Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

Congrats to Crosshairs on a great milestone, and to Tiger on reaching a whole new level of ridiculous. :eek:

Just hit the 500,000 mark today as well at the 1000 WU mark yesterday. Should get to the 1 million mark in a month and a bit.

Just hit the 500,000 mark today as well at the 1000 WU mark yesterday. Should get to the 1 million mark in a month and a bit.

Nice foldin'! Grats on two milestones. I heard a rumor Syribo was holding your prize and waiting for ya to stop by and pick it up... :D

Seroiusly.. two great milestones WTF!

Excellent work Dan-515. You're well on your way to bigger and better things.

Cheers guys, I'm currently loooking into building a second Core 2 Duo based rig after I scrape together some parts from here and there.

Two firsts for me.

First +50,000 Points Day.
First +1,000,000 Points Month.

Luck ............ :D

Great milestones there. I'm also proud to announce my first 1,000,000 points month as well :cool: Too bad my best day is just 48,073 points or I would have joined you as another guy with same milestones :p

Congrats to Xilikon, bassman, and Celerator on great milestones!

i'm folding under: tkheadcase

figured out the badge thing ;)

Congrats on hitting 6 digits tkam. Badge is looking good too. :D
Sometime tonight, I will cross the 500K mark.

Up until 1 month ago, I never had anyone on my threat list. With the advent of the GPU2 client, my threat list is full. I've done the planning for the boxen I want to add, now I just need to come up with the funds :)

Digital, just because you're so prominent out there, I'm coming after you first :)

Fold on [H]orde!!!!!

Congrats on the milestone capreppy, getting a little enjoyment out of creating road kill huh? :D

Digital, just because you're so prominent out there, I'm coming after you first :)

Fold on [H]orde!!!!!

And I will be sure and hand you a cold beer and a tamale as you pass me by:)

Oh....and alan, I just hit 600k..... I'm not giving up yet!!!

Fold On!!!!

Way to fold Kendrak. Those are 2000 WU's earned the old fashioned way- without a GPU :cool:

Congrats Digital on your 600k, but you got to find some extra folding power. jkellum is coming and when he passes there is going to be a big sonic boom that might knock out the cables on your power supplies.
