Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

I guess it comes with the expansion. Darn I had forgotten they had an expansion coming. ;)
Thanks for all the good info. I basically stopped playing the game after a few weeks after launch because Inferno at the time was not beatable with loot you got on your own (at the time bad drops and low rates of finding any upgrades on your own). So I got a Demon Hunter to 50 and stopped there until a recently when I decided to level a barb and check out the expansion. I did think even with that much game time that I got my money's worth out of the game.

It just feels like D3 was a missed opportunity for Blizz to do Diablo 3 the right way. I wish they had made it darker, more loot centric (no auction houses), kept the gambling aspect, made crafting worthwhile and had 7 classes to start!

I also wish the game had at least 7 or 8 Acts and a better story lol

I'll check out the expansion, I wanna play a Crusader.
It just feels like D3 was a missed opportunity for Blizz to do Diablo 3 the right way. I wish they had made it darker, more loot centric (no auction houses), kept the gambling aspect, made crafting worthwhile and had 7 classes to start!

I also wish the game had at least 7 or 8 Acts and a better story lol

I'm pretty sure that was and is everyone's complaint.

If only they were the original Diablo developers...
It just feels like D3 was a missed opportunity for Blizz to do Diablo 3 the right way. I wish they had made it darker, more loot centric (no auction houses), kept the gambling aspect, made crafting worthwhile and had 7 classes to start!

I also wish the game had at least 7 or 8 Acts and a better story lol

To be fair, Reaper of Souls fixes all of those issues (except it's 6 classes instead of 7!).

And Act 5 is apparently almost as long as 2 Acts from the vanilla game put together.
To be fair, Reaper of Souls fixes all of those issues (except it's 6 classes instead of 7!).
For another $30 to $60 it adds solutions to D3. Then again, the DLC isn't out yet, we will see what new issues may arise.

One of my concerns will stem from the loss of the AH. In game spamming is going to get wild for a bit.
If I remember correctly from datmodz stream, I think he said gold was tied to your account and couldn't drop it or trade it. I'm not in the beta so I can't say for sure though. I would think this would help eliminate gold spam seeing as it couldn't be exchanged in the game.
If I remember correctly from datmodz stream, I think he said gold was tied to your account and couldn't drop it or trade it. I'm not in the beta so I can't say for sure though. I would think this would help eliminate gold spam seeing as it couldn't be exchanged in the game.

That's a really interesting idea. I think I could definitely get on board with that.
One of my concerns will stem from the loss of the AH. In game spamming is going to get wild for a bit.

cougarsoccer is correct. Gold can no longer be traded and Legendary/Set items can only be traded with people in your party that were present when it dropped for a duration of 2 in-game hours. Rares can still be freely traded.

It's not the most ideal solution, but it will cut down immensely on botting and gold farmers.
Some of the new legendary loot is pretty crazy.

I found a belt on the PTR last night that gives you 110% bonus damage (doubling your screen DPS) for 10 seconds, whenever you open a chest. "Chest" including all sorts of containers that you have to click to open. Which led to some hilarity with kiting an elite pack towards a box so I could open it, double my DPS and kill them quicker. Or rushing at a chest behind an elite pack to pop it open first, then turning back to fight. Where did they even come up with that one?
Damn, Paladin was always my character in Diablo 2, so Reaper of Souls is intriguing due to the Crusader, but I ain't paying $40 for it.
I haven't played in quite awhile and didn't realize they were scaling back the monster density...


02/06/2014 05:26 PMPosted by Venaliter: Here's an idea. How about we just go back to 1.08 levels, when it felt right? Why mess with something that wasn't broken?


1.0.8's density change was an interesting beast that ended up solving some problems, and then creating a few more in its wake.

The benefit of increasing density in 1.0.8 was that the world felt less empty and, based on feedback we received, combat became super action-packed. There was plenty to kill, and it kept you moving. There were *assumes Buzz Lightyear pose* monsters, monsters everywhere. In terms of raw gameplay and personal fun factor, we loved the result and definitely enjoyed the increased density when playing ourselves.

The downside to increasing 1.0.8 density, however, was two-fold. First, it landed an unfortunate blow to build diversity, encouraging a very specific style of play (AoE or bust). Based on all the data we pulled, build variety narrowed quite quickly – even now, you can see the effects with Archon, WW, Zero Dogs, and other similar builds trumping almost everything. Overall, increased density led to much less interesting game play (for the game as a whole), even if it may have been super fun on the surface. Second, by adding a boatload of more monsters, server performance took a hit, which some of you may or may not have experienced.

