Dell’s UltraSharp 2005FPW widescreen 20-inch LCD monitor.

Consider yourself the first place winner in the game of the Dell lottery. I've got significant bleeding that I'll post later on. I have no dead pixels, though. I kind of wonder if this is as good as it gets.

Can you request a replacement, look at it, and then send the replacement back if its not as good as the original?
morfinx said:
here ya go

To be quite frank, with the lights off, I can't see s*** other than the WinXP logo.

Can you take a picture where the camera over exposes it, where the screen appears birghter than normal, almost a blue grey. It doesn't represent what it looks like in person but you can then make out the backlighting easier. Also, choose the blank screensaver so the camera doesn't auto adjust to that winxp logo.

Sort a like these pics:
TimothyB, perhaps you can answe rmy question concerning returns. I won't be able to take a picture of my backlighting leakage until I get ahold of my girlfriend's digi-cam but the bottom left corner really makes DVD's unenjoyable. The whole screen seems evenly light grey... I don't know, you'll have to see it.

On the flipside, I have no dead pixels or ghosting. This is the reason I'm asking... Can I request a replacement, examine it, and then decide which to keep? It's a great monitor but the backlighting is bullshit.

pikawel said:
TimothyB, perhaps you can answe rmy question concerning returns. I won't be able to take a picture of my backlighting leakage until I get ahold of my girlfriend's digi-cam but the bottom left corner really makes DVD's unenjoyable. The whole screen seems evenly light grey... I don't know, you'll have to see it.

On the flipside, I have no dead pixels or ghosting. This is the reason I'm asking... Can I request a replacement, examine it, and then decide which to keep? It's a great monitor but the backlighting is bullshit.


If your still in your 21 days, starting the day it shipped, you can pretty much ask for an exchange for whatever cause within reason.

Just e-mail [email protected] for an exchange with your reason why.

Provide this info:
Name --------------
E-mail: -------------
Account # ----------
Order # ---------------
Phone: ----------

Also, better give your serial number on the back of your screen and mention you only have a screen so you don't have a service number, which is only on full systems. That way you don't waste two days. They'll first reply after 24hrs to ask for your service number, then you'll reply you don't have one, then 24hrs later they'll ask for your serial.

You'll get a notice e-mail right away saying it could take time to respond. You'll get a real reply within 24hrs, and then if you want to ask further questions just reply to that e-mail and then the next one you get back and so on.

They'll either say a new one is being sent without going through some service system, or they'll go through that. Either way, whatever time it takes for the monitor to ship it will be sent overnight. And in the bag on the outside with the packing info should be a sticker for return shipping, sometimes they forget.
here's an overexposed pic, a bit of exggeration though:


I live about 90 miles from Austin where it ships, so I was prepared to do battle with Dell in case the first shipment turned out bad :p
pikawel said:
Can you request a replacement, look at it, and then send the replacement back if its not as good as the original?
No, you can't. I just got a new replacement for a refurbished replacement I had before. The refurbished monitor had pretty major backlight bleeding in the top right but no dead pixels. The replacement has slightly less severe bleeding everywhere, and 5 stuck white pixels.

I asked if I could just finally settle for the refurb and send back the new replacement. They told me they can't allow me to do that because it'll mess up their exchange system.
Is there anything a person can do that could create backlight or dead pixels?

Also, has one with the dell 2005fpw had small backlighting issue, that went away. If so, what are some steps?
it would seem that people that have bought the ones made in Feb have had decent luck. I dont recall seeing any that reported severe backlight problems.
morfinx said:
it would seem that people that have bought the ones made in Feb have had decent luck. I dont recall seeing any that reported severe backlight problems.

Maybe not severe, but its still there. I already sent in for my replacement. If it comes out the same, I think im getting a refund.
I like the AnandTech forum review, and I've also noticed a red shift, but a little adjustment mostly cleared it up. I've owned three widescreen LCDs and they all seem to suffer the same problems: backlight bleed and uneven illumination leading to desaturated colors in the affected areas. The five 4:3 ratios LCDs I've owned since 1999 only seemed to be affected by the usual suspect, dead/stuck pixels.
bandit390 said:
Maybe not severe, but its still there. I already sent in for my replacement. If it comes out the same, I think im getting a refund.

