BenQ G2400W

I did switch to the new cable that came with it, I didn't troubleshoot to single out the cable but do you have another DVI computer to test your monitor out? I would do that. I use to have to push the source button about three times before it would come up. I didn't go through benq since I just bought the monitor. The company I bought it from sent me a replacement.

Could it be a cable issue?!?! I don't have another cable to double check. Did you try a different cable with your older monitor?
What I cannot understand is that if it's the monitors fault why would windows reset the resolution to 1600x1200 every time this happens and I push the source selection button to force it to wake up (or use the on/off).

I guess I'm trying to find a way not to risk losing my 0 dead/stuck pixels :D

How long does it take to get thru an exchange with BenQ?
To get the black borders on DVI you need to go into your video card control panel and set the card first "not to scale" or "centred timings" and then the OSD will allow you to set scaling under the "Picture Advanced" menu

I cannot see this effect at the top and bottom from afar. I can only see it from up close. If I move back a few feet I can only see black bars top and bottom.

If you take a look at my "versus" thread here in this link you can see I don't have that issue from the photos of the G2400W:



This doesn't sound exactly the same problem, mainly because the 2 ive had only did it in 1080p, 720p and 1080i both had perfect solid black borders as you would expect. Also I dont think I was able to do 1:1 or Aspect with 1680x1050 over DVI, it would just default to full screen and the other options in the menu were greyed out and not selectable?

The effect does look a little like scan lines especially if you look very closley. However from a distant there is also flickering and some movement, sort of a rippling wave effect, very hard to describe!
To get the black borders on DVI you need to go into your video card control panel and set the card first "not to scale" or "centred timings" and then the OSD will allow you to set scaling under the "Picture Advanced" menu

I cannot see this effect at the top and bottom from afar. I can only see it from up close. If I move back a few feet I can only see black bars top and bottom.

If you take a look at my "versus" thread here in this link you can see I don't have that issue from the photos of the G2400W:



you are right, yours doesn't have it.
Lucky you!

I just got another one, last one was Sept 2007 build, this time a Feb 2008 build. I have it again!!!!


Simply disgusting. I have no idea what to do with it now. To return it would get hit with restocking fee. I don't want to exchange for the same one again.

edit: i have found some picture online that shows the exactly problem i was having.

btw does anyone see flicker when they are on hardforum on G2400W?

for some reason i can see flicker through out the whole screen when i am on hardforum...
i think i may be dodging this monitor, since i am from the Caribbean and i am relying on my aunt to bring it down for me ,she wont know how to detect that 1080p flicker of death ,its just too risky i rather live with dead pixels than that horrid flicker.

could anyone else with 2008 builds test this and verify
you are right, yours doesn't have it.
Lucky you!

I just got another one, last one was Sept 2007 build, this time a Feb 2008 build. I have it again!!!!


Simply disgusting. I have no idea what to do with it now. To return it would get hit with restocking fee. I don't want to exchange for the same one again.

edit: i have found some picture online that shows the exactly problem i was having.

btw does anyone see flicker when they are on hardforum on G2400W?

for some reason i can see flicker through out the whole screen when i am on hardforum...

hmmm, so we have a Sept 07 with the problem, then 10e's Nov 07 without, then 2 Feb 08's with and a Mar 08 also with. So I guess its not related to build date :confused:
Did you try BenQ tech support? Like I said they told me it is a known issue and nothing can be done. Real shame I know but thats that really. All you can do is keep exchanging them until maybe you get a good one or give up and get something else. I have tried 2 cant be bothered to keep trying.
I suspect they are all like it anyway, afterall 10e is seeing something similar but not as bad, maybe 10e could upload a close-up pic like those that skyc280 linked to for comparison?
In actuality they all have it,

Mine is similar, but not as bright as the picture. It only does it in 1080p. It doesn't do it in any other resolution or over VGA at all. I noticed it when I first bought the monitor, and haven't noticed it since, unless I sit 1 foot or less from the screen.

