Bad Company 2

only graphicle bugs Ive gotten since launch is using that 1 mounted machine gun. The one with the armor on front and the slit to look through, for whatever reason when in dx9 mode its all filled in, cant see using it. In dx 10 mode it works fine.
Updated, played for 40 minutes, no issues and not much difference. Did notice that the servers came up much quicker, but that might be due to the "server maintenance" done this past weekend.

What AA settings are you ATI/AMD guys using? Box? Edge detect? I have 4xAA in game, but still looks jaggy. Might be using edge detect.
Updated, played for 40 minutes, no issues and not much difference. Did notice that the servers came up much quicker, but that might be due to the "server maintenance" done this past weekend.

What AA settings are you ATI/AMD guys using? Box? Edge detect? I have 4xAA in game, but still looks jaggy. Might be using edge detect.

i play with everything max 1900x1200, 1XAF, 2XAA, Shadows on Medium.
CG is for people that don't know how to be engineer. You can take out infantry, air and ground vehicles much better with the RPG. CG is for people that can't lead their targets and don't want to be associated with tubers whilst still getting easy kills.
CG is for people that don't know how to be engineer. You can take out infantry, air and ground vehicles much better with the RPG. CG is for people that can't lead their targets and don't want to be associated with tubers whilst still getting easy kills.


seriously though, i hate people complaining about weapons, get used to them.

seriously though, i hate people complaining about weapons, get used to them.

I agree in a sense, but at the same time, it's very frustrating to see people abusing certain things. Played in a squad deathmatch last night, and there was a squad with 2 guys from a clan called zerofps or something like that, they both had a ton of kills, but I swear to god, the only way either of them killed myself or my squadmates was with the 40mm grenade, or the carl gustav, I didn't see either of them using any other means to get kills for 2 whole maps worth of playtime.

seriously though, i hate people complaining about weapons, get used to them.

I wasn't complaining. That was quite clear to infer from my post. I was saying that people using the CG were small-time compared to people using other weapons.

I've no problem with people using whatever they want, it's no impediment to my steamrolling of them. But that's just a by-product of not being terrible.
Well new patch out on steam now but I'm still having CTDs constantly every 10 mins on the dot. I'm really sick of this fucking shit , I've been quite patient with you DICE .. every other game on my PC runs fantastic without crashing. I'm pretty sick of this , this new patch supposedly resolves many of the CTD issues but based on what I'm reading on the forums this is far far from the truth.

I'm gonna go buy the 360 version and just play that for awhile. I've decided instead of bitching and moaning to DICE or Steam for a refund (which will never happen) I'll just play the version I know runs just fine. Maybe someday I'll come back to it on the PC but I'll think twice before I buy any BF series game for the PC next time .. which is sad since I've been playing since 1942's release many years ago.
here are the UBER weps:

Assault: noob tube
Engi: CG
Medic: M60
Recon: VSS

Add body armor too and you have a GG. You can switch it up with slugs in the shotgun of your choice for close range fighting.
the overpowered weapons are much less of an issue on hardcore servers. That is actually the main reason I only play in hardcore servers.

On HC, the main issues that affect balance, IMO, are that the cooldown for some gadgets should be longer. Mortar strikes, ammo, health, and the CG should not be used as frequently as they are. It's to the point where I've seen several snipers use the mortar strike just to kill another sniper without giving away their location.
An M60 with ceramic armor and a M60 with magnum ammo enter a bar.. who is left standing?

(It seems armor completely nullifies magnum ammo, and then some. Interested in opinions from higher leveled people)
Well new patch out on steam now but I'm still having CTDs constantly every 10 mins on the dot. I'm really sick of this fucking shit , I've been quite patient with you DICE .. every other game on my PC runs fantastic without crashing. I'm pretty sick of this , this new patch supposedly resolves many of the CTD issues but based on what I'm reading on the forums this is far far from the truth.

The new patch has solved my problems. Server browser actually works now too. Before patch could only get into games using Play Now.
I have to give props where it's due. This patch seems to have fixed the issues I was having! Who would have thought? This game is now officially kick-ass. Server browser and find a match work perfectly now. Connected to a solid game first try in less than 15 seconds. Second time I tried, same results. I know some will call me crazy, but I swear I am seeing a performance increase. I running an intel dual core. Anyone else see in perf increase? Anyways, I could not be happier. Now just need to upgrade the rig to turn on moar eye candy!
here are the UBER weps:

Assault: noob tube
Engi: CG
Medic: M60
Recon: VSS

Add body armor too and you have a GG. You can switch it up with slugs in the shotgun of your choice for close range fighting.

I dont find the VSS all that great. The GOL though :cool:
only graphicle bugs Ive gotten since launch is using that 1 mounted machine gun. The one with the armor on front and the slit to look through, for whatever reason when in dx9 mode its all filled in, cant see using it. In dx 10 mode it works fine.

