Bad Company 2 Beta - thoughts, opinions?

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Fraps works great. You can do benchmarks with it. You're rig should handle the game fine at 1600x1200 with modest settings. I would update your drivers before you do anything else. However, wait for the release maybe b/c there will probably be a driver release with specific changes for the game then.

Good to know, thanks! Thanks Spicey for the linkage to optimization.

In other news: Squad Death Match? That will be teh awsome1! I though I was all deathmatched out with COD lone wolf zero cooperation games, but squad death match will bring me back fo mo!
I have been playing BFBC2 beta on my main desktop PC, through my steam account.

Yesterday i downloaded the BFBC2 beta stand alone (non steam), and i installed it on my Laptop.
It did not even ask me for a key, i guess as soon as i provided my login and pass it must have realized i already had a key through steam? because it worked without me providing a key.

Either that or they gave up on requiring keys for the beta?

Anywell i was just testing to see if it would work on my old laptop, and i was surprized that it actually did work and was playable. All settings at low, and at low resolution (1024x768).
Laptop is Intel Dual Core 2Ghz,and 4GB RAM, with GeforceGo 7600 /256MB, on win xp pro 32bit.
So, is this game better than MW2? I bought MW2, have played like 5 online matches, and haven't touched it since. I've got money to spare but I don't know whether or not it is worth pre-ordering this.
I have been playing BFBC2 beta on my main desktop PC, through my steam account.

Yesterday i downloaded the BFBC2 beta stand alone (non steam), and i installed it on my Laptop.
It did not even ask me for a key, i guess as soon as i provided my login and pass it must have realized i already had a key through steam? because it worked without me providing a key.

Either that or they gave up on requiring keys for the beta?

Anywell i was just testing to see if it would work on my old laptop, and i was surprized that it actually did work and was playable. All settings at low, and at low resolution (1024x768).
Laptop is Intel Dual Core 2Ghz,and 4GB RAM, with GeforceGo 7600 /256MB, on win xp pro 32bit.

yes, when it asks you for an account and key at first run that ties your beta key to your account. Really the steam client is the exact same as anyone elses beta client except steam updates it, not the clients auto-updater.
So, is this game better than MW2? I bought MW2, have played like 5 online matches, and haven't touched it since. I've got money to spare but I don't know whether or not it is worth pre-ordering this.

have you played bf2142 or bf2? its alot like those.
I was watchin this montage vid and i noticed that his UAV had a secondary machine gun.
I remember seeing that also on the PS3.
Anyone know how to unlock that capability?

I assume its a unlock since when i use the UAV it only has rockets.

Vid Link
looks like you can only sit on top as it goes up and down, i bet he falls off if it goes forward.

still funny though.
Best MP FPS I have played. All my gripes are minor annoyances.

Friday afternoon at work, with nothing else to do...This will be long.

Going to comment on the map, since that is all we have. And a lot of repeat requests I am sure. And some comments.

I know they are going to change how much C4 is needed to take out an objective...That being the case, that should mean two people are needed to take out an objective with C4 now? Unless there is a gradual return of health to the objective...Jihadist_01 needs to just make 2 trips, no?

Let engineers repair the objectives. People only swap to them if they are in a tank, or one shows up they need to take out on defense. This gives them more utility, and key roles. Making them more desirable as a core class. No clue how you would balance this...

I LOVE being able to spawn on any squad mate. BUT they need to change it so that you can't pop in unless he is pretty much out of combat. (see not getting hit by bullets).

There are several points on the map where people obviously aren't meant to go. One is by the 2nd set of objectives that gives damn near a perfect view of the battle for the defenders up on the top of a hill. There is a depression there that covers all snipers from taking out the casual "camper" from the construction site building. Letting the defenders snipe and grenade spam without fear of ever really losing that spot. It seems that most early stops happens there.

The 2nd point is at the 3rd objective. Against the side of the mountain there is an overhang that gives a perfect view of the objectives, allowing mortar strikes to take out the objective in the barracks. Allowing all attacks to be geared toward the warehouse. Yes a sniper can take him out while he zeroes in. But on PUBS? No one will waste the time to do so. An Apache just shouldn't have to waste time on that one guy. And usually we KNOW the apache must attend to this dude, and have the AA tank waiting.

I have played medic and LOOOVE it. They combined the support class from BF2142 (see the big guns) which is what I played 90% of the time, and given us the ability to heal like assault. I have not even bothered to play any other class past an engy to take out tanks when needed. That being said. Medics need a few tweaks.

1st, the radar where they say bodies are located for revives is off at times. It's as if the radar places the marker where the body hit the ground, but doesn't account for it being moved. I need to search a little too long at times because the environment blends the persons in so also. OR if I get people up, they still show as dead for a bit.

2nd, a second color for health would be nice. I personally can't see peoples health at times due to people being grouped. Looking at the radar for this seems a little silly.

Not just medics, but I know everyone has ripped about not seeing their own health. Assuming this will be added before live, so not much of a gripe. But damn it's annoying.

