Dell’s UltraSharp 2005FPW widescreen 20-inch LCD monitor.

CRXican said:
Ok, I got my slim PS2 today and realized I have no way to hook up the sound to my 2005FPW. Does this mean I'm out of luck? I really don't want to have to buy a TV to use this thing.

You just need to buy a wire that turns the red and white ends on the PS2 cable to a headphone jack to plug into the line-in on your sound card or computer or whatever. Those cost about $6 at a radio shack. You'll probably want a 6 foot one and make sure it's stereo, not mono.

To begin with you would have needed an extension cable after connecting the video to the screen since the audio cables won't reach anything else.
TimothyB said:
How long did you let your screen heat-up, it could actually be worse after a couple hours of use.

No sir. I've been reading these forums for about a month before I even signed up for an account here. At the time this pic was taken the monitor had been use for 8 hrs while I was at work (that is where I had it delivered), boxed up taken home (transport time was roughly 30 minutes) used constantly for a good 3 hrs or better before the pics where taken. Either I have hit the jackpot w/this LCD or the Feb, Rev A01 made in Mexico have less issues. I just put a blank Screen Saver up to check it again after almost an entire day or using it. This monitors issues are a ever so slight backlight and one stuck pixel. I am in love.

Got mine today. FebA01, NDP, NSP. Minimal backlight problem. I don't notice it at all when viewing the black of [H]ard|Forum, browser in full screen.

I ran the monitor through hours of DisplayMate and my own special tests...

FebA01 looks like the ticket...

It's a keeper.
Zathras said:
Got mine today. FebA01, NDP, NSP. Minimal backlight problem. I don't notice it at all when viewing the black of [H]ard|Forum, browser in full screen.

I ran the monitor through hours of DisplayMate and my own special tests...

FebA01 looks like the ticket...

It's a keeper.

Thank you for backing up my findings on the Feb A01 M.I.M.

It would be cool if anybody else that has a Feb. model to take a close look at it, see if they have similiar results and report them to this forum good or bad. Pics would be a plus as always. I really want everybody to be able to enjoy this display and not be scared of getting bad results.

I just got my new Dell 2005FPW & it looks great but I think I see 2 dead pixels on the screen? This bothers me! Can I call dell and have this replaced? What is the best way to test for dead pixels except adding a complete black backgound and looking for the obvious?
carloswill said:
I just got my new Dell 2005FPW & it looks great but I think I see 2 dead pixels on the screen? This bothers me! Can I call dell and have this replaced? What is the best way to test for dead pixels except adding a complete black backgound and looking for the obvious?

I wouldn't call over 2. Dells limit is 5, which is generous on their part becuase most retailers will go as low as 7. Plus you could get one w/more then two. And think. There are millons of pixels on this screen. Is it so unreasonable that there are to two dead or stuck ones?? I have one dead that i have found. I'm just going to live w/it.

TimothyB said:
You just need to buy a wire that turns the red and white ends on the PS2 cable to a headphone jack to plug into the line-in on your sound card or computer or whatever. Those cost about $6 at a radio shack. You'll probably want a 6 foot one and make sure it's stereo, not mono.

To begin with you would have needed an extension cable after connecting the video to the screen since the audio cables won't reach anything else.
I know that now, after wasting $8 on the totally wrong adapter, luckily it was on a Best Buy gift card. Going to see if I can return it tomorrow. Turns out I had the adapter similar to what you mentioned and didn't even know it, not sure where it came from but it worked. However it's really short so I'll be looking into some longer wires tomorrow. Thanks for you help though.
I will be calling for a replacement to see if I can obtain one of the FEB. A01 monitors. Granted, my monitor isn't that bad, but the backlight issues can be a bother at times.
I strayed away from this thread after I returned my 3rd and final 2005FPW and got a refund. I just came back out of curiosity to see if Dell got it right yet.

I know there are some of you out there that got the rare good 2005FPW. This post isn't directed towards you. It's for those guys that are on the fence about whether or not to return them. If you find yourself questioning, that's your answer. You aren't satisfied. Return it.

It still makes me smile when I see people make statements like "aw there's only 2 dead pixels out of millions, I/you/anyone can live with that, backlighting isn't SO bad, if I don't use black backgrounds/wallpapers, or have the lights in the room too low...etc, etc."

