Bad Company 2 Beta - thoughts, opinions?

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ONE NEW MAP, please for the love of god. cant see shit with all the snow dust everywhere. also I want to turn off said snow dust.

It has to be there or not be there at all... you'd be talking major balance issues in the name of visual quality, if it was just an option. I like it, adds an extra element of cover to the gameplay.
ONE NEW MAP, please for the love of god. cant see shit with all the snow dust everywhere. also I want to turn off said snow dust.

I know I wish I could turn all the tress and fences off too, I can't see shit with them everywhere.
That's awesome!

It was originally supposed to be 8, no?

That's because I think it was originally announced as having only 8.

yup, as far a sI know they had told us 8 before, this is indead awsome, I cant think of a good fps came that came wiht 16 MP maps at launch, lets hope their good lol
yup, as far a sI know they had told us 8 before, this is indead awsome, I cant think of a good fps came that came wiht 16 MP maps at launch, lets hope their good lol

MW2 came out with 16, but about 12 of them suck, and the game sucks too.
So is that 16 maps + the map in the beta? He states 16 new maps making it sound like there will be at least 17 maps.
Are the controls fully customizable? Reason I ask because I use mouse2 as "forward" and some games don't support that like dead space and force you to use 'w'. Can someone find out for me (infantry armor and air)? I remember battlefield 2 worked, but I had to input it in secondary controls instead of primary.
Honestly though, 16 is just a number. It will depend on the quality of those maps really, since most FPS servers always have a few low quality maps that aren't cycled on them.
So is that 16 maps + the map in the beta? He states 16 new maps making it sound like there will be at least 17 maps.

No, it's 16. You're just overthinking it.

When they 16 new maps, they mean 16 maps that weren't available in BC1.
Honestly though, 16 is just a number. It will depend on the quality of those maps really, since most FPS servers always have a few low quality maps that aren't cycled on them.

Yea, I'm sure a couple of the maps will be lame, but having a couple bad maps out of 16 is a lot better than having a couple bad maps out of 8.
DICE has always been pretty good with map designs though. I certainly had my favorites in BF2 but I don't think I disliked any of them.
when you revive someone, they should respawn with only half health. Also, people shouldn't be able to spawn on squad members under fire.
the dam part was really cool and intricate, but the riverbed area was a wasteland with a ton of APCs and tanks mostly unused
Are the later weapon unlocks going to be as ridiculously high in the final release? It seems like there's a huge gap between requirements in the thousands and the 10 million plus high requirements of some of the later unlocks.
Are the later weapon unlocks going to be as ridiculously high in the final release? It seems like there's a huge gap between requirements in the thousands and the 10 million plus high requirements of some of the later unlocks.

It looks to me like they just added 1000 in front of all of the unlocks they don't want to open up for the beta. For example, the M95 unlocks at 100034000. I'm guessing it will actually unlock at 34000. I believe this same logic applies to rank as well, indicating that level 12 is only 20000 points.

Just my theory.
It looks to me like they just added 1000 in front of all of the unlocks they don't want to open up for the beta. For example, the M95 unlocks at 100034000. I'm guessing it will actually unlock at 34000. I believe this same logic applies to rank as well, indicating that level 12 is only 20000 points.

Just my theory.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. That, or they wanted only the super hardcore to ever have a chance of getting any of the good guns.
Are the controls fully customizable? Reason I ask because I use mouse2 as "forward" and some games don't support that like dead space and force you to use 'w'. Can someone find out for me (infantry armor and air)? I remember battlefield 2 worked, but I had to input it in secondary controls instead of primary.

Wow, I finally found someone that uses similar controls to me. Do you use Z&X for strafing, left SHIFT for back, CTRL for jump, and ALT for crouch?
Wow, I finally found someone that uses similar controls to me. Do you use Z&X for strafing, left SHIFT for back, CTRL for jump, and ALT for crouch?

Negative lol. Mouse1 shoot, mouse 2 forward, s back, a left, d right, w jump, x duck, shift run, ctrl walk/melee depends on game. r drop weapon, q reload, e secondary, v scope.
and invert mouse ( which some games don't support )

so are these all customizable in bf bc2? mouse2 and invert are the things that usually don't work on other games. I don't want to be wasting $50 for a game that doesn't alter to me. :(
Played for a few hours last night. Wow. This is as much a war simulator as a FPS, pretty awesome. It makes COD4 feel like laser tag with modern weapon skins. It feels like absolute chaos and it forces you into squad play. Which is good.

The game does have a console/arcade feel to it.

I see the sno-map getting old pretty quick. The battle of 24 Easting was the only poop map I can think of from DICE. I remember with BF42, just when you thought the devs had begun to ignore the community they drop some sweet 'battle for the Philippines' maps.

Is there an in-game frames per second tool? If not what is the best way to monitor this these days? I am playing on default settings with only an E4400,2gigs and GTX260+old drivers. Playable frame rates, not great. Time to upgrade or OC...
Fraps works great. You can do benchmarks with it. You're rig should handle the game fine at 1600x1200 with modest settings. I would update your drivers before you do anything else. However, wait for the release maybe b/c there will probably be a driver release with specific changes for the game then.
Wow, I finally found someone that uses similar controls to me. Do you use Z&X for strafing, left SHIFT for back, CTRL for jump, and ALT for crouch?

What the fuck, did you just play your first FPS drunk and stick with it?
Anyone know if there will be a commander mode ala BF2/BF2142? While squad work is great it would be nice to be able to coordinate more then one squad so everybody does not go to a and leave b empty. Also would be nice to have more squad feature commands beside defend A or attack A. would be nice to have move here or attack there etc.

Also is there any way to tell the soldier class of your squad mates from the squad join page? Seems would be nice to know that you have a medic in your squad so you don't spawn as one also.
Anyone know if they're including other - actually different - game types? This Rush stuff is wearing thin after a day, you're lucky if you join a game where someone other than you realises the bad guys are going for the point. Tedious trying to attack/defend by yourself or with one other person while everyone else sits under the sniper rock trying to spawnrape each other.
Anyone know if they're including other - actually different - game types? This Rush stuff is wearing thin after a day, you're lucky if you join a game where someone other than you realises the bad guys are going for the point. Tedious trying to attack/defend by yourself or with one other person while everyone else sits under the sniper rock trying to spawnrape each other.

Yes. They have the normal conquest mode too.
DONE some testing on my rig: (6 minutes gameplay)
Quality=low VoipEnable=true
Effects=medium Soldiers=high Vehicles=medium Overgrowth=medium Undergrowth=medium StaticObjects=medium Terrain=low Shadows=low
Bloom=false HSAO=false MSAA=0 Water=medium MainQuality=custom
Texture=low DxVersion=auto Aniso=2 Detail=medium
Results: (res 1440*900)
Cpu 3,4ghz :
Min, Max, Avg
23, 62, 36.631
Cpu 3,8ghz
Min, Max, Avg
23, 54, 36.719

No Diffrence on E7200 with 3mb cache then.

I agree those control are chaos

I still know people that play MP FPS with the arrow keys.... i just /facepalm and try to convert them to wasd and they refuse to change.
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