My advice is either:

A) Turn down the brightness/contrast and see if it helps
B) Don't run in 1:1 and stretch it to full 1920x1200 resolution
C) Sell it and try a Gateway FHD2400 and cross your fingers
D) Try a Westinghouse L2410NM with 50ms of input lag but at least it doesn't do this :)

Most other monitors black or gray out this area, but BenQ doesn't. I don't know why, but the FP241W/VW has a green line at the bottom that bugs people at 1080p. The G2400W has this.

Mine is dark and like I said, I have to turn out the lights, but it is there. I don't get flicker on the screen with hard forum. Could be a power problem (either from the wall or inside the unit) or interference, or a bad unit.



you are right, yours doesn't have it.
Lucky you!

I just got another one, last one was Sept 2007 build, this time a Feb 2008 build. I have it again!!!!


Simply disgusting. I have no idea what to do with it now. To return it would get hit with restocking fee. I don't want to exchange for the same one again.

edit: i have found some picture online that shows the exactly problem i was having.

btw does anyone see flicker when they are on hardforum on G2400W?

for some reason i can see flicker through out the whole screen when i am on hardforum...
Here are some pics of the Feb 08 one I had:



Unfortunately the pics do not show the additional wave like movement that also occurs when viewing from a distance. Note when viewing head on only the bottom bar noise is visable, but when you look from a slight angle you can see both bars are actually doing it :(
I have a FEB 08 one, are the newer ones better???? i plan on using a PS3 with my Monitor, am i going to have some problems, thanks.
Wow that is pretty crazy! I was planning on purchasing this next week. Well, it looks like I'll have to sacrifice 1080p for a 26" 720p LCD HDTV. It is just completely unacceptable that these monitors have these problems.

I was looking at the Dell 2408, but there is simply NO excuse to pay almost $700 for an LCD with faulty HDMI port.
I don't think it will be a big issue,

Here's my contribution to this thread. I worked hard to get a close up shot at BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST AT 100 for the brightest shot I could come up with.


This is a close and realistic as it gets for me, not dark and not light. Off the 360 at 1080p. I even took it from an above angle to get full brightness (as TNs darken from below).

You be the judge. I can't even get my panel to be close to as bright as everyone elses picture.

And yes, this pattern does move a bit/flickr, but it doesn't get any brighter. Maybe I'm just super lucky, but the last (September 2007 built) G2400W I had was no better or worse than this.



I have a FEB 08 one, are the newer ones better???? i plan on using a PS3 with my Monitor, am i going to have some problems, thanks.
/\ see what you mean, yours is no where near as bad as my 2 were !
I could happily live with that if only I could get one like it :(
My pics were taken with out-of-the-box brightness/contrast but seeing as you had to turn everything right up I assume it is not noticable at all at default setting?

Maybe I will try a few more before giving up on this monitor :confused:
now then i am gonna have to wait until the v2400w come out
i hope it not as glitchy

wat do u guys think the price will be like
I have a feb 08 build, but i don't have a 1080p input device to test it on. I was wanting to get a 360 eventually though
I did switch to the new cable that came with it, I didn't troubleshoot to single out the cable but do you have another DVI computer to test your monitor out? I would do that. I use to have to push the source button about three times before it would come up. I didn't go through benq since I just bought the monitor. The company I bought it from sent me a replacement.
OK!!! It fixed itself!!!

Today I moved it to another system with an ATi X300 that has a DVI out. I used the same DVI cable that I was using before (the one that came with it), let it sleep for about 25 minutes and then tried to wake it up. It woke up like a champ ... I thought OK now lets try to locate the problem software/hardware on my PC.

I hook it up back to the original system that it was on, and now there is no problem!!! It wakes up even after an 45 minutes of sleep!

