Join the Alliance -- the Socket 939 Alliance!

Do you think Socket 939 CPUs will still be sold in 18-24 months (I'm talking brand new, not EBay used)? That's my upgrade strategy to go into dual-core ... assuming Socket 939 CPUs are still available then.
beowulf7 said:
Do you think Socket 939 CPUs will still be sold in 18-24 months (I'm talking brand new, not EBay used)? That's my upgrade strategy to go into dual-core ... assuming Socket 939 CPUs are still available then.
You can still find the rare S754 chip today. Heck, newegg still has one or two desktop bartons (socket A) on sale. Don't you worry about S939 dissapearing in the near future. It's not going anywhere for a while. Especially since DDR2 has only just recently finally started hitting high enough speeds to begin to properly compete with the high performance DDR(1) chips. I'm not 100% sure whether they actually are better or not yet. I do know I wouldn't accept anything less than DDR2-600 to replace my current chips (in fact, if I can swap motherboards in the near future and get an OCZ booster, my chips will outperform DDR2-500 with ease when they go up to DDR500 speeds at low latencies.) Right now the main thing you loose out on besides DDR2 would just be an easier future upgrade, but, we're talking about a future quite a bit away considering that it wasn't until X2 that Socket 754 people were finally beginning to find their limits at.
Nazo said:
You can still find the rare S754 chip today. Heck, newegg still has one or two desktop bartons (socket A) on sale. Don't you worry about S939 dissapearing in the near future. It's not going anywhere for a while. Especially since DDR2 has only just recently finally started hitting high enough speeds to begin to properly compete with the high performance DDR(1) chips. I'm not 100% sure whether they actually are better or not yet. I do know I wouldn't accept anything less than DDR2-600 to replace my current chips (in fact, if I can swap motherboards in the near future and get an OCZ booster, my chips will outperform DDR2-500 with ease when they go up to DDR500 speeds at low latencies.) Right now the main thing you loose out on besides DDR2 would just be an easier future upgrade, but, we're talking about a future quite a bit away considering that it wasn't until X2 that Socket 754 people were finally beginning to find their limits at.
Thanks, you make some good points. I was thinking about the relatively high availability of Socket 754 chips today (at a good price, too), so that does ease my concern. I'm not too concerned about super long-term upgradability ... my plan is to use my current computer for another 4-5 years (I just built it a half year ago) and somewhere in the middle of this timeline, I'd upgrade to dual-core and make some other upgrades as well.

