League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

I've actually successfully talked down an invade in one game. I was solo top watching river to blue for our jungler when two of the opposing team showed up and said something to the effect of "awkward" in /all. So I just sat there and kept them both talking til our jungler had blue then wished them luck on the game and wandered back to my lane. It can sometimes be used for more than hurling insults.

awesome =P

I know at least a couple times i've taunted well enough so that they're busy typing while i kill them =P
yep done that a couple times.

but i have to say the best ones are when people recall and open their buy screens while still recalling and you just walk up and massacre them without them ever being able to respond to it.
yep done that a couple times.

but i have to say the best ones are when people recall and open their buy screens while still recalling and you just walk up and massacre them without them ever being able to respond to it.

man that's happened to me quite a few times >_<
Thanks for mentioning the PBE whoever that was. Neat to see the new stuff, though I don't know that I like all the changes. Is it just me, or is the field of view slightly smaller / closer?
Thanks for mentioning the PBE whoever that was. Neat to see the new stuff, though I don't know that I like all the changes. Is it just me, or is the field of view slightly smaller / closer?

felt like that too me as well but no its not.. the maps just bigger than the old one.. i think they did it primarily for hecarim because his model is to damn big for the old map.
So... I guess Riot forgot they had to balance the game when creating Darius, huh?

"Let's give him an instant cooldown truedamage ult! And a pull! And a slow that has lower cooldown if you're already kicking someone's ass! And a stupid powerful AOE skill! To top it off, why not some damage over time! What could possibly go wrong?"

Most completely insane, OP champ release in recent memory. If I had to guess I'd say he was someone's "pet project" and they couldn't be told no.
Tried the bpe finally, and not really impressed much by the new map, seems over simplified graphics.

And yeah Darius looks to be in a league of his own lol... instabanned material and completely unbalanced, but I'm sure he'll bring in plenty for riot's coffers before getting nerfed.
So... I guess Riot forgot they had to balance the game when creating Darius, huh?

"Let's give him an instant cooldown truedamage ult! And a pull! And a slow that has lower cooldown if you're already kicking someone's ass! And a stupid powerful AOE skill! To top it off, why not some damage over time! What could possibly go wrong?"

Most completely insane, OP champ release in recent memory. If I had to guess I'd say he was someone's "pet project" and they couldn't be told no.

welcome to every op champ.. look at all the champs with true damage abilities, they are broken as fuck.. ahri, olaf, fizz that i can remember off the top of my head and there is absolutely no defense to true damage which is fucking stupid.

as far as the last part, welcome to volibear.. none of the developers wanted volibear except one developer and no matter what any of the others said volibear was released anyways. play volibear and zilian in the same game and checkout zilians secret passive.


found out they are planning to nerf riven and possibly nerf ahri(hope they friggin nerf her).
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I want to play tonight. Finally got a mic (in my new laptop) and have Skype, Teamspeak, and Mumble installed. Who's up for a few games?
Tried the bpe finally, and not really impressed much by the new map, seems over simplified graphics.

And yeah Darius looks to be in a league of his own lol... instabanned material and completely unbalanced, but I'm sure he'll bring in plenty for riot's coffers before getting nerfed.

His creator probably got a bonus for a job well done because they made record riot point sales this month lol

Seriously though, Fiora now this guy? Riot is spinning out of control, they really need to balance this shit.


found out they are planning to nerf riven and possibly nerf ahri(hope they friggin nerf her).

damnit where is my Fiora nerf!!!
welcome to every op champ.. look at all the champs with true damage abilities, they are broken as fuck.. ahri, olaf, fizz that i can remember off the top of my head and there is absolutely no defense to true damage which is fucking stupid.

Fizz doesn't have true damage. except for the countdown ticks on his ult if the fish is stuck to them.. Not sure why you think he's broken, but he's kind of my favorite champ :)
I want to play tonight. Finally got a mic (in my new laptop) and have Skype, Teamspeak, and Mumble installed. Who's up for a few games?

I will be online tonight for a little while with J Macker. I dont think we have a full group yet so I will send you an invite if I see you online. I think I have you on my friends list anyways but I will also be on the [H]ard chat
Been watching wingsofdeathx recorded stream for a couple hours, shit makes me want to solo top... seems to fit my playstyle.

EDIT: HellsThunder says he's up for games tonight in couple hours. Trying to get an all [H] team together. Reply here, or find me in [H] chat on LoL.
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It's official, I'm swearing off drunken LoL. Mostly for my teammates' sakes.

Did ok considering, I think we were at 3 or 4 wins, 2 losses. First loss wasn't my fault, we just had a bottom lane that fed all game. Second loss, now, that might have had something to do with me...
I like Ali, but with my issues since the graphics update, inbetween training sessions in Dota 2, I've switched over to Dominion Lux, having a blast with her ult in dominion :D
nah its all about the karthus ulti in dominion.. because you make money so fast you can have a full karthus build in 10-15 minutes and just one shot everyone when you press R. :D
I'm pretty sure riot just said "fuck it" concerning balancing this game.

I think they know they broke it and aren't even trying anymore.

Has anyone else thought of how easy it would be to cheat using spectator mode? set up another account on a side computer and see every action your enemy is making... or have a friend on vent telling you where to go.

I wonder how much this is abused...
This. Already seen people do it. One dude had his girlfriend spectating and telling him where everyone was. Game is ruined.

