League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

That's how things work? Some characters counter others, etc.

For example, Malz> Ahri, Garen > melee , ram counter melee/range ad. Ipt's just how certain things work. It doesn't mean they always counter, it depends on the player/items.

Good counters for Fiora are WW, Garen, Rumble (basically top laners that don't rely on auto-attacks).

i know i know, but i'll never stop crying about it. "counter balance" should be an oxymoron because it's not balance at all.
So I watched Scarra play some AP blitz yesterday. Then I randomed blitz in an ARAB game, and cleaned house. DAT ULT. :D
I bought lulu she seems fun and a good champ, not sure she's balanced though. I haven't even tried her yet every game I been in someone locks her or I just don't feel like trying her that round.
I bought lulu she seems fun and a good champ, not sure she's balanced though. I haven't even tried her yet every game I been in someone locks her or I just don't feel like trying her that round.

play her as AP.. shes billed as a support but is a horrible support champ in my opinion. shes ok AD but by far her advantage is AP mid. as far as balance goes i'd say shes balanced, shes good if you can combo but shes quite squishy early/mid even with her shield.
play her as AP.. shes billed as a support but is a horrible support champ in my opinion. shes ok AD but by far her advantage is AP mid. as far as balance goes i'd say shes balanced, shes good if you can combo but shes quite squishy early/mid even with her shield.

When you play Lulu, dont even consider her support, shes terrible support, she is crazy good as ranged AP, so focus on that with her for now until they fix it and make her a real support.
When you play Lulu, dont even consider her support, shes terrible support, she is crazy good as ranged AP, so focus on that with her for now until they fix it and make her a real support.

This is the impression i got while playing against her. At no point was i like, "Damn is she making this other dude op" like you feel with karma or janna or soraka. Even morgana feels more supporty than lulu
How is she not a support? Heals don't make you support.

She has not one, not two, not three, but FOUR skilsl that have an affect on friendly targets. Shield, movespeed, more dmg, ult that makes them bigger and slows, etc.

She is ok solo because of how her skills work vs enemies as well, which is what seperates her from other supports like say, Janna/sona.

Mid wise, you can counter her well with certain ap casters, like leblanc, Morg, Ahri.

Her main weakness going as ap rather then support is that she has no good burst-nuke or sustain dmg, once you blows her q/e/r and morphs you, if you survive it you can easily burst her down, she has no good escape and is squishy as hell.

Naut bot < Lulu by far, I own so hard with him bot support. So many people rage on me for doing it (and I don't know why, he plays extremely similar to blitz, but with more cc).

Naut has became my favorite/only support I like to use aside form sona.
How is she not a support? Heals don't make you support.

I guess all the lulu's i've played against simply haven't used their moves for support, i didn't even know she had 4 support moves lol

Like i said, whenever against her i never think, "damn she's making this other dude op" and I often think that when laning against good supports and the person they're supporting.
I guess all the lulu's i've played against simply haven't used their moves for support, i didn't even know she had 4 support moves lol

Like i said, whenever against her i never think, "damn she's making this other dude op" and I often think that when laning against good supports and the person they're supporting.

That's because she's been out for two days and everyone is still fleshing out how to play her and what to build... She is definitely a support though, no question about it.
That's because she's been out for two days and everyone is still fleshing out how to play her and what to build... She is definitely a support though, no question about it.

shes a horrible support plain and simple shes just to squishy and her support items do a far better job being used on her self then a fellow teammate but her damage output and low cool downs make her a lot better as an AP champ instead of support. AP mid with some one that actually knows how to play mid she'll control the lane for ever.. her 35% speed boost makes it hard as heck to gank her, plus she has her shield as a back up. then to top that off she has her slow which can't be stopped by minions.. then she also has that stupid butterfly crap thing she can hook to you and see where you are or use it to attack you as well. but if that isn't enough she also has her ulti when used on herself will launch anything around her in the air + give attack damage and health in the process.

i've gone up against Lulu mid, top and bottom and honestly the only time i was ever scared of her was mid. but then after watching a 2300 ELO player use her mid lane in a stream i was even more scared if anyone in normals could figure out how to play her that well, lol.

How is she not a support? Heals don't make you support.

She has not one, not two, not three, but FOUR skilsl that have an affect on friendly targets. Shield, movespeed, more dmg, ult that makes them bigger and slows, etc.

She is ok solo because of how her skills work vs enemies as well, which is what seperates her from other supports like say, Janna/sona.

