Join the Alliance -- the Socket 939 Alliance!

Yea hunter, update my pic to this baddie if you get a chance...
WOW! I let this go awhile without posting! :eek: I'm a loser, i guess. I updated the OP with new members, and |(illa's pic......
Hey, I noticed in your OP, you list all of the standard socket 939 Athlon processors, but, none of the Opterons. Ok, not exactly a big deal -- especially considering that the s939 Opteron is basically just a carefully picked Athlon, but, seems like they should be included and that anyone with a s939 Opteron should be included if you haven't already been including them. In the future, they'll probably end up being the ones that give s939 the good name when everyone else has socket F or whatever M2 will be called (I hear a reviewer -- I think German -- already received a demo system, so it won't be long now.) Since some of those babies go up to 3.2GHz on water, they will be kind of like those Athlon XP mobiles that ran 2.5GHz+ and kept Athlon XP alive so long when everyone called them CPU limiting (I still remember getting the FEAR demo to play surprisingly smoothly on my old 2600+ @ 2.5 with an unlocked 6800nu. AXP actually still isn't quite dead yet.)
Nazo said:
Hey, I noticed in your OP, you list all of the standard socket 939 Athlon processors, but, none of the Opterons. Ok, not exactly a big deal -- especially considering that the s939 Opteron is basically just a carefully picked Athlon, but, seems like they should be included and that anyone with a s939 Opteron should be included if you haven't already been including them. In the future, they'll probably end up being the ones that give s939 the good name when everyone else has socket F or whatever M2 will be called (I hear a reviewer -- I think German -- already received a demo system, so it won't be long now.) Since some of those babies go up to 3.2GHz on water, they will be kind of like those Athlon XP mobiles that ran 2.5GHz+ and kept Athlon XP alive so long when everyone called them CPU limiting (I still remember getting the FEAR demo to play surprisingly smoothly on my old 2600+ @ 2.5 with an unlocked 6800nu. AXP actually still isn't quite dead yet.)

Problem is, I know NOTHING about opty's. if someone want's to provide a bunch of links like I did in the OP, just PM me or post here. And, yall last ones are in.
Nazo said:
Hey, I noticed in your OP, you list all of the standard socket 939 Athlon processors, but, none of the Opterons. Ok, not exactly a big deal -- especially considering that the s939 Opteron is basically just a carefully picked Athlon, but, seems like they should be included and that anyone with a s939 Opteron should be included if you haven't already been including them. In the future, they'll probably end up being the ones that give s939 the good name when everyone else has socket F or whatever M2 will be called (I hear a reviewer -- I think German -- already received a demo system, so it won't be long now.) Since some of those babies go up to 3.2GHz on water, they will be kind of like those Athlon XP mobiles that ran 2.5GHz+ and kept Athlon XP alive so long when everyone called them CPU limiting (I still remember getting the FEAR demo to play surprisingly smoothly on my old 2600+ @ 2.5 with an unlocked 6800nu. AXP actually still isn't quite dead yet.)

long live the xp mobiles!! i can run all the games fine including fear and quake4!! sadly though;) im updating to a opteron 165:cool: so i will soon become a member of this glorious club :D
just got my Opteron 170, and currently its running stable at 2.55GHz. itll run MemTest stable at 2.7GHz, but wont boot.

36C idle, and it was briefly at 47C under load, but went back down to 46C.
TSS Modder said:
just got my Opteron 170, and currently its running stable at 2.55GHz. itll run MemTest stable at 2.7GHz, but wont boot.

36C idle, and it was briefly at 47C under load, but went back down to 46C.
Sounds like you got the same kind of transistors I did (after all, S939 Opteron is more or less just a San Diego, albiet hand-picked.) Runs really cool (though mine maxes in Prime95 where yours idles) but maxes out somewhere between 2.5 and 2.6GHz (2.6 is Prime95 unstable and so far I've tested up to 2.52 where it gets my memory exactly right, and is 100% prime95 stable.) I can boot up to some pretty high speeds too (I think I once even got into windows at 2.7 and it actually acted stable, but, I consider it unstable if Prime95 finds any errors.)

