Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

I wish i could bind my mouse buttons... grrrrrr.

If you are using a Logitech mouse then simply make a BF3 profile in the Logitech gaming software. It makes a world of difference to me when I can middle mouse click reload, and my shoulder buttons are crouch/prone :D
I am happy with my experience last night. I really wish there were lean because I miss it dearly. I hate how the medics don't start with the defib. But overall I had fun. I also hope that in the full game you don't have to change video settings after entering a match.
For those wanting to get on a caspian match, check out this video.

I just played 3 rounds using this method, it completely bypasses the password. The hard part is getting into a full server :(

edit: seems like they've taken the NA caspian servers down...hmmm
The M249 SAW makes a HUGE difference. That machine gun you start out with is like a nerf gun compared to the SAW, I have been mowing people down with it.

Which is funny since the one you start out with is the weapon they're looking to replace the SAW with, and they both fire the same cartridge.
I don't think I was killed by a single person who wasn't prone today.

I think the general strategy is "lie in cover forever and punish the other team for trying to make it interesting"
No more Caspian Border servers at all huh? Oh well, got a bit of fun out of it yesterday.
Confused.. So I'm reading this dev report(I haven't had time to try the beta) and it's indicates that buildings ARE destructible? Just asking because thats the biggest deal breaker for me.


1. Stick to your teammates, and remember to spawn on them to stay close to the fight.

2. Use your kit specific abilities to help your teammates. Assault can hand out med kits, Engineers can repair vehicles, and Support can hand out ammo.

3. Make sure, when you have armed an M-COM station, that you defend it to make sure it is destroyed.

4. The bombed-out tunnel section in Operation Métro is an excellent place to use a flashlight as one of your weapon attachments. Use it to light the tunnels up - and to blind your enemies.

5. Attach bipods to your weapon and deploy it automatically by pushing up against cover or going prone and zooming in - this gives you a huge increase in accuracy and stability.

6. Use suppressive shooting (fire close to enemies behind cover) to negatively effect the enemy's fighting capabilities.

7. Watch out for falling debris as this can hurt you. But you can also hurt your enemies by taking out buildings with the Engineer's RPG.

8. Shotguns are excellent for CQC (Close Quarters Combat) in the tighter tunnels sections.

9. Fire automatic weapons in short bursts for accuracy, or switch to single fire mode if applicable.

10. To grab your enemy's dog tag as a souvenir, do a stealth knife kill from behind."
Anyone else getting this when trying to login to Battlelog?

"We are currently having issues with passwords containing
special characters (such as &%<>).

Until we have fixed this, you can change your password to
only use alphanumeric characters at
Since CB is over then I'm not gong to play the beta as much, pretty satisfied.
Great game, but Metro gets old fast. Hopefully Caspian goes public the last week of the beta.

Anyone else getting this when trying to login to Battlelog?

"We are currently having issues with passwords containing
special characters (such as &%<>).

Until we have fixed this, you can change your password to
only use alphanumeric characters at

Yes. Had to change it in order to log in. I went directly to to do it though, not through BL.
Interestingly enough, the 285.27 beta's work heaps better for me than the 285.36's that are supposedly for BF3... no weird framerate loss while staring at a wall even to half my framerate, chopping up for 10 seconds then going back to normal... just smooth, consistent performance. The newer ones also messed up Rift for me and other titles performance-wise.

Now if only I could get on a Caspian Border server again! :( Shame they're taking them down.

Since CB is over then I'm not gong to play the beta as much, pretty satisfied.
Great game, but Metro gets old fast. Hopefully Caspian goes public the last week of the beta.

Same, I'll probably play a little but not a ton unless Caspian comes back.

EDIT: Hm just tried logging into a Metro server again and I keep getting "Your game session has expired, please log out and then log in again" as an error... I do so and it just does the same thing again. Quick match keeps telling me it can't ping the closest servers, that if it persists to "adjust your firewall" with no info as to what. :(

EDIT2: The login error went away just by closing and re-opening my browser, at least...
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I'm a lowly 285 SSC user and was having tons of locking up issues. I installed the 285.36 drivers and immediately was able to play many rounds in a row without locking up last night.

I'm gonna order a 580 GTX in a few days but thought I would at least mention this in case someone else with the older gen card might be locking up. It might be worth a try.
I hope the people who have played Caspain Border and said that this is the real Battlefield 3 are correct, because Metro is just, meh. It's almost as if they chose Metro to demo in hopes of getting the attention of the Call of Duty crowd.

I'm a long time BF2 fan (still playing) waiting with high hopes for BF3. Even replaced my whole setup just for this game. Metro is a big disappointment by my standards. Caspian Border to me feels like BF3 or what I would expect from BF3 coming from BF2! Yeah the Orgin/Browser facebook wannbe blows but this map is great and has a BF2 feel. It's made my investment worth every penny.

