You are 100% right on both counts. A couple of people on D3 forums got so offended at the idea that a hellfire amulet should come with a natural socket just because it made the horribly boring and unrewarding grind a hair easier.
I have found that people who take 'offense' at such things are generally the ones already went through the grinding procedure and don't want their 'efforts' to be cheapened down. They want to keep their shineys shiney.
So far RoS has been good to me, though I do agree on certain opinion that T6 is a little too easy at the moment (probably because the gear are so powerful?).
The only major issue I have are respect to the crafting materials. Not the Forgotten souls, but actually the white and blue mats.
This season and last season I have very easily gathered over a stack of Veiled Crystals before I got 300 para, but never more than 500 Recycled Components or 1000 arcane dust at any given time. It seems the game give disproportionately high VC's. Even Odious Goblins drop more VC's than RC's and AD's combined. I think the main issue here is VC and AD drop is too small of a pile relative to VC.