Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!


Apparently Westinghouse has extended the warranty for this unit due to the overwhelming amount of problems and will repair/replace it at no cost other than us shipping it to them, even after the 1yr is up.

Thanks for looking. =)

My 37w3 is exhibiting this behavior as well. I'm not sure if it's a backlight issue or not, bu the vertical line (~ 1/4" wide) appears in the exact same spot.
I've recently noticed what I can only describe as grey-ish blotches on my 37w3. They are faint, but noticeable under the right conditions. These blotches look like pressure was applied to these areas. Anyone else experiences these problems? My monitor is only 16 months old.

I have a very faint area on both upper right and lower left, as well as a bit on the center top area...almost like a shadow....can't even see it unless you have white backgrounds or very light grays....just noticed it a week or so ago....

I am going to ride it out for a bit....see if it changes....but I will sure as hell get this baby fixed one way or the other, before warranty runs out.

On a side note, I might just let it go if it does not get bad, until the year warranty is over. I bought it with my AMEX and they add an additional year to manufacturer warranty, if it "fails" they will refund my ORIGINAL purchase price to my account, and I will then go buy another large display...
hi guys i've had my westinghouse 37w3 for about a year now. i've used the black adjustments posted here by ryom when i was using windows xp and they worked great. but now i've moved to vista and those settings in nvidia control panel are all gone. i recently watched some movies in hd and in the dark scenes i could barely make out anything and i realized how bad it was.
i've read a few posts here basically saying i'm SOL if i'm using vista.

but ryom has also said something about boosting brightness to 55%-60% and it will be near the same thing. not real clear on what he meant by that. can anyone elaborate? did he mean in nvidia control panel or in the westinghouse menu settings?

i'm sure there are a bunch of you using the westy 37 with vista can you guys post what settings you guys found to be best?

like brightness, contrast, saturation, backlight (in westinghouse settings)
and any color correction settings if any in nvidia control panel
I have a very faint area on both upper right and lower left, as well as a bit on the center top area...almost like a shadow....can't even see it unless you have white backgrounds or very light grays....just noticed it a week or so ago....

I am going to ride it out for a bit....see if it changes....but I will sure as hell get this baby fixed one way or the other, before warranty runs out.

On a side note, I might just let it go if it does not get bad, until the year warranty is over. I bought it with my AMEX and they add an additional year to manufacturer warranty, if it "fails" they will refund my ORIGINAL purchase price to my account, and I will then go buy another large display...

The problem just kept getting worse and worse. It's about to go back to the factory at the end of the week. It looks just like CRT burn-in, but I've used it as a TV 99% of the time and I never had a still image on there besides a desktop background which was never visible.
My trusted 42" westy died earlier this week. Died is probably too strong of a word. It's like my old dog that got hit by a car and we had to put him under because he couldn't walk anymore; save the suffering and just do the right thing.

I was watching an episode of Good Eats that fateful night when the screen flashed out and then back in. When it came back the image was still there but now there was fine white dither over everything. It was tough to tell exactly what was going on, it looked like really really fine noise that lightened the entire image. Needless to say trying to watch something like that gave me a headache pretty fast. Any part of the screen that was black, remained black. Anything that had color to it though was lightened. Weird. This was through the DVI input. The component input (Wii hookup) exhibited a different kind of whitening. When the Wii was off there'd be white horizontal noise instead of a black screen. With the Wii on, it was like the DVI input, fine white dither.

I had purchased the set from Newegg early last summer, so it had been just over a year. Newegg doesn't do returns on Westinghouse TV so I called Westinghouse directly. They told me they could not service the TV if it was not under warranty anymore. They gave me the contact info for 2 authorized repair centers in my area (Denver, CO). I thought "hmm... that sucks but at least I can get it fixed for a fraction of the cost of a new set". How untrue.

I called the first repair shop given to me. One of the ladies answering the phone transferred me over to their head technician after I described what had been going on. The tech told me in no uncertain terms how much he hated Westinghouse. People had been bringing in their sets to be fixed and they weren't able to get the parts from Westinghouse that were needed to fix the TV. This sounds odd right? You would think that an authorized repair center would have plenty of parts on hand. I mean, they're authorized right? The tech told me that they had kept trying to get parts from Westinghouse but they would never come in, and the few times that parts did come in, they were the wrong ones. He launched into a spiel on how the chinese were buying up traditional american brands such as Westinghouse, and providing no support for their products. In short, he told me he'd love to help me but couldn't; and that I should buy from a more reputable brand. I thanked him and hung up.

Calling the second repair center I thought how odd it was that the first center was having such issues. I asked to speak to a tech as soon as I got someone on the phone. The lady said that they were not allowed to transfer callers to technicians unless we had stuff in the shop being fixed. Annoyed I started to describe my problem. She immediately transferred me over to their head technician as well. Same story. WOW. No support or love for Westinghouse.