WHY are you settling for less than perfect? Even if you got your 2005FPW for $500, that is still a decent chunk of change. Why should Dell be allowed to keep your money and give you a substandard product?

If you see 2 dead pixels, return it. Dell is a giant company. They have many more 2005s sitting in stock (or slipping past quality control as the inspector is sleeping in his chair) that they can send you. Maybe they'll get tired of having to send 5 monitors to every customer before they get it right.

This following statement is not meant to start another "Dell vs. Apple" argument, but on the other hand, I bought one Apple 20" Cinema Display, and lo and behold, it's utterly perfect. Blacks are deep and have no backlighting issues at all, and ZERO dead pixels. Yes, it is a more expensive monitor, but to me, my time, effort and aggravation was worth the extra $300.
Does anyone know where to email dell for a replacement?

I can't find it anywhere, stupid me. :(
i thought i saw a dead pixel for a second last nite. i gave it a firm tap with my finger and it went away. now im thinking it was dust, but i could swear it was a pixel. anyway try that on the dead pixels and let us know if it worked
mj007 said:
I strayed away from this thread after I returned my 3rd and final 2005FPW and got a refund. I just came back out of curiosity to see if Dell got it right yet.

I know there are some of you out there that got the rare good 2005FPW. This post isn't directed towards you. It's for those guys that are on the fence about whether or not to return them. If you find yourself questioning, that's your answer. You aren't satisfied. Return it.

It still makes me smile when I see people make statements like "aw there's only 2 dead pixels out of millions, I/you/anyone can live with that, backlighting isn't SO bad, if I don't use black backgrounds/wallpapers, or have the lights in the room too low...etc, etc."

WHY are you settling for less than perfect? Even if you got your 2005FPW for $500, that is still a decent chunk of change. Why should Dell be allowed to keep your money and give you a substandard product?

If you see 2 dead pixels, return it. Dell is a giant company. They have many more 2005s sitting in stock (or slipping past quality control as the inspector is sleeping in his chair) that they can send you. Maybe they'll get tired of having to send 5 monitors to every customer before they get it right.

This following statement is not meant to start another "Dell vs. Apple" argument, but on the other hand, I bought one Apple 20" Cinema Display, and lo and behold, it's utterly perfect. Blacks are deep and have no backlighting issues at all, and ZERO dead pixels. Yes, it is a more expensive monitor, but to me, my time, effort and aggravation was worth the extra $300.

Or everybody could just keeping playing the return game and before you know were all recycling each others Monitors. You don't think they throw these away do you?

Sure, they aren't thrown out, but there is a difference between a refurbished (all the returns) versus new (newly made). You arent paying full price for a refurb (one of the monitors I returned was a refurb). Well, at least you SHOULDNT be paying full price for a reconditioned unit.

They're only recycled if you're getting refurbs as replacements.
mj007 said:
Sure, they aren't thrown out, but there is a difference between a refurbished (all the returns) versus new (newly made). You arent paying full price for a refurb (one of the monitors I returned was a refurb). Well, at least you SHOULDNT be paying full price for a reconditioned unit.

They're only recycled if you're getting refurbs as replacements.

You are proving my point. Dell will give a refurb as a replacement when they have refurbs to give out. Keep sending them back, they have more refurbs to handle. Hints recycling each others monitors. I know this becuase on my first dell system I bought several years ago I had a CRT burn out. Called for a replacement and I got a refurb.

I still find getting a refurbished replacement unacceptable. If I had the time and resources I would take Dell to court over this. How can they send you a used monitor when you paid for a brand new one that was faulty? What the *ell is wrong with these guys?

Now calling them up in 2 years during the warranty is another story but withing the first 21 days is unjust. I want brand new, of the production line, with nobody's finger prints on it. :mad:
carloswill said:
How can I tell what version of the 2005 I have?

If you have the back of the panel facing you it will be on the bottom right hand corner. Mine is a white sticker.

Cr@zZy said:
1600x1200 Images:
Lighted Room
Lighed room, Monitors black
Dark room, Monitors black
Dark room, Monitors black

When the Lights are out any color is always exaggerated, so it’s really not as bad as it looks, but still not up to my standards so I'm going to wait about 3 or 4 months to get an exchange. By that time hopefully they will have all the problems worked out.

