Gateway FHD2400

I never mentioned this before, but with every FHD2400 I've had, I cannot see my BIOS boot screen with my PC over DVI-D. Any suggestions? I've never had this problem with previous monitors.

Is your monitor plugged in all the time, or just given power at the same time as your PC?

That's all I can think of offhand...
I never mentioned this before, but with every FHD2400 I've had, I cannot see my BIOS boot screen with my PC over DVI-D. Any suggestions? I've never had this problem with previous monitors.
This sounds like an interoperability issue with your particular PC or graphics card. It could also be related to the power management settings in your bios.

I see the boot screen on both of my PCs with the FHD2400. This is with an nVidia 7800GT and 8800GT.
Apparently it just now showed up on Newegg in combo with a DVD player. Not that a DVD player is much incentive anymore, but there should hopefully be some better deals along the way. I was just surprised, since I had only seen it at a small number of retailers without actual store lines.
Apparently it just now showed up on Newegg in combo with a DVD player. Not that a DVD player is much incentive anymore, but there should hopefully be some better deals along the way. I was just surprised, since I had only seen it at a small number of retailers without actual store lines.

I still think $450 from circuit city is better than $550 at newegg with a dvd player, :D
I was just at circuit city and saw this monitor next to the samsung 245bw...and wow. Maybe its just a trick of the eye or something, but the glossy screen on this just brings everything so much more to life then the samsung - it wasn't even a contest.

Note that I'm not comparing actual quality or response rates or anything else....but from a showroom standpoint this is a winner.
Apparently it just now showed up on Newegg in combo with a DVD player. Not that a DVD player is much incentive anymore, but there should hopefully be some better deals along the way. I was just surprised, since I had only seen it at a small number of retailers without actual store lines.

Good catch. It appears Newegg and CompUSA have joined Circuit City, Best Buy, and as vendors of this monitor, so I guess they're up to 5 now! Unfortunately, JR and CompUSA are currently sold out on-line.

Only Circuit City and seem to be vendors of the speaker bar (DTSS2410), and they're both sold out too...

Get 'em while you can! :)
I was just at circuit city and saw this monitor next to the samsung 245bw...and wow. Maybe its just a trick of the eye or something, but the glossy screen on this just brings everything so much more to life then the samsung - it wasn't even a contest.

Note that I'm not comparing actual quality or response rates or anything else....but from a showroom standpoint this is a winner.

You aren't wrong -- Samsung makes a very nice monitor, but this Gateway blows my Samsung 24-incher at work out of the water for brightness, color, contrast, and sharpness! :)
Wow beautiful LCD! Finally a nice glossy 24in LCD! I am tempted to jump the gun and buy this now... however I am debating on waiting after the holidays to see if i can snag one up on a deal for like $399.
Just an fyi for anyone that doesn't already know - I had a lot of gift cards, credits, etc at bestbuy who are selling this monitor at $549 so I just took a screenshot of the $499 circuit city price and walked into customer service with it. They price match on the spot as long as there is a close buy circuit city with this monitor in stock.

Happy hunting, and happy holidays to everyone on these forums, especially the folks that have helped me out.
Just an fyi for anyone that doesn't already know - I had a lot of gift cards, credits, etc at bestbuy who are selling this monitor at $549 so I just took a screenshot of the $499 circuit city price and walked into customer service with it. They price match on the spot as long as there is a close buy circuit city with this monitor in stock.

Happy hunting, and happy holidays to everyone on these forums, especially the folks that have helped me out.

I wish they also price-reduced retroactively, but I haven't seen any indication of that so far -- Circuit City so far has been the best on price, but I bought from Best Buy...
I just finished hooking up the Gateway FHD2400 this evening, and I have to say so far that it was completely worth it. I moved up from a Dell 2005fpw.

The factory settings on this monitor seem to be pretty good, but can anyone point me to a good tutorial on how to get my color settings dialed in? The monitor came with the EZ-tune software, but I have heard some people complaining about it.
Hmm... my plan now is to try to get Best Buy to price match to $500 (there is a CC nearby, but they don't carry the monitor... I'm banking that BB doesn't check up on that). The online Price Match Policy doesn't list any exceptions as far coupons go, so I'm also gonna toss on the 10% off coupon to bring it down to $450. After that, it just depends on whether I decide the Product Service Plan is worth it or not. I may be travelling with it seasonally, but in general I'm very careful with my technology. Although the "exchange for any monitor" part is also enticing.

