I ran it with a 2500k at just 4 and a 980 at 1080P at very high fps. Mostly high settings. I mix it up though and generally drop the effects levels down a bit.

Still concerned about no procon.
I also ran this with a gtx 770 and a Phenom II X6 AMD proc and maintained ~50 fps iirc.
Game runs really well IMO. I have a 970 with a slight OC and the open beta ran maxed out at 1920x1200 60-80fps no problem. Felt about BF4 performance, but maybe the open beta didn't have all effects/max textures etc.
Supposedly they may actually release server details "soon" and they will update the post below when they do so officially.

Server information coming soon.
Announcement came today.

Un. Fucking. Believable.

EA pulled another Battlefront.

-The promised server rentals won't even be rentable at launch. Rumor mill saying November 1st, but this is unconfirmed. The fact that their official announcement merely days from launch says they don't even have an official date yet is pretty pathetic by itself.
-They still don't have the pricing on renting the servers. Early Access starts next week. This stuff was anounced during Beta or earlier for BF3/4.
-Plenty of customization which is nice, but no Kick/Ban which is the only feature on the list they absolutely have to have.
As a result, Cheating/Hacking/Griefing will run rampant just like Battlefront.
-No RCon/ProCon management (already confirmed prior).

The Battlefield forums are exploding right now.

So EA wants to sell servers but are giving absolutely no one any incentive whatsoever to rent one in the first place. Good Job EA. This is the kind of fuck up only you could pull off.

Not only this, they have withheld any information because they are behind schedule. They can't even launch the rentable servers with the game itself. This has the secondary affect that they get their pre-order money regardless of their decision so they can force this change upon the community.
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Looks like even more reason to wait for Black Friday to consider the game when it is half off.
Well I waited 6 months to buy BF4 when I pre-ordered every BF before it.
I played the Beta and felt like it was missing something. I'm just not that excited for it.

I may buy GOW4 today and wait until January to get into BF1.

Also what soured me on the game was the wild inaccuracies of many weapons.
I had laser aim in BF4 but in BF1 it was spray and pray.
Well I waited 6 months to buy BF4 when I pre-ordered every BF before it.
I played the Beta and felt like it was missing something. I'm just not that excited for it.

I may buy GOW4 today and wait until January to get into BF1.

Also what soured me on the game was the wild inaccuracies of many weapons.
I had laser aim in BF4 but in BF1 it was spray and pray.
To be fair...WWI was a long ass time ago.
The support class was pretty useless in the Beta. Too much bullet spray.
Regardless of the era, the gameplay has to be balanced.
There was ways around that bullet spread. I posted about it before. The Support class was pretty damn decent in the beta, and will be even better since they are giving them more AT choices.

The Support class is godly too when used right. Run between buildings right behind the front line guys, lay your trip wire bombs right at top of stairs, pick a window and just start laying into guys. Lay down the ammo crate and you had another trip wire bomb to lay so you could sprint to the next house and do the same. Never be up front with the Support class because you will be outgunned by the Assault and Medic guys every single time. Pick a street and cover it, but don't be the guy running around the corner first. I think I hit Level 10 or 11 in Support class. It just felt right to me. The Lewis gun is an awesome gun to start out with. The M1909 Benet with the strip magazine had horrible sights but fired well. The Madsen MG fired slightly faster but had a tiny magazine (31 rounds) and the magazine stuck out the top covering your view. The MG15 with it's 100 round belt mag, amazing sights was a god damned felt like a lower recoil version of the M240B from BF4 but with terrible hipfire. That didn't matter though because you could be ADS very quick with it.

On the MG15, I noticed something very peculiar with it. The cone of fire actually got better the longer you fired. 1st shot hit, 2nd miss, 3rd miss, 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th all hits even if I killed one guy and switched targets to the buddies next to him. This was only if I was standing still, crouched, or prone. The second I started moving it was all over the place. Fortunately, the gun would slow its fire rate then overheat and jam by about the 20th or so bullet if you held on the trigger. If you let that happen you were screwed.
Announcement came today.

Un. Fucking. Believable.

