Dell’s UltraSharp 2005FPW widescreen 20-inch LCD monitor.

Hi folks,

This is my first post here at HardForum, great site by the way.

I’ve received my 2005FPW (Jan rev 01) last Friday and I’m not sure what to do about it.
I have 3 bad pixels (green ones) and a minor backlighting leakage on the top center. I’ve managed to get rid of 95% of the bleeding by “massaging” my panel with a piece of clothing. The bad pixels aren’t a problem, those things are really tiny and I have to look for them, but the bleeding is reappearing if I move the monitor of if I adjust its orientation. Should I ask Dell for a replacement? What should I tell them?

Thanks for your help.
Holy moly, that's one ugly desktop. Could people have any more clutter? ;)

nigely said:
i got my 2005
no back light issue no dead pixel
Okay, I just received my second 2005FPW, Rev. A01, Mexico, Jan. 2005.

Backlighting is PERFECT (i.e, nothing more than the very minor "standard" LCD, leakage around the edges), and no dead pixels. I did see one green and one red stuck pixel against the solid black, but I can totally deal with that. The only problem I do have is that there were a couple of scuffs on the screen itself, out of the box. But this one's a keeper. Thank. GOD.
Torquemada XP

Where did your screen ship from? I'm in West Texas and I was wondering if they are shipping these from Austin or one of the other centers around the country. I ordered mine on Friday and it is shipping today. Since you live in OK we arn't very far apart and would prolly get ones form the same distributing center. Good to hear that these monitors seem to be getting better and better!!!!! I can't wait for mine!!!!!


jbird239 said:
Torquemada XP

Where did your screen ship from? I'm in West Texas and I was wondering if they are shipping these from Austin or one of the other centers around the country. I ordered mine on Friday and it is shipping today. Since you live in OK we arn't very far apart and would prolly get ones form the same distributing center. Good to hear that these monitors seem to be getting better and better!!!!! I can't wait for mine!!!!!


Mine shipped from Austin.
jbird239 said:

I'm the happist boy in the IT building!!!!!!!

Hold on, Sparky!

Granted, I didn't let my new 2005FPW run for a long time, just a minute or two to check it out. Once I get home, I'll give you the full verdict.
I'm new to this forum, but have been following this topic for a couple weeks now. My 2005fpw should be arriving any minute now! Actually, UPS is slightly late... details once I use it for a bit. Seriously though, the anticipation is killing me.........
God **** It!! My Lcd Is Freakin 15 Miles Away From My Home And It Probably Wont Be Delivered Till Tommorrow!!! F That!!!
BIGG_RAY said:
God **** It!! My Lcd Is Freakin 15 Miles Away From My Home And It Probably Wont Be Delivered Till Tommorrow!!! F That!!!

I think UPS deliverys late. Don't they? Or you could stalk to UPS man or go pick it up at the local ups station.

bassem said:
I'm new to this forum, but have been following this topic for a couple weeks now. My 2005fpw should be arriving any minute now! Actually, UPS is slightly late... details once I use it for a bit. Seriously though, the anticipation is killing me.........

Me too!!!

My UPS man delivers between 3-5 pm...and its now 5...and my local UPS center is filled with ***holes...they would never let me pick stuff up from them
Well, I spoke too soon...

After about an hour of warm-up, BLAM! A huge white area in the lower left corner. Sigh.
Torquemada XP said:
Well, I spoke too soon...

After about an hour of warm-up, BLAM! A huge white area in the lower left corner. Sigh.

BOOOOOOO!!! That sucks man. I hear you can get it nice and warm, lay it on it's face (w/somthing to protect its front) and it will relieve some of the bleeding. Also i hear you can get a soth cloth and work some of the bleeding out. Good luck.

I think that some have read the complaints from overly picky buyers of this monitor and it has taken on a life of its own. Somehow it seems nearly every 2005FPW that a member of this forum has ordered is a piece of crap.

It is still an evolving and changing tech, there are bound to be some issues but it seems that a lot of you like to sit in your computer rooms in the pitch black and do nothing but stare at your screen looking for flaws.

Ah well, im very happy with mine. All the games i play look awsome and same for the movies i watch. If there are some issues ive missed, i have yet to notice them. Then again i didnt turn off all the lights in my house and try to find a problem.

Those of you deciding against this monitor because of the complaints here are missing out on a great piece of hardware. Then again it is generally complaints that fuel message forums.
Just ordered mine at Dell's Small Business. $549 + tax + ship. I'd say that's worth the risk, eh?
Yeah, same here. I'm pretty excited about it. Mine shipped today too. So hopefully it will be here by friday.

And I have to say, well put Van. I'm just excited about having my first LCD (at home).

I have a number at work. Samsungs, Viewsonics, Apple 20" and Apple 23". I'm excited to see how this one compares to the ones that I use on a day to day basis.
brent4president said:
is the sale on dell's website ending any time soon? I want to wait a few more weeks before making a decision

The last day is today or tomorrow morning. wasn't too clear on the time it ends and couldn't find the end time today.

I did however get a Febuary REV A01 made in mexico. I will post my findings tonight when I get home for work.

I've had my 2005FPW for about a 2 months now. (Took advantage of a 25% off coupon back in December) Minor backlight leakage, nothing I can't handle. Took it to my first LAN last weekend and now 3 of my friends are ordering one. CS: Source in widescreen blew them away.
ordered on the 8th but the shipping date is estimated to be Monday, February 14, 2005

what the hell? i wanted this in before this weekend
I ordered it yesterda at 3pm CST and it shipped last night, UPS says it will be here tomorrow. Payed for ground shipping. It shipped from Nashville, TN.
Got mine, will post pictures later of the backlighting when it gets dark. Please tell me what some hosting sites are, I have never posted pictures online.
Man, this monitor looks so yummilicious. Has anyone managed to get one for less than $560 though? I remember hearing about prices closer to $400 using various combinations of coupons. Any experiences?
ericlikeseatin said:
Man, this monitor looks so yummilicious. Has anyone managed to get one for less than $560 though? I remember hearing about prices closer to $400 using various combinations of coupons. Any experiences?

