Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

Just post on the Blizz trading forums that you're selling gold, $2 per 1m or whatever and how much you're selling.

Of course, before dealing with anyone make sure to search their name and tag on the forums; there are quite a few scammers.

I wished more people would do this. It seems most people don't know how to properly farm. Almost every pub game I joined over the weekend everyone just goes straight to Halls of Agony. Sometimes, I speak up and say, lets run festering woods or the cemetary, even grab the guaranteed pack right outside Leorics manor and everyone is like, "WTF for, you'll get 5 stack by the time we hit the butcher." Why does everyone seem to think this?

The butcher doesn't drop any better loot than what other elite/champ packs will drop. I just had to reiterate your post in hopes that more people will pick up on this. Some guy yesterday even thought that the loot in festering woods was oing to be lower level stuff compared to Halls of Agony because it was easier or something like that! LOL

Yup, play a few public games and you'll quickly realize why a lot of people cannot progress through Act 1 Inferno. Some of the build and equipment choices I've seen is unexplainable.
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Just post on the Blizz trading forums that you're selling gold, $2 per 1m or whatever and how much you're selling.

Of course, before dealing with anyone make sure to search their name and tag on the forums; there are quite a few scammers.

Wait what?! They actually allow that on the official forums?
^ Not allowed, but the threads there move so fast that unless someone reports it there's a good chance a moderator won't see it. A lot of people sell gold this way.
I'm still cruising along playing solo/nightmare as a barbarian and I'm finding the game actually be much easier than my first pass through on normal. I think I might've just gotten some decent drops or maybe I've just learned what abilities to stick with, but I haven't died since chapter 1 and I'm just about to hit chapter 4. Belial killed me 5 times on normal, but this time I don't even think he got me to 2/3 of my life.

So, for anyone else playing solo and not messing with the auction house or anything like that - I can definitely confirm that nightmare is easily doable. The "revenge" ability is a great crowd clearer and once you get going with the fury ability...you can do damage fast.
Is it just me or are 75% of elite mobs in Inferno difficulty using damage reflect? As a DH damage reflect is almost a guaranteed death since I use max range when attacking, It almost feels like Blizzard intentionally did this to nerd the DH class. So frustrating!
So my Monk (my second character) is getting better and better - I'm at 1008 all resist with 20k DPS, but only 28k vit and no life on hit. I have a few thousand in life on kill, but need some life on hit. Unfortunately the only thing i can find with decent life on hit is Ourobourus, which is buttfuck expensive and doesn't replace much of either the resists, vit, or dex I have with my current amulet...

With the Demon Hunter there appeared to be a relatively common consensus on what build makes the most sense for 'end game' - is there the same for the Monk?
I wished more people would do this. It seems most people don't know how to properly farm. Almost every pub game I joined over the weekend everyone just goes straight to Halls of Agony. Sometimes, I speak up and say, lets run festering woods or the cemetary, even grab the guaranteed pack right outside Leorics manor and everyone is like, "WTF for, you'll get 5 stack by the time we hit the butcher." Why does everyone seem to think this?

The butcher doesn't drop any better loot than what other elite/champ packs will drop. I just had to reiterate your post in hopes that more people will pick up on this. Some guy yesterday even thought that the loot in festering woods was oing to be lower level stuff compared to Halls of Agony because it was easier or something like that! LOL

Exactly. I'm very selective with my runs. Start at Festering Woods, then run the Cemetary, check Northern Highlands for the tower dungeon, zigzag up Fields of Misery to check for dungeons, event areas, and elite/champ packs, then Leoric's manor to the end of A1. Potential for about 30 elite/champ packs doing that run and it usually takes me 1.5-2 hours as a monk.

Vendor anything with an iLvl of 60 or less, keep the good stuff for the AH, and salvage the rest for mats to sell on the AH. Even with no items worth posting on the AH, the run is usually good for at least 300k profit after selling the mats and any repair costs (I usually have a couple of deaths per run...50/50 stupidity/F'd in the A situations).
Thanks guys. One last dumb question... how do I get the NV stacks?

You get them when you become lvl 60. Each elite/champ pack is worth 1 NV. Mini bosses and story bosses wont add to them. Also, people are saying when you kill champs or elites simultaneously that you can get multiple NVs. Also NV lasts for 30min and will reset if you change your build.
So my Monk (my second character) is getting better and better - I'm at 1008 all resist with 20k DPS, but only 28k vit and no life on hit. I have a few thousand in life on kill, but need some life on hit. Unfortunately the only thing i can find with decent life on hit is Ourobourus, which is buttfuck expensive and doesn't replace much of either the resists, vit, or dex I have with my current amulet...