To me, mine is not bad at all. I really couldn't even tell there is any backlight bleed. The overexposed pic is highly exaggerated. Anyone else thinks mine's "crippled"?
Anyone daring? I read this on page four of that Anandtech thread:

"For those with the light bleeding problem, it is just a black masking tape that seals the panel to its frame. I took apart an old 15" Dell with a bad backlight recently and the tape strip had 1/2" of each corner uncovered. If I had a panel with no bad pixels it might be smart to solve the bleed yourself."
Bluemagic said:
I didn't read every page on this thread so I apologize if this has already been posted.

Go there for a great review of the 2005FPW...definitely made me think twice about ordering one.

Though I'd agree with the comments about weak blacks from LCDs compared to CRTs I'm not sure that his assertions on contrast were fair. Pay attention to the lack of shadow detail in the screenshots with his CRT. The CRT seems to be turned way down in brightness. Yes it will look more contrasty but there is also a lot of lost detail in the darker areas of the screen. The black black on a CRT will always give it an edge in this respect, but the difference was blown a bit out of proportion in this review.
I just got my 2005FPW today. First try here is what I got.

Lights on

Screen Blank

I have a crappy camera and couldnt get the dark shot to come out right but the backlight issue doesnt bother me enough to return it.

Feb 05' Rev. A01 (Though it looks like the sticker is already starting to come off). Refurb perhaps? Ah well. I still love this thing.
worth returning?
Pipen said:
worth returning?

Just leave it...who cares. It's bad but how many times do you sit there and stare at a black screen...I never do so I don't care. Half of you guys are bitching about the most minor of things.
fusionrs said:
Just leave it...who cares. It's bad but how many times do you sit there and stare at a black screen...I never do so I don't care. Half of you guys are bitching about the most minor of things.

Hey, you see it when watching movies and anime. It's highly visible in dark game. I mean blacks are already bad on an lcd for games and movies but now you have to deal with this on top of that.
It's probably highly exaggerated, it's most likely not nearly as bad as the picture suggests in person. So if you dont work in complete darkness often and you can't see the backlight with lights on, and you have no dead pixels, I'd just leave it.
That is what mine looked like, maybe a little less. I got my replacement today, will hook it up later.

At least they will overnight the replacements.
I often can still see the bad backlighting in my room with the lights on once it goes into the winxp screensaver, so it doesn't have to be a dark room to notice it.
Up to the individual I suppose, if it bothers you then go exchange it; if not, keep it
fusionrs said:
Just leave it...who cares. It's bad but how many times do you sit there and stare at a black screen...I never do so I don't care. Half of you guys are bitching about the most minor of things.
lmao.... I agree... I find it funny how the only time I see any signs of backlighting on my two 2005's are when I stop in to browse this thread. I have one white pixel deep into one corner that I notice a hell of a lot more than the backlighting. Now, if I decide to sit here and stare at a blank screen, then it is very appearent. ... But if anyone ever catches me doing that, they better check me for a pulse too ....
Mine just arrived yesterday. No dead pixel but has some back light bleeding. It's not noticeable unless the whole screen turns black, which seldom occurs. So I have no gripe.

If it starts to bother me later, I'll just try the leave-it-on-face-down trick somebody mentioned before. No dead pixel is more important to me :)
My 2005fpw just arrived today and I must say it is spectacular. I'm very happy with it and glad to report no dead pixels and no bleeding. Everything seems to be in order. The only downside to it is I can't seem to figure out how to unlock all the options in the menus for adjusting things like contrast. Seems stuck at 50 and won't let me change it. :( If anyone has any ideas i'd appreciate. I'm wondering if those modes are only useable with the VGA cable?
michaelkahl said:
My 2005fpw just arrived today and I must say it is spectacular. I'm very happy with it and glad to report no dead pixels and no bleeding. Everything seems to be in order. The only downside to it is I can't seem to figure out how to unlock all the options in the menus for adjusting things like contrast. Seems stuck at 50 and won't let me change it. :( If anyone has any ideas i'd appreciate. I'm wondering if those modes are only useable with the VGA cable?

