League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

IMO Garen > Darius.

Darius is good at one thing, Kill Stealing.

He's not a hard carry like say, Trist, Graves, Draven (I love Draven). So having him super-fed will actually HURT his team, and that is why many people ban him.

When he kill steals from the carries in the end it hurst his own team, gives him more gold and he hits a ceiling, since he's not a hard carry if you know how to deal with him, and focus their carries, you will win.

Darius is a pub trap character.
I really need to start playing ranked soon. I don't feel like I'm getting better in solo queue cause that shit is just so random. It's all about who ends up with the fewest number of tards on their team.
I really need to start playing ranked soon. I don't feel like I'm getting better in solo queue cause that shit is just so random. It's all about who ends up with the fewest number of tards on their team.

This is why I refuse to solo q anymore in both ranked and normal games. I try to play with a minimum of 2 other players so at most I have 2 other people who could be a pain in the ass.
I really need to start playing ranked soon. I don't feel like I'm getting better in solo queue cause that shit is just so random. It's all about who ends up with the fewest number of tards on their team.

How is ranked q any different?

The asshats are just angrier in ranked Q.
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So I guess we should all queue together, then. Like originally planned. I promised not to get plastered anymore a while ago, so I shouldn't run in to 5v1s thinking I'll kill them all anymore...

I've been playing solotop Yorick with a friend playing jungle Pantheon or Jax lately. We clean up, and he rarely even has to gank for me. Rush manamune, lane forever. Start cloth and 3+1 or boots and 1+2, depending. Get a lantern at some point. Run straight in to teamfights and ult the ranged carry. They surrender.
So I guess we should all queue together, then. Like originally planned. I promised not to get plastered anymore a while ago, so I shouldn't run in to 5v1s thinking I'll kill them all anymore...

I've been playing solotop Yorick with a friend playing jungle Pantheon or Jax lately. We clean up, and he rarely even has to gank for me. Rush manamune, lane forever. Start cloth and 3+1 or boots and 1+2, depending. Get a lantern at some point. Run straight in to teamfights and ult the ranged carry. They surrender.

Hahaha that was kind of funny to watch you go all kamikaze though. We knew you were plastered though once we realized you couldn't figure out how to get Teamspeak working :p

And how plastered is not plastered. . . Last time we played you were slightly drunk even after swearing off drunken League. . . But yes we all need to start team games instead of solo queue.
Slightly drunk is okay. So long as we don't lose and it's clearly my fault, I call that good. I promise to be "reasonable" though. Like, 3 drink minimum. That one night... man I woke up to my entire desk covered with beer bottles, half of which I never remembered opening.
I'm pretty sure riot just said "fuck it" concerning balancing this game.

I think they know they broke it and aren't even trying anymore.

Has anyone else thought of how easy it would be to cheat using spectator mode? set up another account on a side computer and see every action your enemy is making... or have a friend on vent telling you where to go.

I wonder how much this is abused...

Spectating has ALWAYS had a delay. Dunno where you got that from.

I'm 2.3k ELO btw :)
I'm pretty sure riot just said "fuck it" concerning balancing this game.

I think they know they broke it and aren't even trying anymore.

Has anyone else thought of how easy it would be to cheat using spectator mode? set up another account on a side computer and see every action your enemy is making... or have a friend on vent telling you where to go.

I wonder how much this is abused...

not sure how i missed this post, lol. but no its 100% impossible to cheat with spectator mode. there is a 3 minute delay, why you might ask 3 minutes. because that is exactly how long a ward lasts which means that a ward is gone the second you see it placed in spectator mode. about the only thing you could cheat with spectator mode is jungle timing but even then thats a waste of time given that you can figure that crap out on your own faster than watching a 3 minute delayed spectator mode.
You do have to love Riots Trolling with Pulsefire EZ.

They made that huge announcement "Pulsefire EZ is coming" and everything gets super excited, but in that post they never mention a date, or when. Leading people to believe "next patch."

Then they post up patch notes for this week and not only are we not getting a new hero (usually riot pushes out a new hero every two weeks) but they don't even MENTION pulsefire ez.

So now we are still in the dark just the same as before, only more excited.
You do have to love Riots Trolling with Pulsefire EZ.

They made that huge announcement "Pulsefire EZ is coming" and everything gets super excited, but in that post they never mention a date, or when. Leading people to believe "next patch."

Then they post up patch notes for this week and not only are we not getting a new hero (usually riot pushes out a new hero every two weeks) but they don't even MENTION pulsefire ez.

So now we are still in the dark just the same as before, only more excited.

It's all part of their plan. At $25, they'll def try to hype the shit out of this. I don't remember how i stumbled across it, but there's even a huge landing page on their site for the pulsefire ez.