I have noticed that as well.

This game provides the most fun I've ever had playing a video game.

Well said.
There really aren't any 'uberweapons' except for the M60.

You pretty much get the necessary weapon within 1 or 2 weapon unlocks. You can walk around with nothing but the M1911 and do fine as long as you avoid obviously 'bad idea' scenarios.

You haven't been raped by a couple guys with CGs yet. Fucking Gustav is a pain in the ass.

Mines rock, especially if you're paired with an Assault that can resupply you. You can put them in all the road chokepoints.

What's nice about clusters of mines is that the tank (and the 4 people in it) goes from full health to blown sky high instantly so people don't have a chance to jump out. You get 30 + 100 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 = 330xp for a full tank. :D

What I hate is when people start yelling 'There's enemy mines over there, hey, there's enemy mines over there!' Okay, so shoot the fucking things and blow them up. A couple bullets and you take out the lot of them.

You're insane. Either way, the MOST ABUSED gun in the game is the Carl Gustav. I will platinum that thing soon.

Fixed. :D

That thing seriously pissed me off last night. Some fucking tard just kept spamming with it. His shitty clan PEW PEW (his name was Pooka) even stated they may kick him out for doing so.
What I hate is when people start yelling 'There's enemy mines over there, hey, there's enemy mines over there!' Okay, so shoot the fucking things and blow them up. A couple bullets and you take out the lot of them.

I love that you can blow them up by shooting them but not remove them with your tool like in previous games.
I love that you can blow them up by shooting them but not remove them with your tool like in previous games.

Oh to reuse them? Yeah, that sucks but the Assault guys should be throwing down resupply boxes like Government Cheese. Pisses me off when you're defending a chokepoint with assault guys who hold onto the resupply boxes like it's their daughter's virginity.
VSS sucks. I'll stick with the GOL and snipe you from halfway across the map.
this game just keeps getting better and better! the more time i put into it the more fun i have! i can't stop exclaiming! it's just that great!

i was pretty awful when i first started out, but i've gradually been getting better. really starting to make good use of the recon class. i love taking out a bed of entrenched enemies with a mortar strike. i'll probably max out medic first and recon next. going to do assault after that and leave engi for last.

i haven't had this much fun with pc multiplayer since team fortress classic.

how'm i doin' so far?

You haven't been raped by a couple guys with CGs yet. Fucking Gustav is a pain in the ass.

What I hate is when people start yelling 'There's enemy mines over there, hey, there's enemy mines over there!' Okay, so shoot the fucking things and blow them up. A couple bullets and you take out the lot of them.

Fixed. :D

That thing seriously pissed me off last night. Some fucking tard just kept spamming with it. His shitty clan PEW PEW (his name was Pooka) even stated they may kick him out for doing so.

I was using the CG tonight a bit trying to level up my engi, its not THAT easy to use. If shooting people which aren't in buildings, you need the high ground. Its great for taking out people in buildings though. Personally I got most my kills with my sub machine gun and only a few kills with the missile launcher while I was trying to level up my engi, and I get a way better score just using an M60 or even the better assault rifles.
Damn, having trouble finding squads that aren't completely medics... First couple of weeks, everyone wanted to be recon, and now everyone's a medic rolling with m60s.

Squad selection menu should tell you the classes of the players before you join a squad.
CG is for people that don't know how to be engineer. You can take out infantry, air and ground vehicles much better with the RPG. CG is for people that can't lead their targets and don't want to be associated with tubers whilst still getting easy kills.

Oh no, I'm gonna do 5-10 less damage than the RPG and have my rocket move 10x faster and be like the Redeemer for infantry. The CG is for people who know how to play engineer. The speed of it makes it impossible to dodge, you can snipe infantry from across the map with it, and still kill vehicles just as easy. The RPG sucks, that is all.
Damn, having trouble finding squads that aren't completely medics... First couple of weeks, everyone wanted to be recon, and now everyone's a medic rolling with m60s.

Squad selection menu should tell you the classes of the players before you join a squad.

I think everyone realized that using sniper rifles isn't like AWPing. Also, based on how many times you get rocked by a M60, you figure you just gotta try it out.

I wish you can see the overall class makeup of your entire team. Sometimes I see a tank and I'm not sure if I should respawn as an engineer or see that oh my team already has 5, I'll let them take care of it.
I haven't leveled my assault at all, but I'm still wondering if they ever develop anti-armor capabilities.
I haven't leveled my assault at all, but I'm still wondering if they ever develop anti-armor capabilities.

Not really. The 40mm HE grenade launchers is your best bet against vehicles, but unless you have some help you won't be able to destroy one unless it was already seriously damaged.
Is there a way to set up a default kit or do I have to select everything I want every time I go into a server?