Not sure if moving it around and bouncing it a bit did the trick OR having it unplugged from the power source for a long enough time reset something. I didn't think of unplugging it and leaving it unplugged for a while before!

Now I am 100% satisfied with this screen ... YAY :D

I still need to try to leave it sleeping for a few hours, but I don't expect any issue with that since the problem used to appear even after as little as 5 minutes of sleep.
Thats so weird.. well congrats! I just did mines and it came up after 12+hours of sleep time.

OK!!! It fixed itself!!!

Today I moved it to another system with an ATi X300 that has a DVI out. I used the same DVI cable that I was using before (the one that came with it), let it sleep for about 25 minutes and then tried to wake it up. It woke up like a champ ... I thought OK now lets try to locate the problem software/hardware on my PC.

I hook it up back to the original system that it was on, and now there is no problem!!! It wakes up even after an 45 minutes of sleep!

Not sure if moving it around and bouncing it a bit did the trick OR having it unplugged from the power source for a long enough time reset something. I didn't think of unplugging it and leaving it unplugged for a while before!

Now I am 100% satisfied with this screen ... YAY :D

I still need to try to leave it sleeping for a few hours, but I don't expect any issue with that since the problem used to appear even after as little as 5 minutes of sleep.
Thats so weird.. well congrats! I just did mines and it came up after 12+hours of sleep time.
It doesn't always work. I left it for over 2 hours and when I came back it didn't wake up.
So now it works somewhere within an hour but over an hour nope! An improvement over before but not exactly like it should work!

I am gonna mess around with it for a few days, if it doesn't work as it should I am gonna return it.
I don't think it will be a big issue,

This is a close and realistic as it gets for me, not dark and not light. Off the 360 at 1080p. I even took it from an above angle to get full brightness (as TNs darken from below).

You be the judge. I can't even get my panel to be close to as bright as everyone elses picture.

And yes, this pattern does move a bit/flickr, but it doesn't get any brighter. Maybe I'm just super lucky, but the last (September 2007 built) G2400W I had was no better or worse than this.



you are very lucky...i would be very happy to have just that

I am at brightness 50 already and mine is still way worse than what you have at 100...on top of all i get flicker through out the whole screen on this new exchange now....
This is a great monitor, but BenQ has the worst support i have ever seen of any company, they will not do advance exchanges, they will give you a refurbished unit after 30 days, the people on their support line are a buncha morons, just thought id let people know, just incase they want to purchase this, for this i think the price should be much lower, and i will not buy a benQ monitor that is expensive because of their support, even if it is a great product, a compnay is nothing without its support.....especially for lcd's as they go out so easily.
any E.T.A on the v2400w? I heard it was supposed to go out in April...we're in May
I don't like the look of that 1080p problem at all. That's a big deal for me as PS3 would be one of my primary uses!

I was really thinking the G2400W was my best best, but now I'm thinking about about the Samsung 2253BW. I'm really curious about the V2400W too, but it doesn't seem to be available yet. I can't imagine it'll be the same price though and the G2400W was already pushing it for me.

Really disappointing. It has all the aspect controls I want but it's flawed? Too much money for that. Well, maybe I can try it out somehow and just return if it isn't up to snuff. Returning stuff is tricky these days though. I'd really need to test it at home.

Any chance of seeing some pics of GTA4 running on this monitor on PS3? Maybe even some comparison shots to it running on the 360? That's asking a lot I know, but I'm curious since I'm concerned about how 720p upscaled ps3 games will look on the monitor as well.
Please someone shine the light on this situation! I too am looking for a 1080p monitor at a great price for 24 or so inches.

If the Benq's really are this bad what do i do? hold my breath for a revision or wait for the V2400w if it ever does come?

Gah! :(
This is a great monitor, but BenQ has the worst support i have ever seen of any company, they will not do advance exchanges, they will give you a refurbished unit after 30 days, the people on their support line are a buncha morons, just thought id let people know, just incase they want to purchase this, for this i think the price should be much lower, and i will not buy a benQ monitor that is expensive because of their support, even if it is a great product, a compnay is nothing without its support.....especially for lcd's as they go out so easily.

