Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

Yeah, from what very little I have played of the game so far, it seems as though the vast majority of the time you know you are going to get shit for loot. It makes the game pretty tedious, as really the core mechanic of these games is loot. It's certainly not the "combat" (i.e. clicking on guys 1000000000 times). I mean, there is a little more to it than that, but it's still pretty basic.
Too much loot and people get bored, too little and people get bored. It's not an easy balance. Especially for end game.
I did notice some nice changes that must have come from old patches. New enough if you haven't played in a while. The two big ones were keeping all 5 stacks of Valor if you switch Acts, and the mob pack size increases. I did a full multiplayer run from A1 through A4 and it felt pretty even in loot and xp gain.

It was nice to blow through all the acts with basically the same group of players instead of jumping out to restart A3 over and over like we used to do.
Currently, I'm playing through the closed RoS beta, and I'm rather impressed. However, I feel it is what vanilla D3 should have been from the beginning and should not be something that will come at the cost of a $40 expansion. Loot 2.0 is also rewarding considering I don't have a gazillion hours to dedicate to grinding any longer.
Sever is seriously a fun weapon for that 'Slain Enemies Rest In Pieces' affix, it makes the game like Starship Troopers. Started farming paragons on my 100K damage Wizard through Act III MP4 (usually from Keep 1 all the way to Crater 1 which nets one complete paragon every clear now at 14) but the drop rate still sucks. Seen one legendary in all those paragons and it was a shield with garbage stats. I'd upgrade more but everything costs millions on the AH so I'm at a wall until the loot system improves.
That SoJ is badass.
I looted one in "vanilla" D3 and it was pure crap so I'm glad they're really fixing legendary properly.

Can't wait to try D3.1
Currently, I'm playing through the closed RoS beta, and I'm rather impressed. However, I feel it is what vanilla D3 should have been from the beginning and should not be something that will come at the cost of a $40 expansion. Loot 2.0 is also rewarding considering I don't have a gazillion hours to dedicate to grinding any longer.

Well most of the fundamental gameplay changes are going to be free, so technically you only pay $40 if you want to play the Crusader, the new Act or Adventure mode.

And I must be the only person who doesn't like the increased mob density on live (PTR is fine). It's just annoying having to wade through tons of normal mobs trying to find the elite packs.
How is Diablo III. Ive had it since release and never played it. I feel like I wasted money by buying this and not playing it so im ready to get it started. Thoughts
Yeah, might as well play it and get a head start before the expansion, just be aware than in a month or so there's going to be a patch that completely overhauls item drops and class balance.
im having an issue right now with an ERROR.

An error occurred while writing to your hard drive. Please make sure your HDD is not full & try again. Only does this on the Diablo III EXE
So how many would agree with IGN regarding:

IGN was positive about the new skill system stating "Instead of gameplay like Diablo II, where I often regretted how I allotted my ability points, Diablo III encourages experimentation and finding out exactly what works for your play-style. It's a vastly superior way to handle character abilities", and praised the overall gameplay, stating "the new systems really do make it a lot easier to enjoy Diablo III".[92] IGN further praised the game's new gameplay design, in particular the rune and loot systems, the randomly generated levels and the game's enjoyable unpredictability. It stated the game's feel is quite intuitive and also praised the game's sound and voicing.

Seems it was a real issue for many people, is it that much better?
So how many would agree with IGN regarding:

Seems it was a real issue for many people, is it that much better?

Is that about RoS?

I think many people would disagree with them on a lot of points. "Vastly superior" doesn't come close. Different? Yes. Better? No... Worse? Not necessarily, but I think so. You never feel like you're building a character with the D3 skill system. You get a rune unlocked for a stupid move and it's the most unexciting level ever.

*Unlocked new rune for Slow TIme* .. 'Oh whoopy fuckin do'

Experimenting to find out your playstyle could be as simple as respeccing your points spent. And dual specs would be sweet.

I'm sure the new systems about to be patched in will make the game "a lot easier to enjoy." as they put it. The console version i've been playing with my buddy is great fun for smashing some demons about one evening a month. Easy to get back into, but ultimately doesn't have much drawing power because again, i'm never really building a character. I'm just playing a wizard.

"IGN further praised the game's new gameplay design, in particular the rune and loot systems, the randomly generated levels and the game's enjoyable unpredictability. It stated the game's feel is quite intuitive and also praised the game's sound and voicing."

Are they talking about RoS here? D3 was the most predictable game ever... what randomized dungeons are they talking about? The voice acting was pretty shitty (further emphasized by even worse writing), and the rune system was in the base game.

Honestly the whole review just sounds like it was purchased.
then that makes:

"IGN further praised the game's new gameplay design, in particular the rune and loot systems, the randomly generated levels and the game's enjoyable unpredictability."

Even more funny LOL
I'd say they got a paycheck for that review.

