BenQ G2400W

If money, within reason didn't matter, say a few hundred this way or that didn't matter would you go for the S-IPS panels? And if so, is there a 24" worth getting, or just go for the Doublesight DS263N?
It's hard to say,

For gaming only the Doublesight DS 263N or the Planar Px2611W are good choices. The NEC LCD2490Wuxi is a decent choice, but it lags an additional 20ms on average and it's far more expensive. The Planar is $200.00 more than the DoubleSight and it's the same exact monitor.

I have an NEC LCD2690Wuxi but I paid more than twice as much as the G2400W. For photo editing it makes a huge difference, but for gaming I exclusively use the G2400W.

I think for HD grade gaming (ie. 1920x1080/1920x1200) the BenQ is really tough to beat unless the TN viewing angles really bother you. For me they are not an issue, so I'm happy with it.


Thanks again for the help. Totally appreciated. I think I will keep the BenQ. I do use photoshop but not for professional purposes so I should be ok. Besides I am not selling the 21" CRT. If I really have to I can always hook it back up... just hope I don't have to. :)
I'm getting a "Out of Range" error message when I try to change input from DVI to HDMI with my Xbox 360. The manual is no help. Can anyone give me some advice?
Alright guys, got some questions:

I have the BenQ G2400W, purchased around early March. It is a good monitor, however I cannot help notice it adds a BUNCH of aliasing in games, such as this a problem with you guys? Also, my PS3 doesn't seem to make the DVDs look good at all.

Yes I have tried 2 HDMI cables.
360 has a built in hardware scaler. PS3 doesn't. I have NHL 08 on both. Looks smooth on the 360, looks aliased and blocky on the PS3.

Sony screwed up by not adding a true hardware scaler. The BenQ only scales up. It does not post process and that's why it has no lag at lower resolutions but shows up as aliased and jagged when really low resolutions are scaled up (like 1280x720).

Now I know which platform I'll get GTA IV on :)

Only the Westinghouse L2410NM has a good internal scaler that smooths out the low res 720p games from PS3, but adds input lag at all resolutions of 32 to 50 ms. It also crushes dark colors a lot, so it's a different set of compromises.

My NEC LCD2690 also does a great job but that is a monitor that costs over $1000.00.

The issue with most monitors is that they don't perform a lot of internal image processing (with a few exceptions) and you pretty much see what it gets.

And to be honest, I find the Ps3 shows more banding and aliasing than the 360 by far.

DVDs I haven't tried. Blue Rays are pretty good on this though.



Alright guys, got some questions:

I have the BenQ G2400W, purchased around early March. It is a good monitor, however I cannot help notice it adds a BUNCH of aliasing in games, such as this a problem with you guys? Also, my PS3 doesn't seem to make the DVDs look good at all.

Yes I have tried 2 HDMI cables.
This display really looks good for the price. Especially since the 2408 just went up to $679 on

Has anyone tried to connect an xbox360 via VGA cable to this monitor? Does it display the image accurately or is there stretching?
anyone experiance flickering on the screen? it seems mine has a little flickering when brightness is below 50, i can only notice it on a white screen, not bad enough to make me uncomfortable (like the 2007wfp did) but it is noticeable, is this normal? should i contact benq for an exchange?

I have a different flicker. The flicker occurs when I am at 1080P and it flickers on the bottom black bar. It really frustrates b/c i watch blu-ray movie on this monitor in my own room, and the thing just keep flicking at the bottom black bar and it is quite noticeable.

I read online it occurs quite a lot on many G2400w (can u say a poor quality control), and it is more so a hit or miss thing.
It really annoys the hell out of me, it is too bad because the monitor i have has no dead pixel and seems to be in good shape. I really don't want to repackage this for another one and get another one that also has the same issue.

i just got my G2400w last week. I got it from NCIX with the zero bright dot warranty, does anyone know if ncix will replace my montior for this issue. If i do replace it does anyone know if i can change to another model? I am thinking of upgrading to the FP241VW as it is guarantted not to have the flicker problem.
My November 2007 build date stretches 1920x1080 to 1920x1200 over VGA. Other resolutions work perfectly though.

There is a newer build date that may solve this problem, but I don't know.


This display really looks good for the price. Especially since the 2408 just went up to $679 on

Has anyone tried to connect an xbox360 via VGA cable to this monitor? Does it display the image accurately or is there stretching?
I haven't had this issue.