Mid wise, you can counter her well with certain ap casters, like leblanc, Morg, Ahri.

Her main weakness going as ap rather then support is that she has no good burst-nuke or sustain dmg, once you blows her q/e/r and morphs you, if you survive it you can easily burst her down, she has no good escape and is squishy as hell.

Naut bot < Lulu by far, I own so hard with him bot support. So many people rage on me for doing it (and I don't know why, he plays extremely similar to blitz, but with more cc).

Naut has became my favorite/only support I like to use aside form sona.

very true, but her support items do a much better job being used on her self.. the whole advantage to going AP as a primary is not to carry the team, its to hold the middle lane. the advantage is while shes build for AP late game she can support the hell out of the team while also doing damage if need be. but early game top/bot lane shes worthless. its only in team fights you see where her support role comes in. outside of mid/late game team fights her support AP's do absolutely shit to help the person in her lane. the shield/armor doesn't last long enough and any AD carry will go right through it. her ulti unless absolutely timed right doesn't help in a duo lane. the morph is ok but it again has to be timed just right or its a waste. her slow does help but then again theres 30 other champs that have a way better slow/CC attack. shes by far the one champ i'm not scared of and i use her for the early feeding if shes ever in my top/bot lane against me.

and yes i rage against naut, friggin hate him.. and yes hes similar to blitz, they just recycled blitz's abilities and changed blitz's ulti to nauts E or W, or what ever it is since i never play him. the one advantage naut has over blitz is the hook escape instead of speed boost blitz gets. though i think naut has way to many CC abilities in my opinion which is why hes so strong and hated at the same time.

they still need to fix irelia though god damnit!! debuffing her passive did absolutely nothing to balance her.. oh no you debuffed my passive, i'll just spend 450 gold and fix it..
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they still need to fix irelia though god damnit!! debuffing her passive did absolutely nothing to balance her.. oh no you debuffed my passive, i'll just spend 450 gold and fix it..

riot has their head up their ass. They just buffed jax and shaco, because you know--if there were any two champs which needed buffs, it was jax and shaco..... :confused: :mad: :(
So I've been playing again while I wait for Diablo 3 to release. I can't believe I came back. I still suck as much as I ever did. But I had forgotten that when I quit back in November I had accumuated about 13000 IP, so I had a chance to pick up a few of the new champs. :D

The difference this time is that I don't care as much as I did before so I don't mind playing the champs I suck at if I enjoy them. If people complain I just tell them it's normals, get over it. It's the only way to get real practice. I tried vs bots and they're just a joke.... doesn't teach me a damn thing.
When trying a new champ I've learned to do maybe 3 to 6 bot games to get used to the combo combinations, range, & item builds. Bot games are useless for strategy. (try heimer for a laugh... bots ignore his turrets completely and get nailed again & again)

Then, if I have nobody I know, I try normals and in one evening can go from people raging against me, to others calling me OP. Meh... Luck of the draw, I don't do anything really different...
Regarding the LoL community and trying to improve it someone suggested a great idea to Riot so let’s see how far it goes but basically when playing versus other players such as 3 vs 3 or 5 vs 5 chat would be available and visible only to friendly teammates or if they will not disable opposing players chat then at least to make it as an option where you can turn it off or on. If you think about what purpose besides smack talking would you benefit by seeing you’re opposing chat, you really only should be communicating and chatting with teammates and once the game is over then everyone can talk in the game summary screen, I support this and hope Riot comes up something similar.
Regarding the LoL community and trying to improve it someone suggested a great idea to Riot so let’s see how far it goes but basically when playing versus other players such as 3 vs 3 or 5 vs 5 chat would be available and visible only to friendly teammates or if they will not disable opposing players chat then at least to make it as an option where you can turn it off or on. If you think about what purpose besides smack talking would you benefit by seeing you’re opposing chat, you really only should be communicating and chatting with teammates and once the game is over then everyone can talk in the game summary screen, I support this and hope Riot comes up something similar.

wouldn't change too much, a lot of the complaints (I would bet at least 50%) stem from your own teammates ragging on another teammate that made a mistake and branding them failures, etc. so not seeing opposing team chat at all would only partially reduce the banter

in my recent experience, I've found draft pick (not ranked) to be semi-better than blind pick normals regarding team cooperation and chat... but really if you make a couple mistakes, no matter what you will get someone to shove it in your face, lol
Regarding the LoL community and trying to improve it someone suggested a great idea to Riot so let’s see how far it goes but basically when playing versus other players such as 3 vs 3 or 5 vs 5 chat would be available and visible only to friendly teammates or if they will not disable opposing players chat then at least to make it as an option where you can turn it off or on. If you think about what purpose besides smack talking would you benefit by seeing you’re opposing chat, you really only should be communicating and chatting with teammates and once the game is over then everyone can talk in the game summary screen, I support this and hope Riot comes up something similar.

