Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

It was previously mentioned briefly, but what do you guys think about EA's decision to stick all the game management into a browser? Personally, I'm not a fan at all. It's rather annoying to constantly be going in and out of full screen, and requiring additional browser plugins doesn't really make sense (although I can see why from a technical standpoint). I also really hope EA gives users a chance to contribute honest feedback once the beta is over, at which point hopefully they'll realize how polished Steam is and decide to move past the DLC licensing crap and put the game back on that platform.

Gameplay wise it's pretty slick, but I haven't managed to get into Caspian yet. Where are those passwords posted?

I think the browser is responsive and fast whereas the in game browser in BFBC2 was sluggish and harder to use.
Who would've thought a 32 player rush map with limited vehicles would play closer to BC2 rush and a 64 player conquest map with full vehicles would play closer to BF2 conquest. :rolleyes:

Of course, there's no way to know who you're addressing with this, but I personally never liked BF2, I think BF3 is much better (after playing a few Caspian rounds.)
I think the browser is responsive and fast whereas the in game browser in BFBC2 was sluggish and harder to use.

Personally I like the concept of battlelog and having it separately out of game. I actually hope more and all games move this way in the future.

The reason is it gives you much more flexibility in searching/setting up games. It is easier to multitask this way. While for a fps game like BF3 with such a large community this is less of an issue, but for instance when I currently play Dow2 or COH it takes longer to search and setup games. Likewise you don't need to constantly shuffle around between the game, IM program, voice chat and etc when arranging to play with others, since you can have all the windows on screen at the same time.

With more future integration of electronic devices, I imagine I can remote in and queue up a server while walking to my door and sit down and have the map loaded and ready to play right when I sit down at the PC. There is just more possibilities and flexibility with this type of setup.

I really don't see any advantage of having everything in game other than "tradition."

Of course, there's no way to know who you're addressing with this, but I personally never liked BF2, I think BF3 is much better (after playing a few Caspian rounds.)

No one particular. It was more of a response to the general reaction of everyone saying the game plays too similar and small scale to BC2 compared to the larger scale of BF3. It is a 32 player rush map, it is going to be relatively smaller scale and linear.
Personally I like the concept of battlelog and having it separately out of game. I actually hope more and all games move this way in the future.

The reason is it gives you much more flexibility in searching/setting up games. It is easier to multitask this way. While for a fps game like BF3 with such a large community this is less of an issue, but for instance when I currently play Dow2 or COH it takes longer to search and setup games. Likewise you don't need to constantly shuffle around between the game, IM program, voice chat and etc when arranging to play with others, since you can have all the windows on screen at the same time.

With more future integration of electronic devices, I imagine I can remote in and queue up a server while walking to my door and sit down and have the map loaded and ready to play right when I sit down at the PC. There is just more possibilities and flexibility with this type of setup.

I really don't see any advantage of having everything in game other than "tradition."

No one particular. It was more of a response to the general reaction of everyone saying the game plays too similar and small scale to BC2 compared to the larger scale of BF3. It is a 32 player rush map, it is going to be relatively smaller scale and linear.

Oh ok, that I can agree with, 64 player conquest being a lot better than 32 player rush is probably obvious. But still you have to verify these things as game devs are known to snatch fail from the jaws of win. :)

And yea, I like the browser UI also, both you and black have good points, it's faster and more versatile. Although it'd be nice if they could integrate a double click on the server name to join..
How's everyone's CPU usage? I was nervous that I'd get slowdown but I've haven't seen the game use more than 85% of my CPU in game, even on Caspian Border!
I just played a little Caspian. Seems like a fun game. Last Battlefield game I've played is Vietnam... so it'll take a little while to get back in the swing of things. Overall though I was entertained. Shame Caspian is locked the way it is, as it's easily the much better map over Metro.
Oh ok, that I can agree with, 64 player conquest being a lot better than 32 player rush is probably obvious. But still you have to verify these things as game devs are known to snatch fail from the jaws of win. :)

And yea, I like the browser UI also, both you and black have good points, it's faster and more versatile. Although it'd be nice if they could integrate a double click on the server name to join..

I wouldn't argue that Battlelog itself is perfect as an implementation. Like you mention, that is probably one of many things that can be improved upon. With new concepts, sometimes little details end up overlooked. But I think the concept itself is progressive and sound.

I think if developers embrace this idea (and this is a PC centric idea that doesn't really translate to consoles) they can improve upon the implementation. Maybe even think of new ways to leverage this that benefits the user.
So, two problems I've had so far. I downloaded Origin, started downloading BF3. Got BSOD. Tried restarting, BSOD again, and again, and again. Pulled out All but 1 Ram stick, computer turned on. Slowly put them all back in. All is well now, but why would downloading BF3 do that?

It really shouldn't, sounds like you had a hardware glitch to me... And am I reading this right that you put your ram back in while the computer was on???
I'm curious: How do you get into the Caspian map?

All the ones I see are password locked. :(

You've got to find the password somewhere - Google is your friend as it changes every day. I think now it is still shoppingcartsareagoodride
I've been playing Metro for a few hours. After I got my keys bound somewhat properly, the game just became great fun. The game has been performing flawlessly outside of dropping beneath the world (and slight screen flicking every so often?), but I am sure they will fix that rather easily when the full game is released.

There are still a lot of issues with the game, but fortunately it seems as if there are just a slew of small issues. I still haven't played Caspian yet. I think I am going to try to take advantage of the wee hours of the morning and see if I can't find a password...
Play in the servers, seem to be the most stable to me. Was just playing for 3 hours straight in one.