What resolution are you trying to use on the 360? I have used 640x480, 1080i and 1080p without a problem over HDMI.

If you are trying any of these resolutions and you are still getting this error, you may have a bad monitor or bad cable (especially if you've used the 360 with other devices at 1080p).



I'm getting a "Out of Range" error message when I try to change input from DVI to HDMI with my Xbox 360. The manual is no help. Can anyone give me some advice?
360 has a built in hardware scaler. PS3 doesn't. I have NHL 08 on both. Looks smooth on the 360, looks aliased and blocky on the PS3.

Sony screwed up by not adding a true hardware scaler. The BenQ only scales up. It does not post process and that's why it has no lag at lower resolutions but shows up as aliased and jagged when really low resolutions are scaled up (like 1280x720).

Now I know which platform I'll get GTA IV on :)

Only the Westinghouse L2410NM has a good internal scaler that smooths out the low res 720p games from PS3, but adds input lag at all resolutions of 32 to 50 ms. It also crushes dark colors a lot, so it's a different set of compromises.

My NEC LCD2690 also does a great job but that is a monitor that costs over $1000.00.

The issue with most monitors is that they don't perform a lot of internal image processing (with a few exceptions) and you pretty much see what it gets.

And to be honest, I find the Ps3 shows more banding and aliasing than the 360 by far.

DVDs I haven't tried. Blue Rays are pretty good on this though.



So would this monitor not be ideal for PS3 gaming? Does the very little delay come at the cost of a lot of a aliasing? I'll be using this primarily for PS3 gaming, so should I look for something that would clear up this problem?
I haven't had this issue.

What resolution are you trying to use on the 360? I have used 640x480, 1080i and 1080p without a problem over HDMI.

If you are trying any of these resolutions and you are still getting this error, you may have a bad monitor or bad cable (especially if you've used the 360 with other devices at 1080p).




I just got my G2400W yesterday and am trying to hook up my 360 thru HDMI. But I keep getting a "Out of Range" message when I switch to the HDMI input. I can't get to the OSD and I can't get into the Xbox dashboard. I do have a Xbox 360 VGA connection that I tested that worked fine at all resolutions. But I really needed the HDMI to work. It's quite frustrating, when I'm staring at my brand new monitor and can't do what I want. What type of HDMI spec cable do you use for you connection? Is that the problem? Am I missing something obvious?
360 has a built in hardware scaler. PS3 doesn't. I have NHL 08 on both. Looks smooth on the 360, looks aliased and blocky on the PS3.

Sony screwed up by not adding a true hardware scaler. The BenQ only scales up. It does not post process and that's why it has no lag at lower resolutions but shows up as aliased and jagged when really low resolutions are scaled up (like 1280x720).

Now I know which platform I'll get GTA IV on :)

Only the Westinghouse L2410NM has a good internal scaler that smooths out the low res 720p games from PS3, but adds input lag at all resolutions of 32 to 50 ms. It also crushes dark colors a lot, so it's a different set of compromises.

Do some searches first. This actually depends more on the programmers than the hardware. GTA and many current games are reporting essentially identical visuals. Listen to this review, he found AA better on PS3:

As far as your monitor smoothing 720p better than another. Well I would like to see comparison screen shots of that. I don't expect any kind of significant difference here unless it is significantly blurring everything.

You can't fix broken AA by smoothing later in the monitor. It has to be done properly in the 3d rendering.

Make sure you actually run games in 1080p, that support it (do Any?). If you send 720p in a game that supports 1080p, then you have no one to blame for jaggies but yourself. If the console can upscale, compare that upscaling to the monitors.

Again the problem is consoles that can't really do 1080p with many polygons and can barely even do AA at 720p. Don't blame the monitor because the "next gen" consoles barely handle 720p (many games are actually 640p) when you are displaying on a 1080p monitor.

PC games FTW. :D
I just ordered one of these, i hope i made a good choice, i will do a full review once i get the monitor.....i will be using it for PC gaming and XBOX 360 gaming with the HDMI.
I'll show you comparing the BenQ to the NEC, to see if there is a significant difference on the same frame (ie connect and disconnect at a still part.

There is some difference, whether it's easy to quantify is a different story. Unfortunately the Westy is on it's way for repair and the NEC isn't far behind it (due to issues) back to NEC, but I'll do that photo beforehand and hopefully it will give an idea.

