League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

My god.. some of my teammates..

Just played a game as Sona. Ezreal dove the hostile Vayne under their turret at level 3... And then blamed me for him dying. After that, he proceeded to last hit creeps while sitting in the bush, and got wall-stuck 3 times in a row leading to his death every time. The entire time raging at me for not helping him kill Vayne.

On the opposite side, I've taken to playing Lux lately, and well, I noticed a pattern where I keep waiting for the tank, or anybody, to initiate group fights while I buff them, setup AOE spells...etc, but surprising how often people just walk around lost.
The new champion is so much fun (nautlus). He plays similar to blitz, grab someone (but it pulls you to them half way), he makes a great bot sup or a top bruiser.

So far I am finding the best luck building him tanky ap, like ou would say cho, Roa/Rylai's/tank items.

Has a lot of great disrupts, and the model/animations are just awesome in of itself.
Yeah, he's usually banned though. However when i playe dhim he's a beast.

his taunt not only gives back energy if you hit enemies with it, but also they all do 50% dmg to you on top of it. As well during laning/late game, his Q now scales the healing so it's not useless later on.
Im still playing alot of Miss Fortune and finding her to be one of the better ranged characters.

Loaded her up with Ninja Tabi (if facing AD), 2 tiamats, 1 phantom dancer and other two items just depend, usually a tear of goddess for mana build, and I just tear up, last game went 7-0-9, team was all regulars, no premade.
Yea AP shen works now!!! =D

Magic Pen Boots, Haunting Guise, and Rjais = some friggin nuke!

but i never seem to have time for the lich bane :(
i still think ziggs is a beast.. hes very squishy but the damage output makes up for it and he levels up insanely fast and has great range damage for the start.

though the one unit i've seen so far that is asininely over powered is akali.. first time i had seen some one use that character and i swear to god i'll quit any game i'm in if i see that stupid champ again.. insanely over powered tank. i mean hell the person using it in the game was able to walk through 4 turrets all the way into our spawn kill 2 afk people and walk out without the base defenses even making a dent in its health.. then later on all 5 of us ulti striked akali and did 0 damage while it was just sitting still then it used its ulti to wipe all 5 of us out instantly. most bullcrap thing i've ever seen.

even volibear which is a great tank and is very strong at level 18 is survivable because you can run from him.. akali you can't do shit since it basically has infinite teleporting after level 15.
Sounds like momentum was severely tipped in their favor, which in that case--there aint shit you can do but lose.
Akali is easy to handle in higher level games. Just shut her down early, her farming is meh if she can't zone you out. Counter pick someone with a hard stun/bind (ryze, sion, morgana,etc) and just light her up top lane.
i still think ziggs is a beast.. hes very squishy but the damage output makes up for it and he levels up insanely fast and has great range damage for the start.

though the one unit i've seen so far that is asininely over powered is akali.. first time i had seen some one use that character and i swear to god i'll quit any game i'm in if i see that stupid champ again.. insanely over powered tank. i mean hell the person using it in the game was able to walk through 4 turrets all the way into our spawn kill 2 afk people and walk out without the base defenses even making a dent in its health.. then later on all 5 of us ulti striked akali and did 0 damage while it was just sitting still then it used its ulti to wipe all 5 of us out instantly. most bullcrap thing i've ever seen.

even volibear which is a great tank and is very strong at level 18 is survivable because you can run from him.. akali you can't do shit since it basically has infinite teleporting after level 15.

Wtf.....Akali isnt a tank, most people usually build Rylai's and Gunlade on her then go from there, but she's not super tanky and usually relies on her lifesteal/spellvamp and passives to kill people and not actual tanky'iness.

What did she build? Befcause diving people in base under two turrets, shoulda been a dead akali.

Akali used to be soooooo much more. When you could stack gunblades, I'd get two of them + soulstealer and it was hilarious, you could fight 3 vs 1 and win with her amazing lifesteal/vamp combo and the gunblades stacking.
Anyone found a list or could write up one which defines which picks counter certain champions?

It'd sure be handy to know. The only ones i know for certain are that Vayne/Kog type health eaters own tanks who stack hp, that poppy can be an effective counter for Singed, and that Skarnar owns Shen.

I'd really like to expand on this knowledge because i swear i lose most games to getting imbalanced matchups to the point where it's just not even a fair fight.
Wtf.....Akali isnt a tank, most people usually build Rylai's and Gunlade on her then go from there, but she's not super tanky and usually relies on her lifesteal/spellvamp and passives to kill people and not actual tanky'iness.

What did she build? Befcause diving people in base under two turrets, shoulda been a dead akali.

Akali used to be soooooo much more. When you could stack gunblades, I'd get two of them + soulstealer and it was hilarious, you could fight 3 vs 1 and win with her amazing lifesteal/vamp combo and the gunblades stacking.

i have no idea what the end build was, i was to pissed off to look at the stats page after the game, all i remember from it is the person went 42-2-1 while the rest of that team combined only had 5 kills.
i have no idea what the end build was, i was to pissed off to look at the stats page after the game, all i remember from it is the person went 42-2-1 while the rest of that team combined only had 5 kills.

