LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

JP is being done by Universal. Either Spielberg reached some agreement or they just curbed his rhetoric.

But why would they not release these what you call "huge catalog titles"? They have already released plenty of good movies, and they are continuing to. There's over 400 movie titles on both HD DVD and Blu-ray, some titles shared.. and other Blu-ray exclusives that are available on HD DVD due to region free titles. It isn't going to just poof one day and disappear. There are great multi-million dollar box office movies on both sides.

Why? Because they want to capture as large of a release as possible and there aren't enough prospective buyers today. The same reason Disney (and others) haven't released their largest titles on BD. Universal was put in the position of trying to carry the load for HD-DVD earlier (and this is still true today to a degree), so they've had no choice but to release many of their best catalog titles. In other words, if the studios release their biggest titles today on HD-DVD, there would only be a very limited amount of potential buyers since the format only has a small amount of players in the field (compared to BD and even more so to DVD). With this in mind, they know they only have a one time shot at a big HD release, and as I'm sure you know, the first week or two of the release is where they really make their money. Releasing once on one format and then later on another doesn't yield the same results... With that said, it makes a lot more sense for them to wait a while for increased adoption before rolling out their biggest titles.

This is why it's pretty unlikely at this point (given the dismal state of HD-DVD) that you'll see the remaining exclusive studios release any of their big catalog titles exclusively on HD-DVD since they know the switch over to BD is imminent. My guess is you'll see all the studios releasing the bigger titles during Q4 of this year on BD, with some limited support for HD-DVD as well to please those adopters for a short while longer before the format is completely dropped.
Hey, whatever you want to think. You seem to be advocating all the studios are going BD exclusive this year and all their big titles will be released by Q4 on BR. If that were true, of course. But you seem to not have been around the block. We're not even half way through the storm yet.
Hey, whatever you want to think. You seem to be advocating all the studios are going BD exclusive this year and all their big titles will be released by Q4 on BR. If that were true, of course. But you seem to not have been around the block. We're not even half way through the storm yet.

You seem to be trying to put words in my mouth, or doing selective reading at best.

I think you'd have to incredibly naive to not see the end at this point. Yes, I'd be AMAZED if all the studios weren't releasing on BD before the end of the year (likely well before). Warner is going exclusive to BD, Universals exclusive contract with Toshiba has expired, and Warner going BD exclusive triggers an escape clause for Paramount to end their exclusive HD-DVD contract. Why in the world would Uni or Para not go to BD???? I'm not a fanboy of one or the other at this point (I own both formats), but it doesn't take a genius to see how this is going to unfold given the sad state HD-DVD is in and the future studio contract status.

But, lets be clear that I DID NOT say "all their big titles will be released by Q4 on BR." I gave you the simple reason why it would be very unlikely any huge catalog titles would not be released exclusively on HD-DVD. Reread what I wrote. If there are huge catalog releases this year, it will likely be during Q4... and I highly doubt any will be exclusively on HD-DVD.

BTW, I lived through (and owned) the Betamax and LD format days, so yes, I have "been around the block". Although, I have to question your vision after you wrote "We're not even half way through the storm yet." I couldn't disagree more. ;)
You just weren't very clear in the post I was referring to, so I was just trying to clear it up and understand what you meant, not put words in your mouth. Settle down man. :p I could really care less. We're going to see these titles coming out sometime soon, we have the whole year ahead of us. I own a dual format reader, so it really doesn't matter to me.
Once Toshiba throws in the towel, there will be no need for these dual-format drives, unless one already has a substantial HD-DVD collection already. I've been eyeing one of these for a while, but now I'm thinking to get just a BR player which can be had for under $200 already.
No need? As long as there is inventory of HD-DVD movies titles and they are being sold for cheap, why would one pay the full price for the same movie on BD if one can get this drive for the same price as a BD-ROM drive?