EA pulled another Battlefront.

-The promised server rentals won't even be rentable at launch. Rumor mill saying November 1st, but this is unconfirmed. The fact that their official announcement merely days from launch says they don't even have an official date yet is pretty pathetic by itself.
-They still don't have the pricing on renting the servers. Early Access starts next week. This stuff was anounced during Beta or earlier for BF3/4.
-Plenty of customization which is nice, but no Kick/Ban which is the only feature on the list they absolutely have to have.
As a result, Cheating/Hacking/Griefing will run rampant just like Battlefront.
-No RCon/ProCon management (already confirmed prior).

The Battlefield forums are exploding right now.

So EA wants to sell servers but are giving absolutely no one any incentive whatsoever to rent one in the first place. Good Job EA. This is the kind of fuck up only you could pull off.

Not only this, they have withheld any information because they are behind schedule. They can't even launch the rentable servers with the game itself. This has the secondary affect that they get their pre-order money regardless of their decision so they can force this change upon the community.

With luck, it will flop and DICE LA will release a good BF next year. Preferably modern, but I'd take late Cold War. Could be interesting if they had different tiers of MBTs, like an M60A3 and M1 VS T-64 and T-80. Add in a Leopard 2 and Challenger 1 for some European variety and I'd be thrilled.

To be fair...WWI was a long ass time ago.

Not too sure what your point is. The small arms were about as accurate then as they are now. Especially with standard issue ammo. While this is changing a bit in the most modern countries, it is still far from standard. The WWI/II bolt actions (which aren't present in BF1 oddly) actually have a longer effective range than your typical 5.56 rifle. Accuracy is probably similar at 2-3 MOA to. Main advances have helped the shooters do better, namely optics. The same can be said for SMGs. Main advances have been quality, usability/ergonomics, reliability, and cost cutting. I believe the inaccurate weapons is designed to cater more to the console crowd who can't aim precisely.

People asked for BFBC2 like mechanics, and when they got Battlefront and BF1 a lot of them are complaining. Funny how that works. :p
It took me a minute to realize this...just saw a post mentioning this on battlefield forums.

The release is October 18-21. Server rentals begin Nov. 1.

What is the time frame to get a refund? 30 days or is it less? This is starting to sound like a very shady tactic by EA. Hold out just long enough they get their money regardless. And if you pre-ordered you are likely fucked.
True. I suppose accurate games don't necessarily make it a fun game.
I had some fun in the beta but it just didnt feel quite right.

I hope they stop releasing a game a year. Then maybe the game they release will work right, be fun and actually have a community around to enjoy, nurture and let it grow for years before the next one comes out. A yearly cycle means those who built this game are no longer around since next year is only a few months away from reveal, gotta copy paste them pixels.
I had some fun in the beta but it just didnt feel quite right.

I hope they stop releasing a game a year. Then maybe the game they release will work right, be fun and actually have a community around to enjoy, nurture and let it grow for years before the next one comes out. A yearly cycle means those who built this game are no longer around since next year is only a few months away from reveal, gotta copy paste them pixels.

Bf4 was released a while back. And Hardline was made by a different studio and never really caught on. BF1 should be big, there's lots of hype surrounding it.
Bf4 was released a while back. And Hardline was made by a different studio and never really caught on. BF1 should be big, there's lots of hype surrounding it.

Yeah but they just pumped out Battlefront and before that another one of them and the year before another one, at least with BF1, The Desert Combat Mod and BF2 they had some life behind them keeping them going for a good long while.

The faster they pump them out the more they leave behind.
Yeah but they just pumped out Battlefront and before that another one of them and the year before another one, at least with BF1, The Desert Combat Mod and BF2 they had some life behind them keeping them going for a good long while.

The faster they pump them out the more they leave behind.

True. I didn't count battlefront as it wasn't battlefield. I never played it
Looks like I'll wait a bit. So far it looks great, but I am in the micro minority that only wants this for the SP campaign.
Wow. Too bad this was obviously done on a console.

But damn, even on a console it looks amazing.

and if you are a PC master race member, you will cringe at this video. Holy shit thumbsticks are horrible.

