Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread

I think its designed to work so you create and use the squad pre-match, probably to limit squad swapping in game, which was annoying in BC2.

Okay.... but when I'm stuck in a squad of snipers and I'm trying to go assault or support, it's kind of an issue when I can't spawn on a teammate up on the front lines.
After playing the beta I have to ask myself, does BF3 really do anything better than BF:BC2?

Jets are just gimmicks, graphics are comparable, BC2 has better destruction.


Yeah... you're off your rocker. First... graphics are comparable? Wow.

I don't believe beta has full destruction either, could be wrong.

Hit detection is 1000x better and to me that's almost enough itself.

I personally couldn't go back to playing BC2 after this. I couldn't even after the Alpha.
After playing the beta I have to ask myself, does BF3 really do anything better than BF:BC2?

Jets are just gimmicks, graphics are comparable, BC2 has better destruction.

Must have missed the hundreds of posts stating medium and ultra graphics have no differences indicating that medium is the highest setting. Full destruction isn't even on in the beta. They game feels completely different. You're comparing a retail game that's been polished to a pre release beta...:rolleyes:
After playing the beta I have to ask myself, does BF3 really do anything better than BF:BC2?

Jets are just gimmicks, graphics are comparable, BC2 has better destruction.

Destruction was cool for the first time I played it, then it started getting aggravating with all the snipers hiding in the downed houses..

But, Beta > BC (these are my opinions)
+Weapon Handling
+Hit detection
+Maps (based on Caspian Border)

Theres plenty more, Right now, for me at least, the beta runs better then BFBC2 does.

I still play BFBC2 to this day. But the beta is soo much more fun when working.
I only had ~1hour to test out caspian last night and was planning on playing it all day tomorrow....

oh well. I'll go outside and enjoy the sun instead :(
I only had ~1hour to test out caspian last night and was planning on playing it all day tomorrow....

oh well. I'll go outside and enjoy the sun instead :(

That's what I'm doing, going outside. I'm not going to put in 100+ hours on a demo, when all the stats are going to be erased anyway.
When Caspian comes back then I'll put in a few long hours just for enjoyment.
After playing the beta I have to ask myself, does BF3 really do anything better than BF:BC2?

Jets are just gimmicks, graphics are comparable, BC2 has better destruction.


I did notice that running over destructible objects in Caspian Border was extremely buggy. IE run over a car and the explosion sends the tank skidding a few feet and then you are not able to run over the cars hull. Run over a concrete barrier and it breaks the barrier but does not allow you to climb over it, and this is all in a tank mind you. Seems Frostbite 2.0 isn't even close to finished....I would say EA jumped the gun on the release date, but that just my opinion.
I did notice that running over destructible objects in Caspian Border was extremely buggy. IE run over a car and the explosion sends the tank skidding a few feet and then you are not able to run over the cars hull. Run over a concrete barrier and it breaks the barrier but does not allow you to climb over it, and this is all in a tank mind you. Seems Frostbite 2.0 isn't even close to finished....I would say EA jumped the gun on the release date, but that just my opinion.

Apparently all this stuff is fixed in what's going to release.
I mean, technically they've already printed the discs, so I'd hope so.
Is there any way to change video options without deploying into a Map?

I am working on it.

sadly the resoultion settings I am currently sure you cant mess with, as its gobblygook and the game seems to autodetect your native res and run in that.

If I have time this weekend I will test out the usable values for the graphics options

a friend and I have an exe for settings FOV, now its a matter of sorting through the rest

I am going to look for key binding stuff too

hopefully there areny major changes to any of this in the release or its a bit of wasted effort :p

any suggestions or useful links to info others have discovered is appreciated, I dont want to reinven the wheel

also, small exe(probably python) or a web based PHP script, what would people prefer?

ifor PHP you would upload your file and edit it via web and then dl the new one(have to find a host for that method)
Apparently all this stuff is fixed in what's going to release.
I mean, technically they've already printed the discs, so I'd hope so.

I am sure there will be a largish patch at release(or shortly after) with tweaks from the beta
I can tell you PC can;t play the game on high settings... it is just crazy weird even at 1680x1050.

I can't even play the game becuse the stupid game won't let me rebind mouse controls....So I can't jump or crouch.
Can we all agree that the hit detection is a lot better than when BF2 came out?
Just to reiterate, since it seems a lot of people are still playing in crappy servers -

If you join the servers, you will not be eaten by ground monsters. Ever. I don't work for them, this isn't a plug, just a gamer wanting y'all to enjoy the beta. Apparently it has something to do with some servers not fully resetting the map (?) so that deformed terrain basically keeps accumulating, even though it isn't displayed, and it totally wacks everything out. They also crash more.

Being able to play 2-3 hours straight with no crashing and no ground what a difference it made. Starting to learn the map enough that I don't have to crawl/crouch everywhere and can start to move a bit more quickly through the map without getting mowed down constantly. Sitting at around level 20 right now.