I hate that they spend their money on this bullshit instead of making more maps, better balance, better code, fuck--any number of things that would actually make the game better.
You do have to love Riots Trolling with Pulsefire EZ.

They made that huge announcement "Pulsefire EZ is coming" and everything gets super excited, but in that post they never mention a date, or when. Leading people to believe "next patch."

Then they post up patch notes for this week and not only are we not getting a new hero (usually riot pushes out a new hero every two weeks) but they don't even MENTION pulsefire ez.

So now we are still in the dark just the same as before, only more excited.

well the patch this weekend was always intended to fail. they do it every year for dreamhacks. as much as everyone wants to say its a conspiracy, riot never does updates on weekends yet magically during this year's dreamhack and last years dreamhack they do weekend patches that both fail miserably. all they did was revert back to the draven patch, it should of never even remotely took as long as it did to revert back to the old patch even if it was just one person coding it. the pulsefire patch should be on tuesday morning patch though maybe wed.

It's all part of their plan. At $25, they'll def try to hype the shit out of this. I don't remember how i stumbled across it, but there's even a huge landing page on their site for the pulsefire ez.

I hate that they spend their money on this bullshit instead of making more maps, better balance, better code, fuck--any number of things that would actually make the game better.

they did make a new map for ARAM/ARAB games. i mean hell they completely updated the graphics on all the maps, what more do you want? as far as the balance goes that comes down to the community giving realistic feedback to the developers instead of just say "omg omg this champs so fucking op, RIOT nerf X champ" instead of saying WHY X champ is op and what they think needs to be done to balance it. go look at every thread in their forum bitching about a champ being op, they never say how or why that champ is op they just bitch about it being op because they can't kill it.
I agree a patch on a weekend is just really odd... only to have it fail with no rollbacks...wtf... really?

Played a bit of Dota 2 & Legendary Heros (LOL copy on Android) instead.
I assume so, but it's pushing me to Dota 2 instead... /shrug
they did make a new map for ARAM/ARAB games. i mean hell they completely updated the graphics on all the maps, what more do you want? as far as the balance goes that comes down to the community giving realistic feedback to the developers instead of just say "omg omg this champs so fucking op, RIOT nerf X champ" instead of saying WHY X champ is op and what they think needs to be done to balance it. go look at every thread in their forum bitching about a champ being op, they never say how or why that champ is op they just bitch about it being op because they can't kill it.

Dominion was a good start. I'd like to see a 3v3 dominion mode, that'd be sweet. I'd like to see a brand new reg 3v3 map, because twisted treeline gets old. a 6v6 map could also be cool. They mostly need a new 5v5 map (not graphics---graphics don't create new gameplay), because summoner's rift is tired and used up. Not to mention the way the map is set up it's annoying to scroll the screen. (if you're in mid, you have to go diagonal, bot or top and it's a mix of up/down, diagonal, and left/right).

Maybe i've just played this game too long.

What I don't get, in almost every MOBA game, why no one has had new/different maps and game modes really?

Sure Riot has dominion now which is fun. However in the other game mode why don't they have a variety of maps? Everything from small maps to large maps, different weather settings, hills/terrain that plays a part in gameplay (like in HoN, cliffs provide better line of sight).

I mean look at most RTS games that have MP, could you imagine it being ONE map only? That would really really piss most people off and they'd get slammed for having one map.

However DOTa games get a slide on it for some reason. Yes I know, it was the big map for DOTA and it's something people got "used" to, that doesn't mean it should be the only map for that gameplay though? I mean surely they can hav eother maps/game modes?

Why stop at dominion, I'd love to see things like "Last man on the hill (where the hero who's on the hill at the end of the round wins the match) to king of the hill, to captur ethe flag, to all sorts of game modes you can think of.

Moba games do not have to be restricted to "one map" gameplay/modes.
What I don't get, in almost every MOBA game, why no one has had new/different maps and game modes really?

Sure Riot has dominion now which is fun. However in the other game mode why don't they have a variety of maps? Everything from small maps to large maps, different weather settings, hills/terrain that plays a part in gameplay (like in HoN, cliffs provide better line of sight).

I mean look at most RTS games that have MP, could you imagine it being ONE map only? That would really really piss most people off and they'd get slammed for having one map.

However DOTa games get a slide on it for some reason. Yes I know, it was the big map for DOTA and it's something people got "used" to, that doesn't mean it should be the only map for that gameplay though? I mean surely they can hav eother maps/game modes?

Why stop at dominion, I'd love to see things like "Last man on the hill (where the hero who's on the hill at the end of the round wins the match) to king of the hill, to captur ethe flag, to all sorts of game modes you can think of.

Moba games do not have to be restricted to "one map" gameplay/modes.

