Chimp Challenge : Official thread

ok, now running dual SMPs straight out on vista x64 - i'll be interested to see how the frame time changes with running 2 SMP clients instead of 1 (i expect that 2 WU will be finished in parallel slightly faster than 2 WU in serial)

The [H]ardApe just got [H]arder because my Q9450 is firing on all 8 bananas now :D
Sorry about being a day late, just switched over 3 SMP'S to the ape. Good for between 3k and 6k depending on usage. Two will finish today, one already did this morning.

Added link to EOC stats as well along with a short text asking everyone to show appreciation for the hard work the guys did on the stats pages ;)

Ahh..., something is definitely screwy here :confused:

Would everyone that has switched over please check your FAHlog.txt to see for sure you are folding under the username [H]ardApe. I can not and will not, even if it's graghed, smaphed or otherwise believe the {H]orde folding team 33 is being slaughtered by 100.000 pernts :eek:

On the lighter side if you've completed a WU that was previously monitored under your [H]orde username by FAHmon (either Linux ver or windose ver) it should show you folding under the [H]ardApe username on the next WU. :)

Fold On !

let's see, here's what i have switched over:

q6600 @ 3.2 dual vmware notfred diskless, will bump it to 3.6 tonight
e8400 also need to bump to 3.6

e4300 @ 2.4
dual xeon 2.8
dualcore xeon 2.8
athlon64 x2 2.8
p4 3.2 v6

still have to fire up my q6600 @ 3.0 gaming rig. need to remove the video cards, otherwise it gets way too hot in the office even with them just idling. I'm thinking combined, it should bring 14k ppd when all is said and done.
I'm getting access to a few more of my xeons switched today.

I've got about 6000ppd on this so far.
ok, quick update after starting 2nd SMP client... frame time on client#1 was over 1 hour, other client was at 13 minute frame time. i figure this was because the initial install set client 1 priority to 'idle' (and my cpu would never idle with the other client running)... so I have reloaded the config files with priority 'low' on both SMP clients. this should prompt a roughly equal time slice between clients.

Just switched 1st Q6600 @3.3Ghz
2nd Q6600 @3.4Ghz will be switched as soon as possible (around 3:30 AM local time)

Someone posted a WU to [H]ardApe_ last night. It's only 1 WU, but it might behove us if we check to see if there are others not properly posting to [H]ardApe

ok, quick update after starting 2nd SMP client... frame time on client#1 was over 1 hour, other client was at 13 minute frame time. i figure this was because the initial install set client 1 priority to 'idle' (and my cpu would never idle with the other client running)... so I have reloaded the config files with priority 'low' on both SMP clients. this should prompt a roughly equal time slice between clients.

Run affinity changer as well if you're running dual smp clients.
Someone posted a WU to [H]ardApe_ last night. It's only 1 WU, but it might behove us if we check to see if there are others not properly posting to [H]ardApe

Yes, noticed that... I guess someone misconfigured it. It's not me for sure ;)

I'm off in 5 mins to buy a PS3 and I'll post a pic :D

don't worry, we had one post a WU under maximum_monkry

I suppose both of us can't pick on OCF for the wrong team number now
After switching what I could, I should now be closer to 0PPD on my regular account. Most of the PCs from my last mini-surge have already been deployed, unfortunately.
After switching what I could, I should now be closer to 0PPD on my regular account. Most of the PCs from my last mini-surge have already been deployed, unfortunately.

Thanks, every point and every WU count ;)

I've got one of my dual VM quads switched over now. I took off work an hour early. Unfortunately it wasn't for changing over usernames on the machines. It was supposed to be an appointment that the other person didn't bother to keep and I'm a bit pissed off about it.

Hopefully, I will have the other one changed over later. Right now I have laundry, supper and dishes going and that's enough to keep up with for now.

By the way, that's 5k PPD that I just switched over. The other machine I haven't switched over is another 5k PPD.
22k ppd switched over, and fully engaged.
If another 20 folders at 5k ppd join the challenge we should
take the lead. Let's GO [H]ORDE!!!

More of the Top 50 are checking in I see. Eeeeeeeeexcellent.

