Join the Alliance -- the Socket 939 Alliance!

DangerIsGo said:
What if i dont have a g/f? Then it would be your sisters :p j/k

Problem with that is: I don't have sisters. Looks like you'll have to take care of this one on yer own. :D
AMD[H]unter said:
.....Anyway, I need someon to throw together a list of Opty's that I can put in the OP, because I don't know enough about them to do it. Anyone up the the task?

Anyone? I am not the one to do it, trust me. :p
Well, I have a little somthing started here, anyone care to elaborate? (tsuedy?) (eclipse?) :p
I need some kind of list made up of the Opteron processors, if you can do that. Kinda like what I have done in my origional post. If you would, that would be great!
beowulf7 said:
With all due respect, why don't you take it? You seem to be showing the most enthusiasm. ;)

I don't know what I am doing when it comes to Opty's....
A useful tool for voltage, frequency, stepping...anything on Opteron procs:

For instance, here are all of the Dual-Core's:

OPN Processor Model Frequency Socket Wattage L2 Cache Manf. Tech.
OSA885CCWOF Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 885 2.6Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA885FAA6CC Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 885 2.6Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA880FAA6CC Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 880 2.4Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA880CCWOF Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 880 2.4Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSK875FAA6CC Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 875 HE 2.2Ghz Socket 940 55.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA875FKM6BS Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 875 2.2Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA875FAA6CC Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 875 2.2Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA875CCWOF Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 875 2.2Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSK870FAA6CC Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 870 HE 2.0Ghz Socket 940 55.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA870FKM6BS Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 870 2.0Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA870FAA6CC Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 870 2.0Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA870CCWOF Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 870 2.0Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSK865FAA6CC Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 865 HE 1.8Ghz Socket 940 55.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA865FAA6CC Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 865 1.8Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA865FKM6BS Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 865 1.8Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA865CCWOF Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 865 1.8Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSK860FAA6CC Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 860 HE 1.6Ghz Socket 940 55.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA285FAA6CB Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 285 2.6Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA285CBWOF Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 285 2.6Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA285CBBOX Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 285 2.6Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA280CBWOF Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 280 2.4Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA280FAA6CB Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 280 2.4Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA280CBBOX Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 280 2.4Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSK275FAA6CB Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 275 HE 2.2Ghz Socket 940 55.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA275CBBOX Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 275 2.2Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA275CBWOF Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 275 2.2Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA275FAA6CB Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 275 2.2Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSK270FAA6CB Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 270 HE 2.0Ghz Socket 940 55.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA270CBBOX Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 270 2.0Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA270FAA6CB Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 270 2.0Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA270CBWOF Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 270 2.0Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSK265FAA6CB Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 265 HE 1.8Ghz Socket 940 55.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA265FAA6CB Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 265 1.8Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA265CBWOF Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 265 1.8Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA265CBBOX Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 265 1.8Ghz Socket 940 95.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSK260FAA6CB Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 260 HE 1.6Ghz Socket 940 55.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA185DAA6CD Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 185 2.6Ghz Socket 939 110.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA185CDBOX Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 185 2.6Ghz Socket 939 110.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA180DAA6CD Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 180 2.4Ghz Socket 939 110.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA180CDBOX Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 180 2.4Ghz Socket 939 110.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA175DAA6CD Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 175 2.2Ghz Socket 939 110.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA175CDBOX Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 175 2.2Ghz Socket 939 110.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA170DAA6CD Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 170 2.0Ghz Socket 939 110.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA170CDBOX Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 170 2.0Ghz Socket 939 110.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA165DAA6CD Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 165 1.8Ghz Socket 939 110.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
OSA165CDBOX Dual-Core AMD Opteron™ Processor 165 1.8Ghz Socket 939 110.0W 2 MB .09 micron SOI View Details
What kind of performance hit does X2 face in single-channel mode?

Could somebody run some quick benches in single-channel mode and dual-channel mode and report the results?

aldamon said:
What kind of performance hit does X2 face in single-channel mode?

Could somebody run some quick benches in single-channel mode and dual-channel mode and report the results?

I second this, there's a dispute going on in the 754 thread that needs to be put to rest.
I'm on my second 939-er myself, from A64 3400 939 @ 2.2GHz (the weird OEM that was sold at for a few months about a year and a half ago) to an Opteron 170 @ 2.0GHz...must overclock once I iron out the SATA issue...
Just thought I should post an update.

I've moved from my 939 3000+ Winchester to an X2 3800+ Manchester. Loving the performance bump and all for not much outlay due to the significant price decrease.
I'm in! w00t! From a socket 754 3400+ to a s939 X2-4600. World of difference! :eek:

~S~ :D
"Conroes? We ain't got no Conroes. We don't need no Conroes.
I don't have to show you any stinking Conroes!"

:D :cool:
Have a 3700+ SD at home running at 2.8+; a 4000+ at work close to stock.

Having a hard time convincing myself that I should upgrade to dual core of any colour.
markintosh13 said:
Have a 3700+ SD at home running at 2.8+; a 4000+ at work close to stock.

Having a hard time convincing myself that I should upgrade to dual core of any colour.
I have a 3200+ Venice and I'm trying to convince myself to get a dual core, but part of me says I should wait until the price continues to drop.
well was gonna wait for prices to drop but newegg had this combo,a8n5x &x800 gto $122
so i jumped,then 2 weeks later the prices dropped...ohh well i love this system im gonna get a 3800 x2 or 4400 x2 and build another.....
sorry guys and gals.

I've been a strong supporter of the AMD for a long time but had to sell my Opty 170 and go to the dark side :(

I do still have two severs at home running, one 3500 and one dual core 3800's :cool:
aldamon said:
What kind of performance hit does X2 face in single-channel mode?

Could somebody run some quick benches in single-channel mode and dual-channel mode and report the results?

once i get my rig up and running, installing a new os, ill solve this issue for you guys.
So how goes the rig? :D
Sgraffite said:
How come there is no Opteron logo on the socket 939 club logo?
939 "Opterons" ought to be included. We're certainly not going to let them into our socket 940 club. They're a pin short of a proper Opteron. Those are just gussied up A64s with a fancy name and surplus overclocking potential. :p
Lol, I'm a college student who isn't going to spend the extra money for a "proper" Opteron.
can I join the 939 alliance? Rollin' an FX 55 here.
Sgraffite said:
Lol, I'm a college student who isn't going to spend the extra money for a "proper" Opteron.

i agree...i like my 939 opty just fine. It might not be proper, but i got a hell of an OC
dtess17 said:
i agree...i like my 939 opty just fine. It might not be proper, but i got a hell of an OC
I'd have gone 939 last time I rebuilt my main rig if the X2s had been out. I'm a dual proc/core junkie, but I don't really have a need for quad cores. Well, at least not until games start using them. :D
X2 3800+ LDBHE 0601 @ 2.8 GHz here. AM2 can go (beep itself). :p

I'll send a picture in the next while.
I've got a fully non-propper S939 opteron 146 clocked at 2.88ghz. That extra pin can go screw itself, i'm happy without it! :p
I just threw down on a S939 stoked! I'm coming from a Winchester 3000+. The single-threaded performance bump will be great by itself, even before I try to squeeze a couple hundred extra MHz out of it.