered Thursday evening (US resident) and mine hasn't shipped yet. :mad:
So mine shipped "Thursday" but the fed ex tracking number hasn't been updated beyond:

Oct 18, 2007 6:30 PM

Package data transmitted to FedEx

That just doesn't sound good. :( It's still expected to deliver by Tuesday afternoon but I should have bought that insurance.
it says product not available but if you click check stock, it says that it has some on hand at several locations. do you think it will be back in stock after the weekend at the same price?
They are still mucking about with my order. If it does'nt go through on Monday I'm canceling it.
@Stereodude i was wondering the same thing. but i had a chance to talk to the admin and he just said
"Things get a little fuzzy when products move too quickly for us, as several things start happening at once (ie: stock gets allocated to stores automatically by the system, so we have to move stock back and forth, orders come in faster than we can process them so there's a "lag", etc.).

We'll clear most of this up Monday and if there are any additional delays, we'll let everyone know here or by email. We suspect a large part/most of the next batch are already spoken for and we'll just be filling these accidental back orders.

The next shipment after that one may be well into November unfortunately. After talking to LG, they are trying to pull more units, but they'll be competing with the the rest of LG's regions and territories, as this product is allocated world-wide."

I'll keep u posted..
My CC was charged thursday, and I got a shipping notice but it was never updated. I'll be seriously pissed if it's not here this week. :( Last time i shop here.
My CC was charged thursday, and I got a shipping notice but it was never updated. I'll be seriously pissed if it's not here this week. :( Last time i shop here.

Same here. Supposedly it was shipped, and is scheduled for tomorrow delivery. However, shipping info has not been updated at all...
Same here. Supposedly it was shipped, and is scheduled for tomorrow delivery. However, shipping info has not been updated at all...

I'm in the exact same boat here. I'll be giving them a call later about this. Last time I called I couldn't get a hold of anyone at NCIXUS until after 1pm central time. 3 hours left
I canceled my order, i got tired of going back and forth with them. I'll wait till someone else more reliable has the drive.
I'm in the exact same boat here. I'll be giving them a call later about this. Last time I called I couldn't get a hold of anyone at NCIXUS until after 1pm central time. 3 hours left

OK NCIX's story is that FedEx didn't scan all the packages so that they haven't entered the system. In that case it should still get to us on time. Hopefully. it still scares me that it isn't in FedEx's system and could be anywhere right now.
OK NCIX's story is that FedEx didn't scan all the packages so that they haven't entered the system. In that case it should still get to us on time. Hopefully. it still scares me that it isn't in FedEx's system and could be anywhere right now.

I have never seen fedex "forget" to scan a package... each destination and waypoint it is scanned and updated.

They could have created the label and not shipped yet, this would explain a no scan.
well thats funny i ordered on Thursday and i have all green light except shipping. I just called fedex wondering if they could track to see if any packages where coming today. They said none..
I have never seen fedex "forget" to scan a package... each destination and waypoint it is scanned and updated.

They could have created the label and not shipped yet, this would explain a no scan.

The NCIX rep said it did ship. I won't believe it until I see it though.
I have never seen fedex "forget" to scan a package... each destination and waypoint it is scanned and updated.

They could have created the label and not shipped yet, this would explain a no scan.

I have seen scan info arrive late online, but they are pretty vigilante about the scanning itself. It's pretty rare though that scan info is not updated.
I have seen scan info arrive late online, but they are pretty vigilante about the scanning itself. It's pretty rare though that scan info is not updated.

Yeah, late updates are normal, but no scan information at all is hard to swallow.

I hope you guys get your stuff, let us know, I wouldn't mind this drive for my HTPC.
Was there ever a confirmation on if it was PowerDVD Ultra included with the drive and if so what version?
Was there ever a confirmation on if it was PowerDVD Ultra included with the drive and if so what version?


You can almost make out PowerDVD on the included software disc.
You can almost make out PowerDVD on the included software disc.

I found this from a member review on ncix's website:
Ill give you guys a quick review I picked up a few of these today to put in clients htpc's
Its a very nice looking drive piano black with a flat black door.

Comes with power dvd ultra and its not trial

Comes with a auto updating firmware program which will be essential for playing hd titles. The units already had to do a update which installed very easy and automatically and no rebooting either.

It played transformers perfectly in hd-dvd
but more important it played Rise of the Silver surfer flawlessly, so it does work with bd+ titles.

The unit seems to load blu-ray movies quicker.
And I havent tried to see how it burns regular dvd media.

And this is NOT a blu ray or hd dvd burner, Just a REGULAR dvd writer

So there is confirmation its Ultra... now if only we can get a version number :)
Okay I just checked tracking again. I just got a "picked up scan" that looks like its point of origin. Pretty hard to get from Washigton State to Milwaukee overnight... Man I wish they would quit dicking around. The estimated delivery date has been pushed to 25th. I guess I don't give a shit as long as it arrives, but my new HDTV came TODAY grrrrrr. Stop fuckin' with us though...
I just got an email form NCIXUS saying they shipped my product apparently it was shipped out on Friday, but left WA today should be getting it on the 25th..