League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

I wouldnt say Trist is better than all AD carries, her steroid is extremely powerful though like you mentioned but she probably fits somewhere with other top AD carries like Graves/Sivir.

The differences between the 3 are extremely negligible, and will come down more to player skill at the end of the day as well as the skill of each player's support.

Cait is still a solid pick, but I would say in terms of AD carries are below the other 3 above.

The reason trist is generally placed higher then others is because of her Q.

With her massive attack speed boost from q, you can build more straight AD dmg (IE, BT's) and then have the same attack speed as a carry that builds say, phantoms, etc.

It means you can front load more dmg on trist and then have the attack speed to negate what most other ad carries build.

That is why say, if you took both trist and cait, load trist with a BT, and cait with a BT, both doing the same damage, trist will kill cait every single time, it's just simple math really, trist will get more hits then any ojther carry in terms of dmg/speed.

You take almost any carry, put the same items on them, have them attack each other and trist with her q will win most of the times (until you throw in player skill, summoner spells, etc).

Of course player skill will negate things, but the simple math aspect puts trist ahead of most other ad carries.

The main thing that seperates trist from how well she does are the players that know how to use her, when to jump , when to ult (i've seen so many trist ult people thinking "oh I'll get the kill" but the don't and just ult the enemy to safety.

Trist has counters though, like most ad carries teemo can counter her if built well. I love rolling anti-ad range teemo, so fun to make people rage with.

Generally I build Malady, wits, BT, Frozen mallet, thornmail, makes them rage so hard. Not many people are used to it. However that is teemo's main role. It's even more funny if you roll with exhaust, especially on people that think "oh I'll get cleanse or qss." Then when you use blind shot, they use cleanse, and think "yay I'm out of danger" and then you throw exhaust on them. He can dominate any ad carry this way usually.
Completely agree with you on all points, especially if you were to sit there and just autoattack each other without taking to account summoners or player skill.

And as well I also agree with the opinion on Cait, which is why I put her below Trist/Graves/Sivir.

Here's my take on why tho at the end of the day, Trist/Graves/Sivir are basically top carriers and differences are negligible.

Once again this all depends on what we're comparing at the end of the day.

Graves : has a steroid as well, which is actually better than Tristana's early game, and even late game Tristana's steroid is only slightly better, by 10%? Has 2 ability thats scale with AD(trist has none). At the end of the day id say Graves and Tristana are pretty equal.

Sivir: Has a steroid as well, but in the form of an ult, so in this case, id say it comes down to more player skill, but Id say Trist has a leg up without obviously taking into consideration player skill. Animation cancelling helps out sivir tons since she does lack a constant steroid unlike the other two above.
yeah i liked graves as well when i used him during the free week a couple weeks ago.. but his Q attack is kinda meh, because you don't get full damage effect, same goes with ashe but she fires to god damn fast to begin with and is even worse end game. one down side to cait is shes a mana whore(literally).

i'm a range fighter though, i can't use the stupid melee people. hopefully trish gets added to a free week before i hit level 30..
I used to be very anti melee but I'm generally better with them anymore. Granted, I mostly play Nidalee, who is pretty much cheating since you can switch between ranged and melee. <3 Nid.
I think I finally hit my breaking point with this game. So many damn trolls in ranked solo queue.

I am just going to stick to normals with friends and try DOTA 2 when it comes out I think.
The biggest problem (imo) with this game is that the dude in charge of balance favors balancing via imbalance.

Yea figure that one out.

I'd totally switch to DOTA2 if they are going to actually balanced the game.
I think I finally hit my breaking point with this game. So many damn trolls in ranked solo queue.

I am just going to stick to normals with friends and try DOTA 2 when it comes out I think.

lol i just ignore them or i play with friends or people that i've played other games with that i know aren't annoying trolling children even if they aren't the greatest LoL players. much rather lose with them then win with a bunch of annoying trolls.

so far after a week and a half and 16 level's the only complaints i have with the game is some of the items that can be stacked like the deathcap.. the other night had 2 death caps on my character.. became a 1 shot Q killer. didn't even need to use my ulti. other then that some of the end game champs need to be nurfed.. yi, xin, and tyrnes are retardedly OP even if they don't get fed and there is nothing that can stop them once they hit level 16.
Deathcaps (passive) do not stack.

Pretty much no passives hardly stack in the game, if you see an item that says "Unique passive" that means that it will not stack.

The best way to "stack" ap is with Archangels staffs, they are one of hte few ap items that stack with their Mana>ap conversion passive (their 1000+ mana doesn't stack though, just the mana>ap %, so if you buy one it's 3% of your mana, you buy two, it's 6% and so on).

Stacking deathcaps are only useful if you want more AP (highest ap item in the game) and have a champion that doesn't use mana (IE vlad).

However I would never just "stack" deathcaps, you're better off getting say, Void Staff if they stack heavy MR (Banshee's/Force of nature) and for some champions a Rylai's can be invaluable (rumble).
I think I finally hit my breaking point with this game. So many damn trolls in ranked solo queue.