While I don't fully disagree with what they say they just need much more clarification.

Like this

"Instead of gameplay like Diablo II, where I often regretted how I allotted my ability points, Diablo III encourages experimentation and finding out exactly what works for your play-style. It's a vastly superior way to handle character abilities if the items allowed for a variety of competitive builds which cater to individual skills to develop an over all build...like a Ice, fire, or lightning wizard which would help diminishing the feeling picking a premade cookie cutter character with XXX DPS, XXX Allres, and XXX health"

My positive and yet still honest and not ignorant quick review of the game would look like this.

"A no frills fun multiplayer game reminiscent of Gauntlet Legends"

No frills covers all the small details they left out of the game.
Fun Multiplayer player game it is but it lacks depth for solid single player.
Reminiscent of Gauntlet Legends to signify its farther removed from D2 then the typical D2 clone and is simple.
Does anyone know where I can find some info on new monk builds/specs for the ptr 2.1 or RoS? I'd like to learn the new spells and abilities before the release of RoS by playing the PTR. Any help would be great.

It seems that all pre 2.1 specs really wont be efficient in patch 2.1/RoS

So, anyway, I haven't played D3 in months, should I bother playing now or just wait till the patch? Admittedly I didn't play that much but that was because of how tired I was of only getting crap loot. I certainly don't expect to get legendary items all too often or anything but seriously, it was like I'd only ever get something even half-way decent every few hours, it was ridiculous! And even most of the good gear I have was given to me by friends.
My account is locked and I'm too lazy to call Blizzard.
Maybe if they gave me a better incentive.... Might as well wait till the Auction House is gone.

They are still doing that, right?
My account is locked and I'm too lazy to call Blizzard.
Maybe if they gave me a better incentive.... Might as well wait till the Auction House is gone.

They are still doing that, right?

Yeah the AH is still going away and Loot 2.0 will be on PC soon.
Why would prices explode? No one is going to spend millions on gear that is going to become irrelevant the next day.
After going back to the Vanilla game after playing for a week on the PTR with the Loot 2.0 system in place, I can say that the vanilla game is freaken terrible. Wow...who knew.....o_0 It boggles the mind. So bad. Its not even the same game.
nice , let's make the game lopsided. Watch prices explode just before they get rid of the AH.

AH prices are dropping. Loot 2.0 makes better loot easier to get, and the higher level cap in RoS means all the maxed out gear now will be junk in RoS.
After trying PTR for an hour on my WD, this drops:


Goddamn. 15% firebats damage for the #1 WD skill. And the gold pickup thing synergizes with TOTD pickup radius builds.

And the loot I got was almost all relevant in some way to my class. The new loot system is nice. Of course I'll never find this thing when the patch goes live. :rolleyes:
AH prices are dropping. Loot 2.0 makes better loot easier to get, and the higher level cap in RoS means all the maxed out gear now will be junk in RoS.

ah, hadn't really been following the news. didn't know the gear was about to get a lot better and easier to get.
Yea the targeted loot is really noticeable on the console version. I was trying to have my buddy craft me some gear but they all came out dex.

I have a feeling this new targeted system will get old pretty quickly. I would have preferred them fixing the base stats so that they're all desirable foe every class for different builds or purposes rather than just saying "wizards get int on all their gear now"
Goddamn. 15% firebats damage for the #1 WD skill. And the gold pickup thing synergizes with TOTD pickup radius builds.

Keep in mind that in RoS, pickup radius bonuses have been scaled back significantly. You'll never see more than 1-2 yards on a piece of gear. IDK if TotD will keep its high radius though, but pickup radius builds won't be as crazy as they are atm.
Any updates on this game?

I've been playing a Barbarian from scratch and got him up to 27. Gonna try and beat Inferno before the expansion launches in late March.

My question is, with the Gold money AH going away as well as the RMAH (I said YEARS ago that the RMAH was a mistake, and it's good to see I was right lol), what will we spend gold on? Repairs are dirt cheap, and the only thing left would really be just training blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting.

So you'd have nothing to spend gold on otherwise.
You spend gold + materials on crafting. Plus there are bag upgrades, and probably some other stuff I forgot.
So they changed the crafting system to be more worthwhile, that's pretty cool. I never felt like crafting in D3 was worth the time.
So they changed the crafting system to be more worthwhile, that's pretty cool. I never felt like crafting in D3 was worth the time.

Well I don't know how it was on max level on the PC, however on the console D3 I spent a shit ton of gold crafting items hoping for a better set of random properties. Some of the gear comes out amazing on the first try. Other items I crafted 15+ times before getting a decent set of stats.
Enchanting (changing stats on gear) and transmog (changing the way gear looks) will take up most of your gold.

If you're very particular with your stats, enchanting can end up costing several million on 1 piece of gear alone.