I called Westinghouse back to ask them what I should do. I escalated and got a supervisor (supposedly). I told him what I had been told by the two authorized repair centers; about how they were not able to get parts from Westinghouse. He goes "Parts are available." That is all he could reply with. Obviously not. I offered to conference in the two repair centers so he could tell them directly. Immediately he became flustered and stated he could not do that because of policy. I asked him again what my options were in this case since both authorized repair centers didn't want anything to do with Westinghouse. He told me I had to go to a repair center because the factory wouldn't take stuff out of warranty. I said "thanks but already tried that." This logic doesn't seem to get through to him. I asked to escalate again. He said he'd get someone from corporate to call me within a few days. It's been a few days and I've heard nothing, nor do I expect to.

I am thoroughly unimpressed by Westinghouse's customer support. It's a shame since I was content with my 42w2. Since then I've upgraded to a Samsung LNT4065F, slightly smaller but with 15x the contrast ratio, the 42w2's shortcomings are pretty apparent now.

<sigh/> Heads up for those who are thinking about getting a westinghouse. I was satisfied with the performance of my TV until it crapped out after only a year, and then customer support was completely lacking.
wow sorry taiguy :(. all these horror stories make me scared about my 37w3se :(. luckily i have the 2 year warranty with costco. never again i guess :(
Never again, that's exactly how I feel about it. Now with a higher paying job I can afford a high quality display with an extended warranty.
Cheer up, y'all! I've had my 37" westie for a year now with absolutely ZERO problems! I recommended it then, and I still recommend it now.
hrm... my Sony KP-53Hs30 died and now my westy is sitting atop a TV stand in it's place... lol. We've been using it for about a month now for a TV.. and on the whole it's been working wonderfully for over a year now... the picture for HD TV is awesome also... really stunning 1080i stuff. wow! and the SD stuff isn't too bad either... I thought it would be worse...

Now just waiting to unbox the new Olevia 747i sitting in my hallway and I can put the westy back home on my desk... :)
Cheer up, y'all! I've had my 37" westie for a year now with absolutely ZERO problems! I recommended it then, and I still recommend it now.

+1. I adore my Westy 37W3 and will continue to recommend it until I experience a problem and can't get a satisfactory outcome. Mine's over a year old as well, and I have 3 more years of in-home warranty. I expect that if I keep it long enough for that warranty to run out, there will be another display that catches my eye and I can replace it with another awesome display.

TheRapture said:
On a side note, I might just let it go if it does not get bad, until the year warranty is over. I bought it with my AMEX and they add an additional year to manufacturer warranty, if it "fails" they will refund my ORIGINAL purchase price to my account, and I will then go buy another large display...

Nice protection policy there -- can't go wrong with that! I wonder if my credit card offers a similar plan, or if that's an AMEX only thing...either way, I'd do that before I'd pay to send the Westy in. Shipping was expensive when I bought mine, and that was before fuel prices shot through the roof.
hi guys i've had my westinghouse 37w3 for about a year now. i've used the black adjustments posted here by ryom when i was using windows xp and they worked great. but now i've moved to vista and those settings in nvidia control panel are all gone. i recently watched some movies in hd and in the dark scenes i could barely make out anything and i realized how bad it was.
i've read a few posts here basically saying i'm SOL if i'm using vista.

but ryom has also said something about boosting brightness to 55%-60% and it will be near the same thing. not real clear on what he meant by that. can anyone elaborate? did he mean in nvidia control panel or in the westinghouse menu settings?

i'm sure there are a bunch of you using the westy 37 with vista can you guys post what settings you guys found to be best?

like brightness, contrast, saturation, backlight (in westinghouse settings)
and any color correction settings if any in nvidia control panel

I had the exact same problem. You may have read my post on it, and it is the only reason my copy of Vista is still sitting in my drawer and I went back to XP.

On a side note. My 37inch W3 has been perfect for 1.5 years. I use it as my one and only PC monitor and have it hooked up to my PS3 via HDMI. I'll have the optical out going from my PS3 to a Creative DDTS-100 once I get it in so I can have the PC and PS3 on my PC speakers and possibly an HD Cable box if I decide to go that route.

Edit: Oh yes and as was suggested to me like you. I tried upping the brightness in the control panel since he said it did the same thing. It did not, and I was still losing to much image information in the blacks.
I can get an open box westinghouse LVM-37W3SE for $569 shipped.. Should I jump on it? I can return for refund within 15 days of purchase.
I can get an open box westinghouse LVM-37W3SE for $569 shipped.. Should I jump on it? I can return for refund within 15 days of purchase.

sure, if there's no restocking fee... cuz chances are, something is wrong with it.
Nice protection policy there -- can't go wrong with that! I wonder if my credit card offers a similar plan, or if that's an AMEX only thing...either way, I'd do that before I'd pay to send the Westy in. Shipping was expensive when I bought mine, and that was before fuel prices shot through the roof.