What happened to EvilAlchemist? :confused: He's pushed over 14k points to his account today that could've helped out the [H]ardApe project a lot.....has anyone contacted him yet? I sent him a PM, but if someone knows how to get him some e-mail that would be great.

Damn, I didn't think I had to. Most of his rigs are at home, too.

I'll PM him.

First time since Sunin that something is in my threat list :eek:

/Ducks and covers

I think I FINALLY have dual VMs working on my main rig. After my current Windows WU finishes I'll fire the second VM back up. So long as no more problems arise (although at the rate I've beein going the last few days, they probably will) I'll be seeing that nice 4-4.5K PPD that a quad is capable of.
Eek :eek:

I keep checking that site graphing the Chimp Challenge teams and it seems we have slipped into third (3rd) place. :(

I know I may be "over reacting" and I do take prescribed meds for it, but come on everybody lets show em' what we're made of.:D

Coming from my heart I want to say 'thanks a moondo" to each and everyone who paricipates in the "Chimp Challenge" (all people and all teams included)

If you don't particapate 100% because your "borgs" were too much trouble or impossible for you to switch over to the [H]ardApe username I think everyone understands, including myself. :confused:

If you don't switch over because of a loss in pernts to your real username I can't understand that. The reason I don't understand that scenerio is in reality I could care less about the pernts. I only really care about the science, but no matter what nationallity you are, how old you are, how intelligent you are or how good lookin' you think you are the fact remains you can't eat a pernt, you can't sleep with a pernt and you can't talk to a pernt. :rolleyes:

My philosophy is, if by chance your wife, children or a loved one was to unfortunately have one of the diseases that the F@H client helps find a cure for and it cures them, then you can sleep with your wife, eat the food she cooks and be able to talk to your wife, children or loved ones and if you are long in the tooth the cures might make you live longer. :p

Of course this is only my $0.02 cents worth and I may be forgetting the ole belief "nothins' over until the fat lady sings" (ahh..., nothing at all directed torward over weight ladys) and as I said above I could be over reacting because IMO it's still a "toss up" with plenty of time left. :)


I keep checking that site graphing the Chimp Challenge teams and it seems we have slipped into third (3rd) place. :(

I know I may be "over reacting" and I do take prescribed meds for it, but come on everybody lets show em' what we're made of.:D

I don't know about over-reacting, but your browser's broken if you think we're in third place. Don't look at the trend lines. They're messed up because MPC started folding so early with that account.

I'll set my clients not to auto get work and switch them over later today when I get home. I wont help much but better than nothing.

Fold at home for the people who can't fold correctly in real life.
I don't know about over-reacting, but your browser's broken if you think we're in third place.

While it's entirely possible my browser is broken. Please correct me on the links below this link has [H]ardApe in the 3rd position
and in this liink we're in 2nd place

Ya know, if both graphs are incorrect then who ever authored them should, in good concience, correct them. What's with this "folding early thing", I thought the people that made the graphs were aware of the official start time?

Oh yeah, I appreciate whomever is taking the trouble to graph the Chimp Challenge, just please do it accurately because not everyone has a "track on the inside" and just look at the graph. (myself included)

So wait, what the hell do i do to help out?
And what the hell is this all about anyway?
I've got this happy new computer and all i've been doing with it lately is helping GIMPS using an older copy of prime95 i was using to stresstest my OC.
Oh yeah, I appreciate whomever is taking the trouble to graph the Chimp Challenge, just please do it accurately because not everyone has a "track on the inside" and just look at the graph. (myself included)

OCF's graph is graphing actual points, update by update, while the graph at EOC is estimating totals into the future, which is being thrown off by our start points. Two different things entirely. Just take your meds and read the numbers. :p :cool: :D

Just got the other 5k PPD switched over. That should be the vast majority of my points now.

Points total you are in 2nd, for now. :D

Thank you nitteo
I know from prior experience there are some good people on's folding team, always willing to help out a fellow folder (no matter what team) :)

So wait, what the hell do i do to help out?
And what the hell is this all about anyway?
I've got this happy new computer and all i've been doing with it lately is helping GIMPS using an older copy of prime95 i was using to stresstest my OC.

To but it simply Stanford does calculations on your computer to gather knowledge to save lives.