Battlefield 3 - Official Thread

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I finally turned VRAM measuring in Afterburner, it's using up all the 2 GB on my 6950's (Afterburner shows only one memory measurement since whats in memory on the card is the same on both)

It was even using a little more than what the cards can hold (shared RAM I'd assume) at some points.

This is at 1920x1200
How did you make AB show vRAM usage? I thought there was no way to do so on AMD cards. I'm always curious to know how much I'm using at 2560x1600 on various games.
I just pre-ordered.. I finally gave in to Origin. UGH.

I take it I'm too late for the Beta now?
How did you make AB show vRAM usage? I thought there was no way to do so on AMD cards. I'm always curious to know how much I'm using at 2560x1600 on various games.

Make sure you have version 2.2.0 Beta 7

Unwinder said:
• Added unified vendor independent videomemory usage monitoring layer for graphics cards, having no generic videomemory monitoring interfaces implementation in display drivers. Unified videomemory usage monitoring layer is based upon RivaTuner's VidMem plugin technology under Windows XP and original concepts of accessing Direct3D kernel mode thunk statistics under Windows Vista and Windows 7, introduced by Mark Russinovich in ProcessExplorer 15. By default unified videomemory usage monitoring path is enabled as primary ath on AMD graphics cards and as a fallback path on NVIDIA graphics cards when generic NVAPI videomemory usage monitoring is not available (e.g. on NVIDIA graphics cards unattcached to Windows desktop, such as dedicated PhysX or other GPGPU graphics cards). Power users may redefine unified and generic videomemory monitoring paths usage behaviors for both AMD and NVIDIA hardware abstraction layers via the configuration file.
+1 cancelled my pre-order.
It's too bad they decided to shit the bed and stay with the bullshit browser game AND not release proper textures for the game(you're kidding yourselves if you think it's going to look any better than it does right now).
crash crash crash crash crash thats all my game wants to do today but only at the end of the rounds when it goes to give me my XP and unlocks. I didn't have any problems last night.
crash crash crash crash crash thats all my game wants to do today but only at the end of the rounds when it goes to give me my XP and unlocks. I didn't have any problems last night.

Beta points don't carry over to retail if that makes you feel any better. :)
+1 cancelled my pre-order.
It's too bad they decided to shit the bed and stay with the bullshit browser game AND not release proper textures for the game(you're kidding yourselves if you think it's going to look any better than it does right now).

pcper is saying they might have left out some image features

"Also, I am hearing that it might be the case that DICE left out some of the most advanced image quality features for the beta and if that is the case, the Ultra quality levels might be harder on your hardware than we are showing here. If that is the case, we will update our testing and let you know!"
I just watched some in-game footage from the beta...Graphics are impressive but so far not much else is. It really looks a lot like BFBC2 to me, which, again, did not really impress me that much.

I'll probably still get this but I'm questioning a day one purchase now.
Please tell me they're going to use Caspian for the open beta starting tomorrow. Can we label them morons if they don't?
They are already morons for releasing ONE fucking rush map for the open beta.
I've already cancelled and so have my squad.
game is broken right now. Was working fine yesterday and this morning and now I get constant crashes to desktop even running the process as admin.
damn.. had an awesome 6k point round and guess what.... CRASH!! lmao Trying my hardest to get the EOD bot.....
is alt + enter for full screening the game not working for anyone else? i just started playing the beta and no matter how many times i try it it wont work :(
All of the caspian servers i have gotten into seem to be supper lagged probably due to everyone and their mom spamming the server to get in lol.
password still works fine. i dont know why you people are having problems.

CTD happens at the end of every level on caspian so if you want points dont play it!

EDIT: lol!!! i was just playing and CTD in middle of round :/

EDIT2: join UK servers they dont have the lag
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i dont get what all the complaining about battlelog is, i happen to like it, and even then, it isnt much different than a regular server browser, you can still filter stuff, select if you want to see full/empty/w/e servers.
In case you didn know there is a 3.9 beta patch available through origin. Right click game and check for updates.
Any word on when this goes live for everyone else, at midnight or 8am? I'm going to assume they're giving the early access a full 48 hours but you never know.
i dont get what all the complaining about battlelog is, i happen to like it, and even then, it isnt much different than a regular server browser, you can still filter stuff, select if you want to see full/empty/w/e servers.

It's because it is not in game.
It sucks, and it's frustrating, and requires an "always on" connection just to do SP stuff.
Fuck it.
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