EDIT: One thing to keep in mind is that with monitors that do excessive smoothing, blurring is a result. Comparing the BenQ to a Samsung 2493HM, when the monitor is set to scale, the Samsung made text look very blurry and fuzzy, while the BenQ just scaled it.

So in essence, if you want a monitor to do this work, it will also have undesirable side effects. My preference is for the monitor to simply show the picture as it should look. If I have any photos comparing text on the BenQ scaled to 2493HM scaled, I'll post.

Agreed on the PC games though. Gears of War on a PC looks a billion times better than the 360.

I'll check out the GTA IV info too.


Do some searches first. This actually depends more on the programmers than the hardware. GTA and many current games are reporting essentially identical visuals. Listen to this review, he found AA better on PS3:

As far as your monitor smoothing 720p better than another. Well I would like to see comparison screen shots of that. I don't expect any kind of significant difference here unless it is significantly blurring everything.

You can't fix broken AA by smoothing later in the monitor. It has to be done properly in the 3d rendering.

Make sure you actually run games in 1080p, that support it (do Any?). If you send 720p in a game that supports 1080p, then you have no one to blame for jaggies but yourself. If the console can upscale, compare that upscaling to the monitors.

Again the problem is consoles that can't really do 1080p with many polygons and can barely even do AA at 720p. Don't blame the monitor because the "next gen" consoles barely handle 720p (many games are actually 640p) when you are displaying on a 1080p monitor.

PC games FTW. :D
You made a good choice.

Trust me. From what you said about your complaints (excessive brightness, excessive banding, color accuracy, etc...) you made a great choice.

I connected my new HDMI based 360 to the monitor and as good as VGA was, I am so much happier with HDMI on this screen.

For PC gaming, it is top notch, and a great deal at this price point.

I'm no BenQ fanboy, and I've tried 8 different monitors over the past year.



I just ordered one of these, i hope i made a good choice, i will do a full review once i get the monitor.....i will be using it for PC gaming and XBOX 360 gaming with the HDMI.
I'll show you comparing the BenQ to the NEC, to see if there is a significant difference on the same frame (ie connect and disconnect at a still part.

EDIT: One thing to keep in mind is that with monitors that do excessive smoothing, blurring is a result. Comparing the BenQ to a Samsung 2493HM, when the monitor is set to scale, the Samsung made text look very blurry and fuzzy, while the BenQ just scaled it.

So in essence, if you want a monitor to do this work, it will also have undesirable side effects. My preference is for the monitor to simply show the picture as it should look. If I have any photos comparing text on the BenQ scaled to 2493HM scaled, I'll post.

Agreed on the PC games though. Gears of War on a PC looks a billion times better than the 360.

Ok, the other post seemed to imply the Benq was a bad monitor because it didn't smooth out the jaggies. In reality this is not the job of the monitor. It should accurately display what you give it. In this case Garbage in, Garbage out. If it actually smooths the jaggies, it is likely smoothing everything and that is clearly not a good idea.

The people complaining about this, must have had their consoles hooked up to old CRTs and maybe that is where they belong with 600p to 720p with no AA on most games.

Yes you can see Jaggies now, because you finally have a monitor with high enough resolution to see them. Don't like them? Either sit farther away, get a crappier monitor (old CRT TV) or game on a PC where you control the AA.
I just bought it off Enter Computers for $380 (free shipping). Not many reviews on Reseller Ratings but I put it on my credit card so they will cover my ass.
I am under the impression the PS3 does have a scaler. Just not one as flexible or as good as the 360.

Just how big of a problem is the input lag of the NEC LCD2490 vs the Benq G2400W? The NEC LCD2490 seems perfect for me except for high input lag reports.

Benq's newer V2400W looks to replace the G2400W, or are they separate beasts? The V2400W is cooler looking, so I my just wait for that.

The pics seem to indicate a low build quality to the Benq G2400W. I really like the look and build quality of the Samsung 245BW, but I guess these Benqs trump the Samsungs too much, as the Samsungs can't seem to display a non stretched PS3 image.

I really want a S-IPS/H-IPS monitor though. The Hazro 23" seems nice, and has a component input for my PS3, which is good as it does not support HDCP-but with component you don't have to worry about HDCP. However, I live in the USA, and Hazro does not sell products here yet. Plus I'm not sure how the input lag, aspect ratio, scaling, and image quality would be on a PC monitors component-in.

I have not read this outright, but gaming monitors seem to be much better for lag than any LCD HDTV out there-is this true?