You think $350 is expensive for one of the best 24" LCD's out there? LoL :rolleyes:. What, do you work at McDonalds or the like?

Also, what "problem" are you all referring to. I run my G2400W on a PC, PS3 and XboX360 and watch Blu-Ray movies and I don't have any issues. The monitor is stellar.
As for money, i am much older than you little child and make more money in one week then you will your whole month, money is money, weather its 10$ or 1000$, if you wanna throw yours away like a stupid idiot that you are, go ahead, i know how to manage money and make the best use of it, stupid comments like that make you look very small and dumb.
I do networking on my own, i have a networking company, i charge anywhere from $75-150 per hour, so do tha math ;)
Hey Gar, did you call them for a specific reason or just to see how they good they are?

I called them a while back about the G2400W and they were insisting it was an MVA panel. I asked them why it turned black from underneath and white from above and they couldn't answer me. :O

They then went on to record my question about 1920x1080 over VGA with the 360 being stretched to 1920x1200. I hope they fixed this later on.


I called in to see how their support was and what kind of a replacement they would send, also i had the FP241W as well so i know how bad their support is, their products are great, but flawd at times with really bad support, samsung by far has much better support, and this is something im going to think about next time i buy a monitor, i like their products, but without support you arent much of a company.
As for money, i am much older than you little child and make more money in one week then you will your whole month, money is money, weather its 10$ or 1000$, if you wanna throw yours away like a stupid idiot that you are, go ahead, i know how to manage money and make the best use of it, stupid comments like that make you look very small and dumb.

Wow, could you take a little banter any more personally? It was just a small speculative jab at someone that thinks $350 is a large sum of money to spend on a monitor. Especially for someone that claims to make as much money as you do. Considering that you do not know who I am, you called me a "little child" and that you make more money then me, it just reveals your lack of intelligence. Then again, anyone could gleam that by reading your posts rife with spelling, grammatical, and coherent errors. Maybe you have a crystal ball in your mind? Making statements like that as fact without any supporting evidence makes you look like a fool. Lastly, is; "I do networking on my own" code for “I am unemployed and I try to get work on the side whenever I can”? You see, that is more deduced speculation.

Now getting back on topic of the monitor; what exactly am I looking for to see if my monitor has any issues?
Anyone tried DVI vs. VGA with the G2400W?

I was trying the VGA quality and noticed that text looks a bit fuzzy, so I hooked it up thru both DVI and VGA to the same PC, and using cloned display I switched between the two.
VGA is significantly less sharp and text is pretty fuzzy.

Any one noticed that?

I was expecting a slightly worse image quality but this is pretty bad!

Edit: I did adjust clock & phase on a pixel-checkers pattern before I tested it, so that isn't the reason for the fuzziness.
Wow, could you take a little banter any more personally? It was just a small speculative jab at someone that thinks $350 is a large sum of money to spend on a monitor. Especially for someone that claims to make as much money as you do. Considering that you do not know who I am, you called me a "little child" and that you make more money then me, it just reveals your lack of intelligence. Then again, anyone could gleam that by reading your posts rife with spelling, grammatical, and coherent errors. Maybe you have a crystal ball in your mind? Making statements like that as fact without any supporting evidence makes you look like a fool. Lastly, is; "I do networking on my own" code for “I am unemployed and I try to get work on the side whenever I can”? You see, that is more deduced speculation.

Now getting back on topic of the monitor; what exactly am I looking for to see if my monitor has any issues?

I can care less about who you are, english isnt my first language so i can care less about your stupid comments about grammer, im not writing an essay, i am simply responding to an idiotic post by an idiot, thats all, i dont have to prove to you or anyone else how much money i make, you sound like a 40 year old virgin living with mommy. im done with you, dont bother posting back, im just putting you on the ignore list.