With the Demon Hunter there appeared to be a relatively common consensus on what build makes the most sense for 'end game' - is there the same for the Monk?

Dang. I'd be curious to see your gear. Other than the lack of LoH, you're pretty loaded out. My monk has about 1200 LoH, but I'm only at about 12k DPS and maybe 650 resists with about the same life (28k is plenty for A1 with decent LoH).

The key item for LoH is an amulet. Forget all of the other stats and max out LoH. You should be able to find a ~600 LoH amulet for under 200k. The rest of your stats are quite high, so you've got plenty to give up. If you can find one with other stats, go for it, but don't sacrifice LoH for them.

If your weapon has a socket, craft yourself up a star amethyst and put it in there for another 300 LoH.

Those two alone should do the trick.

If you need to beef up your life after replacing your amulet, get a helmet with a socket and +life%. Throw a high quality amethyst in the helmet for a big boost of +life%. Chest armor and belts can have pretty high +life% too. Otherwise, there's a few armor slots that can have a ton of +vit. Focus on getting the life you need out of as few of those as possible. Then you can concentrate on Dex, crit, etc. on the rest of your gear. Just make sure you shoot for your stack resist and resist all on all of your armor (other than the amulet), but since you've already got over 1000 resists, I don't think I need to tell you that.
Just made lvl 60 beating the last boss in act 3 on hell.

Looked at the AH... everything is in the millions!! I only have 74k... how am I supposed to afford anything in the AH now?!

Also, I wouldn't worry about this too much. Since they made inferno easier and buffed the drop rates, inferno is getting the shit farmed out of it by a lot of people. This will increase the supply in the AH and should bring prices down. You can already see a lot of really good items well below 1mill. The godly stuff is the bleeding edge and will always be high, but you don't really need that. Those are the bragging rights end game item type stuff.
You get them when you become lvl 60. Each elite/champ pack is worth 1 NV. Mini bosses and story bosses wont add to them. Also, people are saying when you kill champs or elites simultaneously that you can get multiple NVs. Also NV lasts for 30min and will reset if you change your build.
Sweet. Just turned level 60, so I haven't seen any stacks yet.
Also, I wouldn't worry about this too much. Since they made inferno easier and buffed the drop rates, inferno is getting the shit farmed out of it by a lot of people. This will increase the supply in the AH and should bring prices down. You can already see a lot of really good items well below 1mill. The godly stuff is the bleeding edge and will always be high, but you don't really need that. Those are the bragging rights end game item type stuff.

But what about for PVP? I'll want the high end stuff to pwn me some other barbs ;)
This weekend I loaded up a build on my wiz with 1800 LOH and it helped a lot with Reflect Dmg elites but I still got pounded when up close. My APS was 1.79 and DPS was 30K. Not sure if it is an improvement over the max DPS mode I usually run.

I am thinking I am going to have to change up my strat past Act 3 Ghom though. I experimented with teleport and mirror image...the images help a lot with survival I found. Teleporting out of a waller was a huge help.
Melee Crit Wizard build is hilarious to play. I can stand in desecrator in Act 1 and barely take any damage.
Just made lvl 60 beating the last boss in act 3 on hell.

Looked at the AH... everything is in the millions!! I only have 74k... how am I supposed to afford anything in the AH now?!

You don't need the stuff that costs millions. There have been a ton of 'poor man' clears on youtube with entire gearsets ranging from 15k to 300k that clear various acts in Inferno.

But what about for PVP? I'll want the high end stuff to pwn me some other barbs
I would give up the notion of pwning anyone in PvP on any merit other than gear. Don't get your hopes up for any sort of quality meaningful PvP.

On another note... my HC Wiz went directly from killing Diablo in Hell to comfortably farming A1 inferno. The HC AH is an interesting beast. The good gear simply doesn't exist unlike SC. If I wanted a good resist all piece with good int and vitality... it just doesn't exist. I've found plenty of personal upgrades in A1. Hopefully the changes to drop rates start supplying the HC pool with some nice stuff.
This weekend I loaded up a build on my wiz with 1800 LOH and it helped a lot with Reflect Dmg elites but I still got pounded when up close. My APS was 1.79 and DPS was 30K. Not sure if it is an improvement over the max DPS mode I usually run.