Still, at 2.5GHz, just about any AMD cpu is good. Heck, Athlon XP is pretty good at that. I swear I feel like certain types of tasks actually run no better on this San Diego than they did on the AXP, but, I love the way certain other things benefit from the 1MiB L2. Mind you, if I got the high end (er, 170 is the high end, right?) I'd be annoyed to find I couldn't oc more. Actually, I was annoyed as it was even though I got the "low end" (at least for the 1MiB chips.) I can't complain when I can set 2.5GHz and my CPU running in Prime95 maxes for a split second at a time at a temperature that most people would be glad to see theirs idle at (I overdid the cooling since I wanted temperature to not be a limiting factor at ocing.)
im extremely happy w/ this new rig. 2GB of G.Skill RAM running at 255MHz w/ a CPU at 2550MHz w/ 1MB cache per core. im in love... :D

idk, maybe after a good burnin period ill be able to knock it up a few more MHz... once i get some better active coolin on the RAM ill take it even higher. maybe ill be able to hit 2.6GHz? :eek:
You can always underclock the memory when you want to find out your limitations.
ive finally got my s939 rig up working with the help of tsue. he sent me a PCI graphics card, cause my 6600 died on me.

right now priming at 290x9 with 1.525v. :)
wow, why did this thread die :p, as the other guy from canada, I bump thee!
omz said:
3800+ x2 @ 2.6ghz 1.41v
What's your address? I just want to, uh... deliver a big check, yeah... *hides the metallic round and rather hard check behind his back.*

Lol, seriously though, good oc on that X2. I swear I feel so cheated. Practically everyone else with a San Diego or higher gets at least 2.6GHz, and I go unstable around 2.55 or so (never have gotten around to figuring out exactly where, but, it's below 2.6.) If I ever come up with a way to get more voltage to my memory, this is going to hold me back, I just know it. Not that it matters right now anyway.
What? Did people forget that there are Opterons that are 939? Are owners of these processors not allowed? lol
ShepsCrook said:
What? Did people forget that there are Opterons that are 939? Are owners of these processors not allowed? lol

yeah, in about a week ill be a proud new owner of a 165 :cool:
Ya know, I really have no idea :cool: lol Didn't want it anywhere on the outside of the case and it was the only spot where it would fit. -shrugs- New psu will be coming in pretty soon ^.^ Thanks for the luck, I'll need it for the money >.>
Oh, and wasn't there a 939 AMD64 3300?
I believe it was not a distributed processor and only came in branded machines.
You mean like this:

Some kind of ubersempron there. 256Kib? Sheesh. You know my old mobile barton @ 200*12.5 (2.5GHz) could outperform a number of semprons at a lot of things. (I called it a 3400+ but it may have been worthy of just a tad more like 3500+ or so.)

EDIT: Found a benchmark: Considering that it also deviates from the naming standard (which for reasons known only to AMD, must have a difference of 200 points rather than 100,) the 3100+ may be like that 3300+?
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:D yeah, I saw the 754 club and figured that there must be a s939 club.

And I was so happy when I found it :p

Anyways, long live the s939. :D

EDIT: :p
DeadlyAura said:
:D yeah, I saw the 754 club and figured that there must be a s939 club.

And I was so happy when I found it :p

Anyways, long live the s939. :D

EDIT: :p
DDR2 is in the horizon now. Very soon S939 will be replaced (I think they call the new one AM2 or something?)

My San Diego isn't going anywhere any time soon though. And when I do finally upgrade, you can bet this thing is going to be my server CPU. Running under 40C almost at all times (encoding around 42C) and perfectly stable at 2.5GHz with such a small voltage increase that it is almost within expected skew? Encoding low-res DVD videos slightly faster than realtime? Yeah, this thing is going to be around a long time.
I'm going to be buying a dual core prcoessor. The AMD 64 X2 4800+
Sticking with S939!

Ohh, i want dual core. :(
939'r for a while to come as I just got my X2 3800+ See Sig and I have good success with it maybe once I see how K8L does ..that maybe my next major upgrade.