Smoke grenades need to last longer.

Last night I played a couple times where the attacking team never came down the hill. All snipers and engys. Just thought I would mention that.

Can we please remap the tab key? I don't care about my score all that much. That has been my sprint key for years!

Timer before match starts please. I have to play in DX9 as to guarantee I can catch the recon dude going to C4 the objective.

Deaths still count even though people were revived. Although I can honestly say, this is the 1st FPS I care less about my K/D ratio, because they did such a fantastic job of making sure the squad or team is your 1st priority.

That's all I got. (as if it wasn't enough)

I LOVE being able to spawn on any squad mate. BUT they need to change it so that you can't pop in unless he is pretty much out of combat. (see not getting hit by bullets).

Cant you preview who you are about to spawn on? Granted I was tired and distracted by my need to run into more bullets, but I think when you highlight the person you want to spawn on, your background view shifts to a 3rd person view of this person. If they are being ripped apart you know not to spawn in.

I agree, with the small health bars. I found most of the heads up info to be too small or un readable. I blamed it on the fact that I tired and was racking up deaths at an incredible rate. When you hold out a medi pack, does that heal everyone? Or do I have to throw it?
Assault class + smoke grenade spamming is way too much fun in this game. Goodbye framerate!
I still know people that play MP FPS with the arrow keys.... i just /facepalm and try to convert them to wasd and they refuse to change.

My buddy still swears by the number pad. We learned to play Quake and Quake II with the number pad together, then one day I tried WASD and never looked back.
had a holy shit moment last night. I was attacking the last lot of objectives and was at the base of the hill. I went to run up the gas pipes when I was started being shot at from the building. I had a flick aim headshot which was pretty sweet to kill that attacker, I then switched to my noob tube and killed a guy by the building again with a nade to the wall. I was then being shot in the ass by a sneaky sniper that was on the road below the gas pipes that I had missed, i turned and shot him in the face with the grenade launcher. It was pretty awesome. A nade headshot :)
had a holy shit moment last night. I was attacking the last lot of objectives and was at the base of the hill. I went to run up the gas pipes when I was started being shot at from the building. I had a flick aim headshot which was pretty sweet to kill that attacker, I then switched to my noob tube and killed a guy by the building again with a nade to the wall. I was then being shot in the ass by a sneaky sniper that was on the road below the gas pipes that I had missed, i turned and shot him in the face with the grenade launcher. It was pretty awesome. A nade headshot :)

lol nice, I love ebign rushed by assault classes while im recon and killing them off with a pistol. Like a huge slap to the face to them lol.
I LOVE being able to spawn on any squad mate. BUT they need to change it so that you can't pop in unless he is pretty much out of combat. (see not getting hit by bullets).

Cant you preview who you are about to spawn on? Granted I was tired and distracted by my need to run into more bullets, but I think when you highlight the person you want to spawn on, your background view shifts to a 3rd person view of this person. If they are being ripped apart you know not to spawn in.

i agree that you should not be able to spawn on a squadmate while he's engaged in combat, but i'm coming from the flip side of that coin. there have been a ton of times where i've intentionally spawned on a squadmate who was taking fire so i could help him finish the guy off. i've also engaged enemies and then one of his squadmates spawns next to him and i get my ass handed to me :D
lol nice, I love ebign rushed by assault classes while im recon and killing them off with a pistol. Like a huge slap to the face to them lol.

that and no scope headshot with a sniper rifle.
2 nights ago I was defending the first point, hidden in a bush. Well some sniper blew up B with C4 so I decided to stay put.

I killed 6 people and 2 armored vehicules (with mortar, that thing is deadly), then I made my way to the hills beside the house and got 3 more kills before being taken down. Probably my best BC2 moment so far :)
How does that UAV have a machine gun? And how are people getting killed by being run over, esp by the UAV.
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I have to say, before playing the game I thought the whole destructible environments thing was just a gimmick used to attract the console crowd, but I have to admit that it truly adds to the immersion and gameplay/stategy. Running around, explosions going off around you, buildings crumbling, the loud ringing in your ear; it now fells like I'm on a true battlefield (blinding sun and all ;))!
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I have to say, before playing the game I thought the whole destructible environments thing was just a gimmick used to attract the console crowd, but I have to say that it truly adds to the immersion and gameplay/stategy. Running around, explosions going off around you, buildings crumbling, the loud ringing in your ear; it now fells like I'm on a true battlefield (blinding sun and all ;))!

Definitely... it really DOES add a lot to the gameplay as you can take out cover and have to try to make sure you preserve yours to a large extent. It's a major mechanic in the game.

I love the explosive crates lying around, one time I was duking it out with a guy, we both were about out on our pistols. As he went to reload, he strafed a little too close to a box, and I expended my last shot instead of reloading: it exploded, taking him out and the wall near it :D.
DONE some testing on my rig: (6 minutes gameplay)
No Diffrence on E7200 with 3mb cache then.