I am just going to stick to normals with friends and try DOTA 2 when it comes out I think.

I hear you there, I play mostly with friends, but I still do the occassional solo queue. I don't usually play ranked solo though.

Unfortunately from what I hear about DOTA 2 from some friends that have played the beta and from previews, it is pretty much exactly the same as DOTA. I will probably still end up playing it with my friends that currently will only play DOTA, but I don't think it is going to offer much new to the format. At least LOL has offered a number of new things and is F2P.
does Ahri get banned in high ranked games? I finally figured out how to play her well, and holy crap--i never ever ever die.
not sure, but she can be countered by some heroes quite well, Malz is a great anti-ahri mid (when she ults near you to do her combo, bam ult her/ignite/e, she's dead), ww, garen, etc.

Anytime the other team gets an ahri I roll malz mid, works everytime.
I don't think Ahri gets banned high, at least I have not seen it, there isn't really anything she does that is that OP. Proper play and technique against her generally works well.
not sure, but she can be countered by some heroes quite well, Malz is a great anti-ahri mid (when she ults near you to do her combo, bam ult her/ignite/e, she's dead), ww, garen, etc.

Anytime the other team gets an ahri I roll malz mid, works everytime.

Yep, your only hope is quicksilver sash.
I have been using Big Daddy Nautalis since release and I really like him and with Firoa coming out yesterday I picked her up as well, she is very fun and I am liking what I seen with her she has some high burst damage .
I have been using Big Daddy Nautalis since release and I really like him and with Firoa coming out yesterday I picked her up as well, she is very fun and I am liking what I seen with her she has some high burst damage .

i know there's only so many things you can do, but for a long while now they're just recycling old moves. Fiona's ult is Yii's alpha strike. Nautalis' q is Blitz' q with a twist. Volibear has mundo's ult as a passive with a modified Singed fling.

I wish this lack of creativity would tell them it's time to stop creating new characters.

What i'd like to see more is more versions of maps, or more maps.

It'd be cool to see 6v6 on the Twisted Treeline. It'd be fun to play a 1000 point dominion match. a 3v3 Dominion could also be cool, or perhaps a 2v2 map? You can say this would mess up balance, but really--how much worse could the balance get?
i know there's only so many things you can do, but for a long while now they're just recycling old moves. Fiona's ult is Yii's alpha strike. Nautalis' q is Blitz' q with a twist. Volibear has mundo's ult as a passive with a modified Singed fling.

I wish this lack of creativity would tell them it's time to stop creating new characters.

What i'd like to see more is more versions of maps, or more maps.

It'd be cool to see 6v6 on the Twisted Treeline. It'd be fun to play a 1000 point dominion match. a 3v3 Dominion could also be cool, or perhaps a 2v2 map? You can say this would mess up balance, but really--how much worse could the balance get?

They won't ever stop creating champions. This is how they make a large portion of money in a "free game".

I started playing in 2009 and I don't like the majority of changes they made last year but I still find myself playing over and over. Name is same in-game.
I never thought of Malz as an Ahri counter. Completely blew right past me. I'll try it out.

Only a match or two after this was discussed here, i fought one on Summoner's Rift. I was ulted once, maybe, then died. Got the Quicksilver sash thanks to a poster here, and that was the end of that!
I guess I need to look up more tutorials on this game. I did the first two ingame tutorials. out of the 10 3v3 games I've played I think i've only won 1. I'm not sure which weapons/items to spend gold on. if I should save my gold for the expensive items, or keep getting cheap things. I'm pretty lost, unless winning 1 out of 10 games in normal, lol.
3v3s are strange games and I don't recommend using them to learn -- either go 5v5 or Dominion. Yes, look at some tutorials, but mostly play a lot of "beginner" level games co-op vs. ai and look at the suggested build for each champion in the store. There can be a major learning curve early on, and I still forget basics of what to build, so no worries.
3v3s are strange games and I don't recommend using them to learn -- either go 5v5 or Dominion. Yes, look at some tutorials, but mostly play a lot of "beginner" level games co-op vs. ai and look at the suggested build for each champion in the store. There can be a major learning curve early on, and I still forget basics of what to build, so no worries.

yeah i just played 3v3 for the first time.. problem with 3v3 is not enough people play them. one of our games all 3 of us(same party level 18-20-21) went up against a level 6 level 30 and level 3.. of course we massacred them in under 15 minutes. but i have to say its pretty interesting since it requires a totally different thinking of playing. the one nice thing is there is a lot of ganking and that is something i'm really good at doing.

in my opinion while co-op vs AI is good for testing builds i don't think its really that good of a way to learn how to play. the AI while probably the best AI i've ever seen just isn't all that good and is very very predictable after 2-3 rounds.

oh and if you want some basic idea's or build guides check out http://www.mobafire.com/ it has helped me a lot with my builds. not all of them you have to follow exactly but they are a very good starting point to figure out what works best for you.

btw they need to nurf the shit out of fiora's ulti.. holy crap she makes Yi look under powered.

i know there's only so many things you can do, but for a long while now they're just recycling old moves. Fiona's ult is Yii's alpha strike. Nautalis' q is Blitz' q with a twist. Volibear has mundo's ult as a passive with a modified Singed fling.

