Bad Company 2

Yeah team work is awesome, but not many people know how to utilize it. Of course it is hard to get in sync with text chatting as it takes time and leaves you vulnerable. So far I've heard no voice chat in the game at any point. It would almost be a must to get people working together effectively. If you are observant of course you can accomplish a lot, but that's the problem. Most people aren't observant at all.

Does this make me a bad person?
Anyone figure our how to stop single player from crashing? Was fine before this latest update, now I can't get it at all.
So more like 209 points less damage. Depends on your play style, I guess, as to which you want to use. I've little problem killing groups of enemies with the UMP or AK-74u or RPG, so I stick with the RPG and get the job done quicker.

lol Yeah sure whatever but we can't see actual vehicle health in game, only %. You can enjoy killing vehicles with one less hit while I snipe infantry from across the map.
this is totally GAY, i just got below 35fps in africa harbor

system is :

Q6700 @ 3.3ghz ( fully intel burn test stable )
GTX 260 @ 676/1457/1158 ( 196.75 shitware )
4gb DDR2 @ 840 4-4-4-12
good old dfi 975x/g mobo

settings :

ALL low
vsync off
hbao off
2x AA
8x AF

windows 7 home premium 64bit

btw which is most effective against bradley, M136 or RPG-7 ? I really like carl gustav, i was a carl gustav operator during my tour of duty in cyprus, too bad most games don't take into account backblast like arma 2 ace mod or darkest hour ( red orchestra mod )
I have a new Gun Love:

MG36....v. nice red dot scope, good kill power, and good close up too.


LMG version of the German army G36 rifle. This modern rifle is equipped with bipod, red point sights and drum magazine for faster reloading.

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I don't have much unlocked but I have picked up the HK416 here and there and I must say that gun kicks ASS. Or at least it does for me.
Awesome game. Although I do get a CTD every 40 minutes or so...

Also noticed one hacker, who was promptly banned by an admin.
lol Yeah sure whatever but we can't see actual vehicle health in game, only %. You can enjoy killing vehicles with one less hit while I snipe infantry from across the map.

You do know you can do that with the UMP/74u, yeah?


Would I be right in assuming you're probably advocating the CG from the perspective of someone that plays in squads with people you know? Seems like that would explain that standpoint, since with multiple people cooperating the reduced damage is negligible. I'm speaking from the perspective of someone that often finds himself taking out armour alone, and who can aim with the SMG, so getting it killed before it kills me is the priority.

Anyway, the whole debate's moot. It depends on what you need, as with most of the guns. You can't shoot properly and work in a reliable squad, CG. You can shoot well and use the anti-armour for vehicles, RPG's the tool for the job.
I don't play on HC servers... Hurrrr...

318 shots fired, * 42% accuracy is 133 hits with only 45 kills.

If I was playing on HC that would be a lot more kills.
Haha... I just find it funny how much shit SixtyWattMan talks on every thread...

He wanted to post screenshots, trying to "impress" people...
I'm just having fun with him... haha...

I think he needs his own section on the forum... he's just pro... at everything...
My favorite shot was on Isla Inocentes (or whatever) on the 2nd stage in the town.

There was a Black Hawk just flying over where we defend in the 1st stage I took a long-ass shot... right in the head...

Hilarious watching that thing fall into the ocean with 3-4 people parachuting out.
Not really. The 40mm HE grenade launchers is your best bet against vehicles, but unless you have some help you won't be able to destroy one unless it was already seriously damaged.

Haha. I did that today. Sent a 40mm round right into the side of a bradley today. BOOM! Bye bye Bradley. And had just been thinking "unless he is near death this won't do anything"
I just unlocked the M95 and boy this thing is a beast.

Playing on attacker side on Rush in Isla Inocentes I stayed back at spawn area and decided to watch over MCOM station B at the beginning. As my team mates planted a charge on B I immediately call for a mortar strike there. I net me 2 mortar kills and a bunch of defenders rush to defuse the charge and as they are I bust out the M95 line up a shot just above someone's head and fire that beast. BOOM! I headshot my target, headshot another guy that the bullet ripped from the first and then rip another dude, i'm guessing in the chest resulting in a triple kill with one shot from the M95. I got the 3 kill, triple kill, 2 headshot bonus and marksman headshot bonus. I netted a total of 1000+ points. Crazy rifle this M95...
I just got the biggest kill with a grenade ever. 7 count em' 7 guys camping in one of the 2nd levels of a building in last stand section of arica harbor. I ran in and almost shit my pants, quietly strolled back in tossed a nade in the center of the room and BAM 7 kills, 560 points lol. All my screen said was MULTI-KILL. I laughed my ass off.
So does anyone know how to use the grenade launcher properly? I can never really figure out what that crosshair means.. that's why I never really bothered with the grenade launchers in most games lol.
It has a lob too it, so you have to aim higher when you're shooting longer distances, otherwise just shoot at their feet.

Play around with it and you'll find out how high you have to aim to hit windows in buildings etc. You just instinctively aim to a certain height and shoot, you don't really use the crosshairs to help. Atleast I don't with any gun really...
granada launcher is silly good. I can easily get 40~ kills just with the launcher per round. So silly that I've made a point not to use it too often,
I don't think so. That's never been the case in the past with C4 in previous games and it certainly doesn't work that way in real life. So I doubt it.

C4 and AT mines both can be detonated through other explosions, and if the secondary explosion kills/damages anything, it's attributed to you, at least the team damage portion is. :mad:
Yea, I've teamkilled people by taking down buildings and getting credit for Destruction 2.0 when they happened to be inside (Usually enemy MCOM's that I kill with mortar strikes)

Happens without FF on, but no negative consequences... just says I killed them.
Well guys after a week of trying to get this game working its now working fine and its just dumb what the cause was.

The cause was (love this) displayfusion .. even though I did disable it a few times to try running the game without it running in the backround , after I restarted from installing 10.3 cats and disabled this program it runs just fine. How retarded considering this is the ONLY game that doesn't like it.
So does anyone know how to use the grenade launcher properly? I can never really figure out what that crosshair means.. that's why I never really bothered with the grenade launchers in most games lol.

just play with it. I can hit guys in the face at range after a lot of practice