It's started, prices on 8800GTS 640 are dropping

The 640 version is still $100 more and much more if you pay 8.5% tax like me.:(

But yep. Prices are dropping due to the near launch of the R600. First comes the rebate then the price will be low without rebate and then it goes to a free fall.
The 640 version is still $100 more and much more if you pay 8.5% tax like me.:(

But yep. Prices are dropping due to the near launch of the R600. First comes the rebate then the price will be low without rebate and then it goes to a free fall.

True, the 640 is still a nice chunk of $$ more right now. In two days prices will probably drop even further.
Guess I was smart for waiting it out...Gonna wait like a week or two before I buy.
Wheh. I was going to buy a 8800gts 320mb several days ago but then dad said to wait for the motherboard to get here and get it. :D, glad I waited but still waiting for the 2900xt to come out so cheaper prices :D
I paid $215 for my PNY 8800 GTS. No way anything will come close to $215 anytime within a year.

But what he is saying, for a little more money, you could have had 640MB instead of just the measely 320MB.
Meh, I have been enjoying my 8800GTS 640 for several months and got it at $370. This isn't that much cheaper for having been so long. I'm glad I didn't wait :).
I don't think $100(AR) more + tax for 320mb more RAM is that* little money.

quoted because I was about to post the same thought.

I paid roughly 240ish for mine (I've yet to send the $20 rebate...), but saving $110 dollars is quiet a bit of money if you're already on a budget for upgrading.
I bought one used for $315 shipped yesterday in FS section. Oh well...I think $300 is the right price for these cards with the 320's at $240, and the 8600GTS at $180.
quoted because I was about to post the same thought.

I paid roughly 240ish for mine (I've yet to send the $20 rebate...), but saving $110 dollars is quiet a bit of money if you're already on a budget for upgrading.

And considering that if you dont play at high res the extra 320mb doesn't yield a performance increase. An 8800GTS for 215AR is still the best bang for buck around.
this is great and what ive been waitn for but think I might hold out just a bit closer to quake wars:D
plus it look slike x2900xt is at the wiz so down they go
Meh, I have been enjoying my 8800GTS 640 for several months and got it at $370. This isn't that much cheaper for having been so long. I'm glad I didn't wait :).

Me too... I've had mine for a while now and got it for like $320 from Dell with coupon, rebate and FW cash back.
I just ordered a EVGA 8800GTS 320 superclocked for $275 from zipzoomfly but it will end up costing me nothing with the money that I got for my birthday, the money that I won at a casino, and the money that I will get for selling my old 7900GT CO. Its a good thing that I am good at blackjack;)
Once prices hit about $300 or under, I'll buy one from newegg. They're getting their though.
I don't think $100(AR) more + tax for 320mb more RAM is that* little money.

If you're playing at 1680x1050 or higher the 640MB is a lot faster than the 320MB version so it's worth the added cost if you're looking for high performance.

I ordered an eVGA 8800 GTS 640MB Superclocked from TigerDirect a couple of weeks ago. I just checked and their price has dropped to the same as Neweggs. I just gave them a call and the guy gave me a $30 credit into my account for my next TD purchase. I actually paid $409.99 - $30 MIR two weeks ago but I had $300 in gift certs. So in total the card cost me $49.99 + 2 day shipping :D. The best thing about it is if I step up with eVGA to an 8800 GTX or whatever comes out in 3 months time then I will get $379.99 credit towards that purchase.

Everyone bashes TigerDirect but I've gotten pretty good service from them. They shipped my order same day and just gave me a $30 credit on a price reduction.
Might want to update OP, has them for $315 shipped using the $15 off coupon + MIR rebate!!
There's a REASON Tiger Direct has a bad reputation.

Outside of the MIR issues at times I don't see any real REASON not to order from Tiger Direct if they have the best price. I'm not saying TigerDirect hasn't ever screwed someone on something cause at least with the MIR's I know that they have but their lifetime rating is no different than other large online retailers like Staples, Best Buy and Circuit City. You get a lot of complainers that are more likely to take the time to post a review of the store than you do people that were completely satisfied. Sometimes the complaints are legit and other times they are just the result of there being a lot of dumb and ignorant people born into this world. Fry's is one of the most popular vendors for computer hardware deals and look at their rating. It's lower than TigerDirect. Everyone can't expect every store to have a rating like
I can get it down to about $310. Seems like a good price, but since the rebate is valid till the 31st, I think I might wait to see how the market change on monday post ATI releasing.
If this drops to < $300 by mid-June, I might pull the trigger. I realize that short of a timeframe might be a little too optimistic. :(

I'm currently riding an EVGA 6800GT that does its job, but I'll probably donate it to a relative to make an excuse to get a better video card. :D
Hmmm if these drop to around $250 or less.. I may need to attempt SLI.

I upgraded to a 8800GTS for about $320 from my 7900GTX which I bought for $384 a year ago and sold for $280 when the 8800GTS first came out. (Yay dell coupons! ;) ).

There's no way I'll ever be able to fit a ATI 2900XT in my case. I could barely squeeze in a 8800GTX if I wanted one. (Gigabyte 3D Aurora)
Still $350 AR..had that like two months ago when I got my EVGA 640...
Hmmm if these drop to around $250 or less.. I may need to attempt SLI.

I upgraded to a 8800GTS for about $320 from my 7900GTX which I bought for $384 a year ago and sold for $280 when the 8800GTS first came out. (Yay dell coupons! ;) ).

There's no way I'll ever be able to fit a ATI 2900XT in my case. I could barely squeeze in a 8800GTX if I wanted one. (Gigabyte 3D Aurora)

How much of a performace increase did you notice with the upgrade from 7900gtx to 8800gts?
I ordered the EVGA 640 from Newegg on the 7th for 389.99. Newegg refunded me the difference after I called this afternoon, so I'm happy. Thanks for the heads-up OP.
How much of a performace increase did you notice with the upgrade from 7900gtx to 8800gts?

My FPS at least doubled, but I play at 2560x1600 in most games... plus I was then able to increase AA, AF, etc. Plus at the time a single 8800GTS was beating the performance of 7900GTX in SLI in practically everything. It just made more "economical" sense to go with a single 8800GTS and sell the 7900GTX than to do SLI with the 7900GTX.

This was even running on an AMD X2 3800+ that wasn't overclocked. But now I'm running an E6600 which gave its own boost.

The other reason I didn't get a 8800GTX because at the time I would have needed to buy a new power supply. (Which I ended up buying a new one a couple of months ago.)
Keep in mind the eVGA Step Up program requires you to register the card within 30 days of purchase. I'm waiting as long as I can to buy this card (would prefer to buy in mid-June) so the Step Up might be applicable for an 8900 if they are out by that time frame.

I did the same thing going from a 7800GT to a 7900GT KO and paid $12 for the Step Up :)
I won't even say what I paid for a BLACK pcb was absurd the amount of time and $ I put into finding one for the Digg case. Now I see them being sold in the low 300's :(
Yeah I live in Canada and usually we have to pay 15-25% premium versus the US but I got a deal this week from NCIX. They had a sale with a bunch of instant rebates and mail in rebates. Picked up a BFG 8800GTS 640 for $365 CAD with all rebates. Only paid 6% tax cause it was being shipped out of province. I think that was a great deal. I also think that it indicates even deeper cuts in the US very soon.

PS. the "limited time offer" seems to have really been limited. I looked a few hours after I purchased my card and the sale was over. Back to high Canadian prices!!