Bad Company 2

Is there a way to set up a default kit or do I have to select everything I want every time I go into a server?

So far I think you have to set up your kit for each class everytime you log into a server. If someone knows how you can change your default's more permanently, I'd like to have that information.
Someone was telling me there is no bullet drop for non-recon guns. Can anyone verify this?

It may also explain why sniping with an M60 seems so easy.
What engy weapon is like the Javelin Missile that once you dart a tank, the missile goes straight up and then back down? Saw a guy pop out from behind cargo box, dart a tank several meters away, step back a little and fire a missile that looked crazy. Went up like ten feet then right back down. Killed the tank deader than shit. :eek:
Someone was telling me there is no bullet drop for non-recon guns. Can anyone verify this?

It may also explain why sniping with an M60 seems so easy.

Yep. Realistic physics for bullets is only applied to certain sniper rifles. I'm assuming the calculations required to handle those kind of physics would be bad if everyone was shooting their weapons etc. But if it's maybe 10 snipers all firing a shot every few seconds, the amount of processing required wouldn't be that bad.

Like the M95 doesn't have as much bullet drop (to make it seem like a more powerful rifle) But all the bullets are supposed to travel at the same speed. 600ft/s or whatever unit they're using.
What engy weapon is like the Javelin Missile that once you dart a tank, the missile goes straight up and then back down? Saw a guy pop out from behind cargo box, dart a tank several meters away, step back a little and fire a missile that looked crazy. Went up like ten feet then right back down. Killed the tank deader than shit. :eek:

i use the Carl Gustav for this, though i believe the RPG works as well. it does not function like a javelin, you have to lock onto the tank then quickly aim up and fire.
Not really. The 40mm HE grenade launchers is your best bet against vehicles, but unless you have some help you won't be able to destroy one unless it was already seriously damaged.

Yep, I sometimes soften a tank up, or drop a killing blow when one is already almost dead, but rarely do I get tank kills.
it's ez pz lemon squeezy to take out a tank with a mortar strike. little too easy, in fact.
i use the Carl Gustav for this, though i believe the RPG works as well. it does not function like a javelin, you have to lock onto the tank then quickly aim up and fire.

But you dont need line of sight to lock onto it, just need to point at the tank which has the tracer for a few seconds even through an obstacle and it'll lock on. But I find shooting up into the air is a bit unpredictable, sometimes the missile comes back down and hits, other times it just whips around in the air and vanishes.

This is really interesting. it seems that some of the best weapons can be unlocked early and the last weapons to be unlocked aren't any better in some cases. i didn't think this was true, though i'm only level 10 right now.

This part is of note:
On the "physics" of Bullet Drop, there are several types of bullets:
Bullet. The standard for all weapons from pistols to the weaker Recon Rifles. They are almost not affected by gravity at all.
Sniper_Bullet. A bullet affected by fake gravity. Used by the M24, SV-98, GOL, and Slug Shotguns
HMG_bullet. Used by stationary and vehicle mounted machineguns. That AND the M95 sniper rifle. It drops as much or slightly less than Sniper_bullet.
The feature of HMG_Bullet is that it can damage lightly armored vehicles such as Jeeps and Helicopters.
So that kind explains why I can't hit anything when I'm a sniper, and never seem to do damage while shooting at a helicopter. I see everyone else shooting at Heli's so I have been but according to this I'm not doing any damage.

Based off the above, it looks like I should stick with the T88 S for Sniper since it uses regular bullets and won't gravity drop like the others I was using.
lol? only if the tank is retarded and sits still.


Question about C4... let's say I threw a bunch of C4 on a vehicle then start driving it around, would it be possible for my C4 to detonate by taking enemy fire? Just thinking about funny ways of blowing up GTA players.

Question about C4... let's say I threw a bunch of C4 on a vehicle then start driving it around, would it be possible for my C4 to detonate by taking enemy fire? Just thinking about funny ways of blowing up GTA players.

I don't think so. That's never been the case in the past with C4 in previous games and it certainly doesn't work that way in real life. So I doubt it.
lol? only if the tank is retarded and sits still.

in my experience tank drivers usually backs up when the mortar strike begins. because of this i always target behind the tank and watch as they back up into the targeted area. doesn't always work out that way...but more times than not that's what happens.
Oh no, I'm gonna do 5-10 less damage than the RPG and have my rocket move 10x faster and be like the Redeemer for infantry. The CG is for people who know how to play engineer. The speed of it makes it impossible to dodge, you can snipe infantry from across the map with it, and still kill vehicles just as easy. The RPG sucks, that is all.