Barton chips are still available?! Wow! :eek:
Unfortunately, I'm afraid I'm going to have to renounce membership in this alliance and move over to the s754 club :(. My opteron has a new home with my brother (and I have the cash in my pocket to prove it :D ).
kirbyrj said:
Unfortunately, I'm afraid I'm going to have to renounce membership in this alliance and move over to the s754 club :(. My opteron has a new home with my brother (and I have the cash in my pocket to prove it :D ).
Whoa, you took a step backwards. :eek: I guess you needed the money. Have fun w/ your old CPU. And maybe you'll jump to AM2 before you know it. :cool:
beowulf7 said:
Whoa, you took a step backwards. :eek: I guess you needed the money. Have fun w/ your old CPU. And maybe you'll jump to AM2 before you know it. :cool:
Since when are the 90nm SOI 3000+ Venice and 3200+ Venice (released this week) "old processors"? Yes, they only have single channel mem. controllers and no dual core upgrade path so that makes the architecture old school, but not the cpu's.
In fact, if he wants to do something a bit unorthodox he could opt for the mobile 4000+ (90nm SOI, 1mb L2 cache, 2.6 ghz stock and up to 3 ghz oc'd on air from what I have been told) on a DFI nForce 4 PCI-e mobo and have one screaming machine.
Socket 754 is still a viable platform - even if most people look down their noses at it.
BigMacAttack said:
Since when are the 90nm SOI 3000+ Venice and 3200+ Venice (released this week) "old processors"? Yes, they only have single channel mem. controllers and no dual core upgrade path so that makes the architecture old school, but not the cpu's.
In fact, if he wants to do something a bit unorthodox he could opt for the mobile 4000+ (90nm SOI, 1mb L2 cache, 2.6 ghz stock and up to 3 ghz oc'd on air from what I have been told) on a DFI nForce 4 PCI-e mobo and have one screaming machine.
Socket 754 is still a viable platform - even if most people look down their noses at it.
I never said Socket 754 is no good or not a viable platform. I'm just stating the fact that Socket 939 is an upgrade from Socket 754. Now whether it's a big upgrade or small upgrade, that is subject to debate. But it is an upgrade and newer platform.
Most definitely, I'll not argue that point. S939 offers many more options (A64, FX, X2). I sure hope AM2 isn't just a patch until something better comes along. If I were building a brand new setup right now it would certainly be s939, even though the EOL for s939 is in Q4 of this year.
What I find really exciting, since I am still on s754, is that some time ago AMD said "no more support for s754". This led us all to believe the s754 was basically dead and buried, but now all kinds of new stuff is being released for it. nForce 4 and TForce chipsets, PCI-e and SLI graphics and the newest tech cpu's in the form of the 3000+, 3200+ and hopefully soon the 3400+ Venice cpu's (it has a tray part # but no retail part # as yet) with 90nm SOI architecture that have breathed new life into a once stagnant platform. Will it ever equal s939? Nah, but for those of us building "budget" systems or who held onto our s754 systems because they do/did everything we need to do its very welcome news. We can upgrade just the cpu and get even better performance - especially in the realm of overclocking.
I hope they do the same kind of thing for S939... I don't know if I could afford to buy a new CPU + a new MB + new memory all at once like... It was my intention to buy a new CPU + some food to live on for my next upgrade instead.
Nazo said:
I hope they do the same kind of thing for S939... I don't know if I could afford to buy a new CPU + a new MB + new memory all at once like... It was my intention to buy a new CPU + some food to live on for my next upgrade instead.
:p I hear ya!
But unfortunately it seems that s939 production will end in Q4 of this year and s754 production will end Q4 of 2007. After that everything will move over to the newer sockets(s).
Am I misunderstanding something? Socket754 gets longer support than Socket939? It doesn't make sense. Everyone knows you have to support the newer thing for at least as long as the older thing because it has all the people who most recently switched and can least afford another switch. Right? Factor in the fact that Socket939 didn't exist until more recently, and the fact that 754 continues into 2007 means it doesn't just enjoy more support, but, CONSIDERABLY more support... (Eg, S939 even given the same number of days of support that 754 got from it's creation would mean that S939 would still be supported after 754 is truly ended.) The implication is almost that those with less money should be expected to DOWNGRADE instead of upgrade... Even if you can afford to go AM2, you will probably have to get a weaker processor and slower memory with the same amount of money you may have previously planned on spending for a S939 upgrade where you only had to buy a new cpu... I'd like to add that AMD only gets money when you buy their processor, so it's in their best interest to keep people buying those FX-60s and other highly overpriced chips. They don't make a single red cent whether we buy el-cheap brand PC-3200 DDR2 or OCZ SuperSpeed (made up) PC-6000 (probably made up.) For that matter, I doubt they get anything really from the motherboard, though I suppose some things like the HyperTransport maybe gets them a few pennies here and there for licensing royalties, but, either way, they can't expect much from AM2 (let's say NF5) versus NF4/3, now can they? Even if they have some new licensable thing, perhaps to do with the new interface or something, they still can't make enough on the new AM2 motherboards to offset what they could be loosing when people stop buying FX-60s and instead buy AM2 3000+ chips....

All I can say is I hope there's a mistake somewhere or they are just saying that to scare us into an upgrade but will continue to support 939 long after like they have done with 754...
Yes - AMD's road map is that s939 will come to its EOL (end of life) in Q4 of this year (2006), while s754 is slated for EOL in Q4 of 2007. I can't figure that one out either, but that's the plan from what I understand. Go figure.
I just ordered an opteron 170! Coming this week

I think 754 will last longer due to laptops. semprons + turions.
HDbox young jedi, neva f345 teh oc force is coming for jo0...*eval laugh here*you cannot resist the dark side my son.
Can we please keep this from degenerating into a bunch of pseudoenglish "leet" sentences?
sudoenglish... wouldnt that be close to the entire AmericanEnglish Language??
since it has barley anything orignal but borrows from every language I could prob think of??

or just because some rejects who were not even around when numbers were used in place to bypass filters during the early 80s?
Yeah, well anyway this got started because I said I was moving from s939 to s754 because I want to have a decent computer AND have a motorcycle at the same time :D.
Haha, why not sell the motorcycle and get a REALLY good computer? :p

I just got in my Opty 146 today. It's a 939, so I will join the club :D Do I really have to get a pic? I haven't even ordered my sff case yet... (I'm poor right now)
lordurza said:
sudoenglish... wouldnt that be close to the entire AmericanEnglish Language??
since it has barley anything orignal but borrows from every language I could prob think of??

or just because some rejects who were not even around when numbers were used in place to bypass filters during the early 80s?
As opposed to all the other languages out there which borrow absolutely nothing from any other language whatsoever... You know. All two of them. No, let's not get into this, I was around during the 80s, and I never felt a need to use "leetspeak" to try to get cursing and such through filtering. I harbor no feelings that English is the greatest language since, well, language, but, it really isn't so much worse than any other (quite a number of which have the same basic origins as English and just as many bad habits of borrowing things.) I still see no need to degenerate into discussions in a pseudolanguage most suitable to human communication across calculators when we all have perfectly good keyboards capable of entering perfectly ordinary latin-based letters and surely anyone who would hang out in a place like this should have enough brains to form those letters into real words.

kirbyrj said:
Yeah, well anyway this got started because I said I was moving from s939 to s754 because I want to have a decent computer AND have a motorcycle at the same time :D.
You are a traiter and must be ostracized from our society you evil evil man. Just for going to 754, I'm not giving you any ice cream (actually, I don't have any ice cream to give to anyone, but, that's not the point.)

