Battlefield 3 - Official Thread

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Any chance at all I can play the Beta on a Q6600/6770 rig? Thanks for anyone who can give any insight, waiting on parts is terrible. :(
You will be fine. I can play it and look at my system (in sig). I've got probably 80-90% of the performance of your rig and I can play it fine on medium/low at 1600x1200 res.
The Q6600 is on the low end of the recommended cpu's, your biggest bottleneck will be your GPU. I would expect medium to low settings at resolutions below 1080p.
OK so...really weird.

When I try to record a video using fraps to show you guys the texture flickering (which drops the framerate), the texture flickering stops completely. My frame rate drops to like 35-40 during the video but no flickering. As soon as I disable the fraps filming, my framerate goes up (70ish) and the flickering returns full force.

Any clue?

Also wanted to add that there doesn't seem to be any flickering in windowed mode.
with the jets gone practically useless[against ground targets] without the bombs, I can only imagine the teamkilling near chopper spawn points.At this rate ,they ahsould have a minigun that can be unlocked, I am going to unlock it and spray everyone out and hop onto the chopper...:D
i ran bf3 last night, 2560x1600 on my gtx580 w/ 3gb of memory. it ran quite well on ultra. I didn't look at any actual numbers for frames per second, however, it was totally playable and at no time did i feel like it was chugging along. i did have the occasional flickering though
Yup, that's EXACTLY what I'm getting. Disabling CrossFire fixes it, but I occasionally still get the white screen flashes.

Disabling crossfire didn't fix it for me.

It almost seems like an issue of flickering when your FPS are too high. I don't know if that makes any sense, but when I disable xfire, I'm still using a 6990 which will put me pretty high up there in FPS.

But filming with fraps drops me to 30-40 FPS, and the flickering stops then.
Disabling crossfire didn't fix it for me.

It almost seems like an issue of flickering when your FPS are too high. I don't know if that makes any sense, but when I disable xfire, I'm still using a 6990 which will put me pretty high up there in FPS.

But filming with fraps drops me to 30-40 FPS, and the flickering stops then.

FWIW i was running last night on medium settings and getting 100+ fps, have no flicker.
Ok this game is friggin amazing in eyefinity!

How do you turn off motion blur? I absolutely hate the effect but even though I turn it off anf set it to 0 it always reverts back to "ON".
Which role gets the mounted flashlight or is it a general weapon unlock once you've used it enough?

Is there a comprehensive list detailing role progression/unlock as well?
I'm pleasantly surprised at how well the game runs from a performance perspective. It has lots of bugs to be worked out, but performance wise I seem to be doing pretty well with my aging machine. This is great news for me as my upgrade timeline is to wait for Ivy Bridge and it looks like I'll be able to stick to it provided the addition of another 64 players in a large conquest map isn't TOO much more demanding.
Which role gets the mounted flashlight or is it a general weapon unlock once you've used it enough?

Is there a comprehensive list detailing role progression/unlock as well?

It's unlocked for each weapon AFAIK. I've unlocked the light like 3 times now.
Ok this game is friggin amazing in eyefinity!

How do you turn off motion blur? I absolutely hate the effect but even though I turn it off anf set it to 0 it always reverts back to "ON".

It was too high for me as well; I turned it to 25 and really don't even notice it now, it feels perfect.

Which role gets the mounted flashlight or is it a general weapon unlock once you've used it enough?

Is there a comprehensive list detailing role progression/unlock as well?

It's an unlock that you get after a certain # of points with that weapon. While I don't necessarily mind, it looks as though many of the gajillions of unlocks they advertised are the same items needing to be unlocked for each gun, rather than per spec. :rolleyes:
I've tried a couple things to keep from getting kicked from the game every 10 minutes, but nothing has worked. If anyone has any suggestions, please share. I've seen a couple people have this issue. It's almost impossible to progress in the game.
I've tried a couple things to keep from getting kicked from the game every 10 minutes, but nothing has worked. If anyone has any suggestions, please share. I've seen a couple people have this issue. It's almost impossible to progress in the game.

