League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

What I don't understand is the people that talk so much shit when they win Blind Normal games (i.e. "GG NOOBS WHAT A WASTE OF TIME"). I check their profile and it's usually level 30 with over 1000 games played, none in Ranked.

I mean, it's like being proud that your team had less retards than the other or something.

lol i just ignore that shit.. its common place in multiplayer games.. if you get your ass kicked, its everyone else's fault and never your own even though its a team game.. if you win its because the other team is a bunch of noobs.. been this way for 10+ years now lol. but honestly i find the most fun in when people talk shit early in the game and my team just completely dominates them. :D or when you get some jackass on the other team that sits there and tries to convince your team they should surrender and your team ends up winning anyways. :D
son of a biotch, for those of you that don't play very often riot is finally moving the masteries server side on 4/10 so you can use them for your account on any computer but in doing so you will lose all your masteries pages so if you have a lot of champ specific ones for champs get ready to remake them.
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And they're fixing Teemo, hurray!

right so now hes even stronger.. yay..... fuck!

i like how they are changing the experience earned based on level.. should help support a lot since support leveling tanks once the lane fighting ends.
right so now hes even stronger.. yay..... fuck!

i like how they are changing the experience earned based on level.. should help support a lot since support leveling tanks once the lane fighting ends.

Teemo isn't strong. I love Teemo but he's a horrible choice most times because his range and dps is too low for how squishy he is. The only viable build is on-hit effects. For a while now I'd been wondering why I'd pump up my poison shots early, get 3-4 hits on someone and it wasn't doing shit for damage... now I know, it's been broken for ages.
right so now hes even stronger.. yay..... fuck!

i like how they are changing the experience earned based on level.. should help support a lot since support leveling tanks once the lane fighting ends.

yea, supports alwyas fall like 2'ish lv's behind once lane fighting ends cause we have to keep going for wards/placing them and the carries get all the farm waves.

Teemo is not hard to counter. His main weakness are gap-closers, Akali, jarvan, Fiora, etc are great.

Plus most ap ers can counter him. HE relies very much on killing melee/ad range that can't withstand the blind (or don't know what a QSS is, which removes it).
yea, supports alwyas fall like 2'ish lv's behind once lane fighting ends cause we have to keep going for wards/placing them and the carries get all the farm waves.

Teemo is not hard to counter. His main weakness are gap-closers, Akali, jarvan, Fiora, etc are great.

Plus most ap ers can counter him. HE relies very much on killing melee/ad range that can't withstand the blind (or don't know what a QSS is, which removes it).

yeah once lane fighting ends i always end up about 3-4 levels behind everyone. i'm lucky if i even make it to 18 by the end of the game. really sucks especially when i have 20-25 assists and no deaths almost every game when playing soraka. even the games where i get lucky and KS a couple kill using starcall it never really helps me level up.

btw my original comment on teemo is just because i hate him since i usually play graves and teemo with his mushrooms is annoying as hell. :D the only teemo's i ever have trouble with are the ones that go for pure attack speed.
Yeah, I also play mainly support and I've learned to play mid and aim to farm and be at least be 2 levels ahead of my team by the time lane phase ends. Cause after than it's slow going.

Also been practicing being a tank, but I don't find that particularly too much fun.

Though lately the people I've been playing with dropped out of LOL, and I've gone through a lot of horrible player attitudes in the solo queue, so I'm thinking of taking a LOL vacation...

That, and Grimrock is coming out and will be consuming most, if not all of my time for the next while... :D
I played Volibear last night for the first time. My team instapicked all their champs and I was left with tank. I was kinda pissed cause I suck at tanking so I just picked Voli and said "fuck it". I ended up loving him. I think he's my new favorite tanky melee. I had 4200hp when the game ended and it was nuts, I also had thornmail so Graves and Talon were literally killing themselves attacking me.

I played a 2nd game with him and didn't do as well, but that was mostly because our team had a Twitch and Eve on it... and they queued together... it was another "fuck it" moment.

I really like his mechanics and think I'll be playing him a lot.
I played Volibear last night for the first time. My team instapicked all their champs and I was left with tank. I was kinda pissed cause I suck at tanking so I just picked Voli and said "fuck it". I ended up loving him. I think he's my new favorite tanky melee. I had 4200hp when the game ended and it was nuts, I also had thornmail so Graves and Talon were literally killing themselves attacking me.

I really like his mechanics and think I'll be playing him a lot.