This single player feels very reminiscent of COD 1, COD 2, and the original MOH games. They are really trying to hammer in that feeling of what was at stake during these wars.

That looks really nice the Multiplayer must be a watered down version just so they can get it up and running. I like how they have someone is blowing a whistle like in the game 1942 top down shooter you have a whistle in the background for the music track.
True. I didn't count battlefront as it wasn't battlefield. I never played it

If I believed it was a completely different team internally doing it I probably wouldn't have tossed it in there, but BF1 looks like a copy paste of that with some tweaks to it. Looks pretty but nothing below the surface :( I have not played any beyond beta / demo's since BF2. Really wanted to like this one but while I enjoyed moments it took too much work for the fun moments to happen. I hope they clean it up and it does well.
If I believed it was a completely different team internally doing it I probably wouldn't have tossed it in there, but BF1 looks like a copy paste of that with some tweaks to it. Looks pretty but nothing below the surface :( I have not played any beyond beta / demo's since BF2. Really wanted to like this one but while I enjoyed moments it took too much work for the fun moments to happen. I hope they clean it up and it does well.

Then you haven't played. A beta is not playing. BF3 and BF4 were loads of fun, hundreds if not thousands of hours of gameplay, even at launch with the bugs since nobody knew what they were doing and it was easy to dominate since the nerf bat hadn't been swung yet.

The "copy paste" line is beyond boring now; it's not like they're going to take all the accumulated knowledge and optimization after each game has been polished for years, throw it away and start from scratch. And if they did that then there would be those bitching about that too.
Then you haven't played. A beta is not playing. BF3 and BF4 were loads of fun, hundreds if not thousands of hours of gameplay, even at launch with the bugs since nobody knew what they were doing and it was easy to dominate since the nerf bat hadn't been swung yet.

The "copy paste" line is beyond boring now; it's not like they're going to take all the accumulated knowledge and optimization after each game has been polished for years, throw it away and start from scratch. And if they did that then there would be those bitching about that too.

You're right I haven't played beyond those options and won't claim to. But 1942, desert combat I played for their life span. BF2 was a flop that I bought into so I went back to Desert Combat. The Alpha's, Beta's, Demo's etc help test the game and provide feedback as well as give folks an idea of what the game is about. Perfect no, but if I don't find what I'm playing fun in those periods I'm not forking over my money for it. If I see something worth it or fun I'll buy in and enjoy. I played almost nothing but BF1 during the beta, and it was fun for brief moments, the rest was... meh. I know balance and other things will come along. I'll watch lots of video's of people playing and if things get balanced out I may bite. 3 and 4 never looked worth it. I had 2 friends buy in but they quit before a year had passed..

You say that line is boring but BF1 looks suspiciously like Battlefront from graphics, level design (to a degree) bugs, textures etc. I know they don't literally copy paste but they are turning into COD. I'm sure BF1 will be popular and fun, I just think its lost the BF roots.

I hope that BF1 is better than the beta and given the longevity it deserves, if it improves I'll join the fun.
This is all I got from the above post.

This is all I got from the above post.

lol, I only get annoyed when people do not remove their pet leavings from my lawn.

I have nothing against the game itself. I simply feel that a longer development cycle between core releases and longer support for each iteration of the game (DLC, mods, maps) would yield a better product, larger and more loyal fan base and a game that stands out as a must have. Fixes to issues coming in reasonable time frames instead of in the next release etc.
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I was reading couple of early impressions of the alpha/beta and it looks as if the console versions are somewhere between medium/high settings graphically on pc. Also, there might be DX12 support in the PC version down the road? I love gaming on MB/KB and I am very close on purchasing parts for a new rig. However, I do have a pretty decent TV setup to play on PS4. And while I have heard that the game does look pretty decent on PS4, it sounds like settings are lowered further on Conquest 64v64. Speaking from personal experience, playing BF4 is night and day for me. On PS4 I always am cringing at graphics and FPS drops, while on PC I am really enjoying the game most of the time. Don't see how BF1 will be much different.
Announcement came today.

