Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

The n00b's have taken the PPD middle ground. 13 Jaech, 14 Meridian, 15 styx0r, 16 me!, and 18 nomad8u. We're all at under 1 million total and joined in the last 3 or 4 months :)

The n00b's have taken the PPD middle ground. 13 Jaech, 14 Meridian, 15 styx0r, 16 me!, and 18 nomad8u. We're all at under 1 million total and joined in the last 3 or 4 months :)

Let's hear it for new folders coming on strong!! (not that I have been folding all that long either ;) )

Let's hear it for new folders coming on strong!! (not that I have been folding all that long either ;) )

We have had quite an infusion of new blood over the last year. I know I started back up within that time.

This latest batch have poured it on! Fold on!

2nd in the [H]orde.

There's not a lot of places left to gain ........... :p

Luck .............. :D
2nd in the [H]orde.

There's not a lot of places left to gain ........... :p

Luck .............. :D

There is always room to gain ;)

Here's some examples :

-Be the top 10 worldwide.
-Run off from ROC and Sunin.
-Be the first to break the 100 millions milestone.
-Break a transformer with a big farm.


Use your brains :D

200,000 not much but only fold when not playing on playstation 3, i hope they do update ps3 folding last weekends when closing folding hardlocks ps3.
Congrats Steven301! Every point counts. Thanks for your contribution.

Keep Folding ON!

WTF Steven, 200K is nothing to sneeze at.

200,000 not much but only fold when not playing on playstation 3, i hope they do update ps3 folding last weekends when closing folding hardlocks ps3.

Not bad at all for a PS3!

Fold on!

(just an FYI you can get some serious points out of that 8800GTX ;))

200,000 not much but only fold when not playing on playstation 3, i hope they do update ps3 folding last weekends when closing folding hardlocks ps3.

I haven't experienced this with my PS3. Is this a problem you've seen reported somewhere or unique to your console?

Fold on!

Hit 250K tonight. Have another Shuttle box coming toward end of week and will use my EVGA8800GS in it plus SMP's. Should be able to just about double my pnts. Gary
Some very impressive milestones! My hatsoff to all you [H]ard folders!!!

One million points in a month! When I started I hit 92k points in the first month and that was just 7 months ago. I just changed out pretty much every light bulb in the house with compact fluorescent ones....hopefully that will keep the electric bill down enough to allow me to keep folding at this crazy pace.

My 1,000th WU completed last night!!!! In a couple of weeks, I'll cross into 7 Digit Territory!!!

2,015,413 Points this month so far and a few more updates to go still.
I'll get my new badge in a couple of updates as well.

Lets try for +2,500,000 next month.

Luck ............... :D
My 1,000th WU completed last night!!!! In a couple of weeks, I'll cross into 7 Digit Territory!!!

On the threshold of a million!! :cool:

800,000 points.

Congrats man! Onwards to a million and beyond! :cool:

1.75 million!

WTF! Great work! :cool:

2,015,413 Points this month so far and a few more updates to go still.
I'll get my new badge in a couple of updates as well.

Lets try for +2,500,000 next month.

Luck ............... :D
Triple Purple! Very interested to see how that looks! :eek: :cool:

:cool: Fold On Team!! WTF!! :cool:

"FanFreakinTastico Tigerbiten", as Poncho Via would say :eek: (I think, did he do "protein folding" too ? :rolleyes:)

Tigerbiten is definitely "rockin' tha' socks offa' the foldin' program" WTF brother Tigerbiten, I'm just glad I'm on the same team as you ;)

2,015,413 or more a month, wow :eek:


Congrats to all the recent Milestoners!

A [H]ard Bunch if there ever was one.

Keep Folding ON!

Finally broke 250,000 points this morning. Another six months at this pace and I can join the million+ pernts club.

Finally broke 250,000 points this morning. Another six months at this pace and I can join the million+ pernts club.

Keep it coming....we need more members in the millionaires club. That way we can get a better discount on beer with high volume purchasing ;)

Kendrak....I see you sneeking away.... I'm right behind you.

I haven't experienced this with my PS3. Is this a problem you've seen reported somewhere or unique to your console?

Fold on!

I'm not sure, last couple weeks got some really big wu's taking up to 1-1/2 days to run, its happened before but seems more since updating the firmware to 2.43 with ps button now able to browse the system without closing folding. Before 2.42 if I just used the circle button it would default always to message " do you want to quit folding" now if I hit the ps its defaults to no don't close and have to manually highlight yes for closing then at this point it either hangs for couple minutes then does a reboot or hangs to the point I have to [H]ardpower off the system. I keep all my consoles in well vented area and clean quite alot, ( ocd ) and I keep my air on as I'm used to working in such controlled places with mainframe systems as well as iseries and well you get the idea. Should I have reported this as a bug? I've used bugzilla only a few times in the past.
user = LinuxSteven301
Thank you.

Kendrak I'm in the process of doing fresh install next week so I'll try to get the gtx8800 working soon,you know if I can still play my files from ps3 or 360 while still folding on it?
Steven301, there are reports of some buggy units which caused a hardlock recently but think all got retired so they should not float around now. If you have other issues, make a new thread and we'll help (we're the [H]orde after all).

Congratulations to everyone.
