Dell’s UltraSharp 2005FPW widescreen 20-inch LCD monitor.

Yes I did try Vsync. It certainly did help but not to a great extent. Its the same way on my other rig as well. I feel the answer lies within the image setting but everything is greyed out except scaling? Why is it like this??? How can I activate these settings?
I'm coming to the conclusion that peoples eyes are just wired differently. To me (and I'm a detail oriented person), there is no appreciable blur on the 2005FPW. Yes, if I was to put it right next to a really good CRT (one running at 100hz) and look at moving images, I'd probably notice a difference but aside from that I'd have to say that blur really isn't an issue on this screen.

Now, though it is possible that both of your LCDs (or video cards) happen to be defective or improperly configured, I'm really starting to think that some people are just more sensitive to this stuff (on a biological level) than others. This seems most apparent in situations like this where group A says a given LCD has no blur and group B says that there is major blur and they want to go back to their CRTs again (of course group B could also be trying to sound like they're too good for group A, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt).

All of this being said, I'd check your video drivers (I've read about some weird issues with nvidia drivers and DVI) also try using VGA instead just to see if it isn't a problem with your DVI ports. With DVI you shouldn't need to make any adjustments to how the screen syncs to your vid card which is why the settings and the auto-adjust are disabled.
ajabbari said:
I'm coming to the conclusion that peoples eyes are just wired differently. To me (and I'm a detail oriented person), there is no appreciable blur on the 2005FPW. Yes, if I was to put it right next to a really good CRT (one running at 100hz) and look at moving images, I'd probably notice a difference but aside from that I'd have to say that blur really isn't an issue on this screen.

I think so as well, I have some experience with LCDs and used to play the original Unreal Tournament on an old Dell Inspiron, while blurry it was still playable to me. I would imagine the 2005FPW is much better than that. So I sort of expect a little blur coming from a CRT but I don't think it will be detrimental to my playing ability or vision. I'd much rather have an 8-bit IPS panel in the middle ground as far as color quality and response rate than a PVA panel with 25MS or a TN panel with narrow viewing angles and only 262k color reproduction.
Damn, after opening and using the monitor most of the afternoon and night yesterday with very minor backlight issue in one corner. It now seems to have formed along two areas on the top and bottom right. I guess the next few days will let me know how bad this will get :( , this panel has no dead or stuck pixels so I do not want to send back and test fate. :(
Check this out. Since Dell has a new 30% off coupon code (D7L9QWS?X48W30) for the 2005fpw and I ordered one with a 25% code last Saturday. I jumped on Dell chat to get the extra 5% ($37.45) credited to my account.

First attempt I got a $35 off $35.01 coupon

Second attempt I got the credit of $37.45 to my Dell Preferred Account bringing my total down to $389.30 and the $35 off $35.01 code from the first chat still works. :cool:

So if you ordered in the past week, go get another $37.45 credit. :D
shadow69 said:
Damn, after opening and using the monitor most of the afternoon and night yesterday with very minor backlight issue in one corner. It now seems to have formed along two areas on the top and bottom right. I guess the next few days will let me know how bad this will get :( , this panel has no dead or stuck pixels so I do not want to send back and test fate. :(
If the replacement is worse than the first, you can just send the replacement back. That's wast I did with the replacement I got on Thursday. The leakage on the replacement was worse, and there was several stuck pixels :mad: I'm still debating whether or not to order another. Both LCDs were new A01s manufactured in March.
I am sad to report that I will be returning this monitor for a refund. I found that blurring only occurs when windows are moved left to right, vice versa. This also applies to games as well. For a while I thought I was getting used to the blurring, which I was, but it was only causing me to become dizzy and causing eye strain. Moving up and down causes no problems whatsoever. This has to be the worst and most disappointing purchase i've ever made. This monitor is NOT for GAMES. Its perfect for everything else. Please be aware that I've tried every solution availible online and would not steer anyone wrong. I'm now afraid to buy any lcd at all. I will unfortunately be returning to a CRT, something I thought I never would be doing. What a shame, what a shame... :(
KFC Colonel Sanders said:
I am sad to report that I will be returning this monitor for a refund. I found that blurring only occurs when windows are moved left to right, vice versa. This also applies to games as well. For a while I thought I was getting used to the blurring, which I was, but it was only causing me to become dizzy and causing eye strain. Moving up and down causes no problems whatsoever. This has to be the worst and most disappointing purchase i've ever made. This monitor is NOT for GAMES. Its perfect for everything else. Please be aware that I've tried every solution availible online and would not steer anyone wrong. I'm now afraid to buy any lcd at all. I will unfortunately be returning to a CRT, something I thought I never would be doing. What a shame, what a shame... :(

