Battlefield 3 - Official Thread

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I have heard so many problems about people not being able to connect to servers, getting error codes, getting kicked and losing connections. I played for 5 hours straight last night and never had any of those things happen to me once. I was able to actually exit a game take a piss and get some more adult beverages and got right back into a server with 2 or 3 minutes.

Just not sure WTF is up with all of these issues. Some people are not having any issues and some people cannot even play the damn game.

with a capital A

I'm hearing this is the new pass and will work I guess until a specified time
At 1920x1080, I never went above 935MB of ram used. I don't see it hitting 2GB unless your running eyefinity or something.

If what some people are saying is true the Ultra textures are not in the beta (even though the menu says they are)

I read this (I think) on the UK EA forums but I cannot recall.

Take it with a grain of salt.
To all the Origin haters and complainers: If Caspian doesn't give you a boner you must be a CoD fanboy.

I'd install naked pictures of my mother on my background if I had to, just to be able to play that map.
I've tried a couple things to keep from getting kicked from the game every 10 minutes, but nothing has worked. If anyone has any suggestions, please share. I've seen a couple people have this issue. It's almost impossible to progress in the game.

make sure your client is up to in..log off origin, log on the gear wheel goto refresh games..then right click on your BF3 beta and check for updates.

the update..if it really is a update seems to have fixxed it for me.. also..another thing to try..Im in the midwest..but I chose on my filters Oceania..there were some us servers on the..believe called "US Lowpingsomethingortheother" I managed to play 10 successive rounds could try that also..

But, Yes..I believe US servers are being slammed so hard, most likely servers are overloaded..and randomly kicking people to bring sdown the load..or just closing.

its a server side problem.
If what some people are saying is true the Ultra textures are not in the beta (even though the menu says they are)

I read this (I think) on the UK EA forums but I cannot recall.

Take it with a grain of salt.

It's pegging my VRAM whatever they are (and looking great) at 2560x1600...
If what some people are saying is true the Ultra textures are not in the beta (even though the menu says they are)

I read this (I think) on the UK EA forums but I cannot recall.

Take it with a grain of salt.

Caspian is high res while Metro seems a bit low re in some areas.
I think Metro is an unfinished/unpolished map compared to Caspian.
OK, I misread the quote before I think, so here are a few screenshots from Caspian (I got some jet time in but no good shots that I think are worthy of sharing)... :D Sorry but I forgot to switch to PNG for captures for this, it looks better in-game but still fantastic even screenshotted in JPG :




I've gotten maybe an hour and a half of play so far :D.
OK, I misread the quote before I think, so here are a few screenshots from Caspian (I got some jet time in but no good shots that I think are worthy of sharing)... :D Sorry but I forgot to switch to PNG for captures for this, it looks better in-game but still fantastic even screenshotted in JPG :




I've gotten maybe an hour and a half of play so far :D.

Pretty decent screenshots, clouds look nice.

GPU's are alittle warm @ 84 and 81 degrees
just quit a caspian server. was a ginormous lag fest. good to kind of look around but it was unplayable. PM ME FOR PW
§·H·ï·Z·N·ï·L·T·ï;1037808800 said:
Anyone try this, does it work?

That didn't work for me last night but that was before they pushed out the update. I was still getting CTD every other round.
I finally turned VRAM measuring in Afterburner, it's using up all the 2 GB on my 6950's (Afterburner shows only one memory measurement since whats in memory on the card is the same on both)

It was even using a little more than what the cards can hold (shared RAM I'd assume) at some points.

This is at 1920x1200
For those worried about their GPUs/drivers over the screen flashes, it does the same thing on the 360, so I don't think it's something nvidia/amd can fix, it's probably something Dice has to fix(if they haven't already since this beta is a few weeks old).
One thing I'd like to throw out there is that the version we're playing is probably divergent from the primary development fork and was introduced deliberately bugged to stress test patch delivery and all of the other things we hope to take for granted with the final release.
Anyone else suprised by how shit the Heli's feel? Theres just no weight to them, feels like you're in control of a paper bag floating around the sky. Even the BC2 heli's had a basic sensation of weight and speed, in this even that basic feel is totally gone. :(
Caspian seems way less glitchy than Metro in terms of terrain errors and texture problems, however I CTD extremely frequently. :(
Anyone else suprised by how shit the Heli's feel? Theres just no weight to them, feels like you're in control of a paper bag floating around the sky. Even the BC2 heli's had a basic sensation of weight and speed, in this even that basic feel is totally gone. :(

Yup i am disappoint, BF3 proudly brought to you by DICE straight from consoles...
Anyone else suprised by how shit the Heli's feel? Theres just no weight to them, feels like you're in control of a paper bag floating around the sky. Even the BC2 heli's had a basic sensation of weight and speed, in this even that basic feel is totally gone. :(
Reminds me of the BFBC2 Vietnam Huey's but even worse.
Seems like most of the rage of the first day has worn off.

What does everyone think of the Beta?

Without playing Caspian I can't really stay. As of last night all of my other complaints are still true. But that was for Metro, which we don't know what build it's actually using. As I said before there were a lot of issues that came up which weren't in the Alpha. The map did change however. Mostly during the first stage for M-COM locations and terrain. Definitely made it easier for Attackers to advance and having squad spawning functional, made a huge difference.

However, and maybe this is chalked up to lag and stuff, but it just didn't feel the same as the Alpha, didn't feel as good. Gameplay wise. Was just too inconsistent.
I was getting the connection timed out issue as well and disabling upnp in the router seems to have fixed it. Haven't 'timed out' since.

My $0.02

I posted this solution a few pages back but no one listened including the person with the issue
The Heli's have been progressively dumbed down with every release since Desert Combat. On one hand it was awesome being one of the few people who could actually handle yourself in one. On the other i can understand the decision to make them more accessible. So people don't have to commit themselves to hours and hours of training in empty multiplayer games just to get themselves off the ground.

Anyone else suprised by how shit the Heli's feel? Theres just no weight to them, feels like you're in control of a paper bag floating around the sky. Even the BC2 heli's had a basic sensation of weight and speed, in this even that basic feel is totally gone. :(
The Heli's have been progressively dumbed down with every release since Desert Combat. On one hand it was awesome being one of the few people who could actually handle yourself in one. On the other i can understand the decision to make them more accessible. So people don't have to commit themselves to hours and hours of training in empty multiplayer games just to get themselves off the ground.

Desert Combat. I love you. That is all.
Man Caspian Border.. WOW.. is all i can say. Map is awesome..

So huge, puts Heavy metal to shame, But even as big as it is, you still get into some fun firefights..
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