Does it really only do 5-10 points less damage or was that just conjecture?
Looking forward to the gustav, personally. Engineer is my favorite class so far, and I'm sick of getting popped by 40mm. It's pay back time.
The damned Carl Gustov pisses me off when I'm on the receiving end of it.
Hahaha yeah the Carl Gustav is overpowered but it's so much fun to use.

Now the Medic M60, that's just infuriating. Kills in 3-4 hits, perfect accuracy and 100 round magazine? Ugh DICE, what were you thinking.
Anyone else take notice during assault if youre on the defending side, now theres more and more mortar spamming the COM and less people actually going for it? For the last 2 days that I played we lost more COM stations to mortar strikes than people actually setting the charge, kinda imbalanced imo since the mortar recharge rate is ridiculously short.
Mortar is 45 second recharge... but only certain stations can be taken out by mortar strikes. Only when the mcom is inside of a collapsible building can you kill it with tank/mortar fire.

Like Arica Harbor, Alpha can be destroyed by mortars, Bravo can't... Port Valdez same thing in the first stage, Alpha can be destroyed by mortars, Bravo can't...

Well mortars do some damage to mcom's but not a lot, when the building collapses it instantly kills the mcom though.
Hahaha yeah the Carl Gustav is overpowered but it's so much fun to use.

Now the Medic M60, that's just infuriating. Kills in 3-4 hits, perfect accuracy and 100 round magazine? Ugh DICE, what were you thinking.

What I don't understand is why the medic has light machine guns in the first place. WTF? That makes no sense and no military in the world does that. I understand balancing the classes out a bit, but there has to be a better way to do it than that.
to combat the medic m60 overpower

assault - m16a2 - red dot - magnum ammo.

3 shots = kill.
haven't taken too many dog tags recently, so i'm wondering, have they toned down knife damage at all?

the only remaining annoyance for me in this game is when i come up on someone and start to unload a few bursts into them only to have them charge at me and manage to knife me. it's just ridiculously unrealistic for someone to be able to withstand bullets at close range and get in a stab that takes you out. the old "bringing a knife to a gun fight" adage just roars through my head every time this happens and i must admint, i nerd rage a bit, too.
haven't taken too many dog tags recently, so i'm wondering, have they toned down knife damage at all?

the only remaining annoyance for me in this game is when i come up on someone and start to unload a few bursts into them only to have them charge at me and manage to knife me. it's just ridiculously unrealistic for someone to be able to withstand bullets at close range and get in a stab that takes you out. the old "bringing a knife to a gun fight" adage just roars through my head every time this happens and i must admint, i nerd rage a bit, too.

Yeah the knifing thing has always been over done in these games. I'm not sure why it is that they do this given that one hit kills with a knife are next to impossible in real life. Wearing armor like they do in combat would make them even less effective. So I am not sure what the logic is there. I guess it is somewhat akin to Quake 3's "Guantlet of humiliation" or something like that. I've never liked it though. Some of the weapons are also woefully under powered which is another point or irritation for me.
Knifing seems very hit or miss. I've gotten a few knives from distances farther than I expected them to land.
I prefer the Abakan due to lower bullet spread. M16 isn't so great over long distances.

Which makes no sense given that the M16 does better over distances than the AK-47 and most variants of the design do.
to combat the medic m60 overpower

assault - m16a2 - red dot - magnum ammo.

3 shots = kill.

That's... not accurate since the M16 does pretty low damage. The AN-94 is how you combat a M60.

Either way it's still much easier to use a M60 since you just hold down the trigger and scratch your balls then watch your kills go up.

Knifing seems very hit or miss. I've gotten a few knives from distances farther than I expected them to land.
I've pretty much just attributed it to lag. I've knifed at point blank where I was almost inside the person and nothing's happened... and I've knifed from very far away and gotten the kill. Same thing happens when I'm the victim.
Which makes no sense given that the M16 does better over distances than the AK-47 and most variants of the design do.

How about one bullet to the chest (with no body armor) not killing someone? I mean it's certainly possible to survive one, but staying upright? Being able to sprint?

Oh, right - it's a game ... seriously, you guys are nitpicking too much ..
That's... not accurate since the M16 does pretty low damage. The AN-94 is how you combat a M60.

Either way it's still much easier to use a M60 since you just hold down the trigger and scratch your balls then watch your kills go up.

I've pretty much just attributed it to lag. I've knifed at point blank where I was almost inside the person and nothing's happened... and I've knifed from very far away and gotten the kill. Same thing happens when I'm the victim.

lol..that fuckin' made my day
How about one bullet to the chest (with no body armor) not killing someone? I mean it's certainly possible to survive one, but staying upright? Being able to sprint?

