LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

They estimate more in tomorrow

Ya, no doubt. If this drive is anything like their upper end standard DVD drives is should be impressive.

I'll probably hold out until the next gen, or see if someone hacks the firmware before I jump on one though;)
wewt - just got tracking Info. ehaggle shipped my order.... have a pair of these bad boys by friday.
Looks like you got the last one for a while too, nice catch;)

Yep and it also shipped yesterday, so it's going to be here quickly. :D

This is why people pay more for newegg, thier service is outstanding. :)
Yay! Bought one on the Egg! Finally.

Got mine in yesterday. I was tempted to throw the machine together quickly just to play around with it, but I still have to get a bunch of other misc stuff (fans, quiet heatsink, other noise reducing stuff) and didn't want to have to tear it apart again, only to rebuild it once more. I'm curious to see how quiet it is.
i bought from compumusic two days ago while they were in stock, but of course that wasnt the case the next day. Im supposedly the first on the waiting list and he said theyd get some in this week by friday. price was like 325.00. im giving him till friday. Wish i had revisited the page before i did order it though. didnt realize newegg was getting them in and out of stock.
hey guys,

i didnt read thru all the pages but I wanted to ask if anyone has seen any sites with reviews on this unit.

I am itching to get one to complete my media pc, (sans my need for an HTPC case)


so close!
What sort of review do you need? It kicks ass.

Ha, yes the drive kicks ass, but the software i've found lacking. I couldn't get transformers to work so I tried using AnyDVD, which then broke playback of Spiderman 3. I finally ended up upgrading PowerDVD to a beta version and that fixed things but it was still quite disconcerting that Cyberlink can't keep up with new BD and HD releases. Oh well. :)

the concept kicks ass,

but application matters, such as how loud is the drive, does it spool up loudly.

the quality, speed of startup.

It is not a loud drive at all. Granted I have a door on my case, but I don't hear it spin up hardly. Its quicker for blu-ray than for hd-dvd naturally because its read speed is faster in that format. From when i put a disc in, and when i get it to play I would estimate 15-30 seconds. As far as I can tell this thing is top notch quality. Time will tell of course.
Ha, yes the drive kicks ass, but the software i've found lacking. I couldn't get transformers to work so I tried using AnyDVD, which then broke playback of Spiderman 3. I finally ended up upgrading PowerDVD to a beta version and that fixed things but it was still quite disconcerting that Cyberlink can't keep up with new BD and HD releases. Oh well. :)

I had to scour the internet for the latest PowerDVD to play Spiderman 3. I do not yet own Transformers so I can't say but I couldn't play any of the Spiderman Trilogy until I upgraded. I have to say that CyberLink has a crap update system. I essentially had to get the new one by torrent even though I legally own (or have licensed anyway) the software. I simply couldn't either find a legit update, nor get the software to update itself to the latest. Aggravating to say the least.
It is not a loud drive at all. Granted I have a door on my case, but I don't hear it spin up hardly. Its quicker for blu-ray than for hd-dvd naturally because its read speed is faster in that format. From when i put a disc in, and when i get it to play I would estimate 15-30 seconds. As far as I can tell this thing is top notch quality. Time will tell of course.

cool to know BD is faster than HD on this drive.
I had to scour the internet for the latest PowerDVD to play Spiderman 3. I do not yet own Transformers so I can't say but I couldn't play any of the Spiderman Trilogy until I upgraded. I have to say that CyberLink has a crap update system. I essentially had to get the new one by torrent even though I legally own (or have licensed anyway) the software. I simply couldn't either find a legit update, nor get the software to update itself to the latest. Aggravating to say the least.

I had the same problem. Why wouldn't Cyberlink just put up the 3391a beta instead of making everyone contact their customer service? I don't understand the reasoning at all. I didn't know that helping your customers had to be so difficult. If there was competition (which from what I remember there might be soon) I would switch.

the concept kicks ass,

but application matters, such as how loud is the drive, does it spool up loudly.

the quality, speed of startup.

I think the drive is about as loud as my plextor 8x dvd burner. Which is to say is quite quiet. Movies definitely go in that drive as my lite-on likes to sound like a jet engine. I think the quality is great..........But who knows 6 months from now. I probably wouldn't have bought it if it was a pioneer drive, I've yet to get their drives to last more than a year for me (they are officially on my not buy from EVER list).
I had the same problem. Why wouldn't Cyberlink just put up the 3391a beta instead of making everyone contact their customer service? I don't understand the reasoning at all. I didn't know that helping your customers had to be so difficult. If there was competition (which from what I remember there might be soon) I would switch.