There's still a ways to go yet before Christmas though, and I'm still hoping for some better deals to pop up. Considering that I'd only have a 2-day window to carry out the above, a simpler option is always welcome.
I think $450 is the best deal that will be available for this monitor for a while...I mean 18% off, and it was recently released.
I never mentioned this before, but with every FHD2400 I've had, I cannot see my BIOS boot screen with my PC over DVI-D. Any suggestions? I've never had this problem with previous monitors.

The monitor is beautiful, but I actually have this same exact issue. Anyone come up with what setting I need to tweak?
The monitor is beautiful, but I actually have this same exact issue. Anyone come up with what setting I need to tweak?
I was thinking of trying the PIP (1:1 scaling must be turned off for PIP to work, though). While using another device over another video input (such as an Xbox 360 over VGA), turn on PIP to look at the PC over DVI-D and then turn on the PC and see if you can see the BIOS. I know that I had previously set my BIOS to output the boot up screen over the PCI-E slot rather than through the onboard graphics, and I think this may be the culprit, although it did not affect me with my previous monitors. Anyways, I can't try this right now, but if you can, let me know what happens,
You guys who aren't seeing DOS at startup haven't answered whether the monitor is powered all the time, or only when the PC is powered up. I'm wondering about a possible 'not ready' issue...
After that, it just depends on whether I decide the Product Service Plan is worth it or not. I may be travelling with it seasonally, but in general I'm very careful with my technology.

The Best Buy warranty only covers fair wear and tear, so if you drop it while traveling, that won't be covered...
You guys who aren't seeing DOS at startup haven't answered whether the monitor is powered all the time, or only when the PC is powered up. I'm wondering about a possible 'not ready' issue...

ya im powered up. dont know what the deal is
Bleh that sucks a week after i get it from CC and they go on sale again :/
Check to see what their store policy says. Some retailers will refund you the difference in price between when you bought it and the sale, provided you brought it fairly recently (14 days?).
If you bought directly form cirucitcity, you can get a refund in price difference if they sell it for less within 30 days. I just got money back this way for COD4 since it's on sale for 360.
I'll have to try do that, i hope they honor the internet price.
I'll have to try do that, i hope they honor the internet price.

Its in-store price also so I'm sure they will. I'll be using it to get a price match at Best Buy so I can use gift cards I been receiving for my b-day.
Whats so great about this speaker bar? Is the sound quality really good? Does it hook into exisiting sound setups...?

Nothing real special, except they have been pretty hard to come by, as the design of this monitor is new. Pretty good reproduction of low tones, volume a little questionable on HDMI, but an integrated solution that works with the menuing system and looks very nice.

The HDMI cable carries its own audio, and you get a mini to plug into your computer. Beyond that it has RCA jacks. Microphone is also included. Specifics were posted back on pages 15-19, I think.
well you guys mighta seen my post about those lcds i'm considering,well i took back that tv today and took a look at the main one i liked the westing house the samsung and the gateway.For yalls information they didn't have the fhd2400 on display only the older model.I just asked they guy if they had any up anywhere he looked couldn't find it they he said he would see if they had it in stock,and this is where i just turned around and pointed to several boxes which contained them lol so he just took it out set it up and it looked stunning i could def tell it had better sharpness just better picture right out the box than the westinghouse and samsung.after return clears in my account i will return and pick that up for a pricematch to circuitcity.So if your bestbuy is anything like mine they shoulld just whip it out and put it up.thx for all yalls infromation
Does this monitor work properly (1:1 with black borders) on Xbox 360 and PS3?

Also, how is the image quality on 360? Which looks better with 360: Component or VGA (don't have an HDMI 360)?
Just got my LCD in and hooked up! It looks amazing :). Was playing TFC2 and some movies on it definately worth every dollar, very noticable upgrade from my 22" scepter glossy LCD.
Ok well i went to best buy today and finally got it after about hour of waiting for pricematch then like forever in line.But i got it all hooked up now pc on dvi and xbox on vga,much happier over this than the tv,and the touch buttons are great the display is absolutely phenomenal for for xbox 360 the only thing i have noticed is that when ever like you bring up a windo like the windows start up thing a area around that like shifts for a second or lightens up don't know if that bad or not also when in a msn page on the side by the blue background when you scroll down its like its adjusting itself then it settles then when you move it again it does this i don't notice this on the white background.anyway so far in love don't notice in dead pixels also the stand is great.
Has anyone from Canada got this monitor? If so where did you get it from. I haven't had a chance to go the city yet to look in the stores but each of their websites that I checked didn't list them. If I have to order online where would be a good place to?
Has anyone from Canada got this monitor? If so where did you get it from. I haven't had a chance to go the city yet to look in the stores but each of their websites that I checked didn't list them. If I have to order online where would be a good place to?
I haven't seen it for sale or displayed anywhere in my region (Montreal) yet.