This is why we originally lowered density. We realize we may have turned the density dial down too low, though, and that's what these recent changes are about – and really what PTR is all about too. We want pacing in the game to feel good, but without the additional technical or build diversity issues. We want to open up a greater variety of ways to play the game, and this is one of many steps we’ve taken to achieve that. Density is one of these things we can continue to evaluate and tweak, and we have every intention of doing that. We won’t, however, be returning 1.0.8 levels, but there’s likely a sweet spot somewhere in between.

This just in: lack of build diversity has been due to monster density and not a combination of awful skill design and bad loot.
:rolleyes: ARPGs are always "AoE or bust"; no one expects to be picking away at enemies one at a time unless they are low level or fighting a champion pack or boss.

"Overall, increased density led to much less interesting game play (for the game as a whole), even if it may have been super fun on the surface."

Why do they let these guys talk? The server performance hit is a valid concern since they operate the game, but I don't know a single person who thought "there are too many monsters in this game now!" The density change breathed a lot of life into the game, particularly because the "action" in D3 has been the most redeeming part of the game. People use so few specs because most of the other AoEs are trash - that's why we're getting Frozen Orb instead of Celestial Orb in RoS, etc. The more posts like this they make on their forums, the more I question whether they've even learned anything from the past two years.
Well, you should play before complaining about it because it's nowhere near as bad as you think.

Density now is more or less between 1.0.7 and 1.0.8 with a lot less "empty" spots in the map. I like the compromise to be honest, and it's no secret that PTR server performance is leagues ahead of Live due to this reason alone.
And Act 5 is apparently almost as long as 2 Acts from the vanilla game put together.
Where'd you get this info?

Why do they let these guys talk? The server performance hit is a valid concern since they operate the game, but I don't know a single person who thought "there are too many monsters in this game now!" The density change breathed a lot of life into the game, particularly because the "action" in D3 has been the most redeeming part of the game. People use so few specs because most of the other AoEs are trash - that's why we're getting Frozen Orb instead of Celestial Orb in RoS, etc. The more posts like this they make on their forums, the more I question whether they've even learned anything from the past two years.
My guess it's a bit of both. They know that the build options suck (at least i hope so.. they'd have to be complete r-tards to not know this). But my guess is they're not allowed to come out and say "there were only a couple good options because most of the moves had no vision and plain sucked."
So please excuse my lack of reading all 687 pages of this thread, or for that matter - following the expansion news much at all. But, what's the skinny on the expansion and all these changes? I had the following gripes with D3:

1) the loot was boring. Legendaries sucked, rares rolled with way way way too much variance and bad stats. The loot grind was not fun (when you know, the whole point of an arpg is arguably smashing faces for loot)
2) the levels were not random in the D1/D2 sense. Made things boring.
3) There was actually too much loot drops (of bad quality). Even just picking up rares led to 100,000 trips to town to sell. When a rare or legendary drops, I should be all like "omfg" This was not the case.
4) I hated the AH and what it did to the game. Everything was tuned around that - and left me feeling like I could make more progress playing D3 ebay than killing monsters.

So, I was VERY excited to see a new team working on these issues, and they appeared to be addressing them all. So my question is: how are they doing? Is it all talk and no action? Or have they really come through with all their ideas? Cuz you know, if the balance is still off, then even the best ideas can still suck. There seems to still be some bitchin going on - but it's hard to tell if that's just the internet's cosmic radiation bitching background, or if it's legit. Just wondering your thoughts...
Where'd you get this info?


My guess it's a bit of both. They know that the build options suck (at least i hope so.. they'd have to be complete r-tards to not know this). But my guess is they're not allowed to come out and say "there were only a couple good options because most of the moves had no vision and plain sucked."

The problem is the mob density of 1.0.8 kinda did force you into AoE-heavy builds exclusively. Demon Hunters only had 1 or 2 viable builds past MP4. On the PTR things are much more flexible, even with the same gear and on a higher difficulty.

So please excuse my lack of reading all 687 pages of this thread, or for that matter - following the expansion news much at all. But, what's the skinny on the expansion and all these changes? I had the following gripes with D3:

1) the loot was boring. Legendaries sucked, rares rolled with way way way too much variance and bad stats. The loot grind was not fun (when you know, the whole point of an arpg is arguably smashing faces for loot)
2) the levels were not random in the D1/D2 sense. Made things boring.
3) There was actually too much loot drops (of bad quality). Even just picking up rares led to 100,000 trips to town to sell. When a rare or legendary drops, I should be all like "omfg" This was not the case.
4) I hated the AH and what it did to the game. Everything was tuned around that - and left me feeling like I could make more progress playing D3 ebay than killing monsters.