I hate to say it, but if you find that unacceptable you may be never be satisfied with any 2005FPW. To me that looks like very minimal leakage, if you can't live with that then I feel fairly comfortable saying that you probably won't be happy with anything less than an Apple Cinema Display.

Also, in case you weren't aware of this, Dell will only guarantee a new replacement for a product within the 21-day satisfaction period. After that there is a very good chance you'd get a refurb for a replacement.
Well I live in the UK, so heres my results with a British assembled Dell. I'm having a replacement soon, the nice Dell people on the phone in Ireland helped me :D But their Technical Support line doesn't give any information at ALL what advisor you have to go to, to speak to someone who would deal with monitors.

Apart from that, this LCD is SIMPLY INCREDIBLE. Hardly ANY ghosting at all, and the widescreen experience makes 4:3 screens you look at seem somewhat obselete. DVI makes colours and crispiness truely fantastic with anything.

Rev. A01 January 2005 model

P.S - Sorry for the blurry image, my hand is just too damn wobbly.

Backlight Leakage

Funky Viewing angle :p
Yes, I have backlight leakage as well as now 7 dead pixels so this thing is going back. I will try one more before I just get a refund from Dell.
Pity that this one is going back - it has no dead pixels at all. The ones i thought were dead pixels were actually tiny bits of dirt. I was completely fooled for around a week until i tried to scratch it off in curiousity lol, and OMG :O I have no dead pixels
Well I jumped on the bandwagon and got one of these guys. I love it except for one problem- when I fullscreen XVIDs, I get bad motion artifacting that looks similar to interlacing.It isnt interlacing though because it dissapears completely when I'm not full screen. It happens in mplayer, vlc, and WMP. Im hooked up through DVI to a geforce 6800 vanilla. Anyone know what Im doing wrong?
Hmm I have no idea there, make sure you have the lastest vid card drivers installed, and the Dell CD drivers installed just incase. Apart from that I cant help too much, since I dont experience that under the same circumstances :(

I got my replacement today, at the moment there is no ghosting :D :D :D YAY so im going to leave it running for a few hours, and wait until night to really see if this is any better. Connected through VGA, (dual view until they collect my first one) the DVI isn't that much better - it's mostly dual to the extreme crispiness of the LCD itself. Saying that, DVI is still a far better picture in terms of colour reproduction and things. On the VGA connected Dell, the whites seem much more yellow.
Ordered one from the Dell small business section at 549.00 and it arrived last Thursday, very pleased. Rev A01 - Mexico. Not a single stuck pixel and the backlighting is very, very minimal after hours of heavy dark gaming. The best buy I have made in some time.

woog3150 said:
Well I jumped on the bandwagon and got one of these guys. I love it except for one problem- when I fullscreen XVIDs, I get bad motion artifacting that looks similar to interlacing.It isnt interlacing though because it dissapears completely when I'm not full screen. It happens in mplayer, vlc, and WMP. Im hooked up through DVI to a geforce 6800 vanilla. Anyone know what Im doing wrong?

I am getting the exact same problem. Evga 6800GT with 66.93 drivers. At some resolutions, the picture is fine, at others I get horizontal artifacts... Its annoying. Let me know if you figure anything out woog, and Ill do the same.
simpsond said:
I am getting the exact same problem. Evga 6800GT with 66.93 drivers. At some resolutions, the picture is fine, at others I get horizontal artifacts... Its annoying. Let me know if you figure anything out woog, and Ill do the same.

EDIT: Check out this page:,1558,1764462,00.asp
They had the same problem while testing the 24inch and give a link to betas that fixed it.

I think I posted a reply to this a some pages back. I had the same problem, but I installed a new set of drivers and it went away,

I'm not home right now so I can't say which ones I'm using, but you can find a lot of the beta and leaked drivers at

Also check forums and check which drivers people are trying out at this point. Here's a direct link to the driver talk:
When I first got my monitor, I had minimal backlighting and only one stuck-pixel (green). The colors are so much more vibrant on this monitor than others I'm used to (my laptop, work monitor, other generics, etc). I found myself staying on the computer just because I love using this monitor.