And I freaking love metro...the subway area is awesome. Also, so is the m249/3.7x scope/extended mag. Oh, and the UMP for a bit of run and gun from the hip. I think I'm in love, now that I'm not falling through the ground and CTD every 10 minutes.
I'm still drooling over Caspian, wish they open it up to everyone so the whole community can experience it.
Well, I just got in Caspian for about 20 minutes before being disconnected. Now it says there is an update in progress...
We have distributed a server side update with the following changes:

- Terrain destruction disabled, because it causes problems with people crawling around under the map. We have a proper fix for this in the retail game, but chose to simply disable it for the OB
- Preround is fully activated: 8 players required to transition from preround to in-game; when 8 players are reached, the start-timer is set to 10 seconds
- Fixes for the most common game server crashes reported over the past 48 hours
- Fixes for end-of-round progress reporting to Battlelog (so players will see their progress more detailed on Battlelog)

The RSPs have been instructed to deploy before Fri Sep 30th, 0800 UTC (when it impacts players the least).
Well, I'm trying to get back into a Caspian server, looks like it isn't happening though...
They need to work on the server disconnect ASAP, there really is no reason or excuse for them to be happening. I am starting to get to the point where I dont want to play just because I might d/c.
Can anyone confirm 100% if you need origin installed to run BF3, I was told last night by a friend that you can download the game over origin then uninstall and it should still work, has anyone tried this?
game is very nice looking but sure hard to spot ppl with all the fancy gfx now.

origin is required it checks for a webthing and a origin thing.

i got stuck at a tree and when crawing sometimes the view become underground and out side the map which is weird.
Okay, wtf.

I played again tonight, and suddenly the game stutters like mad (not really low framerate, just crazy stutter) and I keep micro-falling through the terrain over and over. Once I actually fell completely below it and couldn't move.

I assume this will all be fixed but...goddamn.
Dammit - they really need to figure out the disconnect issue. Three awesome rounds on three different servers, and all three disconnected right before the end of the game. Thousands of points - bye bye.
Oh, and just now while playing the game crashed entirely. Sweeeeet.

It bugs me that you can't change your in-game settings unless you're actually spawned. Not waiting to spawn, not in the death screen, not outside the game...ACTUALLY in-game. So half the time if I need to change something I just get shot in the face.
It bugs me that you can't change your in-game settings unless you're actually spawned. Not waiting to spawn, not in the death screen, not outside the game...ACTUALLY in-game. So half the time if I need to change something I just get shot in the face.

LOL or team killed! (No shit happened to me once changing med>high>ultra settings...doh)
Yep, Caspian Border is amazing...Exactly what I thought this game should be like

Anyone else having a problem with getting disconnected in the last 20s of a round?

My last four matches:


Lost all that progress. Yes, it is a beta but damn... this is aggravating.

Sounds like you're doing well, I'm the opposite. It's the lag that killing it for me, it just doesn't appear smooth. Coming from BC2 Vietnam its a shock. I can't hit shit atm! ;)
Gotta admit, first feelings upon finding BattleLog was the only way to launch any BF3 action was "oh man, here we go...". Those feelings were completely unfounded. It's responsive, easy to read, useful, 1 stop shop for all stats... The best thing to happen to BattleField since 1943.
Can anyone confirm 100% if you need origin installed to run BF3, I was told last night by a friend that you can download the game over origin then uninstall and it should still work, has anyone tried this?

Haven't tried it. I just add origin to Steam games so I can use the Steam overlay in BF3. Not a big deal.
Gotta admit, first feelings upon finding BattleLog was the only way to launch any BF3 action was "oh man, here we go...". Those feelings were completely unfounded. It's responsive, easy to read, useful, 1 stop shop for all stats... The best thing to happen to BattleField since 1943.

The best part is the ability to drag friends names directly into the server you're on.
Just look at the COM center drag the name into the server box and bam, you're partied up. Sliced bread.
Ugh, the falling through terrain bug is absurd. Not only that, but I get killed by snipers that are buried under the terrain so it's impossible to see them.

I turned off AA and HBAO and left everything else on High/Ultra and it seems to run fine now.
I'm having terrible issues with screen flickering, the entire screen will change colour. I'm using the BF3 Beta drivers.

Also going into a crouch position my soldier will bounce up and down repeatedly as if he's having a seizure!

Anyone else?
Is there any way to change video options without deploying into a Map?

Don't think so, annoying isn't it?!

I would love to map jump and reload to my mouse thumb buttons too, I'm strugging to even jump over things atm, heh
I'm having terrible issues with screen flickering, the entire screen will change colour. I'm using the BF3 Beta drivers.

Also going into a crouch position my soldier will bounce up and down repeatedly as if he's having a seizure!

Anyone else?

Now and then, with the flickering, quite a few people are getting it.
Not bothered, it is after all the BETA.
game is very nice looking but sure hard to spot ppl with all the fancy gfx now.

origin is required it checks for a webthing and a origin thing.

i got stuck at a tree and when crawing sometimes the view become underground and out side the map which is weird.

i play on high textures , post AA off 4x MSAA 8x AF HBAO off motiob blur amount 0 everything else on medium, soldiers REALLY stand out instead of blending in with the vegetation, especially if someone is on the move, the scope glare is a very fun addition too, poor snipers :D

clippings are very annoying, the game is still GOTY material imo, and i haven't played caspian yet ! :D