Actually, I can't say I blame you. There are times I wish I have my old mobile Barton which ran at 2.5GHz (maybe more with better cooling and a motherboard that recognized the processor so provided more multipliers. Maybe people got those things up to 2.7 with really good air cooling. 2.8 on water.) 754 has basically the same benefits as 939 right now sans dual core, and those mobile chips can still do some pretty nice things, though I think the 3GHz oc is pretty rare. Apparently though, you're more likely to be able to get a newer better processor for that older system in the near future than the rest of us 939ers.

I'm still upset though. 939 has a longer usefulness path in the desktop world. And new laptops should be using 939 not 754 shouldn't they? After all, the question isn't old systems, but, new ones. You only rarely need a new processor for an old laptop. Occasionally I'm sure, but, it seems to me that you'll need a lot less 754 chips for laptops than you'll need 939 chips for desktops. IMO they just figure that since desktop users can upgrade more easily they'll just go ahead and force us to upgrade as well as they can by cutting off our easy upgrade curve... AMD is probably better than Intel, but, I wouldn't put such lowlife marketing tactics against any large company.
ouch my feelings are hurt "l337sp34k" =) feel the need to further waist your time explaining??

take a joke and turn into a serious discussion showing how you lack the brain to know that hey... he is joking and not being serious about using numbers as letters... explain some more brings my posts up =)

ill leave out some more periods and comments maybe mispell a few words in the future for a discussion on using spell check k
AMD[H]unter said:

Hey [H]unter, you need to list all of the Opty chips too, and have the Opty logo in the banner. Just to get that "we are the world" feelin' going for all us Opteron-ical types.


No pics of my rig yet cuz it's not finished. Guess I'm stuck in Mr. Peabody's Wayback Machine in the "Socket A Club" for the time bee-yin. :eek:
I was just about to ask about where the Opty's at as I plan to get a 165 this week... :p
LOL... better than slot A. :p ok, being that I am going to skip AM2 I guess I should join the s939 alliance. what do you need? blood or stool sample? biometric scan? written concent?? ;)
I thought this had died. Wow. I was behind. Anyway, I need someon to throw together a list of Opty's that I can put in the OP, because I don't know enough about them to do it. Anyone up the the task?
DangerIsGo said:
Stupid question, is there a Slot 1 Alliance? :p
You've got one too eh? Honestly though, I think it's just you and me and a few others. I think all the big alliances would look down on us. Plus, I will go traiter the moment I upgrade and can put this San Diego in that case.
Dont't worry guys, I too have 2 slot 1 PC's running for folding purposes in addition to my s939. You aren't alone. :p
LOL - I have one also.. a dual cpu slot 1 mobo (Tyan) with two PIII 650s... collecting dust atm.. I should sell it or somthin. meeeeeeemories. ;)
revenant said:
LOL - I have one also.. a dual cpu slot 1 mobo (Tyan) with two PIII 650s... collecting dust atm.. I should sell it or somthin. meeeeeeemories. ;)
HTPC and/or server (I didn't put a link for the server because I just want you to mentally insert a link to your favorite linux distro and imagine yourself disabling xdm.)

Or sell it to me for $5 (hey, I'm broke.) I wouldn't mind going from a dual 500 to a dual 650. ^_^

You know, technically I get two chairs in the slot 1 alliance, but, I guess we all do. Lol, maybe we can look like there's a lot more in it than there is by all the chairs used. It wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that most of the people who still have slot 1 systems running have SMP systems.
heh... it's running an older distro of FC2... well, when it's on. :) My power bills are already pretty high without a 3rd machine on 24/7.. and I admin 100s of linux machines at work, so I get my fill there. :p
Nazo said:
You've got one too eh? Honestly though, I think it's just you and me and a few others. I think all the big alliances would look down on us. Plus, I will go traiter the moment I upgrade and can put this San Diego in that case.

Well, since my main comp is at school, and so is my server comp, i need one when I go home. So i took some scrap comp parts from around the house (athlon slot t and about 192MB of SDRAM) and made a hardcore diesel comp. It also includes a 6GB HDD, a TNT2 gfx card to play doom 3 at max settings, and a sound blaster live sound card for spectacular 3d surround settings. Dont forget the generic 10/100 lan card so theres absolutely NO lag in gaming!