Also, I thought Darius was OP, then I messed with Draven. Holy fuck.
there's a 3 minute delay in any spectating... how could you possibly gain any worthwhile insight to a game by having someone spectate 3 minute old data?
there's a 3 minute delay in any spectating... how could you possibly gain any worthwhile insight to a game by having someone spectate 3 minute old data?

I googled around on this topic and saw this mentioned. It must have been changed at some point because i clearly remember trying the spectating feature right when a friend joined a game and there was no apparent delay.
Still a 3 minute delay as of Wednesday. If you join a game that has fewer than 3 minutes played in it you get a splash screen of the character select and a count down timer til you can join to watch.

Also, I don't get all the "Darius is OP!" complaints, he has no sustain and no real defensive abilities, all he can do is attempt to get at the carries and the squishier support. I've yet to run into any Darius players that made me feel like I had to watch myself around them.

Yeah, his ulti does true damage, if he gets the drop on you enough to use it and kill you, then it's just bad luck or bad placement.

Granted lately I've been playing bruisers, but zero fear from a Darius out of me.
I've been playing renekton and darius absolutely destroys him. It's frustrating playing old champions (yet renek isn't even THAT old), because you feel how much more powerful newer champs are.

That's good that they fixed spectator cheating.
. It's frustrating playing old champions (yet renek isn't even THAT old), because you feel how much more powerful newer champs are.

Yeah it does get old when it seems like it is once a month rush to the newest most powerful champ. While I understand it is one of their main moneymakers it gets old fast. I am curious at how long they can keep it up though because it seems like they have been reusing a lot of the same abilities just tweaking them slightly.
WHOA WTF? So they are RAISING legendary skin prices? What bullshit is that? That's INSANE for a fucking skin.
That skin is pretty sweet though. First 4 days it is cheaper then a normal legendary so whatever.

Normal draft has been brutal the last couple days. I think I have won 2 and lost 8? I don't mind losing but every game I have to report half my team. :/
Yea, I'm still going to get it (had a 20gc for it I put back into my account over two months ago waiting for it to come).

However I just hope it doesn't become a norm, that new legendary skins are 25 a pop instead of 15.

It does seem to have been a lot more work then even a normal legendary, the way the armor actually changes as you level up (6/11/16), so it's technically 4 variations of a skin all in one.
"Ezreal, do you require a map? No."

So when does it come out...? Don't see a release date anywhere.

Got it on the PBE, so it's for real real. Wow. Very well done, though the blatant Megaman ripoff should really get them sued.
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"Ezreal, do you require a map? No."

So when does it come out...? Don't see a release date anywhere.

Got it on the PBE, so it's for real real. Wow. Very well done, though the blatant Megaman ripoff should really get them sued.

thats why its so expensive, they are probably paying for the rights to use the skin, thus the cost of paying for the license is passed off to the customer and also why its probably taken so long for them to release it. so much bullshit red tape to go through.
Nice, but that price is harsh... If it sells, you can bet the 3k price will stick per Riot's track record with raising prices though.
I googled around on this topic and saw this mentioned. It must have been changed at some point because i clearly remember trying the spectating feature right when a friend joined a game and there was no apparent delay.

Since they first released the spectate mode to the live version it has always been on a delay. The spectate mode was never real-time on the official live version. I thought of this same exploit and we tested it, it always had the delay. The only spectate mode that can be real-time is custom games.

Darius is not OP, you just need to know how to counter him. He is very strong, but he is always very easy to kill. As has been suggested, it is very difficult for him to take down tanks.
thats why its so expensive, they are probably paying for the rights to use the skin, thus the cost of paying for the license is passed off to the customer and also why its probably taken so long for them to release it. so much bullshit red tape to go through.

It's no where near close to megaman rip off to require a license.
It's no where near close to megaman rip off to require a license.

Yeah, and even then they could probably get away with claiming parody. No, the price is higher because they put some time in to the skin. Of course, if they were making "real" games this would never sell for $25 our whatever it works out to. The skins have always been stupidly overpriced and when this sells like crazy it will get worse.
I think I want to buy Ezreal just for the new skin that's coming out.

Anyways I've been owning Darius in pub games using Katarina (maybe they dno't know how to play Darius?) activate Deathfire Grasp it deals 30%+ damage to their health, shunpo, couple auto attacks, Q, and lotus and he's gone.

When did they add Deathfire Grasp in? Admittedly I haven't played in a while, but this thing is amazing, and made Kat a whole lot more fun to play since I can easily shave off 30% of their health in one click. Have I just been missing it all along?
^^ Deathfire has always been there, but they recently buffed it's ap, and removed it's mana regen--making it a lot more applicable for many more characters.

Darius is not OP, you just need to know how to counter him. He is very strong, but he is always very easy to kill. As has been suggested, it is very difficult for him to take down tanks.

I'm sure you're right. Simply, renekton is not one of his counters. Been playing wukong lately though. Wukong rapes Darius, and most others too. Pretty sweet, because i always wanted to like wukong because he's a monkey =D
I'm sure you're right. Simply, renekton is not one of his counters. Been playing wukong lately though. Wukong rapes Darius, and most others too. Pretty sweet, because i always wanted to like wukong because he's a monkey =D

Wukong is a freaking awesome monkey. I think I am going to start playing him again after I get tired of playing Jax for a little while longer.

As far as Renekton not countering Darius I am curious as to how that is happening? I would have thought Ren would be a good counter since Darius does more damage in the outer area of his q. Ren gets in close to do damage. Plus with his stun, life steal, and escape? I could see it getting harder after level 6 but solo lane he should be able to harass or am I missing something?