Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

Nice work Larry.....only 300k to go until you hit the big one!!!!

/beers and tamales to you.....you Crazy [F]older:D

2.5M and Top 50 for the [H]orde as of today. :)


And that's all I have to say about that.

Congrats Smoke, thats a lot of WU's. :eek:

Actually, it's not that many. I started later in the game when work units were worth more so my points per work unit is rather high. Add that to running the SMP client for over a year and the ratio is even more. If I had been running regular work units instead of SMP work units, I'd have a hell of a lot more than I currently do.

If you don't want to get congratulated, why post here ? :p

/me hide SmokeRngs' cane...

Actually, it's not that many. I started later in the game when work units were worth more so my points per work unit is rather high. Add that to running the SMP client for over a year and the ratio is even more. If I had been running regular work units instead of SMP work units, I'd have a hell of a lot more than I currently do.
Congrats Smoke, 4000 WUs is a very respectable amount of work accomplished. :cool:

That's an insane number of WUs for the points you have there. :eek:

We long-time (old) [H]orde members earned our stripes with those tiny-point WUs.
You can recognize us by our high WU count, our retired farms of 333 mhz boxen, and our relentless dedication to the cause. I'm looking forward to the 30k WU milestone.

Fold on!

<old man rant>

Back when I started folding we had to code the work units ourselves, using punch cards, and then phone the results in to Stanford! Plus they charged us collect... both ways! You young wippersnappers don't know how easy you have it!

</old man rant>

Joking aside, congrats on the milestones everyone!

We long-time (old) [H]orde members earned our stripes with those tiny-point WUs. You can recognize us by our high WU count, our retired farms of 333 mhz boxen, and our relentless dedication to the cause. I'm looking forward to the 30k WU milestone.
I recently reverted two of my systems to multiple console clients instead of SMP in order to boost my WU count at the expense of some points. I'm also an old time folder and helped the team achieve the #1 position at the beginning of the decade, and returned (with the insistence of this thread's OP) mid-decade to bring us back to the top. I had to stop for many years because of personal and technical issues.
Congrats Digital on the half million mark. :)

BTW, did you get the new video card yet?
<old man rant>

Back when I started folding we had to code the work units ourselves, using punch cards, and then phone the results in to Stanford! Plus they charged us collect... both ways! You young wippersnappers don't know how easy you have it!

</old man rant>

Joking aside, congrats on the milestones everyone!

Good one :cool:

Congrats to all the high volume WU folders.

<old man rant>

Back when I started folding we had to code the work units ourselves, using punch cards, and then phone the results in to Stanford! Plus they charged us collect... both ways! You young wippersnappers don't know how easy you have it!

</old man rant>

Joking aside, congrats on the milestones everyone!

Love it! :)

Thanks for the support!

Ive started collecting parts for a farm, have 3 q6600s in hand now and have 3 abit IP35-Es on the way. My goal is to eventually fill an extra 8 port KVM switch I happen to have lying around:D