Since there is no perfect monitor, I may have to buy two monitors: a 24" TN for gaming, and a 23"-30" S-IPS/H-IPS for everything else. Though I really wanted one Bat-Monitor to rule them all. I hope the right option presents itself soon-Metal Gear Solid 4 is almost upon us...
no body knows about the flicker problem?

I cant view your pics but I think I know what your talking about...
I have just sent 2 of these back because of it.

My prob is: when viewing a 1080p signal using either 1:1 or Aspect display modes, the black bars top and bottom are not actually solid black but made up of faint white flickering lines that look like some sort of noise or interference :(
It is not just PS3, I have tried other sources including PC and everything does it, also both DVI and HDMI inputs do it.
Whats worse I contacted Benq tech support and they know about it but cant do anything:eek:
Real shame I was otherwise very happy with it
Hey there,

I don't see these. I see what looks like a slightly "scan lined" version of black, but no white lines or noise. I only see this if the PS3/360 is showing a black screen.

This is in 720p/1080p off 360 and PS3. Over DVI with the PC at 1680x1050 resolution I don't see anything like this at all.

Sucks to hear that. So these lines move as noise?


I cant view your pics but I think I know what your talking about...
I have just sent 2 of these back because of it.

My prob is: when viewing a 1080p signal using either 1:1 or Aspect display modes, the black bars top and bottom are not actually solid black but made up of faint white flickering lines that look like some sort of noise or interference :(
It is not just PS3, I have tried other sources including PC and everything does it, also both DVI and HDMI inputs do it.
Whats worse I contacted Benq tech support and they know about it but cant do anything:eek:
Real shame I was otherwise very happy with it
Has anyone with the DVI wake up issue found a solution?

If I wake up the display within a few minutes after it goes to sleep there is no problem. The problem is only there once the display has been asleep for a while.

The major annoyance isn't that I have to turn it off and back on or use the select input button, BUT on my PC the resolution resets to 1600x1200 every time it doesn't wake up automatically!

My screen is manufactured in Feb'08, using it with a built-in intel G35 (Asus P5E-VM HDMI). Using an HDMI to DVI adapter + the DVI cable that shipped with the screen.

I am going to get a dedicated graphics card eventually (maybe that will solve the issue), but until then should I just use it over VGA (is there any quality loss?), or get an HDMI to HDMI cable?
That's what I did.

NEC LCD2690 + G2400W.

The NEC is in front of me, the G2400W to the side. I interchange what I use them for. Both are great. Honestly the NEC is a superior monitor, but at three times the price, it had better be.

The G2400W is a good deal. I prefer it's colors to the (soon to be sold) BenQ FP241VW, and it's reactivity is excellent both in pixel, and input response. You are right, it is cheap and cheerful, functionality over form.

I am equally happy with each (well the NEC needs replacement, but otherwise) in their own ways. I plan to keep them until they break or are degraded visually.



I am under the impression the PS3 does have a scaler. Just not one as flexible or as good as the 360.

Just how big of a problem is the input lag of the NEC LCD2490 vs the Benq G2400W? The NEC LCD2490 seems perfect for me except for high input lag reports.

Benq's newer V2400W looks to replace the G2400W, or are they separate beasts? The V2400W is cooler looking, so I my just wait for that.

The pics seem to indicate a low build quality to the Benq G2400W. I really like the look and build quality of the Samsung 245BW, but I guess these Benqs trump the Samsungs too much, as the Samsungs can't seem to display a non stretched PS3 image.

I really want a S-IPS/H-IPS monitor though. The Hazro 23" seems nice, and has a component input for my PS3, which is good as it does not support HDCP-but with component you don't have to worry about HDCP. However, I live in the USA, and Hazro does not sell products here yet. Plus I'm not sure how the input lag, aspect ratio, scaling, and image quality would be on a PC monitors component-in.

I have not read this outright, but gaming monitors seem to be much better for lag than any LCD HDTV out there-is this true?

Since there is no perfect monitor, I may have to buy two monitors: a 24" TN for gaming, and a 23"-30" S-IPS/H-IPS for everything else. Though I really wanted one Bat-Monitor to rule them all. I hope the right option presents itself soon-Metal Gear Solid 4 is almost upon us...
It's interesting how this problem exists just like mines but not many posts about it. So from reading all these posts, I assume we got them bad apples from benq? My exchange is on the way, I'll let you know if it made a difference.

Has anyone with the DVI wake up issue found a solution?