Yep, some menu options are only available while on VGA. But I wouldn't bother to switch just to get them since you don't need them. Brightness is the most important thing and you have that, contrast and gamma can be done through your video card settings.
My replacement still has bleeding. I think its time for a refund.

Also, no packing slip came with my replacement.
Wow...after some tests I did I can see how this a problem. I will not go into too much detail because I have 3 tests I am studying for tomorrow. I do not have my 2005 fpw yet, but nevertheless I live in a dorm I know about 10 people with different lcds just to give you a heads up what it looks like. Now I know why world of warcraft looks like hell. Wow I will be the first to admit, the screen door effect is minor compared to this. Tests to come....
roaf85 said:
Wow...after some tests I did I can see how this a problem. I will not go into too much detail because I have 3 tests I am studying for tomorrow. I do not have my 2005 fpw yet, but nevertheless I live in a dorm I know about 10 people with different lcds just to give you a heads up what it looks like. Now I know why world of warcraft looks like hell. Wow I will be the first to admit, the screen door effect is minor compared to this. Tests to come....

We have a few Dell LCDs with the screen door effect and I think it is much worse (makes the display look a little washed out the whole time you use it) than the backlight issues, if that is what you speak of.
Well, I took the plunge and ordered the 2005FPW. The discounts available for the past few days were too hard to resist. I had the ACD 20" for a couple of weeks and just finished returning it a few days ago. Seeing how I can have the same screen for almost half the price, it just made sense. I was weary of the issues with the Dell, but after receiving it today, I'm glad I took this route. My Feb (Made in Mexico) Rev A01, has very *slight* backlight issues, no more than I would see on most LCDs, and I have yet to detect a dead pixel. Almost seems too good to be true. When I get a chance, hopefully tomorrow night, I'll take some pictures of it.

- D.

Good luck to those in the process of dealing with Dell.
Blah, got my replacement 2005fpw, it's better and worse. This one is a Feb 05, the first was a Jan 05, the backlight bleed on this seems less, though I've only been using it for about 10 min. The badside is I have more annoying pixels than the first. On the first, there's like 4 pixels that I don't care about, I only see them if I search for them on a black screen, and then there was one that was brighter than the others, I assume now that maybe that's 2 together that make it seem brighter? I wasn't sure what color it was, if it was blue or green. Well on this new on, I have a stuck blue and green near each other, but they're of the "have to look for them" variety, so I'd let it slide, but then I have 2 other spots elsewhere that are brighter, so I assume that's 2 next to each other again?

Sigh, I guess I'll try one more time, dunno what I'll do if there's still issues with a 3rd, would hate to give up on it, and I have to admit this has been a minimum hassle since Dell has been cross-shipping them. Just hate dealing with it.
I'm building a new rig from scratch. Part of that system will be an upgrade to the 2005FPW, my first LCD. I haven't even started to build it yet but I'd like to start with this monitor and use it while search for good deals on other stuff. I have an old computer with an even older video card and I have a bad feeling I can't use the monitor with my current set up. I 'think' I have an old Trident PCI 9685.

At mycomputer/properties/devicemanager/displayadaptors this is what I see:

Trident 9685/9680/9682/9385/9382/9385-1 PCI

Also, in display properties I can only jack up the resolution to 1280x1024. Maybe some new (old but new to me) drivers would help?

My card has an RCA and S-video TV-out jacks and the monitor I have plugged in to is just a standard CRT cable connection from 97.

I think I bought the card back in 97 and my OS is win98. I want to be able to check for dead pixels and backlight problems and take my time building my rig. In otherwords, I don't want to get this thing, find out I can't use it / test it on my current system and have to rush to get all new stuff just to check and see if the monitor is worth keeping. (I do want to rush and get the monitor though in a bad way :)

Any advice?