The games i play on mine work just fine for me. I dont have a problem with it. You get used to the slight blurring after a while because thats just the way LCD's are. Their response time will probably never match that of a CRT because of the way LCD technology works. I still think that LCD's are leaps and bounds above a CRT though because i hate the eyestrain from a CRT and the fact it takes up so much space. And the widescreen view of the 2005FPW and 2405FPW is incredible.
Does even the slightest moving of the windows cause blur for you may I ask? Bluring is quite persistant even on the 2d desktop. Slightly moving windows will cause a headache of a blur. I believe many of you are underestimating what I am seeing for which instead of returning I requested a replacement to see if there is a difference. The man I spoke to, who by the way was hard to understand ;) told me it was most likely a bad cable and that I would be getting a new monitor this week. Now its a matter of hope....
I notice no blurring, and Far Cry, and Battlefield Vietnam play great in wide screen.
KFC, if you MUST game on an LCD, choose a TN+ panel (crappy colours/contrast/viewing angle, good response). The Hyundai L90D+ is the current 'game winner'. You are obviously very VERY sensitive to ghosting and motion blur, so you should probably steer clear of LCDs until 2007, when the technology is more mature.

For me, and I am a casual PC gamer, who doesn't like too many FPS games all that much, may I add, and this monitor has been doing just fine for everything I've thrown at it. The response time is more than adequate for most people.
It gets a 8 1/2 or 9 out of 10 in my book. For $474 shipped? You cant beat that with a stick.

Things to improve?
1. Backlight Issues
2. Would be great if it was 12ms Black to white. REALLY GREAT actually.
3. Hmmmm
Scolecite said:
It gets a 8 1/2 or 9 out of 10 in my book. For $474 shipped? You cant beat that with a stick.

Things to improve?
1. Backlight Issues
2. Would be great if it was 12ms Black to white. REALLY GREAT actually.
3. Hmmmm

I got it for $389.30 shipped and absolutely love it. I give it 9 out of 10. The little ghosting I did notice seems to have disappeared (I guess I adjusted?) as I have now played CS: Source and UT2004 a couple of hours each since Friday.

How about adding to the improve list component inputs instead of composite?
shadow69 said:
Damn, after opening and using the monitor most of the afternoon and night yesterday with very minor backlight issue in one corner. It now seems to have formed along two areas on the top and bottom right. I guess the next few days will let me know how bad this will get :( , this panel has no dead or stuck pixels so I do not want to send back and test fate. :(

I think the chance of getting a 2005FPW with no backlight issue is about 1 in every 1,000 or so. I seriously dont see what its such an issue with this LCD. You would think they could of corrected it by now. Luckily you can't see it unless you have a black background and the lights are ither turned out or your viewing from a distance. Several have also said that it gets better with time.

Does anyone know any tricks that actually work? I tried rubbing it and laying if face down overnight but that didn't really do anything. My main backlight problem is in the lower left corner.
well got mine.. of course backlighting issues bleeding from the top and bottom right.. other then that.. it's a incredible monitor for the price..

should i rma it? or should i just live with the backlighting..
steviep said:
KFC, if you MUST game on an LCD, choose a TN+ panel (crappy colours/contrast/viewing angle, good response). The Hyundai L90D+ is the current 'game winner'. You are obviously very VERY sensitive to ghosting and motion blur, so you should probably steer clear of LCDs until 2007, when the technology is more mature.

For me, and I am a casual PC gamer, who doesn't like too many FPS games all that much, may I add, and this monitor has been doing just fine for everything I've thrown at it. The response time is more than adequate for most people.

Thank you for your response. I will have to completely disagree with you on your statement about me being "VERY" sensitive to ghosting as I deem it false. The ghosting or streaking I have encountered has been confirmed by many family members and friends and I am not just "seeing" things. A friend with a 12ms lcd also stated that he doesn't experience such extreme blurriness at all on his. At this point I believe it to be a hardware defect that will hopefully be adressed in the replacement. Please be aware its difficult to determine what a person is experiencing with their monitor without seeing it for yourself. Don't be so quick to judge ;) . Will keep everyone posted on how my replacement turns out.
(7\) said:
well got mine.. of course backlighting issues bleeding from the top and bottom right.. other then that.. it's a incredible monitor for the price..

should i rma it? or should i just live with the backlighting..