If I wake up the display within a few minutes after it goes to sleep there is no problem. The problem is only there once the display has been asleep for a while.

The major annoyance isn't that I have to turn it off and back on or use the select input button, BUT on my PC the resolution resets to 1600x1200 every time it doesn't wake up automatically!

My screen is manufactured in Feb'08, using it with a built-in intel G35 (Asus P5E-VM HDMI). Using an HDMI to DVI adapter + the DVI cable that shipped with the screen.

I am going to get a dedicated graphics card eventually (maybe that will solve the issue), but until then should I just use it over VGA (is there any quality loss?), or get an HDMI to HDMI cable?
Hey there,

I don't see these. I see what looks like a slightly "scan lined" version of black, but no white lines or noise. I only see this if the PS3/360 is showing a black screen.

This is in 720p/1080p off 360 and PS3. Over DVI with the PC at 1680x1050 resolution I don't see anything like this at all.

Sucks to hear that. So these lines move as noise?


ya, exactly as he described.

I think i would send it back too now. It is truly a shame for what would otherwise be a perfect monitor, even for TN.

The noise is simply too annoying for anything at 1080p. I would like to change my comment at first. It actually shows up BOTH top and bottom, but top is somewhat less noticeable when you sit from the back with the panel at 90 degrees to the table. However, if you look close at top, the flicker is exactly as bad as bottom.
It's interesting how this problem exists just like mines but not many posts about it. So from reading all these posts, I assume we got them bad apples from benq? My exchange is on the way, I'll let you know if it made a difference.
Please do let me know if it fixes the issue.
If an exchange helps I might consider it.
I have 0 dead/stuck pixels, so I will have to weigh the risk of getting one with bad pixels. Especially if the issue doesn't necessarily occur with all graphic cards since I will be getting a dedicated card (instead of the built-in) in a couple of months anyway.

For now I plugged it thru the VGA cable after it happened to me twice this morning as I was doing some paperwork and reading my emails, and I finally was angry enough to get up off my ass and exchange the cables :p. I haven't tested it yet, if the problem persists with the VGA cable.

Did you try it with the HDMI input?
I didn't have a problem with the VGA cable waking from sleep. But I only tested it one night. I am taking a risk of getting dead pixels since the one I have is perfect. I'm using an nvidia card. So VGA works fine for you also? I haven't tried HDMI.

Please do let me know if it fixes the issue.
If an exchange helps I might consider it.
I have 0 dead/stuck pixels, so I will have to weigh the risk of getting one with bad pixels. Especially if the issue doesn't necessarily occur with all graphic cards since I will be getting a dedicated card (instead of the built-in) in a couple of months anyway.

For now I plugged it thru the VGA cable after it happened to me twice this morning as I was doing some paperwork and reading my emails, and I finally was angry enough to get up off my ass and exchange the cables :p. I haven't tested it yet, if the problem persists with the VGA cable.

Did you try it with the HDMI input?
I didn't have a problem with the VGA cable waking from sleep. But I only tested it one night. I am taking a risk of getting dead pixels since the one I have is perfect. I'm using an nvidia card. So VGA works fine for you also? I haven't tried HDMI.
yup, VGA seems to be working, I left it asleep for about 15 minutes and when I tried to wake it up, there was no problem.
Hey there,

I don't see these. I see what looks like a slightly "scan lined" version of black, but no white lines or noise. I only see this if the PS3/360 is showing a black screen.

This is in 720p/1080p off 360 and PS3. Over DVI with the PC at 1680x1050 resolution I don't see anything like this at all.

Sucks to hear that. So these lines move as noise?


This doesn't sound exactly the same problem, mainly because the 2 ive had only did it in 1080p, 720p and 1080i both had perfect solid black borders as you would expect. Also I dont think I was able to do 1:1 or Aspect with 1680x1050 over DVI, it would just default to full screen and the other options in the menu were greyed out and not selectable?

The effect does look a little like scan lines especially if you look very closley. However from a distant there is also flickering and some movement, sort of a rippling wave effect, very hard to describe!
ya, exactly as he described.

I think i would send it back too now. It is truly a shame for what would otherwise be a perfect monitor, even for TN.

The noise is simply too annoying for anything at 1080p. I would like to change my comment at first. It actually shows up BOTH top and bottom, but top is somewhat less noticeable when you sit from the back with the panel at 90 degrees to the table. However, if you look close at top, the flicker is exactly as bad as bottom.