Capture the Flag sounds like a freaking fantastic idea. I suppose the biggest reason against new maps is Riot has a hard enough time keeping their servers up as it is. Granted it has gotten a lot better than the beginning. I remember when it was a bi-weekly crash. That and they dont make more money off the new maps. They would rather spend time developing skins/new champs that they can actually sell. Once they see a lag in players or people leaving they will all the sudden come out with a new map. . .
What I don't get, in almost every MOBA game, why no one has had new/different maps and game modes really?

Sure Riot has dominion now which is fun. However in the other game mode why don't they have a variety of maps? Everything from small maps to large maps, different weather settings, hills/terrain that plays a part in gameplay (like in HoN, cliffs provide better line of sight).

I mean look at most RTS games that have MP, could you imagine it being ONE map only? That would really really piss most people off and they'd get slammed for having one map.

However DOTa games get a slide on it for some reason. Yes I know, it was the big map for DOTA and it's something people got "used" to, that doesn't mean it should be the only map for that gameplay though? I mean surely they can hav eother maps/game modes?

Why stop at dominion, I'd love to see things like "Last man on the hill (where the hero who's on the hill at the end of the round wins the match) to king of the hill, to captur ethe flag, to all sorts of game modes you can think of.

Moba games do not have to be restricted to "one map" gameplay/modes.

Thank goodness someone else wonders this too. I'd love more game modes and maps.

Greed, apparently, ruins everything
New maps... would be nice... but I doubt Riot will be able to charge for them without causing a "riot"...sooooo.. I would think 1 may come out if sales start dipping too much.

Redoing maps tp make them simpler looking does not count. :p

I've been playing almost exclusively dominion cause I'm sick of being stuck with asshats for 40-60 minutes at a time.
New maps... would be nice... but I doubt Riot will be able to charge for them without causing a "riot"...sooooo.. I would think 1 may come out if sales start dipping too much.

Redoing maps tp make them simpler looking does not count. :p

I've been playing almost exclusively dominion cause I'm sick of being stuck with asshats for 40-60 minutes at a time.

So now you're stuck with asshats for 20 minutes at a time...
What I don't get, in almost every MOBA game, why no one has had new/different maps and game modes really?

Sure Riot has dominion now which is fun. However in the other game mode why don't they have a variety of maps? Everything from small maps to large maps, different weather settings, hills/terrain that plays a part in gameplay (like in HoN, cliffs provide better line of sight).

I mean look at most RTS games that have MP, could you imagine it being ONE map only? That would really really piss most people off and they'd get slammed for having one map.

However DOTa games get a slide on it for some reason. Yes I know, it was the big map for DOTA and it's something people got "used" to, that doesn't mean it should be the only map for that gameplay though? I mean surely they can hav eother maps/game modes?

Why stop at dominion, I'd love to see things like "Last man on the hill (where the hero who's on the hill at the end of the round wins the match) to king of the hill, to captur ethe flag, to all sorts of game modes you can think of.

Moba games do not have to be restricted to "one map" gameplay/modes.

Probably just game design. Think about it this way RTS has a change of maps because there is 1 constant, which is the units themselves. The core function of all units in RTS usually do not change outside of balance changes. That's probably why they can put out new maps to change the landscape a bit. MOBA games on the other hand's constant is their map. Their map never changes and thats their 1 constant, while units (In MOBA's case heroes) constantly change, LoL introduces new heroes every couple of weeks. And this is supposed to be what supplies their variety and change in landscape. Thats the way I view it.

However with that in mind, of course I wouldn't mind if they came out with different maps or gamemodes.
I think it's a balancing issue. Both maps "basically" mirrored from one side to the other so neither side has an advantage. I agree that more maps would make for a better game as the meta-game could vary greatly from map to map (see classic to dominion). I saw something about a new play type the other day with a one lane map with 4 players and the dominion buffs (gold, starting level, increased xp, etc.) and you can only shop after death (to help prevent curb-stomping the enemy). I think that will be fun.

What I would love to see is (this will be a different game as Riot will never do this) sprinkling in MMO/RPG elements. Instead of 6 open slots for items having 6 categorized slots, IE boots, helm, armor, weapon. In terms of LoL I'm thinking it would help restrict how overly powerful AD carries are, etc. If you could only get 2 weapons, IE, BT, BC, LW, PD, etc., and you had to get a chest piece, warmogs, atma, etc., that would greatly change the current meta-game. But it's a completely different balance (and game for that matter).
I think it's a balancing issue. Both maps "basically" mirrored from one side to the other so neither side has an advantage. I agree that more maps would make for a better game as the meta-game could vary greatly from map to map (see classic to dominion). I saw something about a new play type the other day with a one lane map with 4 players and the dominion buffs (gold, starting level, increased xp, etc.) and you can only shop after death (to help prevent curb-stomping the enemy). I think that will be fun.