If the backlighting is very bad you could try a replacement or two to see if you can get one you like better. You dont have to send them back the original. Just keep the one you have now and if the replacement is worse then send it back instead of the original.

Chances are your not going to get one without backlight problems.
I, too am thinking about buying this monitor when the next coupons are available.
I have 2 questions I would like to ask before I purchase it.

1) I will be watching a lot of rock DVDs, but they all have a 1.33:1 ratio, which i believe is full screen. Would that look bad on the 2005FPW?

2) I will not be getting a new computer for another 1-2 months, but if the coupon deals are good at the end of this month, I will go ahead and order it from dell anyway. Now obviously without my computer, I will not be able to test it. I am currently using a 7 year old PC with a voodoo3 on it, so I won't be able to test it.

My question is: Does dell have a warranty on it? I will not be able to return it within the first 21 days or whatever, so I will have to keep it despite dead/stuck pixels and blacklight problems. My only concern is that if the monitor does not work at all, I won't be able to return it (until there is a warranty on it)
Hello all, I posted a couple weeks ago about my new 2005FPW that had a pretty big backlight problem, and thought I'd post my update.

First of all, I noticed the backlight problem stems from the way the panel is snapped into the plastic face -- if you squeeze the frame, you'll see the backlight appear at that point.

Anyway, long story short, I'm keeping the monitor as is for these reasons:

1) no dead pixels
2) backlight seems to have moderated a bit, although it tends to go around the all the edges more rather than just the corners
3) we've also grown used to how it looks. It only is noticable during a dark scene when we are watching a DVD at night with the room fairly dark. This combination is not particularly frequent except with the Alias series I've noticed.
4) Even if Samsung or Toshiba comes out with a similar display soon, it likely would be at least $200 more than I paid.
5) the color and image is still way better than my old 19" LG CRT

Overall, it has worked out well for wide screen movies. For non-animorphic DVD (Disney sucks...) they show up letter boxed top and bottom and left and right. Now that does suck...

For 4:3 movies (like certain TV shows) they still look great and are simply letter boxed vertically (in response to somebody's rock video question). The size is only slightly smaller than my old 19" CRT.

FYI, Alias was made for 4:3 NTSC display, yet the DVDs are widescreen, suggesting that it may have been shot in HTDV in the first place and pan-and-scanned for regular TV. Could be some rock videos, especially in the past couple of years, will be the same.

Last comment is that most industry prognosticators are forecasting weak prices for LCD through summer. If I wasn't going to be buying a computer for two months, I'd wait about six weeks and then start looking for coupons again. They seem to be frequent and I think that there could be an overall price drop on this product by then, too. And there might be a serious contender on the scene by then as well.

There's a 35% off coupon for this monitor and free shipping as of today. Think it expires 4/8

$486.XX without tax.

$535.XX with shitty CA tax.
Ok, it took three tries but I got another 4% back to my DPA card. The first two would not budge on anything back and the last one offered the 4%, so I took it.

So my final total for my 2005fpw that I ordered on 3/26 is $356.89. Here is the massive math $749 minus 25% coupon, $100 concession code, $35 DPA coupon, $37.45 credit (when 30% code came out on 4/1) and now another $29.96 credit (new coupon today increased to 35%).

Plus a $35 off $35.01 coupon from first Dell chat attempt on Saturday.

All in all, I am one happy mofo.
Does anyone know when the 2005FPW dropped from 799 to $749? I might wait until it drops in price again. Thanks
Hi, I just got my FPW , however it is a bit too bright to me. Is there any way (3rd party program) to decrease the brightness of it. Physically I reduced it to 0, but still bright. My eyes hurts. Already adjusted Gamma settings at the videocard settings. I am using it via DVI. Please share your thoughts on it.

It is a good monitor. I think the backlight issue is overreacted. Mine has a few, but only noticeable when nothing on the screen instead of pure black (like the end of slideshow screen in Powerpoint). 1680x1050 seems like very large according to what I expected. I mean the fonts and icons are large. I would go for smaller if I could. (maybe because I came from a 14" 1400x1050 laptop screen, where I had smaller from everything.)
I have my brightness set on 0 as well, and I still need some room light if I'm doing PC work. If I'm watching a DVD, room light is less important because I'm not sitting so close.