Oh, right - it's a game ... seriously, you guys are nitpicking too much ..

Actually people survive being shot by all kinds of rounds in the chest all the time. Of course the more powerful the weapon, the less likely a center mass hit will be survivable. Range factors in a great deal on this too. As for staying upright? Yes, it is possible. Being able to sprint? Yes. That is certainly possible too. Though more often than not, such cases are the exception rather than the rule. I knew a Veteran of Vietnam who saw a man running from the enemy with only one foot. The guy saw an explosion and ran off away from the enemy, but didn't feel anything and didn't know how bad he was hurt at the time.
Carl Gustav vs Bradley
Front: 5 hits
Side: 3 hits
Rear: 3 hits

RPG vs Bradley
Front: 4 hits
Side: 2 hits
Rear: 2 hits

Carl Gustav vs Anti-Air
Front: 5 hits
Side: 4 hits
Rear: 3 hits

RPG vs Anti-Air
Front: 4 hits
Side: 2 hits
Rear: 2 Hits

Carl Gustav vs Bangbus
Front: 1 hit
Side: 1 hit
Rear: 1 hit

RPG vs Bangbus
Front:1 hit
Side: 1 hit
Rear: 1 hit

Carl Gustav vs Main Battle Tank
Front: 5 hits
Side: 3 hits
Rear: 3 hits

RPG vs Main Battle Tank
Front: 4 hits
Side: 2 hits
Rear: 2 Hits

That is from the beta where there was no MK2 Explosives upgrade. The RPG is much better against armor but the high speed and high splash of the CG makes it ideal for infantry and the fact remains that you will be fighting a lot more infantry than vehicles. Plus the CG one shots cars and choppers anyways and it only takes one more rocket than if you were using the RPG. The CG is the ideal choice for most situations since you'll be fighting infantry 80% of the time.
Actually people survive being shot by all kinds of rounds in the chest all the time. Of course the more powerful the weapon, the less likely a center mass hit will be survivable. Range factors in a great deal on this too. As for staying upright? Yes, it is possible. Being able to sprint? Yes. That is certainly possible too. Though more often than not, such cases are the exception rather than the rule. I knew a Veteran of Vietnam who saw a man running from the enemy with only one foot. The guy saw an explosion and ran off away from the enemy, but didn't feel anything and didn't know how bad he was hurt at the time.

That and the quality of the body armor as well.
what I can't frekin stand is some guys with their fuking AMAZING reaction times....I mean ok, i'm in my thirties but i'm not a fukin' old geezer yet, but god damn.....

Dudes are shootin me in the face right as they come around the corner and I am barley getting my brain to get my eyes to focus around as I move my soldier...and wtf is up when I spawn I can't see shit until I crouch and scan the area. and BAM!! some dude kills me w/o a sniper rifle from like up in BFE....

that fukin' irritates the shit out of me...but I do love playin' and I get my share of kills, albeit more death then kills.....FUK
Best way to not get sniped is to keep moving... Most snipers will ignore running targets as they're harder to hit...

That and just keep moving, he might have had a motion mine or someone on the other team spotted you, so he already knew you were around the corner.

You get into a groove and have a sense of awareness of what's going on eventually, takes a little bit.
That is from the beta where there was no MK2 Explosives upgrade. The RPG is much better against armor but the high speed and high splash of the CG makes it ideal for infantry and the fact remains that you will be fighting a lot more infantry than vehicles. Plus the CG one shots cars and choppers anyways and it only takes one more rocket than if you were using the RPG. The CG is the ideal choice for most situations since you'll be fighting infantry 80% of the time.

So more like 209 points less damage. Depends on your play style, I guess, as to which you want to use. I've little problem killing groups of enemies with the UMP or AK-74u or RPG, so I stick with the RPG and get the job done quicker.
oh ya....and I wish more ppl would play and utilize TEAMWORK....half the time evryone wants be Tom Beringer and fukin hide the whole game playing hide and seek....I have seen a few vids off squads actually utiling team play and it works so well....but it rare to get ppl to play that way, unless you join a clan I guess... and i have heard about the "q" function for spotting things...I know the q function was default used to relay team messages, but when I push it in a game, it does nothing...nothing happens...can any1 explain?
Press 'Q' when mousing over an enemy to mark it with a red triangle above their heads, so yourself and your team can spot them better. Also using Q over an objective to tell your squad to defend or attack it, and using it over friendly targets to ask for ammo/health, or to ask for a lift in their vehicle