I am thinking I am going to have to change up my strat past Act 3 Ghom though. I experimented with teleport and mirror image...the images help a lot with survival I found. Teleporting out of a waller was a huge help.

try teleport with fracture.. the mirror images save my life constantly and you can also get a perk ( passive ) that allows teleport cooldown to be reset whenever you are hit for 15% of your life or more which is every hit in inferno unless you're a god. it keeps me from dying all the time and i love it..

beat azmodan inferno last night what a joke. honestly though like my wizard is at 30k hp 30k dps and 600 resist all and its mostly annoying... in order to continue i need a tank. so fuck this i rerolled a barb last night. got him to lvl 32 already.
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Sweet. Just turned level 60, so I haven't seen any stacks yet.

But what about for PVP? I'll want the high end stuff to pwn me some other barbs ;)

Well for starters, no one knows how they are going to implement pvp. Second as hydralisk already pointed out, I would not get your hopes up for a good pvp design. They are probably just gonna throw us an arena style play and say here go at it, which is needless to say, which will be dumb.
Well for starters, no one knows how they are going to implement pvp. Second as hydralisk already pointed out, I would not get your hopes up for a good pvp design. They are probably just gonna throw us an arena style play and say here go at it, which is needless to say, which will be dumb.

they already gave lots of details about pvp and how it will work..

hidden ratings by gear/level that will match you up in arenas. they've also said custom matches so that you can play against friends will be possible. its wow arenas basically.
hidden ratings by gear/level that will match you up in arenas. they've also said custom matches so that you can play against friends will be possible. its wow arenas basically.

It is NOT a hidden gear rating. They said that people with better gear will naturally fight each other. This is literally in other words: People with better gear will naturally have higher MMR since they will beat lower geared players. Basically, your MMR ~ your gear and it turns out that way due to the fact that you will beat players with lower gear (and thus increasing your MMR while decreasing theirs).
Also, people are saying when you kill champs or elites simultaneously that you can get multiple NVs. Also NV lasts for 30min and will reset if you change your build.

Yeah if you kill champ packs all at once you can get multiple loot drops. Monks can do this with Exploding Palm and its pretty hilarious to see 8+ rares with 5 stacks and some MF gear. I'm sure its just a hotfix away, but in the meantime my MF monk is getting what he can :D
It is NOT a hidden gear rating. They said that people with better gear will naturally fight each other. This is literally in other words: People with better gear will naturally have higher MMR since they will beat lower geared players. Basically, your MMR ~ your gear and it turns out that way due to the fact that you will beat players with lower gear (and thus increasing your MMR while decreasing theirs).

you're just repeating the same thing im saying.. hidden rating are what determine your match ups.
you're just repeating the same thing im saying.. hidden rating are what determine your match ups.

That's not correct.

A MMR is not established until you've played a non trivial number of games. Thus, it's entirely possible for an undergeared player to get completely beat up on by very geared players until their rating is established. If this hidden gear rating was based on your gear and not MMR, then you would never face the well geared players. Ever. Also, if there are any sort of meaningful consequences of MMR (rankings? rewards?) then clearly gear is an absolute restriction.

Obviously a hidden gear rating has its own issues (purposely gearing a certain way to force lower gear check matches etc.).
Pushing the hardcore Wizard along, now he's 45 in Act III of NM. Seems like 13K health and 2K damage is enough to do it at this stage, I had 6K health and just a bit under 1K damage at Diablo Normal. I find myself overpreparing for the various events, searching the AH for at least one more reasonable upgrade for that extra edge. Haven't really done much with my softcore Wizard since the patch since Inferno's done so I'm waiting for PVP on that one. Hopefully 1.1 comes soon!
Dang. I'd be curious to see your gear. Other than the lack of LoH, you're pretty loaded out. My monk has about 1200 LoH, but I'm only at about 12k DPS and maybe 650 resists with about the same life (28k is plenty for A1 with decent LoH).

The key item for LoH is an amulet. Forget all of the other stats and max out LoH. You should be able to find a ~600 LoH amulet for under 200k. The rest of your stats are quite high, so you've got plenty to give up. If you can find one with other stats, go for it, but don't sacrifice LoH for them.

If your weapon has a socket, craft yourself up a star amethyst and put it in there for another 300 LoH.