A small, yet big difference I see, as I've unlocked more guns: This game is DEEP. It isn't just 4 classes and you equip different guns that barely make any difference. BC2 - Engi equips UMP, PP2000, AK74...barely any practical difference. In BF3 it enables totally different play styles, strengths and weaknesses, particularly when you tweak your loadout. I think that is an under-appreciated thing at this point.
Can we all agree that the hit detection is a lot better than when BF2 came out?

I'm sold just on the fact that my bullets actually hit now. BC2 aiming has always been fucked up. I dont think I'll play it anymore.
LOL, are you kidding me, BF2 hit detection was a joke at release.

Or possibly it just took hella shots to kill some on BF2 release.

BF3 has awesome hit detection.

Shotty is very impressive at long range, reloads very fast and only takes 2 shots to kills some at long range and 1 shot close range, 3 shots very long range.

Slugs if your good with headshots and buckshot, dont waste time on exploding shells or the shells with nails in them.
I'm sold just on the fact that my bullets actually hit now. BC2 aiming has always been fucked up. I dont think I'll play it anymore.

I have found that it is highly dependent on what server you are on. Some of the servers are great...some are horrible....mostly they are horrible.
This game just became 10x better once I realized you could change fire mode...single shot ACOG rules at medium distances!
§·H·ï·Z·N·ï·L·T·ï;1037817884 said:
LOL, are you kidding me, BF2 hit detection was a joke at release.

Or possibly it just took hella shots to kill some on BF2 release.

BF3 has awesome hit detection.

Shotty is very impressive at long range, reloads very fast and only takes 2 shots to kills some at long range and 1 shot close range, 3 shots very long range.

Slugs if your good with headshots and buckshot, dont waste time on exploding shells or the shells with nails in them.

Using an M249 with bipod I can spray someone and occasionally get head shots from 40-50m.
Whoa, WTF?!
Can you guys confirm this? I'm at work and cant play.

BF3 beta: "Caspian Border" Servers shut down, "Tests Completed"
DICE has just announced that they have shut down the Caspian Border-Servers. The announcement was made by Daniel Matros on Battlelog.

Daniel Matros said, "Testing has now been completed and we are shutting down the Caspian Border servers." The developer also thanks players for providing their valuable feedbacks.

It is still not clear Whether the server will be put online once again during beta. So far Caspian Border servers were protected with passwords, which were renewed daily.
Anyone get this:

Your game session has expired, please log out and then log in again.


A generic game error was reported, please try again. ( code: 1 )

I cannot even play anymore. Web based server browsing and launching is a horrendously bad decision.
A generic game error was reported, please try again. ( code: 1 )

I cannot even play anymore. Web based server browsing and launching is a horrendously bad decision.

I've gotten this several times, it's always gone away immediately by clicking join again, sometimes several times. Honestly, I think it has more to do with the huge number of people querying and attempting to join each server than the fact it's browser based.
still feels too much like BC2 for me....

no lag though, I was doing just fine.

driver install turned off SLI so turning that back on helped. Still seems a bit wonky at 1680x1050 on high...might be time for an upgrade....sigh

I'll hold my final judgements for the non-INF-rush maps. I hate INF only, I hate rush mode...I just want my bog frigging maps with conquest.

I was having lots of graphics glitches also.

they need to release caspian border to all so that we can try out the other (real) half of the game.
gotta say I'm not happy about having to preorder to get the extra stuff that seems like it should be included in the game. I don't think I'm going to though till I see that 64 player servers can be played without lag.
This game just became 10x better once I realized you could change fire mode...single shot ACOG rules at medium distances!

I love single shot mode on guns.

does the setting stick for you? I have to switch it back every time I die.
I love single shot mode on guns.

does the setting stick for you? I have to switch it back every time I die.

No, resets after death for me too. Seriously, this completely changed it for me; single-shot is just much more in line with my play style at distance, as I am far more accurate. I'm glad they brought it back.
No, resets after death for me too. Seriously, this completely changed it for me; single-shot is just much more in line with my play style at distance, as I am far more accurate. I'm glad they brought it back.

Have you tried the burst at all? I haven't messed around at all with the fire mode, think I'll do that tonight.
I love single shot mode on guns.

does the setting stick for you? I have to switch it back every time I die.

No, resets after death for me too. Seriously, this completely changed it for me; single-shot is just much more in line with my play style at distance, as I am far more accurate. I'm glad they brought it back.

same here, very glad they brought back fire mode selection. as a bonus the M416 as auto, burst, and semi-auto options :)
Yes they're done with it. It has been posted at least twice previously in this thread. I really hope they release it to the public.

Aw man.
I could never connect to one. I just want to see it once..... I hope they release the map for the rest of the beta.
same here, very glad they brought back fire mode selection. as a bonus the M416 as auto, burst, and semi-auto options :)

Really? It looked like it only switched between auto and single for me; I'll have to take another look.

Nevermind, I'm still using the M16.
anyone know how to rebind the mouse keys?

If your mouse is special enough, you might be able to use a utility from your mouse manufacturer. Otherwise, you are out of luck. It can't be done in game with the current beta code.
has anyone had issues with battlelog no showing notifications? i was in a party last night with 2 friends and one of them tried to join a server with the party. one of the guys got the notification and invite and I got nothing. We tried over and over and I don't get invites or notifications.