League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

I love this game but absolutely hate it at the same time. Team composition in the first minute of CHAMP selection can tell you if you are gonna win or lose. So many bad players when you start out in ranked it's ridiculous

League of Legends is by far the most complicated game of rock-paper-scissors ever developed.

Too many hard counters, blind pick is just a roll of the dice--will you win or lose? depends who they pick. Skill barely comes into the equation half the time.

usually it's just, "oh stuns own my character... and they have 3? gg"

I wish they hadn't removed the draft 3's. I play with too many peoples to hassle with teams usually.
League of Legends is by far the most complicated game of rock-paper-scissors ever developed.

Too many hard counters, blind pick is just a roll of the dice--will you win or lose? depends who they pick. Skill barely comes into the equation half the time.

usually it's just, "oh stuns own my character... and they have 3? gg"

I wish they hadn't removed the draft 3's. I play with too many peoples to hassle with teams usually.

Don't forget, the system is designed to keep you at 50/50 win/loss ratio. It's really frustrating to win 6-8 games in a row and then watch helplessly as you're matched with a bunch of drooling idiots. On the flip side, lose 6-8 in a row and suddenly you're matched against people with only 100-200 wins that don't have a clue what they're doing. Totally not even fun to win those games.

By the way, the fixed Teemo rocks, or maybe I've just gotten better since I used to play him. I've been carrying really hard with him whereas I used to just suck hard late game. I've had some really high kda ratios and that's not even coming off a losing streak.
^^ Nope you're right -- AP teemo is WAY more viable than he used to be.

It's always disappointing when you're winning a game, then half-way through you realize you're playing against the noobest of noobs.

Somehow though, the game keeps me coming back for more. I'm hoping D3 will give me a LOOOOONG break from LoL =P
^^ Nope you're right -- AP teemo is WAY more viable than he used to be.

It's always disappointing when you're winning a game, then half-way through you realize you're playing against the noobest of noobs.

Somehow though, the game keeps me coming back for more. I'm hoping D3 will give me a LOOOOONG break from LoL =P

Haha, yep, I took the day off work so I can pick up D3 and play 12 hours straight. LoL is just filler while I wait for that.
If you honestly have hate for the game you need to take a break. I was having problems with it for a month or so, but I took a break and played other games. When I got back into it I was refreshed. The LOLNOOBS you guys suck didn't bother me. The other day I was having a bad game and went like 3/11/8 as annie. People on my team were getting pissed, but you know what everyone's entitled to a bad game so whatever.
If you honestly have hate for the game you need to take a break. I was having problems with it for a month or so, but I took a break and played other games. When I got back into it I was refreshed. The LOLNOOBS you guys suck didn't bother me. The other day I was having a bad game and went like 3/11/8 as annie. People on my team were getting pissed, but you know what everyone's entitled to a bad game so whatever.

Most definitely. I played probably upwards of 20 matches over the weekend, and after so many in a short amount of time it becomes obvious that you have very little say in weather you win or lose. This lesson, which I've learned countless times then promptly forgotten, is what makes me hate this game.
Don't forget, the system is designed to keep you at 50/50 win/loss ratio. It's really frustrating to win 6-8 games in a row and then watch helplessly as you're matched with a bunch of drooling idiots. On the flip side, lose 6-8 in a row and suddenly you're matched against people with only 100-200 wins that don't have a clue what they're doing. Totally not even fun to win those games.

By the way, the fixed Teemo rocks, or maybe I've just gotten better since I used to play him. I've been carrying really hard with him whereas I used to just suck hard late game. I've had some really high kda ratios and that's not even coming off a losing streak.
And then you have the 2k+ ELO guys playing on their 1k ELO smurf with W/L records like 170-10.
And then you have the 2k+ ELO guys playing on their 1k ELO smurf with W/L records like 170-10.

true but most of those people don't stay at 1k elo very long.. hell even crumbzz i think he went from 1200 to 2400 on his smurf in a week and half, maybe a little longer. the problem is with playing at 2200+ you end up playing the same people over and over in solo queue which gets quite old.
How do I convert LoL players to come play Dota2? I have a few friends that play LoL, and I want to switch them.
How do I convert LoL players to come play Dota2? I have a few friends that play LoL, and I want to switch them.

wouldn't know.. i'm one of those people that likes LoL but can't stand DOTA2. most people that started on LoL are more then likely not going to like DOTA2 or so everyone i know that plays both games say. so i guess i fall into that as well.
I keep trying Dota 2, but can't get into it either. It looks pretty, but I think it may be the "too-similar-but-not-same" feel that doesn't sit right.