Those two alone should do the trick.

If you need to beef up your life after replacing your amulet, get a helmet with a socket and +life%. Throw a high quality amethyst in the helmet for a big boost of +life%. Chest armor and belts can have pretty high +life% too. Otherwise, there's a few armor slots that can have a ton of +vit. Focus on getting the life you need out of as few of those as possible. Then you can concentrate on Dex, crit, etc. on the rest of your gear. Just make sure you shoot for your stack resist and resist all on all of your armor (other than the amulet), but since you've already got over 1000 resists, I don't think I need to tell you that.

Thanks man for the thorough reply!

I'll post a screenshot of what I have when I'm back later. Good idea on the amulet, I'll see if I can find a non-ourobourus amulet with super high LoH along with (ideally) dex + vit. My helmet has an amethyst in it for 12%, but I'm sure I can stuff something higher in it now that I have a bit of gold. As far as weapons go, they unfortunately don't have sockets but one has ~1500 LoK. Would be nice to get one with a socket, but after looking at the auction house I'd be giving up a ton of DPS...the argument presumably is 'what's the point of being able to deal lots of damage when you're dead'.

The only other items I can find with LoH are rings, but they're always awful (sub 100 LoH) and have none of the other stats I wanted. Sigh...
try teleport with fracture.. the mirror images save my life constantly and you can also get a perk ( passive ) that allows teleport cooldown to be reset whenever you are hit for 15% of your life or more which is every hit in inferno unless you're a god. it keeps me from dying all the time and i love it..

beat azmodan inferno last night what a joke. honestly though like my wizard is at 30k hp 30k dps and 600 resist all and its mostly annoying... in order to continue i need a tank. so fuck this i rerolled a barb last night. got him to lvl 32 already.

I tried that perk but wasn't sure it was working. I run with almost 1k resists so I can survive a few hits just not packs of things hitting me. Is it when you get 1 hit down to 15% or less or simply 15% of your life in a single hit? Im at work and I can't look at diablo sites.
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The problem I've run into is that I'm bored to death of act 1 and my gear isn't good enough to not get rofl stomped by a bad roll of an elite in act 3 (act 2 sucks too much to even consider). So I'm stuck with this need for better gear but a severe lack of desire to put the hours in to get it; which is pretty unlike me considering that I adore hack n' slash games to no end and typically dump a couple hundred hours into thew winhout much thought. But something in the way Diablo 3 goes about things is just sapping the drive out of me.

Yea this is my experience. I've upgraded almost half my gear... got 300+ all resist, 1100 Int, 30k hp, and 20k damage, yet still get fucked by certain mob packs.

I've put the game down for a bit. I'll come back when pvp is in, i guess. (they better allow twinking)
Yea this is my experience. I've upgraded almost half my gear... got 300+ all resist, 1100 Int, 30k hp, and 20k damage, yet still get fucked by certain mob packs.

I've put the game down for a bit. I'll come back when pvp is in, i guess. (they better allow twinking)

try playing with another player... you could certainly use more resist and damage though why is it so low?

act 2 shit gets real for ranged and you need a friend in there to take some hits unless you have 500+ resist 30k hp and 30k dps.

i have those things and with an enchantress some packs can still be a pain
I'll see if I can find a non-ourobourus amulet with super high LoH along with (ideally) dex + vit.

Unless you have many millions to spend, you won't. Seriously...just LoH. That's all you need.

As far as weapons go, they unfortunately don't have sockets but one has ~1500 LoK.

LoK is just shy of worthless. When it comes to elite/champs, 1500 LoK is the equivalent of about 5 LoH.

Would be nice to get one with a socket, but after looking at the auction house I'd be giving up a ton of DPS...the argument presumably is 'what's the point of being able to deal lots of damage when you're dead'.

Yup, but you've got DPS to spare. Sell off your current weapon and and see what you can get for what you can afford. You'll probably lose out on some DPS, but the increase in LoH will be worth it.
I would give up the notion of pwning anyone in PvP on any merit other than gear. Don't get your hopes up for any sort of quality meaningful PvP

Unfortunately, this will likely be true. Best gear takes the match, so if you're losing, head over the RMAH and feel like a WINNER!
Has it ever been stated that your MF has an affect on the actual item stat rolls when a rare drops?
Thanks man for the thorough reply!