Because it's 16:10, the NTSC format shows up a bit bigger than with ordinary 16:9 displays. 4:3 content, like rock videos perhaps, only leaves side letter boxing about 1" on each side, so you do get a fairly large picture. 16:9 content leaves about 1/2" top and bottom. Wide screen movies like Lord of the Rings letter box more top and bottom of course.

A question: anybody using this for HDTV & their PC? I was thinking getting an OTA HDTV tuner, either the LG 3410A (includes 12.5 hour HD recorder with D-VHS offloading for $695) or the LG 4200A (HTDV + NTSC tuner only for $260).

Both of these have a have an RGB/VGA output which is supported by the monitor in 1680x1050 mode, so 720p or 1080i HDTV would be supported (and NTSC would be upsampled). I would just use the front panel switch to toggle between the different video inputs. If I did this, I could chuck my Hauppauge TV board which only renders 640x480 with moderate sharpness (somewhat blurred full screen).

Anybody try anything like this yet? I might wait for the recorder to drop in price, or wait for a version that can record to HD-DVD later this summer when it gets down the $700 price point.
Just a quick answer for myself (and maybe someone else):

Dealing with huge brightness (one solution...)

Set your monitor to the following: Brightness 0, red 80, green, 80, blue 77. This seems to be a good solution. However you can give a shot to your video card gama settings also.
Wow, just got my 2005fpw hooked up. No dead pixels, some back light leakage in top right, but not too bad. Have it as the secondary monitor with my 21" CRT as the primary.

Right now I'm running in dualview mode. CRT on VGA and 2005 on DVI. BFG 6800 GT OC.

Does anyone know if you can set different wallpapers in dualview? Whenever I try to do that, it changes the wallpaper on both monitors.
If you have an ATI video card, the answer is no.
You need a program like ultramon to be able to display different wallpapers on the two monitors.

If you have an nvidia video card, I'm not sure what the answer is.
sophie said:
If you have an ATI video card, the answer is no.
You need a program like ultramon to be able to display different wallpapers on the two monitors.

If you have an nvidia video card, I'm not sure what the answer is.

I have nvidia. I figured it out.
There's a way to do two backgrounds. You have to create one large image with both your backgrounds in it and tile it so the second image ends up on the 2nd display. That's basically what Ultramon does, you'll find a folder in it with the single images it creates for dual display. That's how I learned to do it manually in photoshop.
TimothyB said:
There's a way to do two backgrounds. You have to create one large image with both your backgrounds in it and tile it so the second image ends up on the 2nd display. That's basically what Ultramon does, you'll find a folder in it with the single images it creates for dual display. That's how I learned to do it manually in photoshop.

nview does it for you if you have nvidia. Much easier, no pchop required.
janko10 said:
nview does it for you if you have nvidia. Much easier, no pchop required.

Yeah, I figured that out once I got a nvidia card. Still, they didn't have to put the option so darn deep in the settings. The option is in the mulitple desktop area settings I think, which sounds like mulitple virtual desktops, but somewhere in there you'll find an option to allow separate backgrounds, you almost have to stumble upon it to find it.
I got my 2005FPW about 1 week ago. Worked fine so far, until I tried to watch movies. When there are dark scenes with a lot of black, most of the black turns into red pixels. At first I thought the quality of the movie was bad, but then I found out that it happened in almost every movie.

This is one example:


I have read a lot about backlight issues, but screenshots from many users have shown a different problem that occurs in the corners of the monitor. Should I return the monitor?

Globi is it just avi's that appear corrupt or dvds too? that picture look like a codec problem. If you use xvid make sure it is installed upto date and that other codecs dont interfere
It also happens on DVDs. When I switch back to my old CRT Screen (21") these pixels do not appear. I think it is no Codec issue.

I also noticed that on some websites with tables, there is a quite unusual shading of the table borders that often looks blue on bright sites and red on dark sites. This also occurs in the Windows Title bars when they are inactive: inactive windows have a gray title bar, and in my case the are gray and on some places you can see a 1 pixel width blueish vertical line.

I might sound a little paranoid here, but I really wanna make sure that my monitor is working as it should or if I should contact Dell support.

did you try both dsub and dvi to pc and get the same thing. I dont think it is a monitor prob as I did a lot of reading around and never saw this one (although it could be).

i would check with different versions of gfx drivers and connections before I contact Dell.

good luck.
I have tried both. DSUB is very unsharp on a 1680 resolution, but most of the red pixels (not all!) seem to have disappeared. I really might check the driver of my gfx before I contact Dell.