I wish this lack of creativity would tell them it's time to stop creating new characters.

What i'd like to see more is more versions of maps, or more maps.

It'd be cool to see 6v6 on the Twisted Treeline. It'd be fun to play a 1000 point dominion match. a 3v3 Dominion could also be cool, or perhaps a 2v2 map? You can say this would mess up balance, but really--how much worse could the balance get?

i have to agree with this completely.. while i understand the whole recycling of AP attacks. i agree the maps need to change. and actually 2v2 could work if you shortened the respawn timer multiplier. have 1 lane with 7 towers.. 2 guarding each nexus and no inhibitors or super minions to make it even more of a challange. 3 in the lane with the center turret being neutral that attacks both teams. have jungle area's on each side to allow for ganks and back door attacks. in my opinion that would be a fun ass map to see. as far as the 6v6 or 1000 point dominion.. even if they didn't add it into the main pvp game option it should be allowed in custom games. another thing i think they need to add is a 1v1 arena match in custom (unless that option is already there, i've never played a custom game).
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You can 1v1 in Custom games, you just don't get any IP or XP for it.

Actually, my buddy was 2 IP short of 6300, so we joined a 1v1 on the twisted treeline. I fed him one kill then afk'd, he won at around the 6:00 mark. He was awarded 10 IP, and I was awarded 6.
I'm (finally) nearing level 30 and had nobody I know online and decided to try solo queue.... Whoa.. those were some really horrible, horrible games to live through... This typical at this level?
I'm (finally) nearing level 30 and had nobody I know online and decided to try solo queue.... Whoa.. those were some really horrible, horrible games to live through... This typical at this level?

Sorry to break it to you, but this game is balanced such that you can only win ~ half of your games due to how many champions there are and how rock-paper-scissors their balance is.

I can't figure out the retarded counter metagame for the life of me. And without a vast understanding of who counters who, you're doomed to lose a lot of retarded, up-hill battles because of imbalance.

edit: it doesn't help that they took away draft 3's mode either :( Blind Q, shit just forget about it.

edit: as much as i hate this game, i keep coming back for more!
Yeah I been playing again.

All's I can say is


Yep playing annie hardcore. Who you guys playing these days? I have like 17k ip and there's no champ I want. Whens Fiora getting nerfed btw. She seems insanely op.
She isn't op, the entire concept for her character is glass cannon, super high-risk. If she didn't have a lot damage what's the point of picking her?

She has ZERO cc, can't lock anyone down, if you have ghost/flash you can usually get away from her.

On the outside, this leads to one of her main items (after her main dmg item) being a frozen mallet for that reason.

However, like YI she suffers from extremely auto-attack focus, this means Thronmail>.

Give me garen with Atmogs/Thronmail, and I'l give you a dead fiora.

As far as other champions go, what do you like to do?
Been having a ball with Lux & Jarvin duo.

We were mowing them down big time, those 2 were made to be played together.

Getting positive feedback on Lulu, gonna have to try her.

Btw, Fiona is ok, but can get owned by quite a few champions. I thought she was op, but not anymore...
^^ leave it up to riot to only make certain characters good against fiora. somehow, i never seem to pick those ones.
That's how things work? Some characters counter others, etc.

For example, Malz> Ahri, Garen > melee , ram counter melee/range ad. Ipt's just how certain things work. It doesn't mean they always counter, it depends on the player/items.

Good counters for Fiora are WW, Garen, Rumble (basically top laners that don't rely on auto-attacks).
I like to play Lux, Fiddle, Hiemer to name a few, and can't say Fiona bothers me much.

Edit: also saw Twitch be able to own Fiona a few times. Never played him, so no idea how.
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I like to play Lux, Fiddle, Hiemer to name a few, and can't say Fiona bothers me much.

Edit: also saw Twitch be able to own Fiona a few times. Never played him, so no idea how.

Every single game I have played that has a Fiora on my team has been an abysmal loss. I have yet to see anyone play well with her. I suppose it is a good thing I have stopped playing this game except for maybe a game or two a week. Sometime less.

I gotta say playing less does wonders for my stress levels :D
Every single game I have played that has a Fiora on my team has been an abysmal loss. I have yet to see anyone play well with her. I suppose it is a good thing I have stopped playing this game except for maybe a game or two a week. Sometime less.

I gotta say playing less does wonders for my stress levels :D

lol fiora's easy as hell to play.. honestly i find her to be the most boring champ in the game.

basically any champ with CC can counter Fiora but her primary counter champ is aralia(sp?) due to the fact that fiora has absolutely no escape. but in a team fight fiora will win 9 times out of 10, all you have to do is hold the top lane long enough to force the opposing team into a middle lane team fight.

Yep playing annie hardcore. Who you guys playing these days? I have like 17k ip and there's no champ I want. Whens Fiora getting nerfed btw. She seems insanely op.

graves is my primary but i like Zigg's and ashe as well.