After a few weeks of heavy gaming though, I noticed some backlight creeping in on the upper-right corner. I'd massage it out and it would go away, but it progressively got worse (looked like an equilateral triangle w/6" long sides in corner). So I tried the trick of putting the monitor face down when warm to help reseal anything that may have worked loose. I put it away overnight and the next day (~18 hrs later) pulled it out expecting to see no more backlighting...I was disappointed.

Frustrated, contemplating the much detailed tech support horror stories (I'm well past my 21 day grace period now), I remembered a couple of people mentioning that their backlighting issues went away when in a cold environment. My computer is in a corner desk, in a small room with poor ventilation, so after a while, the heat really builds up. I put a fan in the corner, just behind the monitor to encourage better ventilation and voila! my backlighting has completely vanished!

This monitor truly is wonderful to work on, if you're even slightly bothered by the backlighting, evaluate the heat in the area, and if you can cool it down, you may be pleasantly surprised. I know that I was.
Well, I'll try the cool room thing too. My desk is also a corner desk in a small room that is usually warmer than any other place in my home because of the computer. Luckily I have a window that opens on the left side of the desk. I leave that window open with a small fan blowing any cool air to the back of the corner desk.

I'll report on it later.
I dont find the backlighting all that bad myself, i only EVER notice it when the POST boot up thing happens, or some kind of Steam game loading, such has when I join a CSS game. it's all good :D
Got my Rev 01 Jan 05 display yesterday, I'm going to use it for a few days, but I'm going to probably send it back for a swap. There's 4 or 5 pixels stuck, most don't bug me, 1 kinda does, but the main reason is that in the lower left corner, the backlight bleed is much worse than the other corners. It's obvious in blacks, and even with dark colors you can kinda see it's a little washed out down there. On the other hand, the rest of the display is fine, no ghosting or whatnot, so I'd be happy with a non-bleeding display. Gotta change my sig now too, splurged for a BFG 6800 GT OC.
Just an update. I've only sent one screen back out of two replacements I've got as they only gave me one return airbill. So I've kept an extra screen now for a total of 22 days (counting from the ship date of the last replacement) and no charges have been made or e-mails/calls for the screen.

Again, I reported the missing airbill to send the screen back 4 times among e-mails with other questions, yet they never responded to that question to set-up a pickup.

So will they ever charge me for the extra screen I have? If they were wouldn't they have done it down, they stat something like 5-7 business days to send the defective back or you'll be charged, again 22days now and no charge. Should I just keep it like they forgot until they contact me about it?

Plus, both are not perfect, some bleeding, but worth it if I get two screens for the price of one. I still plan to ask for another replacement once I hear of the bleeding being fixed.
I have a January A01 with 2 dead/stuck pixels and they sent me a February A01 with seven dead/stuck pixels and they have a third on the way. What are the odds of me getting one with no dead/stuck pixels? What is the deal with this model, have I just been lucky in the past? I have five 18” and 19” LCDs at the office with no dead/stuck pixels. I think they are stuck because they only show up on a black screen they don’t show up on those checkered board test patterns.

Other than that I really like the display and I hope to get one that has no dead/stuck pixels. The glowing effect at the edge don’t bother me. All the LCDs that I have seen have this to a degree. Plus the 2005FPW don’t have the screen door effect (ever other row being brighter then the other) that all the 1905FPs and 2001FPs that we have had come though the office. I think that looks way worse then the glowing edge that may or may not be any worse that any other LCD, from Dell anyway. It makes the colors look washed out.

I like the idea of the 24” but at the 2005FPWs native res it already stressing my 6800Ultra in HL2. I can’t image trying to run it on the 24”. I think the 20” is the place to be until the 24” gets cheaper and the next video cards come out. Not the ones that are coming in the next few months that will increase the true speed of the GPU by like 10%.
Tanquen said:
I like the idea of the 24” but at the 2005FPWs native res it already stressing my 6800Ultra in HL2. I can’t image trying to run it on the 24”. I think the 20” is the place to be until the 24” gets cheaper and the next video cards come out. Not the ones that are coming in the next few months that will increase the true speed of the GPU by like 10%.