I think its still $549 through Dell Small Business. I assume you mean after tax though. I just got mine today and it is yumilicious! No dead pixels, no stuck on pixels either. I am going to check the back lighting later tonight when i can get my room totally dark.

I don't know if anyone is curious but CS:S is playable @1680x1050 with 4xAF and no AA with a non OC'd 9700pro and a XP2500 @ 2.2. Same thing with Enemy Teritory, and CoD. I haven't tried UT2k4 yet, but I'm about to :)

Yegil said:
I think its still $549 through Dell Small Business. I assume you mean after tax though. I just got mine today and it is yumilicious! No dead pixels, no stuck on pixels either. I am going to check the back lighting later tonight when i can get my room totally dark.

I don't know if anyone is curious but CS:S is playable @1680x1050 with 4xAF and no AA with a non OC'd 9700pro and a XP2500 @ 2.2. Same thing with Enemy Teritory, and CoD. I haven't tried UT2k4 yet, but I'm about to :)


That is good to know!!! i have a 9800pro o/c a little and a 2600 barton o/c to 2.3ghz.

Thanks for the info.

got mine today!!! not one dead pixal and no backlight bleeding!!! OMG I LOVE IT!! BTW...its been running for several hours and still nothing!!
BIGG_RAY said:
got mine today!!! not one dead pixal and no backlight bleeding!!! OMG I LOVE IT!! BTW...its been running for several hours and still nothing!!

Did you get a Febuary build?? Just wanting to know. to compare w/what they sent me.

No need to post pictures I guess, by now everyone should know what backlight bleed looks like.

Some pretty heavy bleeding on the top and another splotch on the bottom left corner. It's quite a pity, no dead pixels, stuck pixels, or other defects. The screen is ultra crisp and clear and text quality is still awesome, even on analog.

I am going to try to get a replacement, is emailing or calling better?

EDIT: By the way, it is a REVA01 January 2005 built in Mexico.
Ok. Got my Feb. Rev A01 installed and ran it at work today for the past 7 hour while handling support calls. Ran I hard. It's about 5:30 and I looked around to make sure all the 8-5 guys where out of the building. One left and he is cool so i killed the lights. I walked to my monitor and as I rounded the corner I see a horrible sight!!! Wierd red looking color pooring over my screen. My stomach drops as a make my way to the front of the panel. As I approach its face the images of me haggling Dell Customer Service Reps for a replacement fill my head w/anger!!!!. As I near closer, full of disgust I realize the picture is getting a little better. Then I sit down. At this point the screen is nearly perfect in every detail. Only minnor, minnor backlight effect on the corners of the screen. In fact if I move my face directly infront of one of the corners you can't see the bleed at all. Im pretty sure this is because of the wideness (which is why we bought this screen) of the panel. All in All I can safley say that this one is a keeper for sure.

dmonkey said:
No need to post pictures I guess, by now everyone should know what backlight bleed looks like.

Some pretty heavy bleeding on the top and another splotch on the bottom left corner. It's quite a pity, no dead pixels, stuck pixels, or other defects. The screen is ultra crisp and clear and text quality is still awesome, even on analog.

I am going to try to get a replacement, is emailing or calling better?

EDIT: By the way, it is a REVA01 January 2005 built in Mexico.

Yes, mine is also a REVA01 Jan 05 form Mexico also....and yes if you view it from too sever of an angle, you get a red tint...BUT...I only look at hit head its perfect!! this monitor is so awesome and i think some people just like to B*TCH BOUT NOTHING SOMETIMES!!! I could consider my model to be PERFECT!!
BIGG_RAY said:
Yes, mine is also a REVA01 Jan 05 form Mexico also....and yes if you view it from too sever of an angle, you get a red tint...BUT...I only look at hit head its perfect!! this monitor is so awesome and i think some people just like to B*TCH BOUT NOTHING SOMETIMES!!! I could consider my model to be PERFECT!!

I think as well. We didn't order 2,000 dollar monitors. We order 750 dollar monitors @ 550 dollars (those that were able to take advantage of the deal). This is they only way to get to a widescreen display for under a grand. That is why most of us are here.

Wow, I am surprised, after running the monitor for a few more hours, the splotch of bleed in the lower corner is almost nonexistent, and only a little leakage is visible on the top edge. I am very suprised but happy nonetheless. Now I will not have to deal with Dell customer "service."
I truely have a hard time understanding those who complain about the purple/red viewing angle effect.

a) It's not that bad

b) If you've ever really looked at other LCDs you should know that they all have viewing angle quirks. Many TN panels will fade to black if you move you look up at the screen from below perpendicular. On other panels everything on screen will take on a strong hue when you look at it from different horizontal angles. The 2005FPW actually does a pretty good job with viewing angles thanks to the S-IPS panel, only dark colors/blacks are affected and even that effect is relatively mild. These aren't plasmas, they're LCDs and some viewing angle quirks will be there. Arguably the only screens that handle these issues better are Samsungs PVA panels, and even with those you'll notice reduced contrast when look at the screen from an angle.

Yeah, it would be nicer if you got a perfect black from every angle, but then again it would be nice if it had a 3000:1 contrast ratio, 500cd/m2 brightness, and 1ms response time. At this point in time it's one of the best LCDs you can get, especially given the price.