If he went 42-2 then your team is terrible and he's smurfing a new account for a high ELO player. ;)

Just stick with it, get to level 30, and play ranked. That way you'll be matched with people at your level skill-wise.
You got smurfed.

oh i know it was a smurf account, 90% of low level people are smurfs and its effing annoying..

If he went 42-2 then your team is terrible and he's smurfing a new account for a high ELO player. ;)

Just stick with it, get to level 30, and play ranked. That way you'll be matched with people at your level skill-wise.

actually our team was doing good, it was just akali we couldn't kill. everyone on my team was double digit kills. but once akali would rush in we would all be one hit killed, even volibear which had 4000+ hp.

usually i mow over people in the game though, its only been a couple games where i've been completely owned by another player. just wish i had graves damnit, i could actually carry my team with him when they had him available for free last week.. can't really do that with ziggs since hes more of a support fighter. but most of the time i'm playing against level 25-28 players since i play with my roommate who's primary character is level 30. harder but much better practice in my opinion.
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Anyone found a list or could write up one which defines which picks counter certain champions?

It'd sure be handy to know. The only ones i know for certain are that Vayne/Kog type health eaters own tanks who stack hp, that poppy can be an effective counter for Singed, and that Skarnar owns Shen.

I'd really like to expand on this knowledge because i swear i lose most games to getting imbalanced matchups to the point where it's just not even a fair fight.

Picks to dominate games with.

Kennen-all around good against any team that doesn't have janna or alistar. Buy wota early and farm mid lane because no one can touch you with sustain. Practically ungankable.

Ahri-Wota early, same thing as kennen, tons of aoe damage virtually ungankable.

Cassiopeia-tons of damage, highest damage out put of any AP carry in the game by far. Awesome ult.

Vlad- High damage, low cooldowns, high sustain and impossible to gank.

GP- Still probably the best all around bruiser in the game.

Corki-true damage, long range, high burst, and very difficult to gank.

Morde- buy 13 health pots, FARM EVERYTHING. Pick against top lanes with no burst.

League of legends? Yep still broken. Mobility wins every lane.
Garen > Morde
Rumble/Voli > Vlad
Teemo > Corki
GP > Ken

Those are some of what counters what from the last post.

To me, Morg is still the strongest ban next to the new shen.
actually our team was doing good, it was just akali we couldn't kill. everyone on my team was double digit kills. but once akali would rush in we would all be one hit killed, even volibear which had 4000+ hp.

usually i mow over people in the game though, its only been a couple games where i've been completely owned by another player. just wish i had graves damnit, i could actually carry my team with him when they had him available for free last week.. can't really do that with ziggs since hes more of a support fighter. but most of the time i'm playing against level 25-28 players since i play with my roommate who's primary character is level 30. harder but much better practice in my opinion.

When I get my machine back up (hopefully Friday / this weekend) I'll try and get some games in with you if you're around. I'm not great but generally not a liability. I have a ton of champs I need to get better with and I'm a little out of practice. Should be interesting.
Garen > Morde
Rumble/Voli > Vlad
Teemo > Corki
GP > Ken

Those are some of what counters what from the last post.

To me, Morg is still the strongest ban next to the new shen.

If your loosing your lane to morg, yourdoinitwrong. 3 easy counters inc, urgot, gp, irelia. 3 more, Galio, Sion, karthus. MOAR. Any ad range. Pro tip: dodge her q and you win.


you've obviously missed the point of the post above so commenting on ur counters be pointless yo.
It is impossible to force morg out of lane. At best the lane turns into a farm fest, until she lands 1 binding then kills you. She is not OP. Just a very strong laner and her ult wins teamfights late game regardless if she is farmed or not.
When I get my machine back up (hopefully Friday / this weekend) I'll try and get some games in with you if you're around. I'm not great but generally not a liability. I have a ton of champs I need to get better with and I'm a little out of practice. Should be interesting.

cool, yeah i'm usually on really late at night, need to fix my very screwed up sleeping schedule. i'm mostly playing with ziggs right now as support bouncing between the top and middle lanes.. his ulti friggin owns though with its range.. wiped out an entire team about an hour ago because they tried to gang rape master yi.

i haven't bought any characters yet but i'm more then likely buying zigg's with IP points. only need 400 more points.