Karkand will be the cats ass!
Oh, probably worth mentioning that the chopper controls are just as bad as BC2 :( There is still a limit to how much you can pitch and roll the aircraft, feels very much on rails...I was hoping for a flight model closer to BF2. Jets fly very similarly to BF2, albeit more slowly.
Oh, probably worth mentioning that the chopper controls are just as bad as BC2 :( There is still a limit to how much you can pitch and roll the aircraft, feels very much on rails...I was hoping for a flight model closer to BF2. Jets fly very similarly to BF2, albeit more slowly.

That is disappointing to hear.

Who knew we had it made regarding aircraft with the previous Battlefield games?

It feels like it's been consoleized and those of us with sticks are being relegated to gamepad abilities.
Oh, probably worth mentioning that the chopper controls are just as bad as BC2 :( There is still a limit to how much you can pitch and roll the aircraft, feels very much on rails...I was hoping for a flight model closer to BF2. Jets fly very similarly to BF2, albeit more slowly.

I remember being told that in BC2 you could do some file edits or modifications to make flying choppers much better. Can probably do the same thing in BF3.
Well looks like caspian is done. Im glad most of us got to to play it!

By: zh1nt0
It´s been 3 days full of win!
Thank you everyone who participated in testing Caspian Border with us during the Open Beta. We of course cherish and appreciate the time you have put into supplying is with good feedback. We will of course read it through and discuss it internally.

Testing has now been completed and we are shutting down the Caspian Border servers.
Hmm anyone else having problem with battlelog right now?

Seems really slow, and I can not join a server...

Hope this doesnt happen in retail.
Caspian borders was fun while it lasted... the US East #03 testing server was by far the best... no lag at all and some good battles.

Looking forward to playing Caspian again as well as the new maps come Oct 25th!
I never got on a Caspian server but wish I had.

The sheer size difference seems more like the type of gameplay I am interested in. I'm not totally a ARMA guy but needing vehicles to transfer troops etc is my kind of tactical gameplay. Hopefully there's a little of that with a lot of "let's blow the crap out of this stuff" going on in the final game.
Yes...problems w/ Origin, etc.; But, NO More Caspian, and I'm getting tired of Metro already...oh well. Don't know why EA couldn't leave Caspian on. I might be done w/ the beta.
I never got on a Caspian server but wish I had.

The sheer size difference seems more like the type of gameplay I am interested in. I'm not totally a ARMA guy but needing vehicles to transfer troops etc is my kind of tactical gameplay. Hopefully there's a little of that with a lot of "let's blow the crap out of this stuff" going on in the final game.

Played Caspian for an's huge, and lots of Vehicles....but no one was really playing the game...they were all screwing around, flying the Jets and Heli's, etc.
Yes...problems w/ Origin, etc.; But, NO More Caspian, and I'm getting tired of Metro already...oh well. Don't know why EA couldn't leave Caspian on. I might be done w/ the beta.

I'm guessing they want to keep a little bit behind the curtain so to speak so people are more excited come release day.

If you give it all away up front there's no reward at the end.

At least that's what a lot of my dates told me back in the day :)
Well looks like caspian is done. Im glad most of us got to to play it!

By: zh1nt0
It´s been 3 days full of win!
Thank you everyone who participated in testing Caspian Border with us during the Open Beta. We of course cherish and appreciate the time you have put into supplying is with good feedback. We will of course read it through and discuss it internally.

Testing has now been completed and we are shutting down the Caspian Border servers.

I bet they open it up to everyone later today with the patch.
seems like metro is unplayable right now. i fall through the ground constantly and get killed by people underground
I bet they open it up to everyone later today with the patch.

That would be the goodwill thing to do but I am not sure they will.

They did allow us to play the absolute crap out of Iwo Jima in 1942 and Sniper on A Hill fest in BC2 so maybe you are right.

I do think if they fix some of the bugs in Metro people will enjoy it more. There are soem good tactical situations if people aren't getting eaten by ground monsters etc so much gameflow is ruined.
I bet they open it up to everyone later today with the patch.

Played a good three hours last night with some buddies, good good good times! But a couple things need to be worked on, like when you can't select a specific squad that you're buddies are in in-game. Oh and I want to play caspian map :(((((((
Yeah they really need to improve the squad selections. Hopefully Retail is different.
Yeah they really need to improve the squad selections. Hopefully Retail is different.

I think its designed to work so you create and use the squad pre-match, probably to limit squad swapping in game, which was annoying in BC2.
After playing the beta I have to ask myself, does BF3 really do anything better than BF:BC2?

Jets are just gimmicks, graphics are comparable, BC2 has better destruction.