If I'm on (Lundivar) msg me, when I don't mid, I really like to duo Fiddle with Voli or Lux with Jarvan.
I played Volibear last night for the first time. My team instapicked all their champs and I was left with tank. I was kinda pissed cause I suck at tanking so I just picked Voli and said "fuck it". I ended up loving him. I think he's my new favorite tanky melee. I had 4200hp when the game ended and it was nuts, I also had thornmail so Graves and Talon were literally killing themselves attacking me.

I played a 2nd game with him and didn't do as well, but that was mostly because our team had a Twitch and Eve on it... and they queued together... it was another "fuck it" moment.

I really like his mechanics and think I'll be playing him a lot.

Voli is one of my favorites too. He's my main tanky guy I like top and great against most champions.

What do you build on him?

I usually end up rushing Warmogs, then Frozen mallet, then atma's (or throw in banshee's for heavy cc/fed ap, or thornmail for fed ad).

Then if for some reason it's still going, stack another Atma's.

Voli's W can absolutely shred any squishy ad/ap once you get his health high enough. Plus he has one of the single best passives in the game (like mundo's ult but as a passive).

The atma's nerf is gonna be a bit of a pain though, to almost all tanky dps guys (garen, voli, Jarvan, Riven, etc).

If any of you newer people want to add me my name is Stiler on it.
I played Volibear last night for the first time. My team instapicked all their champs and I was left with tank. I was kinda pissed cause I suck at tanking so I just picked Voli and said "fuck it". I ended up loving him. I think he's my new favorite tanky melee. I had 4200hp when the game ended and it was nuts, I also had thornmail so Graves and Talon were literally killing themselves attacking me.

I played a 2nd game with him and didn't do as well, but that was mostly because our team had a Twitch and Eve on it... and they queued together... it was another "fuck it" moment.

I really like his mechanics and think I'll be playing him a lot.

i hate volibears passive low health heal.. but easily baits noobs if they don't know about it.

ugh update got delayed.. GRRRR!!!!!!
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Voli is one of my favorites too. He's my main tanky guy I like top and great against most champions.

What do you build on him?

I usually end up rushing Warmogs, then Frozen mallet, then atma's (or throw in banshee's for heavy cc/fed ap, or thornmail for fed ad).

Then if for some reason it's still going, stack another Atma's.

Voli's W can absolutely shred any squishy ad/ap once you get his health high enough. Plus he has one of the single best passives in the game (like mundo's ult but as a passive).

The atma's nerf is gonna be a bit of a pain though, to almost all tanky dps guys (garen, voli, Jarvan, Riven, etc).

If any of you newer people want to add me my name is Stiler on it.

I started with the suggested items and then just started adding a couple random things I thought sounded good. I ended up jungling with him most of my games so I'm still trying to figure out what works best in that role.
After a string of bad groups which made me decrease my playing this game a lot + Grimrock is taking a lot of attention, yesterday I solo queued and finally ended it with a great team, which actually communicated. All were level 30s, I was the least experienced by far with less than 100 wins vs. 200-600 range for both teams, but went 6/0/16 as Lux while our tank/everything (Udyr) went 16/0/6, see a pattern? ;)

Astral, just keep missing each other by a few minutes...
After a string of bad groups which made me decrease my playing this game a lot + Grimrock is taking a lot of attention, yesterday I solo queued and finally ended it with a great team, which actually communicated. All were level 30s, I was the least experienced by far with less than 100 wins vs. 200-600 range for both teams, but went 6/0/16 as Lux while our tank/everything (Udyr) went 16/0/6, see a pattern? ;)

Astral, just keep missing each other by a few minutes...

Yeah. :(

I'll try and team up with you this weekend if you're around. I should be playing a decent amount.
ok i just found the best trolling ever..

if you want to have fun trolling and make a trynd/yi look stupid top lane, get soraka with support runes. why you might ask? because she will make twice the gold while out CS'ing any champ in the game. i was level 18 before anyone in the game including my team had reached level 15.

oh want to troll even harder? grab a death cap and watch your level 5 starcall melt Yi, trynd, morde, and anyone else in her path.. even worse, get blue buff and just spam Q endlessly while the opposing team can't do a damn thing about it. oh and to top it off my silence also did 400 damage + 2.5 second silence. :D

sadly i never did get to find out what soraka's true potential was if i had finished a pure AP build on her since the other team was scared shit-less of me and surrendered. before the surrender i was at 325 AP with 2400 HP.
soraka is extremely powerful now.

i usually play with the same 2 irl friends in 3's, so we made a rule to increase our wins vs losses: whoever does the worst has to play Tryndamere next match. I haven't really been keeping track, but i'm certain we're winning way more always having that cheap-ass on our team ^_^
AAAAHHHHHHHHH... the new patch FFFFFUUUUUUUU blows! god damn riot failed hardcore with this patch.
AAAAHHHHHHHHH... the new patch FFFFFUUUUUUUU blows! god damn riot failed hardcore with this patch.