I can care less about who you are, english isnt my first language so i can care less about your stupid comments about grammer, im not writing an essay, i am simply responding to an idiotic post by an idiot, thats all, i dont have to prove to you or anyone else how much money i make, you sound like a 40 year old virgin living with mommy. im done with you, dont bother posting back, im just putting you on the ignore list.


I didn't know 5 year olds visited this forum. Nice to know...
For anyone that is considering this monitor, GET IT. I have it and use it for pc gaming and ps3/blu ray usage. It always looks amazing. The black levels are really damn good and I couldn't be any happier with this monitor. However, I would probably not be saying this if I had received a unit with stuck pixels.

But stuck pixels can be fixed, whereas the dead ones are dead for life. I've seen pixels that look dead on my FP241VW, but with a bit of TLC revived them, so I guess they turned out to be stuck, and I haven't seen them since.

I'm much happier with my G2400W than my FP241VW. The FP241VW has issues with black crush on HDMI and VGA, and I'm seeing temporal dithering on what is supposed to be an 8 bit display. Even though the G2400W is a 6-bit + HiFRC panel I really have to look hard up close to see anything that resembles pixel squirm.

As well, the G2400W can use full range HDMI from PS3 and "expanded" blacks from Xbox 360 with no problems, while other monitors have had issues and had to use either limited range, or standard blacks, which sucks.

I can concur, I'm still very happy with it. I know some people have had problems, but the only issue I've had is 1920x1080 over VGA, which isn't a big deal.

Maybe we are lucky :)

Were you using 1920x1200 resolution?

I find that VGA is never as sharp as DVI on any LCDs, so this is pretty normal. Other monitors I've tested were not very good either (except my NEC).

Try using the "auto adjust" button in VGA. (the left most of the set of buttons under the bezel) and see if that helps.


Anyone tried DVI vs. VGA with the G2400W?

I was trying the VGA quality and noticed that text looks a bit fuzzy, so I hooked it up thru both DVI and VGA to the same PC, and using cloned display I switched between the two.
VGA is significantly less sharp and text is pretty fuzzy.

Any one noticed that?

I was expecting a slightly worse image quality but this is pretty bad!

Edit: I did adjust clock & phase on a pixel-checkers pattern before I tested it, so that isn't the reason for the fuzziness.
Were you using 1920x1200 resolution?

I find that VGA is never as sharp as DVI on any LCDs, so this is pretty normal. Other monitors I've tested were not very good either (except my NEC).

Try using the "auto adjust" button in VGA. (the left most of the set of buttons under the bezel) and see if that helps.

Yup I was using 1920x1200, and I did the "auto adjust" and made sure that the pattern on here ( was 100% perfect. The sharpness setting changed nothing, I didn't feel that it was changing anything at all (is that normal?).

Honestly for anything graphics/gaming it would probably be hard to notice the difference between VGA and DVI input, but for black text on a white background or vice versa the difference is pretty obvious.

I ordered an HDMI cable, if I still have the same wake up issue as with DVI then my only option would be to try my luck and exchange, because VGA input is not acceptable for me especially that 99% of my use is office/text type apps. (my wake up issue returned back to the same state after a while, so now even if the monitor has been asleep for 5 mins on DVI there is no way that it will wake up :()
I heard a rumor that BenQ switched panels on the newer models to a TN. Was this guy just talking out of his ass? Will a new one still have low input lag? Low input lag is what I'm most concerned about, but the supposed good image quality of this monitor seems good to me.

I thought Autronics OU or whatever they're called panels were TN in the first place. I'm kind of a monitor newbie, so sorry if this post is stupid.
I've been looking at monitors, and the G2400W seems to be pretty decent. For the money, are there any others I should consider?

I'll be using the monitor with a 9800GTX, for games, TV+Movies (I have a TV tuner card), and Xbox360.