Dunno, guess I fall into that group also, though I keep playing the odd Dota 2 game to see how it progresses.
I know plenty of HoN players who dont like DOTA2 either so..... I havnt tried it yet myself.
Would like to try DOTA2 myself, but still haven't been invited to the beta. Given it seems to be more like HoN (which I tried only briefly, but really hated, both mechanics and community-wise) I'll probably be sticking with LoL.
true but most of those people don't stay at 1k elo very long.. hell even crumbzz i think he went from 1200 to 2400 on his smurf in a week and half, maybe a little longer. the problem is with playing at 2200+ you end up playing the same people over and over in solo queue which gets quite old.
That's only if they let the ELO progression occur naturally... but these guys get together and queue dodge together to get their ELO back down to the 1k level after they win a bunch in a row.
^^ No wonder ranked q isn't any better than blind.

I'll be trying DOTA2 once it's out, I doubt i'll get into the beta at this rate. If it's a more balanced game, then i'll definitely switch. My guess is though, since LoL is based off dota, that it won't be. We'll see.
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^^ No wonder ranked q isn't any better than blind.

I'll be trying DOTA2 once it's out, I doubt i'll get into the beta at this rate. If it's a more balanced game, then i'll definitely switch. My guess is though, since LoL is based off dota, that it won't be. We'll see.

once D3 comes out it should get better. all the trolls will switch to that game.

That's only if they let the ELO progression occur naturally... but these guys get together and queue dodge together to get their ELO back down to the 1k level after they win a bunch in a row.

kinda but no.. queue dodging doesn't really work that well for dropping ELO due to the time ban that increases the more you queue dodge.. first time 5 minutes second 10 minutes so on and so on. if you queue dodge to many times you get banned for a week from ranked. most of them just smurf their way up to 2400 elo and then make a new account. spend 5-10 bucks on an XP booster and do it all over again with another smurf account. xp booster takes about a week top to go from level 1 to 30.
LOL just had to post this.

DON'T get cocky when you are about to win :) Played a game last night where it was fairly balanced but they had a slightly better team comp because we had no one tanky.

Us - WW, Varius, TF, Teemo, and I was Soraka.
Them - Renekton, Varius, Morgana, Nidalee, and Olaf.

Long story short they got ace and pushed all the way in mid and took inner turrets down and figured they had won so instead of destroying the nexus they played around taunting us. . . Bad idea. We spawned and killed 4 of them pushed in and got one of there inhibs down then retreated. They still were cocky as hell and kept coming one at a time till we managed to kill them all at Baron getting us an ace and winning the game. Made my day :D
^^ I was on the other end of that stick recently =P

Got all cocky becuase we were winning 12-1... then their Leona got tanky as fuck and they came back for the win >_<
after a long break from LoL, we had a lan party with LoL as the guest star for 9 hours straight.

Our win/loss was quite horrid, 3/14, but I had fun and I believe the other guys did too.
You do get a little rusty and it's hard to play against all the new champs when you've taken a long break. There's probably close to a dozen champs I'm not familiar with.

The next day, I played for a few hours and had 2 wins, 7 losses. It was brutal in solo queue.
2 days after LAN = 1 win, 1 loss
3rd day = 1 win, bedtime
4th day = 1 win, bedtime

I'm slowly getting the hang of it again. I went 14/5/8 as Teemo last night, but it was quite brutal fighting vs. Morgana in middle.
lol yeah you see a lot of games like that.. i was in one recently.. they had a kill lane comp but we had a heavy CC late game comp with alistar, malphite and varus ulti..so we quickly hit level 11-12 and promptly pushed out of laning phase to mitigate their kill lane ability. their team had absolutely no CC except useless xin xhao. once we all went mid lane the game was pretty much over at that point. there was no way they could go head up against us with the amount of hard CC we had. we went from being down 10-0 in laning to 14-43 by the end of the game. :D they had yi, and xin and an AP sion which all 3 are worthless after 40 minutes.

oh btw guys, if you haven't played the PBE(public beta environment) client i highly suggest you take a look at it. they are doing a massive graphic update to the maps and they look pretty damn nice now. so i suggest you check it out before its released in the game so you are use to play on it. will also give you an edge over people that haven't because there are some pretty big changes. also performance is much nicer with the graphic update and there will now be an alert system when the turrets are firing at you.
I wish they'd slow down the champ making and build some new items / game modes. i'd like to see a 6v6 on the 3's map :cool:, and i get bored of building the same thing over and over again.

I had the most fun i've had in awhile last weekend building Varus as AP and Hybrid. Just trying out different builds is cool.
I wish they'd slow down the champ making and build some new items / game modes. i'd like to see a 6v6 on the 3's map :cool:, and i get bored of building the same thing over and over again.

I had the most fun i've had in awhile last weekend building Varus as AP and Hybrid. Just trying out different builds is cool.

there are some new items getting released.. some new runes as well. they are also reworking some older items to force people to build differently to get the same benefit they use to get. like the zeil they are nerfing the speed bonus you get. i mean heck the recent changes with what items you use to build to certain items has changed the game a lot. but mostly for top mid jungle and support.. AD carry is still the same boring items though.
Does anyone that play still get on the [H]ard chat? I usually pop in when I get online but it seems like only 1 or 2 people are in there. I am just tired of solo queue because it is such a crap shoot.
Does anyone that play still get on the [H]ard chat? I usually pop in when I get online but it seems like only 1 or 2 people are in there. I am just tired of solo queue because it is such a crap shoot.