I'm curious what you're referring to...

i can't imaging not enjoying the buffs to runes, as they just buffed my entire AP page =D

Haven't had a chance to check this patch out though..
I'm curious what you're referring to...

i can't imaging not enjoying the buffs to runes, as they just buffed my entire AP page =D

Haven't had a chance to check this patch out though..

lol the broken crap in the patch far out weighs anything good about it. broken chat, broken ulti's on a lot of champs, animations/attack graphics not appearing, game randomly ignoring combo attacks, not being able to target people, nidelee not coming out of cat form... list goes on and on.. oh and the best part is the random frame rate drops from absolutely NOTHING!

i do like the new hit point graphics, i like the new UI a lot with the added XP bar in your name, i like that you can see your mana/health regen.

i'm still trying to pinpoint exactly whats causing the frame rate drops because its quite annoying when i use to get 180fps(benchmark mode) and now i'm lucky if i get 85fps and this is just sitting still in the lane at the start of the game. but as the game goes on i randomly get frame rate drops that sit at 45fps for about 3-4 minutes for no reason. personally i find the game unplayable under 90fps. just feels sluggish and laggy.
Anyone play Hecarim yet? I bought him played him in a bot match and a regular one. I did pretty bad in the regular one. Think I had 5 kills to like 9 deaths. Any advice?
Anyone play Hecarim yet? I bought him played him in a bot match and a regular one. I did pretty bad in the regular one. Think I had 5 kills to like 9 deaths. Any advice?

I've played him a fair bit and do ok, not my best champ. I think a lot of people got too caught up in his passive and try to stack for move speed, but it's never worked out for me.

I build him with boots 2 appropriate to the game, trinity force, frozen heart, BT, IF and LW, I focus on his Q as my main damage, level up my E when I can't Q or R, pretty much ignore W, but I put a put in early and leave it just for the little bit of healing.

One trick I picked up is to use his E before you ulti, I've ate carries in one combined charge and horse stomp. You can also build him tanky with a warmogs and atma's and initiate with your ulti since it fears other champs at the end. I haven't really tried him on the AP side or jungling.
Hmm I've been building him with like tank dps items like frozen mallet maybe I'm going the wrong way. I noticed in my match against players I did better when I bought a sunfire.
Playing support, I've seen a few good Hecarim builds, surprising to see this early from release.

Might have to give him a try.
Playing support, I've seen a few good Hecarim builds, surprising to see this early from release.

Might have to give him a try.

its hit or miss, honestly though i've never lost a game to a team that has had hecarim on it. hes a great jungler, has decent ganks if the person can hit it right. BUT you really only have 2 options with him, if you go DPS hes squishy as fuck and easy to kill once hes wasted most of his abilities, or you go tanky and he does shit for damage and is pretty easy to ignore in a team fight. any range can beat hecarim though, all you have to do is stay outside of his life steal aura ability and he dies pretty quickly.

the one thing a lot of people haven't realized with the life steal ability is that you gain life steal from anything taking damage within it from your team, even if its your teammates doing the damage and you just standing there. so a lot of times if hecarim is on my team i'll make sure to attack minions that may be within the aura while hes attacking the enemy so he gains life steal from it since i usually play support soraka.

though in my opinion if you are going against a lot of melee champs in a team fight, his ulti is great even if you don't do damage because you can't see a god damn thing on the screen. its basically a localized nocturne ulti, lol.

btw if you are going up against a jungling hecarim, take blue right away, hes pretty much screwed for the rest of the game. hes heavily dependent on blue right off the bat for jungling.
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Yeah I played him jungle last night and did terrible didn't even make it through mobs actually killed me wtf :(.

Of course i didn't build him for jungle and someone just asked me to do it. Was a fail fest. I like him in lane though. the E+R rocks as well.
Woah best game I had as him so far. Was like 4/4 until level 17. Then just blew up.