Seems to be server-side, IMO, not client. A friend and I were playing together and it seems the server crashes as both of us (in different locations, CA and WA) get a "server not found" message afterwards. Server would then come back up shortly completely empty. We did this for a few hours and he wasn't able to have any progress saved either, then around 10 PST the servers we were in just stopped crashing, and were able to complete 3-4 maps in a row without crashes.
Also, anyone else notice how strong your character is? You can throw ammo and health packs and they'll break through foot-thick concrete barriers! :eek: I was pretty pissed when I threw a health pack towards a wall when I was crouched in a corner of the first B site on Metro, and it broke down both the large metal divider AND the waist-high metal fence.
I've tried a couple things to keep from getting kicked from the game every 10 minutes, but nothing has worked. If anyone has any suggestions, please share. I've seen a couple people have this issue. It's almost impossible to progress in the game.

Not sure if it's the same issue, but setting origin.exe and bf3.exe to "run as admin" fixed my ~15 min then kicked out situation that I was getting every time before.
Seems to be server-side, IMO, not client. A friend and I were playing together and it seems the server crashes as both of us (in different locations, CA and WA) get a "server not found" message afterwards. Server would then come back up shortly completely empty. We did this for a few hours and he wasn't able to have any progress saved either, then around 10 PST the servers we were in just stopped crashing, and were able to complete 3-4 maps in a row without crashes.

I'd tend to agree with you, but it's literally every match I've played since starting the beta yesterday. Now I'm sure there is something wrong on in the beta that's causing this, but I obviously want to try fixing it.
I've tried a couple things to keep from getting kicked from the game every 10 minutes, but nothing has worked. If anyone has any suggestions, please share. I've seen a couple people have this issue. It's almost impossible to progress in the game.

I was getting the connection timed out issue as well and disabling upnp in the router seems to have fixed it. Haven't 'timed out' since.

My $0.02
Also, anyone else notice how strong your character is? You can throw ammo and health packs and they'll break through foot-thick concrete barriers! :eek: I was pretty pissed when I threw a health pack towards a wall when I was crouched in a corner of the first B site on Metro, and it broke down both the large metal divider AND the waist-high metal fence.

Ohhhh, health pack kills. :D
The new password is operation Shetro

At this point Dice is just trolling, they need to release Caspian for everyone and for every server. I was watching the servers yesterday most of the day before the pass got leaked they were mostly empty or had 18 people max. Internal testing my ass, having empty servers for the best map in Beta is fucktarded. How about we swap maps, all those intenal asshats can go test Metro while we play Caspian...
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Also, anyone else notice how strong your character is? You can throw ammo and health packs and they'll break through foot-thick concrete barriers! :eek:

LOL yes...did the same thing with the medic pack and exposed my arse...I was a deer in headlights before taking a head shot.
Disabling crossfire didn't fix it for me.

It almost seems like an issue of flickering when your FPS are too high. I don't know if that makes any sense, but when I disable xfire, I'm still using a 6990 which will put me pretty high up there in FPS.

But filming with fraps drops me to 30-40 FPS, and the flickering stops then.

I'm not sure if the disable CrossFire switch actually works on the 6990 since it has its own internal crossfire bridge. It may just be disabling your 6970. I may be wrong.
I got into one with a community password for about 30 minutes just now... they asked for no videos/etc. but I will say this: AMAZING. A M A Z I N G. :)
I read on the battlelog forums that someone fixed the CTD/time out issue by setting 'run as admin' for the BF3.exe in the beta directory. I'll try it in a little while but thought I'd share so others could try.

There are also reports there that turning off origin in-game support (in the origin app settings) fixes lag issues and what not. Don't know myself, because I disabled it from the start.
Anyone try this, does it work?
Trees look like Ghost Recon trees. Simple, but get the job done. Everything else looks awesome. I really want to play this thing! I love BF1942 and BF2, so this should be a blast!
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