I never even log in unless i know an RL friend will be on. I believe i'm set to still join that channel and i invite people from it when we don't have a full group. really though, with D3 out--i won't be playing much LoL :eek:
Does anyone that play still get on the [H]ard chat? I usually pop in when I get online but it seems like only 1 or 2 people are in there. I am just tired of solo queue because it is such a crap shoot.

i didn't even know about the channel, lol. i may hop on there later.

^^ True. the BF Sword items simply need to be redone. All of them.

agree, i'd actually like to see an early item you can buy that builds into the BF sword.. it would make early game interesting i would think. because right now its the same usual crap.. boots health pots or dorian blade or 2 dorian blades into a BF sword then IE or BT.. woopty do.. there's no variety.
Ohhh, going to try out the pbe as soon as I can, this looks interesting...
Does anyone that play still get on the [H]ard chat? I usually pop in when I get online but it seems like only 1 or 2 people are in there. I am just tired of solo queue because it is such a crap shoot.

I use it whenever I'm on. Except that now I might not be on much with Diablo 3 taking up all my time. :D
I use it whenever I'm on. Except that now I might not be on much with Diablo 3 taking up all my time. :D

I thought you quit last year? ;)

By the way I will be on for a game or two tonight around 8-9ish Pacific Time if anyone wants to play. Send me a PM or something or I will probably be on the [H]ard channel too.

Just for stats I play on a lvl 30 account with something like 180 wins. That is on top of my old account which I havent gotten on in about 8 months with 500ish wins.
I thought you quit last year? ;)

By the way I will be on for a game or two tonight around 8-9ish Pacific Time if anyone wants to play. Send me a PM or something or I will probably be on the [H]ard channel too.

Just for stats I play on a lvl 30 account with something like 180 wins. That is on top of my old account which I havent gotten on in about 8 months with 500ish wins.

I didn't even know there was an [H] channel. I usually only play when I see a few friends on Skype. Perhaps tonight when I take a break from D3, I will pop on the [H] Channel for some games.
I thought you quit last year? ;)

By the way I will be on for a game or two tonight around 8-9ish Pacific Time if anyone wants to play. Send me a PM or something or I will probably be on the [H]ard channel too.

Just for stats I play on a lvl 30 account with something like 180 wins. That is on top of my old account which I havent gotten on in about 8 months with 500ish wins.

I did. I quit for about 4 months. I played some other stuff, including SWTOR, but I eventually got bored and once I knew Diablo 3 was close to release I figured this would be a good way to blow some time. I found out once I came back that I stopped caring about win/loss as much and started having more fun. And now that they've killed cross-team chat I find I like the game even more, no more throwing insults and ragging on teammates to the other team. No smack talking as the nexus explodes. Excellent.
I did. I quit for about 4 months. I played some other stuff, including SWTOR, but I eventually got bored and once I knew Diablo 3 was close to release I figured this would be a good way to blow some time. I found out once I came back that I stopped caring about win/loss as much and started having more fun. And now that they've killed cross-team chat I find I like the game even more, no more throwing insults and ragging on teammates to the other team. No smack talking as the nexus explodes. Excellent.

I did something similar. I quit for about 3-4 months. Felt great and after coming back I dont seem to stress nearly as much and I can enjoy it a lot more.

Your right though about the cross team chat being gone making it better. Seems like a lot of whining, raging, and insults has been taken out. Even between teammates it seems better because you don't get the smack talk from the other side.
cross team chats technically not gone, you just can't see it. you can re-enable all chat in the extra options, lol.
True, but no one seems to use it now and I'll sure never turn it on again.

lol everyone uses it.. i'd say the all chat thing was the first thing turned on by about 90% of people. i usually leave mine enabled unless there is some douche bag on my team or the other team. then i'll disable it.
lol everyone uses it.. i'd say the all chat thing was the first thing turned on by about 90% of people. i usually leave mine enabled unless there is some douche bag on my team or the other team. then i'll disable it.

Guess I am happily in the miniority then. None of my other friends have it enabled either. Can't think of much of a reason to listen or talk to the other team.
Guess I am happily in the miniority then. None of my other friends have it enabled either. Can't think of much of a reason to listen or talk to the other team.

Out of all the times i've spoken to the opposite team, only once has the guy not been a douche and answered my questions about his runes/build/whatever i was asking.
Guess I am happily in the miniority then. None of my other friends have it enabled either. Can't think of much of a reason to listen or talk to the other team.

I've actually successfully talked down an invade in one game. I was solo top watching river to blue for our jungler when two of the opposing team showed up and said something to the effect of "awkward" in /all. So I just sat there and kept them both talking til our jungler had blue then wished them luck on the game and wandered back to my lane. It can sometimes be used for more than hurling insults.