I'll post a screenshot of what I have when I'm back later. Good idea on the amulet, I'll see if I can find a non-ourobourus amulet with super high LoH along with (ideally) dex + vit. My helmet has an amethyst in it for 12%, but I'm sure I can stuff something higher in it now that I have a bit of gold. As far as weapons go, they unfortunately don't have sockets but one has ~1500 LoK. Would be nice to get one with a socket, but after looking at the auction house I'd be giving up a ton of DPS...the argument presumably is 'what's the point of being able to deal lots of damage when you're dead'.

The only other items I can find with LoH are rings, but they're always awful (sub 100 LoH) and have none of the other stats I wanted. Sigh...

I shoot for weapons with ~500 LoH ea, and keep about 300 on the amulet. I don't have too much crit, and IAS is fairly low, now, so basically just a pure damage gearset. 17kdps has gotten me through Act II, but Act III may be a bit rough until I upgrade.
Bah, I sold a 400k shield for 40k. Jokes on me!

I did get a decent socketed 890 dps sword with 200 dex and LoH today, not bad.

Ah you lucky bastard. :p

So far for me my monk is still using a "garbage" weapon. 690 DPS, 98% crit dmg, +100 dex, + 100 int, + open socket that has a amy in it. :(
Has it ever been stated that your MF has an affect on the actual item stat rolls when a rare drops?

People have said here that it does not... (which is stupid imo, because NV has trivialized MF in its current state with "guaranteed" rares off packs and bosses)

try playing with another player... you could certainly use more resist and damage though why is it so low?

act 2 shit gets real for ranged and you need a friend in there to take some hits unless you have 500+ resist 30k hp and 30k dps.

i have those things and with an enchantress some packs can still be a pain

I'm really not sure why my dps is so low. I have 900+dps 1h too. I still am lacking IAS and Crit tho, so that's likely it. Rocking 210 MF, and think it was a poor investment considering you can farm without it and still yield the same quality drops :(
Has it ever been stated that your MF has an affect on the actual item stat rolls when a rare drops?

Short answer is no

but read on :)

Magic find increases quality as in grey, white, blue, yellow , (legendary?)

for example: mob A, has the following chances to drop:

white 70%
blue 20%
yellow 9%
legendary 1%

magic find will increase the chance of finding the better items -> blue -> yellow -> legendary. Just the color of the items, not the stats that get rolled.

and i guess "decrease" the chance of getting a white (i don't think the system rolls are out of 100 at this point) but it is decreased chance.

if it was out of 100% total though, it would look something like this if you reached whatever their formula counts as "double" in terms of magic find

white 40%
blue 40%
yellow 18%
legendary 2%

the set of loot a mob drops is what a mob drops regardless of magic find, its just the color of the item that changes. so essentially, that white or blue Hellion Crossnow (iLvL 63) that dropped could have been a yellow, if you had sufficient magic find
Rocking 210 MF, and think it was a poor investment considering you can farm without it and still yield the same quality drops :(

I think you're exaggerating a little bit. Go farm an act without MF gear then do it again with MF gear. You don't need to speculate, just go do it.

you'll get way more rares with MF gear
I think you're exaggerating a little bit. Go farm an act without MF gear then do it again with MF gear. You don't need to speculate, just go do it.

you'll get way more rares with MF gear

But it will take you longer.
Ah you lucky bastard. :p

So far for me my monk is still using a "garbage" weapon. 690 DPS, 98% crit dmg, +100 dex, + 100 int, + open socket that has a amy in it. :(

It's actually sitting in my stash awaiting the +300 LoH gem I'm making tonight. Base LoH on it was +124. Not bad, but not even close to the +670 I have on my current mainhand.
It's actually sitting in my stash awaiting the +300 LoH gem I'm making tonight. Base LoH on it was +124. Not bad, but not even close to the +670 I have on my current mainhand.

I can make the +400 ones if you want and have the mats :D

Also regarding MF, I've found so much MF/GF gear that I sell on the AH mainly because I don't want to farm A1. I like farming A2 on my own mainly because it's actually challenging. Is anyone else like this too?
i keep thinking the game hates me... with all these bad rolls after hours on end of farming.

then this happens


i know mortar doesnt pass waller walls , thats pretty annoying. but if it wasnt also waller, that's quite buggy about the "short" mortar deadzone. they even recently(somewhat) doubled the deadzone for mortars but increased the max range

Where were you when you found that hat?