What I would love to see is (this will be a different game as Riot will never do this) sprinkling in MMO/RPG elements. Instead of 6 open slots for items having 6 categorized slots, IE boots, helm, armor, weapon. In terms of LoL I'm thinking it would help restrict how overly powerful AD carries are, etc. If you could only get 2 weapons, IE, BT, BC, LW, PD, etc., and you had to get a chest piece, warmogs, atma, etc., that would greatly change the current meta-game. But it's a completely different balance (and game for that matter).

yeah the new map you are talking about is the ARAM/ARAB map thats in PBE right now.

as far as AD carries being overly powerful i don't think they are. the problem is people don't want to change from the meta.. so they always build the same shit and most people want to build pure damage vs relying on sustaining damage.. so great a team has a bunch of AD champs, what do you do? build armor, why? because the majority of people that build AD never go away from the current meta which makes them squishy as fuck so you don't need a whole lot of damage output to beat them. if you can out sustain their damage you'll kill them every time it just make take an extra hit or two to do it but you will always win in the end. but in the end meta's always change over time, for a long as time people use to always start with damage items first, like doran blade/ring or start armor + hp pots. now people all start with boots and hp pots because they realize mobility is far better than damage output early on. same goes with AD, for a long time people use to always run IE, now people are realizing you don't always have to rush IE and some people are shifting to rushing BT if they are winning their lanes. same with AP, everyone use to stack triple doran rings, now they are realizing sustain, eg. rushing RoA or zhonya's are both better options.
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yeah the new map you are talking about is the ARAM/ARAB map thats in PBE right now.

Wait... they're actually working on a new game mode/map?

Is it on an existing map or a new one?

Sounds extremely cool.

My main gripe with the game, aside from it's r-p-s balance, is that momentum gets out of control too easily.
holy smokes the login queue is taking over 30 mins! wow. I wanted a quick game before 7pm. :(
holy smokes the login queue is taking over 30 mins! wow. I wanted a quick game before 7pm. :(

Yeah, looks like they are still having major server issues and I think they're probably just glad to have something working, at least partially until it can be fixed permanently.
Patch doesn't even have the pulsefire ez either lolz, wasn't this patch even just the last one they rolled back ?
Patch doesn't even have the pulsefire ez either lolz, wasn't this patch even just the last one they rolled back ?

yes this is the patch that failed on saturday. PFE patch should be next week.

Wait... they're actually working on a new game mode/map?

Is it on an existing map or a new one?

Sounds extremely cool.

My main gripe with the game, aside from it's r-p-s balance, is that momentum gets out of control too easily.

i wouldn't exactly call it a new game mode. ARAB/ARAM has been around for a long time just wasn't an official feature of LoL. so now they are finally making it an official mode since most of the riot developers play ARAB with the community a lot.
yes this is the patch that failed on saturday. PFE patch should be next week.

i wouldn't exactly call it a new game mode. ARAB/ARAM has been around for a long time just wasn't an official feature of LoL. so now they are finally making it an official mode since most of the riot developers play ARAB with the community a lot.

thanks for the info. I still had no idea wtf you were talking about, but i found these:


i wouldn't exactly call it a new game mode. ARAB/ARAM has been around for a long time just wasn't an official feature of LoL. so now they are finally making it an official mode since most of the riot developers play ARAB with the community a lot.

These "modes" if they are like the above gifs seem like they would heavily favor certain champs. Even more than the 3v3 or Dominion maps make certain champs more viable than others. I could be wrong since this is the first time I am hearing about these as well. Might have to give them a try with some friends in a custom game or something if they are going to become official.
These "modes" if they are like the above gifs seem like they would heavily favor certain champs. Even more than the 3v3 or Dominion maps make certain champs more viable than others. I could be wrong since this is the first time I am hearing about these as well. Might have to give them a try with some friends in a custom game or something if they are going to become official.

Hence the "random" part. You don't know what you're getting, including whatever free champs there are that week, any many people playing have almost all champs unlocked.
Hence the "random" part. You don't know what you're getting, including whatever free champs there are that week, any many people playing have almost all champs unlocked.

Indeed, i forgot to include it with the gifs. they're named ARAM/ARAB because:

All Random All Middle (summoner's rift)

All Random All Bottom (dominion)
Indeed, i forgot to include it with the gifs. they're named ARAM/ARAB because:

All Random All Middle (summoner's rift)

All Random All Bottom (dominion)

Ahh that makes a lot more sense now. That would be kind of fun to do an all random champ game. Changes up things quite a bit.