It does help on occasion though to ask the opposing team to report a player for a)raging b)afk c)trolling.

Most everyone really blows through the summary screen to get to the next game and sometimes it doesnt even show up for a while to begin with. . . I have found I only play every once in a while anymore anyway just due to the frustration of having to play with crappy team mates. Usually only play if I know most/all of my team just to get around this.
Getting back into LoL, sick of DoTA 2. I just don't like it as much as I used to like DoTA. I have no idea why, LoL is just so much more fun and the competitive play seems fine.
yeah i watched some streams of DOTA 2.. i'm definitely going to pass on that game game play is just meh and the ragers in that game make the assholes in LoL seem nice.

It does help on occasion though to ask the opposing team to report a player for a)raging b)afk c)trolling.

Most everyone really blows through the summary screen to get to the next game and sometimes it doesnt even show up for a while to begin with. . . I have found I only play every once in a while anymore anyway just due to the frustration of having to play with crappy team mates. Usually only play if I know most/all of my team just to get around this.

agree i like having the ability to talk to the other team, not just because of smack talking but i actually congratulate people for kills and shit or hell even give people suggestions on what they could of done differently or ask them something. sure you get assholes in the game but who cares, thats part of playing online. if you can't handle a little smack talking then maybe multiplayer isn't for you. some people just get butt hurt about every little thing people say sometimes, its annoying.

It does help on occasion though to ask the opposing team to report a player for a)raging b)afk c)trolling.

Most everyone really blows through the summary screen to get to the next game and sometimes it doesnt even show up for a while to begin with. . . I have found I only play every once in a while anymore anyway just due to the frustration of having to play with crappy team mates. Usually only play if I know most/all of my team just to get around this.

i use to get frustrated with crappy teammates but meh its just part of the game, you can't win them all even though you want to. my roommate on the other hand rages about any little mistake some one makes even though hes really good at the game i refuse to ever play LoL with him because i can't enjoy the game. shit happens, people make mistakes, you can't be perfect in every game. but the one thing that annoys me the most is when jackasses blame everyone else EXCEPT themselves when their team loses. you win as a team you lose as a team, if you can't understand that effing concept then go play skyrim or some shit where you can't blame anyone but yourself for dying.
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It's personal taste, but I did not enjoy my stint with dota 2... I like the graphics more with the source engine, but gameplay just wasn't that fun.

Btw, Just recently got to level 30, Lundivar on the [H]ard channel, if anyone wants to group up, give me a shout.
I should go back into the [H]ard channel. Do you guys still use it?

I still have it on, but haven't seen anybody post there in a long time. If we can get more people in it we could make friendly grouPS.

Beats raging kids or a not understood language...
I haven't logged into the [H] channel in ages, just got to be a whole lot of AFK's for the longest time.
Well, I'll log back into it after work today. If you see me in there I'm always available for a game.
Teamed up with a Shen, and wow, he could almost take on the whole other team by himself. As Lux he wouldn't let anyone get close to support while I stunned & sniped the other team, so I didn't even die once all game. The other team wasn't bad, just couldn't match our Shen. I understand now why an expertly played Shen is always banned!
I went 1-1-15 with GP last night. I felt like a support. Couple people kept complaining that I wasn't engaging. Well, explain how to engage with GP when you're facing Ziggs, Brand, and Graves, and their tank is Shyvana. And lets not forget the Tryn they had also. Exactly, it's suicide. Especially when those same people complaining are all ranged and don't want to assist.

I was actually pretty proud of only dieing once. If I crit someone for 1000, buff our team with Boost Morale and Ult the entire area we're fighting in, I'm not exactly doing nothing... not my job to run in to my death afterwards. We had a Singed so it wasn't like I was supposed to be tanking anything.