It is impossible to force morg out of lane. At best the lane turns into a farm fest, until she lands 1 binding then kills you. She is not OP. Just a very strong laner and her ult wins teamfights late game regardless if she is farmed or not.

easiest way i've found to kill morg is having volibear and another tank with zigg's supporting.. the whole idea is to keep morg from moving, so volibear launch's her in the air, then the next guy then use zigg's charge to launch her while his ulti lands on her head.. so far its worked 90% of the time for me. secondary option is throw mines behind morg, have master yi run in and drop zigg's ulti on her head while master yi is destroying her..
Yea zigg's ult really needs a nerf. I don't know the exact numbers, but it looks like it does as much damage as brand's ult, at an absurd range, and without the need to get lucky bounces.
The range means it takes longer to get there, and people can get out of it with a flash. It's basically a skillshot ult, so it either has to do a lot of dmg to be viable.

In terms of DMG, I'd still take brands ult in a good team fight over ziggs ult You can't dodge or flash brands ult if he casts it on you, unless you're sivir.
I understand that argument, but there is barely any delay at all, especially with how big the radius is.
I do not like nerfs, but Zigg does seem out of balance to me so far.

I've only played a few times with & against him, but so far he out ranges everyone I've seen and eats Lux for lunch.

Who can go against his weaknesses?
I do not like nerfs, but Zigg does seem out of balance to me so far.

I've only played a few times with & against him, but so far he out ranges everyone I've seen and eats Lux for lunch.

Who can go against his weaknesses?

not true, i just got raped hardcore by Lux.. ziggs is strong, but he is by far the squishiest champ on the field and hes slow as heck, even though there are tricks to speed him up slightly. the one thing he does have is DPS. hes strong as heck as a support unit but can't solo to save his own life. if you know how to use him right he can control the entire battlefield or you can get completely destroyed by everything because you failed to farm early on. with ziggs its key to get to level 6 before anyone else. the one thing i did notice with ziggs though is he seems to take a bit longer then all the other champs to recover from stun's/slow down attacks. but it could just be due to his weird running animation and already slow speed.

I understand that argument, but there is barely any delay at all, especially with how big the radius is.

i don't have any problems dodging it.. usually i see the shadow long before the shot and am already well outside the circle when it hits.. the whole point is to never stand still, and the damage output decreases the further you are from where it lands. trust me, play ziggs a few times using his ulti and you start to notice the dumb mistakes people make(including yourself) when you are running or standing in a lane.. i've learned from my own shots to make sure there's a fair bit of distance between me and any teammate in the same lane when some one is playing ziggs on the opposing team.
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i don't have any problems dodging it.. usually i see the shadow long before the shot and am already well outside the circle when it hits.. the whole point is to never stand still, and the damage output decreases the further you are from where it lands. trust me, play ziggs a few times using his ulti and you start to notice the dumb mistakes people make(including yourself) when you are running or standing in a lane.. i've learned from my own shots to make sure there's a fair bit of distance between me and any teammate in the same lane when some one is playing ziggs on the opposing team.

true, i haven't played him and need to. Maybe his ult is a longer cast than i think, but if he centers it on the nuke target, my experiences is that there's 0 chance of escaping the nuke because it's there .5 seconds later.
I understand that argument, but there is barely any delay at all, especially with how big the radius is.

The delay increases the further away you throw it. So up close it's quick.

At max distance it's very noticeable and feels like a panth ult (in terms of trying to aim it and how much time it takes)
The delay increases the further away you throw it. So up close it's quick.

At max distance it's very noticeable and feels like a panth ult (in terms of trying to aim it and how much time it takes)

even point blank it takes almost 2 seconds before it hits the ground because it goes straight up and straight down..
What do you build on him?

I haven't played him in forever, back when he was not ap based like now, when you'd roll him pure tank a la rammus.

Now it seems like Rylai's is a great item on him and roa, then going tanky items like thornmail /fon.
i think i found my new favorite champ.. caitlyn.. her range is retarded then add life steal to that and shes almost unkillable end game as long as there are minions and idiots champs to shoot at. not to mention her cool down times are short as heck for her ulti. 4th time i've used her i went 6-2-1, 8-3-5, 11-0-11, 6-0-19. only down side she has is mana.. if you go for pure damage you suffer from having no mana after 15 seconds.. going to see if i can work on my setup to fix the mana issue and lose as little attack damage as possible.
Trist > all other range ad's out there, simply because of her q.

Cait is fun though, but a good team will block your sniepr shoots most of the time.

For mana regen on champs like her, I'd rely more on runes rather then items, if you absolutely need an item for mana regen, chalice (for the added MR).
Trist > all other range ad's out there, simply because of her q.

Cait is fun though, but a good team will block your sniepr shoots most of the time.

For mana regen on champs like her, I'd rely more on runes rather then items, if you absolutely need an item for mana regen, chalice (for the added MR).

I wouldnt say Trist is better than all AD carries, her steroid is extremely powerful though like you mentioned but she probably fits somewhere with other top AD carries like Graves/Sivir.

The differences between the 3 are extremely negligible, and will come down more to player skill at the end of the day as well as the skill of each player's support.

Cait is still a solid pick, but I would say in terms of AD carries are below the other 3 above.
I'd never want Sivir as a carry... she used to be amazing, so weak now. Unless there's been a big change recently?