I quit playing ranked. The level of play didn't seem any better, and it's even more chock loaded full of shitheads than regular blind normal. If I wanted to not have fun I'd go to work, not play LoL.

I found it to be the other way around, until I lost a few matches in a row and my elo dropped to shit. Then it really didn't matter.
Woah best game I had as him so far. Was like 4/4 until level 17. Then just blew up.

Very nice!

I've played both with & against Hecarim as Lux, playing with a tanky Hecarim is great cause he's big and covers support (if well played), and playing against Hecarim so far looks to be a non-issue cause he can't really do much against support.

Playing melee aginst him is harder though. He's a good mix I find.
I've played Alistar and Rammus so far as melee/tanks. Not my favorite role, but in a friendly group it's ok... in solo games... not much fun I have to say...

Hecarim is next on my list then.
I picked up hecarim and man he's fun. He can be powerful but overall I think he's a little under powered because of his long cooldowns. But when you can string his abilities together and you have some damage built he's flat mean. And if you pick up some life steal with his W he's damn near unkillable for 4 seconds. Good times for sure
I love this game but absolutely hate it at the same time. Team composition in the first minute of CHAMP selection can tell you if you are gonna win or lose. So many bad players when you start out in ranked it's ridiculous
lol the broken crap in the patch far out weighs anything good about it. broken chat, broken ulti's on a lot of champs, animations/attack graphics not appearing, game randomly ignoring combo attacks, not being able to target people, nidelee not coming out of cat form... list goes on and on.. oh and the best part is the random frame rate drops from absolutely NOTHING!

i do like the new hit point graphics, i like the new UI a lot with the added XP bar in your name, i like that you can see your mana/health regen.

i'm still trying to pinpoint exactly whats causing the frame rate drops because its quite annoying when i use to get 180fps(benchmark mode) and now i'm lucky if i get 85fps and this is just sitting still in the lane at the start of the game. but as the game goes on i randomly get frame rate drops that sit at 45fps for about 3-4 minutes for no reason. personally i find the game unplayable under 90fps. just feels sluggish and laggy.

samsung 931BF

So you have an LCD that can't do over 60FPS (60Mhz LCD) and yet somehow you cant stand the game under 90FPS...:rolleyes:

SLI on? try to turn it off....
samsung 931BF

So you have an LCD that can't do over 60FPS (60Mhz LCD) and yet somehow you cant stand the game under 90FPS...:rolleyes:

SLI on? try to turn it off....

no i mean the game just feels sluggish as heck for some reason under 90fps, just feels like theres a weird delay on commands and the champ movements just feel like they are realy delayed. personally i play all my games with 60fps and vsync but LoL is the only game i've honestly found where i can not for the life of me play the game at anything under 90fps, i don't know why. and yes i've tried it with SLI on and off, its the same thing, single or sli my cards never exceed 45% gpu usage ever since this last patch. prior to the patch single card 90% load i would get 100-120fps SLI 65% load i could hold a constant 180fps. yeah i know it sounds excessive but the game just feels 100 times smoother set in benchmark mode then actually forcing a frame rate cap. i may try running the new drivers with the adaptive v-sync crap when nvidia releases the WHQL version to see if it even works in lol and solves the laggy feeling. hell for all i know the high frame rate is actually hurting me in the game but i don't care the game just feels way better to play.

though the funny thing is after this last patch, on the defeat/victory screen my gpu load will spike to 100% on both gpu's where as before the patch my gpu load use to drop to 10% during that screen, kind of weird.

btw its a samsung 245BW, the samsung 931BF died a couple months ago :( was time to retire it anyways. getting a new secondary display here in a couple days. i guess i should probably update my signiture since most of that stuff has changed since the last time i updated it.

I love this game but absolutely hate it at the same time. Team composition in the first minute of CHAMP selection can tell you if you are gonna win or lose. So many bad players when you start out in ranked it's ridiculous

i absolutely know what you mean. i use to just deal with the trolls even if i got stuck on their team but honestly i've gotten fed up with it. if the teams to AP heavy, to tank heavy, no one picks a tank, or just people plain screwing around in the chat i'll just queue dodge and enjoy my 5 minute or 10 minute wait because i'm fed up with all the crap. though i don't play ranked anymore, did my one and only game and got stuck with a troll feeder. dude just kept running across the map and dying to turrets or the mid lane person.. screw that shit, rather deal with it in normals where i expect it then in a ranked game.
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