I think it is an Amex only's the ONLY reason I have an extended warranties. I have had cd burners and printers replaced at no cost to me over the years....
rfadream / OrAnGe:

Would one of you be so kind as to link me to those black adjustments for XP provided by ryom? I promise I'm not being lazy, lol. I did a search for his posts in this thread and must have missed that post :(
rfadream / OrAnGe:

Would one of you be so kind as to link me to those black adjustments for XP provided by ryom? I promise I'm not being lazy, lol. I did a search for his posts in this thread and must have missed that post :(

I don't know where that thread / article is but to make it simple. You go into your Adjust Desktop Color settings in the Nvidia Control Panel.

Click on the graph tab... then click in the graph. Anywhere will do. It may create a new point just drag it off the graph. Then grab the middle point on the line and drag it off so all you have is a line with a point on each end. Click on the point at the bottom left and either drag it up to 0.08 or set it with the text box labled Out.

The article actualy calls for setting it to 0.10 if I remember right I just like 0.08 better.

Easy, now you can actualy see some of the things you couldn't in dark scenes in games ... and pictures etc.
I don't know where that thread / article is but to make it simple. You go into your Adjust Desktop Color settings in the Nvidia Control Panel.

Click on the graph tab... then click in the graph. Anywhere will do. It may create a new point just drag it off the graph. Then grab the middle point on the line and drag it off so all you have is a line with a point on each end. Click on the point at the bottom left and either drag it up to 0.08 or set it with the text box labled Out.

The article actualy calls for setting it to 0.10 if I remember right I just like 0.08 better.

Easy, now you can actualy see some of the things you couldn't in dark scenes in games ... and pictures etc.

Sweet, thanks. I'll play around with it and see what setting I like best. :)
Westinghouse is a piece of shit brand. Pay a little more and get something that is better quality. I own a 37" Westy and would never buy one again.
Westinghouse is a piece of shit brand. Pay a little more and get something that is better quality. I own a 37" Westy and would never buy one again.

My GF bought an Accord new in 2002. She had to have the transmission replaced @ 4k. So, Honda is a piece of **** and I'll never buy one again. :D

Sorry you had a bad experience. Sure, some units had problems, but this thread didn't get to be this massive because the 37W3 is a POS. ;)

I'm not claiming that Westinghouse is the Lexus of digital electronics, but there are maaany people out there who have had no problems.
Hmmm, I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, but I managed to return my TV despite thinking that the warranty was only 1 year. Hopefully I'll get it back by Friday.
Its on sale for $800 again at newegg, free shipping. I don't think its that hot of a deal, since I got mine for the same price last year from Costco. But, in case anyone was lookin for one... ;)
Well I just got my TV back. Now I truly know the meaning of refurbished because that's exactly what I received. They have no standards as to giving you something back that still looks good. Needless to say, this is the last Westinghouse POS that I will ever buy.
I may have lucked out. I grabbed one of the cheap new SE's at Onsale a few months ago. Received it no problem and in perfect condition. Even better, the 2 rebates have been/are being honoured. Now I only have to deal with the mockery I face for having a 37" monitor.
...Now I only have to deal with the mockery I face for having a 37" monitor.

lol... seriously, wtf is wrong with people?!? we spend time on our computers, we want a nice, big monitor! no, we're not "compensating for something else"!!!! :p
Its on sale for $800 again at newegg, free shipping. I don't think its that hot of a deal, since I got mine for the same price last year from Costco. But, in case anyone was lookin for one... ;)

i think that is a hawt deal mine was 891 shipped from costco ;)
My GF bought an Accord new in 2002. She had to have the transmission replaced @ 4k. So, Honda is a piece of **** and I'll never buy one again. :D

Sorry you had a bad experience. Sure, some units had problems, but this thread didn't get to be this massive because the 37W3 is a POS. ;)

I'm not claiming that Westinghouse is the Lexus of digital electronics, but there are maaany people out there who have had no problems.

I haven't been on this thread for about a year and glad to see it still going strong. I haven't had any problems with mine thank god and knock on wood. I have had mine since mid February 07 and it is still going strong. Again isn't the Lexus of LCD but it is no way a POS. Dude I feel for you having a crappy version of it, because I have had numerous POS hardware.
I think they're out of refurbished 37s. My 1st refurb was kinda banged up and I had to return it. I finally got my 2nd refurb back but I didn't get a 37, I got a 42w2.

Good luck people, I hope you don't have to go the refurb route.
wow this thread is still going strong.. mine has since moved to a new desk

this has been a great monitor.. and for the price it is as now (i had to pay twice as much back when it first came out) how could you pass it up. and you get the 37W3, i have the 37W1 (which is still a great monitor)..
Anyone bought this monitor refurb ? Particularly from ? What condition was it received in?