I agree totally, the noise makes 1080p unusable to me too. Worst thing is watching PS3 bluray movies it just constantly catches my eye, looks even worse with dark scenes.

Wouldnt bother sending it back, I had 2 both were exactly the same, one was manufactured Feb 08 the other Mar 08. Thought I had finally found the perfect monitor for my needs but the search goes on... You could try contacting Benq tech support, would be interesting to see if they give you same answer as me.
They said to me it is a "limitation" of the panel itself and nothing can be done. They did however say the FP241W doesn't have the problem and suggested that as an alternative, didn't offer me one at a reduced price though;)
BenQ support is full of it,

Plain and simple. My G2400W from November 2007 doesn't do this.

The FP241W/VW does have a green line that shows up at the bottom of the 1080p screen that shows up only when playing a BluRay disc. I have it, as does an FP241W user that I've corresponded with. I wonder if they knew that?

The reason that this specific problem doesn't occur on the FP monitors is because they CANNOT do 1920x1200 over HDMI. They can only do up to 1920x1080. That's the only reason you don't see noise on the top and bottom.

I wonder if they also know that using an ATI HD 3000 series card on DVI and a PS3 on HDMI has another set of problems ranging from snow on the HDMI screen, to 1080p not working to the screen constantly resetting and showing the "HDMI" label showing up periodically even without resolution switches on HDMI. Only happens on the FP241W/VW with HD 3000 cards, but not nVidia. As soon as the ATI card goes into sleep or the computer is turned off, HDMI works perfectly (WTF)

Their engineering dep't needs to resolve this and other problems. They always have some stupid excuse for every issue. There are no limitations to this panel that don't exist on any other panel.

They should give people their money back if they are going to play games with them. They seem to be over stretched and don't know enough to properly support their products.

Sorry for the rant, but this is utter bull$hit.

What I might suggest is trying the PS3 over DVI and your PC over HDMI. Maybe that would work better (using DVI to HDMI cables).

Best o' luck,


I agree totally, the noise makes 1080p unusable to me too. Worst thing is watching PS3 bluray movies it just constantly catches my eye, looks even worse with dark scenes.

Wouldnt bother sending it back, I had 2 both were exactly the same, one was manufactured Feb 08 the other Mar 08. Thought I had finally found the perfect monitor for my needs but the search goes on... You could try contacting Benq tech support, would be interesting to see if they give you same answer as me.
They said to me it is a "limitation" of the panel itself and nothing can be done. They did however say the FP241W doesn't have the problem and suggested that as an alternative, didn't offer me one at a reduced price though;)
My G2400W from November 2007 doesn't do this.


What I might suggest is trying the PS3 over DVI and your PC over HDMI. Maybe that would work better (using DVI to HDMI cables).

I did think maybe the problem has just started with newer revisions. Seems strange hardly anyone has noticed the problem. I really like the monitor otherwise I would definately try an older revision if I new where I could get one :confused:

As for swapping the inputs, doesn't help. Problem is there with any hdmi/dvi source into either digital input. PC into DVI, PC into HDMI, PS3 into DVI, PS3 into HDMI, its all the same :(
Got the new monitor in today. Had the monitor on sleep mode for about 4-5 hours. Came home and it came right up no problem using DVI. It's a February 08 build as well. I will do another post in a couple days to see how it's doing.

yup, VGA seems to be working, I left it asleep for about 15 minutes and when I tried to wake it up, there was no problem.
Got the new monitor in today. Had the monitor on sleep mode for about 4-5 hours. Came home and it came right up no problem using DVI. It's a February 08 build as well. I will do another post in a couple days to see how it's doing.
now i am tempted to do an exchange :confused:
I'll wait for your report in a few days :p
Left the monitor in sleep for another 6 hours and it came right back up. I'll be out all day today so let me post one more time and I would say that my other one was defective.

now i am tempted to do an exchange :confused:
I'll wait for your report in a few days :p
Left the monitor in sleep for another 6 hours and it came right back up. I'll be out all day today so let me post one more time and I would say that my other one was defective.
Could it be a cable issue?!?! I don't have another cable to double check. Did you try a different cable with your older monitor?
What I cannot understand is that if it's the monitors fault why would windows reset the resolution to 1600x1200 every time this happens and I push the source selection button to force it to wake up (or use the on/off).

I guess I'm trying to find a way not to risk losing my 0 dead/stuck pixels :D

How long does it take to get thru an exchange with BenQ?