Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

Thanks for the support!

Ive started collecting parts for a farm, have 3 q6600s in hand now and have 3 abit IP35-Es on the way. My goal is to eventually fill an extra 8 port KVM switch I happen to have lying around:D

Yikes, sounds like I'll be mowed over in a short while. Congrats on the milestone!


Bunch of little weird things happend, power went out over weekend, servers started back up but the 3 running smp client had to be manually started monday, automatic windows update rebooted the servers again, same story with smp clients, failed experiment to see how 2 smp clients would work (again) on one machine last week - that sucked. Had to -oneunit one client etc. lost about 8000 points last week, so my ppd is currently hatin it. but Ill be back there soon enuf :D
GRATS to everyone that has hit milestones! Keep up the solid work and contribution!

Well.....not a huge big ol' deal or anything.... but....

I finally broke the top 300..... ranked 299 for the [H]orde:)

Well.....not a huge big ol' deal or anything.... but....

I finally broke the top 300..... ranked 299 for the [H]orde:)


*Hands d_e a Tequiza*

Well.....not a huge big ol' deal or anything.... but....

I finally broke the top 300..... ranked 299 for the [H]orde:)

Congrats digital_exhaust you don't need a lot of points to be an inspiration. You and a core group of others are what makes this team and forum what it is by your constant attention to it.

My hat is off to you sir.

600,000. Didn't notice until I saw my own name on the recent milestones list.

10am,06-20 19,720 19

Not a bad turn-in 19.7k all turning in within a 3hr window :) I think that sets a new record for me :)

10am,06-20 19,720 19

Not a bad turn-in 19.7k all turning in within a 3hr window :) I think that sets a new record for me :)

Dang. Most people would be lucky to get that all day...and you got it in 3 hours. Way to fold Sunin.

Dang. Most people would be lucky to get that all day...and you got it in 3 hours. Way to fold Sunin.

Mine was 24k in one update once but often get 10-15k per update depending on days ;)

Nevertheless, congrats for that milestone ;)

/me get back to tweak the farm for more production, added a 8800GT in the mix...

Sorry to hear about the troubles man....car problems suck...or wait....no they don't.....er, yes they do......but only sometimes..... usually really....

See.....I've spent my entire life in the auto repair biz....up until recently, and now I teach auto tech.....so.....um.... I'm torn.....:p;)

Anyhoooooo......this here is a milestone I'm pretty damn proud of:)

Fold On!!!!

Congrats D_E on 3k w/u completed!!!

*hands D_E a case of Schlitz*

I just moved into the top 3000 on Stanford's website!

And just 4 days away from the [H]ardfolding Top 200!!

Grats to everyone again on these outstanding Milestones! Keep up the great work!

Grats to everyone again on these outstanding Milestones! Keep up the great work!

Yeah, I have to agree, I think everyone (both the men and our fine young ladies) should be congratulated on any Milestone they reach in helping Stanford with the F@H clients or any other DC project find the cures for the diseases that have plagued mankind for centuries or the newer diseases we have managed to discover or invent:p

This team is a great example because of it's many dedicated folders. From the folders that have large farms making a zillion ppd to those of us that have one or a few boxen folding making whatever ppd. (a garden type collection, every freakin' pernt counts toward the battle against those !@#$%^ diseases :mad:) Because when you boil it all down and without trying to sound too "lame", it's really all about the science in the end and trying to help the unfortunate humans that have been stricken with these !@#$%^ diseases. ;)

I also have to acknowledge the people responsible for the [H]orde forum and it's folding team #33. There are just too many to mention, from Kyle to the dedicated people running the "[H]ardFolding Community Boxen Program. Thanks for your efforts and thanks for letting me be part of the team. :D

Enough "soap box" jazz, sheech :eek: talk about long winded :eek: it's getting to sound like US political BS :rolleyes:

Two firsts for me.

First +50,000 Points Day.
First +1,000,000 Points Month.

Luck ............ :D
Tiger, I would challenge you, but you would beat me five times before i finished typing the challenge thread! :D