Un. Fucking. Believable.

EA pulled another Battlefront.

-The promised server rentals won't even be rentable at launch. Rumor mill saying November 1st, but this is unconfirmed. The fact that their official announcement merely days from launch says they don't even have an official date yet is pretty pathetic by itself.
-They still don't have the pricing on renting the servers. Early Access starts next week. This stuff was anounced during Beta or earlier for BF3/4.
-Plenty of customization which is nice, but no Kick/Ban which is the only feature on the list they absolutely have to have.
As a result, Cheating/Hacking/Griefing will run rampant just like Battlefront.
-No RCon/ProCon management (already confirmed prior).

The Battlefield forums are exploding right now.

So EA wants to sell servers but are giving absolutely no one any incentive whatsoever to rent one in the first place. Good Job EA. This is the kind of fuck up only you could pull off.

Not only this, they have withheld any information because they are behind schedule. They can't even launch the rentable servers with the game itself. This has the secondary affect that they get their pre-order money regardless of their decision so they can force this change upon the community.

If anyone was actually surprised by this...well, I don't know what to say. (not saying you necessarily were, speaking rhetorically)

It's EA. They have consistently fucked over gamers for a long time now.
I was reading couple of early impressions of the alpha/beta and it looks as if the console versions are somewhere between medium/high settings graphically on pc. Also, there might be DX12 support in the PC version down the road? I love gaming on MB/KB and I am very close on purchasing parts for a new rig. However, I do have a pretty decent TV setup to play on PS4. And while I have heard that the game does look pretty decent on PS4, it sounds like settings are lowered further on Conquest 64v64. Speaking from personal experience, playing BF4 is night and day for me. On PS4 I always am cringing at graphics and FPS drops, while on PC I am really enjoying the game most of the time. Don't see how BF1 will be much different.

It has DX12 support already, but I did not bother using it.
Video Game Preorders Are Out Of Control Don't feel sorry one bit for babies. Pre-ordering has been nothing but bad for the whole industry, Battlefront was the worst lesson of all. $59-69 and a month after release, $39.99. Oh what a break off in the ass that was! Now EA /Dice is dong it again with unkept promises!??????
Video Game Preorders Are Out Of Control Don't feel sorry one bit for babies. Pre-ordering has been nothing but bad for the whole industry, Battlefront was the worst lesson of all. $59-69 and a month after release, $39.99. Oh what a break off in the ass that was! Now EA /Dice is dong it again with unkept promises!?????? View attachment 8723
why do people pre-order games? do they think theres gonna be a shortage of copies or something?
why do people pre-order games? do they think theres gonna be a shortage of copies or something?
Normally it's the bonus that draws people in. They alread know they want the game and the publisher knows it so if they dangle a couple shinny pixels on a stick as a preorder bonus then people are all over it. Every one wants to be that special snow flake with the "special" weapon skin.
Normally it's the bonus that draws people in. They alread know they want the game and the publisher knows it so if they dangle a couple shinny pixels on a stick as a preorder bonus then people are all over it. Every one wants to be that special snow flake with the "special" weapon skin.

And yet we still hear these same people complaining when the game sucks. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Not buying this one. Game is dead Jim. Been a nice ride but yeah.

Bye bye battlefield.
I was going to stay completely out of it until I heard news on the servers.

My clan was doing a giveaway and I won a free Ultimate Edition copy. I will at least give it a try for a few months.

I'm starting to think that the reason for the delay on the servers is because of the massive outcry that's been occurring the last few months as more information leaked. As a large corporation, they've got to have meetings and everything stamped in triplicate before they even consider making a change. It was probably an EA bean counter decision to begin with, and now that they've gotten feedback and more data, they got to re-run the numbers to figure out how bad their fuckup really is.

Whether or not they make it right and add in the requested features last second is another story.
Not buying this one. Game is dead Jim. Been a nice ride but yeah.

Bye bye battlefield.

I think it's going to be a wild ride more staying power then Battlefield Hardline for sure. Team Death Match is where it's at......I think the map they choose for the Beta was sub par the others should be good if they invested so much time into making this game.