Ever since I started playing defensively, my stats have gone way up. I think I'm finally taking it to the next level. :p
I went 1-1-15 with GP last night. I felt like a support. Couple people kept complaining that I wasn't engaging. Well, explain how to engage with GP when you're facing Ziggs, Brand, and Graves, and their tank is Shyvana. And lets not forget the Tryn they had also. Exactly, it's suicide. Especially when those same people complaining are all ranged and don't want to assist.

I was actually pretty proud of only dieing once. If I crit someone for 1000, buff our team with Boost Morale and Ult the entire area we're fighting in, I'm not exactly doing nothing... not my job to run in to my death afterwards. We had a Singed so it wasn't like I was supposed to be tanking anything.

Ever since I started playing defensively, my stats have gone way up. I think I'm finally taking it to the next level. :p

build tanky but build heavy AP damage first, GP will counter graves and ziggs easily due to how much damage he does with his pistol. if you are facing ziggs ALWAYS rush him, don't let him use his range with his Q and you will always beat him. ziggs is the squishiest champ in the game with twitch following close behind. and make sure to spam your orange as well, that will greatly benefit you against all of those champs. i play ziggs and graves primarily so i know how well GP does against them :D

as far as playing defensively it all depends on the team you are on and if you are all early or late game champs. if you are all early then you have to push as much as possible, if you are late game then just farm as much as possible before attacking. you also have to look at the opposing team as well. GP is a mid late game champ due to his insane damage.
Played some ranked earlier. First game went ashe. Carried super hard like 14/3.

Team fed them by getting caught, lost the game.

Second game top as mundo. Shat all over the enemy Shen. Forced their jungler to babysit top and didn't die once while still out-csing him like 50% or so. Our Orianna mid got outplayed early and decided to just feed the enemy AP carry 15 times.

Fuck this community.
Played some ranked earlier. First game went ashe. Carried super hard like 14/3.

Team fed them by getting caught, lost the game.

Second game top as mundo. Shat all over the enemy Shen. Forced their jungler to babysit top and didn't die once while still out-csing him like 50% or so. Our Orianna mid got outplayed early and decided to just feed the enemy AP carry 15 times.

Fuck this community.

lol thats low elo for you, if you EVER see some one pick orianna in ranked on your team, just queue dodge. it'll hurt your elo still but its not worth playing the game anyways. theres a reason no one plays her in ranked, shes a mana whore and unless the jungler and the person playing orianna know how to work together constantly getting blue she'll get out played mid every game.
The problem was that Orianna played Orianna in my last game, against me, and did very well. So I'm like:

I am always in and out of LoL.

Add me up if you need; insomnibyte
The problem was that Orianna played Orianna in my last game, against me, and did very well. So I'm like:

Just like once in a blue moon I'll see a really good Volo player, rare, but they do exist...

Also depends on team makeup... In the above example I was fiddle & Volo would do things like keep tossing people back into my ult & keeping them there, or tossing them to me to scare & drain...etc... Good duo, but solo queue people only want kills, not assists.

I like Oriana, but near impossible to play without teamwork.
Fuck this community.

Low elo really sucks and it is really hard to get out of. I think I will only really play anymore if I have a group of 5 people to play with instead of randoms. While that doesn't always mean we will win at least I know the players are usually good and not feeding on purpose. Just means the other team is really that much better.
The problem is when I duo it's usually with a friend who isn't very good, and it seems EVERY TIME I solo que I get trolled into oblivion. It's exceedingly rare that my score is not positive by a solid margin.
The problem is when I duo it's usually with a friend who isn't very good, and it seems EVERY TIME I solo que I get trolled into oblivion. It's exceedingly rare that my score is not positive by a solid margin.

yep thats why i stay out of ranked, even though i'm level 30 i find normals a little more enjoying. at least in normals i expect people to troll and suck so i can deal with it easier.

I am always in and out of LoL.

Add me up if you need; insomnibyte

says player doesn't exist with that name.
What I don't understand is the people that talk so much shit when they win Blind Normal games (i.e. "GG NOOBS WHAT A WASTE OF TIME"). I check their profile and it's usually level 30 with over 1000 games played, none in Ranked.

I mean, it's like being proud that your team had less retards than the other or something.
I quit playing ranked. The level of play didn't seem any better, and it's even more chock loaded full of shitheads than regular blind normal. If I wanted to not have fun I'd go to work, not play LoL.
If it were even possible to ban all the counters to a team in ranked, then that's what i'd do. More often than not though, you find out that there are many more counters to your characters than you knew about and you're fucked either way.

Might as well just play blind and take your 50% chance at a win because of the counter system.