You sound like your forcing yourself to run games at the native res of your LCDs, there's no need to. If you got a 24inch, I wouldn't expect you to run games at it's native resolution. For example I don't on my 2005fpw, 1280*800 looks pretty good on it. Yes, it's interpolated, but it doesn't look that bad compared to an older 15inch running out if it's native res.
I wouldn't say "forcing", I'd say, having a good reason to upgrade.:) At least that's why I got my 6800 GT OC. My sis got a Dell system last week, came with a 15" display, I was taking a look at it tonight, no stuck pixels, some bleeding from the bottom, but it's not too bad.

I really like portrait mode, was going through some pics I had on the HD, some just looks really incredible when they take up the whole screen. What are you guys using when you go to portrait, is there a handy app that'll easily take care of switching modes for you, even if it's just a hotkey? Using the nvidia tray icon and having to click "yes" all the time is a drag.
TimothyB said:
You sound like your forcing yourself to run games at the native res of your LCDs, there's no need to. If you got a 24inch, I wouldn't expect you to run games at it's native resolution. For example I don't on my 2005fpw, 1280*800 looks pretty good on it. Yes, it's interpolated, but it doesn't look that bad compared to an older 15inch running out if it's native res.

I totally hear you but if I spend $$$ on a LCD display and $$$ on the fastest video card, I’m going to want to go native. :) I work with two LCDs in my office all day and one is set to 1024x768 to match the configuration software we use and the other is native at 1280x1024. If I don’t let myself get all emotional about I can admit the difference is small but the one running native is some much easier on my eyes. If you let the display hardware (in some LCDs displays is crap) interpolate the image at best it will be soft (not like CRT soft but...) and at worst will add extra artifacts into the image. Yes, the 24” will have more desktop space and that’s great, more please. If you play lots of games though, why pay twice the price and degrade the image quality. For games, just get the 20” and set it six inches closer. You’ll have a more uniform, sharper image, it’ll be easier on you eyes and your pocketbook and give you same size hole in your field of vision.

Even in some of the reviews on the 24” and 30” inch LCD displays, they have mentioned that it’s too big for games and you’ll just end up pushing the monitor further back.

To each his own but I’ve put a lot of thought into it and right now the 20” is the way to go, for me. Not that I don’t lust for a next gen video card and a 24” or larger display. Maybe next year I can get a 24” for $559. :)
Tanquen said:
Yes, the 24” will have more desktop space and that’s great, more please. If you play lots of games though, why pay twice the price and degrade the image quality. For games, just get the 20” and set it six inches closer. You’ll have a more uniform, sharper image, it’ll be easier on you eyes and your pocketbook and give you same size hole in your field of vision.

FWIW, if you run the 24" screen in a non-stretched 1600x1200 box in the middle with black bars on the sides, it is still 1" bigger than a 20.1 monitor, and is the identical size to the 213t. Same principle with 1680x1050. So, you could do 1600x1200 or 1680x1050 non-interpolated for games and 1920x1200 on the desktop and get the best of all worlds :D (except for the money part of course).
wombat778 said:
FWIW, if you run the 24" screen in a non-stretched 1600x1200 box in the middle with black bars on the sides, it is still 1" bigger than a 20.1 monitor, and is the identical size to the 213t. Same principle with 1680x1050. So, you could do 1600x1200 or 1680x1050 non-interpolated for games and 1920x1200 on the desktop and get the best of all worlds :D (except for the money part of course).

Good point and I have tried that over the years on my LCDs and it just bugs me. It makes me feel like I’m playing the game in a little window. Are there any issues with any kind of burn in effect? We have a couple of really old laptops that had dos apps left running on them and they do have a blurry kinda ghost image thing going on but they are really old.

I think for home I’m just way more interested in games and I want it all. I want to use native resolution and I want to use the full screen and I want to use the DVI input and…

If money was no object, get the 24” (or bigger) and one of those dual video card SLI deals. :)
TimothyB said:
EDIT: Check out this page:,1558,1764462,00.asp
They had the same problem while testing the 24inch and give a link to betas that fixed it.

I think I posted a reply to this a some pages back. I had the same problem, but I installed a new set of drivers and it went away,

I'm not home right now so I can't say which ones I'm using, but you can find a lot of the beta and leaked drivers at

Also check forums and check which drivers people are trying out at this point. Here's a direct link to the driver talk:

Thanks Buddy, I will try this out.