Dell’s UltraSharp 2005FPW widescreen 20-inch LCD monitor.

My icons appear to be just a tad smaller @ 1680x1050 on my current screen, than they did at 1024x768 on my 17" CRT. Not exactly a mathematical measurement... but if you're planning on getting this screen, why worry about icon size? Believe me, everything is quite visible.
steviep said:
Yes, Dell pays the shipping in most cases.

You only get the purple hues when you view a black screen at an angle... or if you don't have the screen properly positioned in front of you, the corners will appear to be a peach/purple hue. Simply tilt the monitor upward a tad and sit back a bit, and it will look great.

Yes, the Apple 20" has the same effects. Anand recently did a review of the Apple 20" vs the Dell 20" and they gave the Dell a higher score and are using as their new 'benchmark monitor' for all other monitors to compare to.

As for an MX420 causing ghosting? Well... it's quite unlikely, but it's possible. However, if your friend's piece of crap 25ms 17" Dell is a TN panel, it may be more responsive than yours. Remember, specs are all subjective. I guess you won't know until you take your screen to a friend of yours that has a better video card... or maybe you can borrow their videocard for a few hours? You simply have to do the comparison yourself if you want to know whether you notice the ghosting on the screen.

Personally, I don't notice it when I'm gaming (I don't game too much anyhow, at least not on the PC). I DO notice it when I'm doing sound editing and looking at waveforms, though. Doesn't bother me all that much anymore, as I've gotten used to it. The screen is simply beautiful. I don't see any SDE/rainbow, I do have a couple dead pixels that I never EVER notice, and there is a tiny 1-inch section near the top right that bleeds a very little after the screen has been on for hours... so I'm quite happy with this screen. Especially with the price.

It doesn't make sense how a VERY old monitor or notebook with 30ms response time could not ghost when a 12 ms does. However, his monitor is VGA only which means it runs best in that mode. Could my monitor suck because I'm using VGA and it's designed for DVI? I'm talking VERY obvious ghosting. Can anyone look at the red "A" for the bomb site A in dust2 and strafe along it and tell me if it leaves transparent red trails of blur in the opposite direction?

PS. The backlight appears to be fixed in the new monitors except taht dell never left the monitor on long enough to notice that it gets worse as the monitor heats up longer and longer. My monitors black screen is flawless when i first turn it on, then as it reaches its maximum heat, the backlight begins to creep through.
steviep said:
Turn V-Sync on?

It's the same amount of ghosting for some reason with it on. It doesn't make sense because even at 30 FPS everything still blurs. This monitor should not show any blurring in games at less than 80 FPS because it's grey-to-grey response time is 12 ms and I heard Dell's stats were relatively accurate. The fact that my comp is ghosting at 30 fps would make this monitor 35+ms which cant be right. It must be me video card or analog connection.
It could be. For future reference, on LCDs, always have the v-sync on. lol
But that does sound a bit off. Whether the screen is 12 or 16ms it should provide a decent enough response time to play most games... maybe your eyes are really sensitive? You really need to get a DVI-capable card to try it out. Have your friend bring over his tower?
steviep said:
It could be. For future reference, on LCDs, always have the v-sync on. lol
But that does sound a bit off. Whether the screen is 12 or 16ms it should provide a decent enough response time to play most games... maybe your eyes are really sensitive? You really need to get a DVI-capable card to try it out. Have your friend bring over his tower?

Hehe ya. Well my eyes are prolly not THAT sensitive considering I didn't notice any on a 25ms. The statistical probability that I got 2 defective monitors with ghosting problems is impossible. I am just scared to bring my LCD on that far of a drive :) considering he's the only one of my friends that even knows wat a computer is lol. 12ms theoretically should be more than fine because im not a gamer that needs to play CS at 450FPS lol. I'm perfectly happy at 50 fps lol.
Ok, you guys convinced me. I just bought one. I cant wait to see how much better this is than my current 17" samsung!!!
I just got a 2005fpw. No dead pixels and no backlighting issues. That's great because I had issues with 2 L90D+'s and didn't want to deal with dead pixel issues, rma's, etc.

This screen is great. I love all the sreen and desk real estate that I have now compared to my 19" CRT. My only question now is how soon am I gonna want a 2405.
steviep said:
Have your friend bring his tower?

i doubt he would. he's so uptite lol. i think my 21 days just expired so looks like im stuck with it anyhow. As long as no one else reports ghosting, it should just be a defect with my vid card. Everyone says, "if there is ghosting, its negligable." But in my case, it's VERY obvious. It looks kinda like if u hook up XBOX to the component and try to play halo 2. Everything blurs when u move.
I get mine today!!!