Probably because they dont want to be responsible for somehting that hasnt been fully tested. But of course they could still post a disclaimer for "beta" patches and firmwares.
price is up on ncix and ncixus i got the e-mail notification earlier as well
how can drives be rip-locked with the onboard ROM? software can bypass that easily. even the RPC2 can be reflashed on DVDRW drives.
Yeah, I'd reflash the booktype on my drives all the time to allow that...

Not sure if someone has made a flash for this drive yet but from what I've seen on other forums - people do not have a problem ripping with these.
You must not have owned a LG drive before. LG always uses riplock and rarely makes its firmware available for download. Because of this, you won't find many modified LG firmwares with riplock removed. For example, try to find the factory firmware for LG's other SATA burner, the GSA-H62 which has been out for 6 months. You won't find it for download, nor will you find a modified version.

I'm just curious how low LG restricted the read speed on this unit. Software like AnyDVD is only able to defeat region coding, not riplock. If you don't know what riplock is, here is a primer:
You must not have owned a LG drive before. LG always uses riplock and rarely makes its firmware available for download. Because of this, you won't find many modified LG firmwares with riplock removed. For example, try to find the factory firmware for LG's other SATA burner, the GSA-H62 which has been out for 6 months. You won't find it for download, nor will you find a modified version.

I'm just curious how low LG restricted the read speed on this unit. Software like AnyDVD is only able to defeat region coding, not riplock. If you don't know what riplock is, here is a primer:

Strange that nobody has pulled the firmware off the drive and modded it.... not that hard to pull firmware =/
just placed an order but compumusic just sent me an email saying theyre shipping the drive to me tomorrow. will cancel compumusic since they were more expensive.
im going to wait till after new years they should drop alot when the come out with a faster one
it isn't because it can't be done, it's because no one buys LG drives. their sales volume is so much less than liteon, sony, tosh, pioneer, etc. in another words, no 1 really gives a crap.

as for riplock on ggc-h20l, it's not there because people have been happy playing both HD DVD+ Blu-Ray for a few weeks now. no complaints.

You must not have owned a LG drive before. LG always uses riplock and rarely makes its firmware available for download. Because of this, you won't find many modified LG firmwares with riplock removed. For example, try to find the factory firmware for LG's other SATA burner, the GSA-H62 which has been out for 6 months. You won't find it for download, nor will you find a modified version.

I'm just curious how low LG restricted the read speed on this unit. Software like AnyDVD is only able to defeat region coding, not riplock. If you don't know what riplock is, here is a primer:

i'm getting MINE NEXT WED!!! YAY!
Just bought mine today and went and got Ratatouille(Blu-Ray) and Transformer(HD). Really wanted to get the Planet Earth(Blu-Ray) but it was too expensive.

Does anyone know if Vista Windows Media Player will play HD or Blu-Ray? Also anyone know if there is a latest firmware for this yet?

Got it to play in PowerDVD and Ratatouille looks amazing! No surprise there since it's a render. I'm a bit disappointed with Transformers because it's not a good transfer at all. A bit grainy and blurry and not sharp at all. Very grainy. I thought Transformers was shot in digital? 1 for Blu-ray 0 for HD.
ive heard of people having problems with the cyberlink software that comes with the drive. Its a little different from the retail version. there is a thread over on avsforums about this drive. they discuss getting patches and what not for the software. Should help with your Transformers playback. this might be it: http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=927751&page=21

mine wont be here till friday so cant say anything from experience
Got it to play in PowerDVD and Ratatouille looks amazing! No surprise there since it's a render. I'm a bit disappointed with Transformers because it's not a good transfer at all. A bit grainy and blurry and not sharp at all. Very grainy. I thought Transformers was shot in digital? 1 for Blu-ray 0 for HD.
Transformers used ISO-500 film, so there is nothing you can do about grain and sharpness in some scenes. It is a great transfer, and it would look the same whether it was on BR or HD DVD. However, if you are using a ATI 2xxxHD or 8500/8600 card, the hardware decoding and filtering technology does a much better job with applying de-noise filters to the picture. On my 8600GT hooked up to the 1080p projector, Transformers looks simply amazing.
I have AMD dual core 4400+, 1GB ram and ATI 850XT. Will it be enough to handle the blu-ray or HD movie?