So, I was VERY excited to see a new team working on these issues, and they appeared to be addressing them all. So my question is: how are they doing? Is it all talk and no action? Or have they really come through with all their ideas? Cuz you know, if the balance is still off, then even the best ideas can still suck. There seems to still be some bitchin going on - but it's hard to tell if that's just the internet's cosmic radiation bitching background, or if it's legit. Just wondering your thoughts...

1) Legendaries are insanely better now. Most of them have unique affixes which change the way you play or build your character. Rares now have clamped stat rolls, so no more ultra-shitty rolls. Itemization itself is still a little boring though.
2) They added truly random dungeons in Adventure mode.
3) Much less loot is dropped and of higher quality (see #1).
4) No more AH, not sure if this was a question????

The expansion doesn't fix ALL the problems with the game, but it's a pretty nice step forward for D3 and a lot of people agree it's how the original game should have been. Whether or not that's worth $40 is entirely up to you.
So please excuse my lack of reading all 687 pages of this thread, or for that matter - following the expansion news much at all. But, what's the skinny on the expansion and all these changes? I had the following gripes with D3:

1) the loot was boring. Legendaries sucked, rares rolled with way way way too much variance and bad stats. The loot grind was not fun (when you know, the whole point of an arpg is arguably smashing faces for loot)
2) the levels were not random in the D1/D2 sense. Made things boring.
3) There was actually too much loot drops (of bad quality). Even just picking up rares led to 100,000 trips to town to sell. When a rare or legendary drops, I should be all like "omfg" This was not the case.
4) I hated the AH and what it did to the game. Everything was tuned around that - and left me feeling like I could make more progress playing D3 ebay than killing monsters.

So, I was VERY excited to see a new team working on these issues, and they appeared to be addressing them all. So my question is: how are they doing? Is it all talk and no action? Or have they really come through with all their ideas? Cuz you know, if the balance is still off, then even the best ideas can still suck. There seems to still be some bitchin going on - but it's hard to tell if that's just the internet's cosmic radiation bitching background, or if it's legit. Just wondering your thoughts...

I think they are addressing all the above issues quite well considering the design decisions they've decided to keep in the game (the lack of skill points and how you choose your moves).
So i can take it as truth? people have seen it? Have they improved the randomness of these new areas?

The problem is the mob density of 1.0.8 kinda did force you into AoE-heavy builds exclusively. Demon Hunters only had 1 or 2 viable builds past MP4. On the PTR things are much more flexible, even with the same gear and on a higher difficulty.

Yea but that's any ARPG. You will always want your build to contain an aoe capabilities and something for single target dps.
Choco and ace - that's good news. Ya I know "what" they are doing - or saying they are doing, I've kept up enough with that. But then there's the actual implementation, and the actual tuning. And that piece is hard to gauge since someone's always complaining (you can't make everyone happy)

I guess I want to play for a couple hundred hours and by that time - have personally looted some pretty awesome, top end stuff, and have an uber character. Then maybe take some of the awesome loot I found for other characters and make some twinks and spend a few hundred hours goofing around with those. Then by that time - the game has run it's course - and maybe we get an expansion or something.

I've always like arpgs because they are mindless. They are great wind down games after a long day of hard work. I can't always be all caffeinated up and on my toes for say, a DOTA or starcraft or FPS match.
The problem is the mob density of 1.0.8 kinda did force you into AoE-heavy builds exclusively. Demon Hunters only had 1 or 2 viable builds past MP4. On the PTR things are much more flexible, even with the same gear and on a higher difficulty.

As opposed to before the density changes when everyone was running around playing a plethora of both single target and AoE builds? Righhht. But even so, I was more criticizing that he was attempting to give the lack of build diversity - something that was apparent from launch and clearly tied to both skill and item design - as a reason for them to scale back on monster density.

If it's too hard on your servers then just say it; don't spin it as something completely different, particularly when the players have had 2 years to observe the game in action. "Oh no, build diversity is suffering from the new mob density! That must be the reason all these monks are using Wave of Light: because it's AoE! Nothing to do with us buffing the damage by 9000%! Surely not!" Please. They could have fixed (or at least changed) the balance of build diversity at any time if they had actually cared so much about it.