Anyone have any thoughts as to how much better it will be compared to my 17" samsung?
You'll love it.
Drummer, how bout throwing in a GeForce 4 Ti series or a 9x00 series ATI card in your case? You can find them for sub-$100 on Ebay, and most have DVI?
Received my 2005fwp exchange today. April A01 mexico. Five bad pixels ( four green
and one red) plus worst backpanel bleeding then the 2005 it was to replace. Called
dell and they will send another. By the way, there were no return shipping labels in
the exhange box. Dell susposed to call back on that issue. This is a pain.
hi!, i am a spain person , and i received my 2005fpw today. April A01 UK. 0 death pixels. Blacklight is very slow in one corner. i am very happy with the monitor ^^.

I wonder why the monitors assembled in Mexico seem to have many
complaints. Would have thought that they would have gotten their act
together after all these months. Anyone know if any uk assembled units
get shipped to the US.
Mine is from mexico. It works perfectly fine with ZERO backlight when I turn it on and minor issues after like 2 hours. steviep I should probably do that, but I was planning on building a computer as soon as the ATI R520 comes out. As long as you all say that there is little/no ghosting when moving in a video game, I'll have to trust that its just my gay computer or VGA. Any movement in counterstrike or anything is extemely blurry, and I do not think that is normal haha. I've had good luck with both LCD's that I bought in my lifetime. Both had zero dead pixels. I think people should return them if they have even one. I couldn't deal with it cuz I'd always be focusing on it.
I have a few dead pixels actually, but they're not near the centre, and I never see them 98% of the time (I kept this monitor because it is virtually free of the backlight issue, and that bugs me more).

The R520 probably won't show up on shelves until near-Christmas, so you have a long wait... Perhaps a stop-gap solution wouldn't hurt? Do your friends have any spare decent video cards you could slip em $20-50 for?
steviep said:
I have a few dead pixels actually, but they're not near the centre, and I never see them 98% of the time (I kept this monitor because it is virtually free of the backlight issue, and that bugs me more).

The R520 probably won't show up on shelves until near-Christmas, so you have a long wait... Perhaps a stop-gap solution wouldn't hurt? Do your friends have any spare decent video cards you could slip em $20-50 for?

Haha, my one friend that has a computer has the same graphics card as mine...I suppose i can pick up like an FX5700 for 70 bucks, however, I fear that I might run into that problem where i cant disable the old video card because it might be integrated. I guess i'll have to disable it in the bios for that. With your monitor, do you notice that after several hours of use, there is just a tiny bit of minor bleeding? When mine first turns on it looks perfect, then slowly starts to show with time. I bet this problem will go away with time as the backlight starts to fade.

Well the R520 is "supposed" to come out around June, however, I do not know if that is just a paper launch or what. Obviously, it might be the same problem as with the X800's where no one could even get ahold of one for several months. I think I read somewhere that they might not have that problem this time, and also, the card has been ready for quite some time. I hope that card doesnt cost 700$ :(.
It will most certainly be a paper launch, you probably won't see this card later this year. Yes, if your current card is integrated, you can simply disable it in the BIOS. After several hours, there is a tiny TINY bit of bleeding near the top-right, however, nothing I can notice without a black screen. If yours is bad enough that it bugs you, call Dell. If you can live with it (you sound like you can), don't worry much about it.
jimboat said:
Received my 2005fwp exchange today. April A01 mexico. Five bad pixels ( four green
and one red) plus worst backpanel bleeding then the 2005 it was to replace. Called
dell and they will send another. By the way, there were no return shipping labels in
the exhange box. Dell susposed to call back on that issue. This is a pain.

Received second exchange, Rev01 April , Mexico. The back panel bleeding of this
one is the worst yet. In a bright room and with a dark screen see very pronounced
bleeding in left bottom and right top corners. Also has two bad pixels (red and green ) much closer to the center then my original. Since my original monitor is much better then these two exchages I am not going to waste any more time and effort in trying out a third exchange. So I will I keep the original one even thought I am not 100% satisfied
with the product.

I wonder if I should ask dell to give me a credit for all the time I wasted without
accomplishing anything??
Try one more exchange, maybe 3rd time's a charm?
If it comes up bad, Dell will most certainly credit you if you bitch enough.
How many people out there are getting good 2005fpw's? I'm almost ready to just say screw it and get the 20" cinema instead. I really don't want to have to deal with returning panels several times to get a good one.
I got one after 3 tries in March. Some people get good ones on the first try. Again, the Apple is a good monitor, but you get MUCH more for your money with the Dell. Try one more, then make your decision from there. Do everything you can within the first 20 days.
I haven't purchased one yet steve. :D

I just don't want to have to deal with hassles if I do. If Dell sold their products in stores I'd be much more likely to buy one. Having to ship stuff back and forth is a pita. Besides, I'm somewhat concerned as to the life span of Dell panels. They simply aren't built to the same tolerances that the Apple's are. The big question (and hardest one to answer) is: is the extra price worth the Cinema display? Most would answer, no. However, I don't think that most people take into consideration the life-span factor.
Why would Dell's lifespan be any significant amount less than the Apple's? While the bezel itself is built different (by Benq), the panel is LG. I know people that are using some of the original LCD screens to come out of Dell, and they still work perfectly fine.
There are a lot more components to the monitor than just the LCD panel. ;)

Apple's is completely sealed and built to higher tolerances. Most of the backlight bleeding seen on the Dells is a result of how the panel is fitted into the housing. None of the Cinema's that I've seen have this problem but almost every one of the Dell's that I've seen have. The method by which power is supplied to the two monitors is completely different as well. I would expect the Apple to hold up better in this regard.
FWIW I think with proper care and safeguards taken (and adequate assurance that neither begins life with major defects)...both LCDs will survive long enough that you'll be sick of 'em and wanting to buy something bigger and better anyway. Asthetics are one thing...and if someone thinks that one looks better than the other...more power to em...but I don't think longevity is so much of an issue.
mcsenerd said:
FWIW I think with proper care and safeguards taken (and adequate assurance that neither begins life with major defects)...both LCDs will survive long enough that you'll be sick of 'em and wanting to buy something bigger and better anyway. Asthetics are one thing...and if someone thinks that one looks better than the other...more power to em...but I don't think longevity is so much of an issue.

You have a good point there. Especially, when you consider some of the new technology that will be coming out shortly.
I just wished my 2005FPW would get here already :(

I ordered Wed. afternoon and haven't even gotten a tracking number just says In's been saying that on their order status page forever now. I don't understand...I order from lots of online resellers and I get tracking information sometimes within just a few hours...and for Dell it takes 48-72 hours? What gives?
I got mine the other day. I didnt notice any issues but i may not be as picky as some of you.

All i can say is WOW
Well...lo and behold...I come home this afternoon...and guess what's sitting in the entryway of my house?

My new Dell 2005FPW!

This thing is SCHWEEEEET!

I just got it hooked up...haven't had a huge chance to test it out fully...but so far so good.
My friend is still using his original Dell 17" LCD. The colors have faded somewhat but it still works great. I'd say that the 2005FPW would last at least 5 years, and by then, new OLED displays with <1ms response time and 5000:1 contrast ratio that are bendable will be released. Do not worry too much about the longetivity. Anyone know why these beasts release so much heat? Damn heat causes my backlight bleeding after an hour or 2. lol.
Drummer16161616 said:
My friend is still using his original Dell 17" LCD. The colors have faded somewhat but it still works great. I'd say that the 2005FPW would last at least 5 years, and by then, new OLED displays with <1ms response time and 5000:1 contrast ratio that are bendable will be released. Do not worry too much about the longetivity. Anyone know why these beasts release so much heat? Damn heat causes my backlight bleeding after an hour or 2. lol.

I would say it has as much to do with the power components as it does with the display. I've noticed that the Cinemas seem a little cooler but they also have the annoying power brick which is external. The Cinema displays are also completely sealed so its hard to say exactly how much heat it's putting off inside of there.
Just got mine that I bought from someone here in the forums, and damn it is beautiful. No backlight problems, no dead pixels, just a beautiful, wide, sharp screen. I'm in love. Hopefully this thing will look all right when I hook it up to the mac mini I'll be getting in June, but it's real nice for watching stuff off my AIW card. I just want to hug it.
FanATIc said:
According to
Dell will have these monitors for $397 after coupon, should be avail starting on saturday.

DANGIT! I knew I should have waited a few more days............ :rolleyes:

Anyway, I love this monitor. It's fantastic. No problems whatsoever. (A01 Mexico)

I just noticed that the top of the monitor is considerably warmer than my other LCD.