But it's nice that they don't plan to completely revert the changes made in 1.0.8, but rather just scale them back. Personally, I was fine playing at MP3-MP5 under the old system, mainly because I didn't see monster HP bloat as a entertaining challenge, but many potentially-awesome builds sucked even in that MP range with awesome gear simply because of lousy skill balancing. I will certainly welcome a different approach to difficulty than the MP system.
If it's too hard on your servers then just say it; don't spin it as something completely different, particularly when the players have had 2 years to observe the game in action. "Oh no, build diversity is suffering from the new mob density! That must be the reason all these monks are using Wave of Light: because it's AoE! Nothing to do with us buffing the damage by 9000%! Surely not!" Please. They could have fixed (or at least changed) the balance of build diversity at any time if they had actually cared so much about it.

Totally agree.
I guess I want to play for a couple hundred hours and by that time - have personally looted some pretty awesome, top end stuff, and have an uber character. Then maybe take some of the awesome loot I found for other characters and make some twinks and spend a few hundred hours goofing around with those. Then by that time - the game has run it's course - and maybe we get an expansion or something.

That's basically where D3 is right now. I've got like 200 hours into a monk, another 70 or so into my witch doctor, all classes at 60 and some HC characters along the way. And now it's expansion time. And all the class and loot changes in the Loot2.0 patch (not even the paid expansion) really change the game.

My main these days is WD, and the new patch nerfs some of his primary abilities and buffs ones I would have never used. It added lots of new build possibilities with new runes. For example right now 100% of WDs use Cloud of Bats for optimal AE on live. It's high DPS but has a channeling mana cost so they gear accordingly. The patch changes Vampire Bats to have no channeling cost, it does almost as much damage as Cloud, and you dont have to stand in the middle of monster packs. Suddenly you dont need mana-regen gear, or you can use the damage-boost/mana-increase passive, and since you dont need to center mobs on you maybe use some of the newly-buffed pets to hold agro.
here's the thing to take away from all this folks:

Frozen orb is coming back.

Now it'll finally feel like a proper sequel to D2.
Well in other news, I'm going to beat Hell tonight and give inferno a whack over the weekend. I bought 200 million gold with $9 and spent it decking out my Demon Hunter in a way befitting a Lannister lol.

Gonna preempt the AH closing by purchasing more gold and getting my Barbarian and Monk geared up for when they hit 60. Also thought it might not be a bad idea to buy all the Jewelcrafting and Blacksmith plans before the AH closes and did that.

Feels really cheap but oh well.

I AM looking forward to the new loot system, I just wanna experience Inferno before the expansion hits.
All that gear will be obsolete though once the level cap is raised!

Yup, legacy items can't be enchanted: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/11642844372?page=20#395. I'm not sure what I will do yet, but I'll likely be tempted to clean house and start fresh...especially if we don't get any more stash tabs (any word on that? I haven't looked).

here's the thing to take away from all this folks:

Frozen orb is coming back.

Now it'll finally feel like a proper sequel to D2.

I'm just happy that ELEMENTAL SKILLS (and status effects from elements) are finally being widely implemented. That'll open the doors for some 'builds' at least.
Yeah they're adding another stash tab with RoS.

Also, I agree with you Aix over the wording at least. A lot of times those CMs will post something then have to clarify the issue with a few more posts. Doesn't seem to stop the shitstorm though.
I'm just happy that ELEMENTAL SKILLS (and status effects from elements) are finally being widely implemented. That'll open the doors for some 'builds' at least.

Yea this shit was so piss poor in the original game.
Yeah they're adding another stash tab with RoS.

Also, I agree with you Aix over the wording at least. A lot of times those CMs will post something then have to clarify the issue with a few more posts. Doesn't seem to stop the shitstorm though.


One more stash tab? that cracks me up. There's room for 2 more right?

So one in this expansion, then one more in the next? lol fuck blizzard.
One stash tab ought to be enough for anybody.

I just remember thinking when i first played the game:

"Why only 3 tabs? There is clearly room for 2 more!"

And now I know why:

To flesh out the list of features on an expansion.
Blizz says server space, and the only reason we got an extra one now is due to the removal of the AH.
Blizz says server space, and the only reason we got an extra one now is due to the removal of the AH.

World of Warcraft has more bank and bag slots in addition to a guild vault which totals up to more storage space than most RL banks have.

Blizz's explaination is weaksauce
Yeah I know, i'm just posting what Blizz stated on the matter. Either way, at least we're getting 1 more.