You can't really judge by a very chaotic and uncontrolled test in online multiplayer... need a real bench or a controllable single-player environment where you can at least approximate the same path and action each time, though even that will have a wider-than-desirable variation.
Really enjoying the beta, although without a good group of people (I game with my clan )BoM( ) I can't see how it would be fun.
What the fuck, did you just play your first FPS drunk and stick with it?

Haha, no. I got sick of separating hands for movement. I like to aim and move forward with my right hand, and control everything else with my left. Every used key is adjacent to another, and the most used ones are always under a finger. It allows my fingers to relax in a natural position. Try resting your left middle and ring fingers over Z&X respectively, put your left pinky on SHIFT and left thumb on SPACE (zoom in / iron sights). Very natural. Been using those controls since Medal of Honor Allied Assault MP.
I hope they remake Karkand for BC2. Destructible environment on Karkand? Yes please! :D
would just be nice to accually play it.

Still 8 days since the first update and still cannot play :/
I still am upset that no matter what settings I put the game on the framerates aren't perfect...

And I have a few gripes:

the uav is pointless. The missiles aren't very powerful, the aiming is very glitchy (probably just because its beta) the reload time for the missiles is way too long, and the things can be shot down by light arms ffs.

I really hope they put prone in the game. I find that it's very difficult to find cover in the game, and most of the time when you crouch behind objects your head sticks out.

The buildings collapsing is somewhat cheasy imo, and I don't get why they half assed it in the sense that some buildings cannot be fully demolished...

This game is going to cause seizures. If anyone has ever sat in the top of the bradley (the gunner seat), you will know exactly what I mean. Go ahead and sit there with a guy driving it and shooting the main gun. I should probably record this, your entire screen flashes white everytime the driver shoots...

The tracer dart is way too noob friendly.

The objectives can be destroyed by an atv with c4 all over it, basically ruining the entire gameplay mode. I understand you can shoot them off of the ATV's and what not, but I've played quite a few rounds where the first 2 objectives are being defended very well, then all of a sudden 2 atv's come in and blow them up, forcing us to fall back. I want my conquest mode back!

The helicopters.... The way they fly makes pretty much no sense. They fly like grand theft auto choppers. I want my bf2 style helis back!

Theirs is a lot of pointless background animations, like a10s strafing bases, I would be fine with this if the bullets actually did anything, but you can literally stand right where they shoot and lose no health. Same thing with the mortar at the start.

Don't get me wrong, I love this game, I see it has a ton of potential, but it really needs some fixing.

Hope the final release product is a bit better.
the uav is pointless. The missiles aren't very powerful, the aiming is very glitchy (probably just because its beta) the reload time for the missiles is way too long, and the things can be shot down by light arms ff

UAV is the new Commander. Its primary function is spotting targets, which it is very good at. It's not supposed to be an Apache death-from-above vehicle.
I still am upset that no matter what settings I put the game on the framerates aren't perfect...

And I have a few gripes:

the uav is pointless. The missiles aren't very powerful, the aiming is very glitchy (probably just because its beta) the reload time for the missiles is way too long, and the things can be shot down by light arms ffs.
The UAV missles one shot people and the UAV can be used to spot infantry and vehicles. I also have no trouble aiming it.
I really hope they put prone in the game. I find that it's very difficult to find cover in the game, and most of the time when you crouch behind objects your head sticks out.
Prone is not going in no matter what. You just need to find better cover.
The buildings collapsing is somewhat cheasy imo, and I don't get why they half assed it in the sense that some buildings cannot be fully demolished...
Some buildings cannot be destroyed completely for the sake of game play.
This game is going to cause seizures. If anyone has ever sat in the top of the bradley (the gunner seat), you will know exactly what I mean. Go ahead and sit there with a guy driving it and shooting the main gun. I should probably record this, your entire screen flashes white everytime the driver shoots...
lol Man up.
The tracer dart is way too noob friendly.
Yeah but someone has to replace their pistol and tag you so it evens out.
The objectives can be destroyed by an atv with c4 all over it, basically ruining the entire gameplay mode. I understand you can shoot them off of the ATV's and what not, but I've played quite a few rounds where the first 2 objectives are being defended very well, then all of a sudden 2 atv's come in and blow them up, forcing us to fall back. I want my conquest mode back!
Blow up the ATVs, also in the final version it will take twice as much C4.
The helicopters.... The way they fly makes pretty much no sense. They fly like grand theft auto choppers. I want my bf2 style helis back!
Agreed on this.
Theirs is a lot of pointless background animations, like a10s strafing bases, I would be fine with this if the bullets actually did anything, but you can literally stand right where they shoot and lose no health. Same thing with the mortar at the start.
Yeah they should just have one big static map with no cool animations thrown in. :rolleyes: I like all that shit.
Don't get me wrong, I love this game, I see it has a ton of potential, but it really needs some fixing.

Hope the final release product is a bit better.
the uav is pointless. The missiles aren't very powerful, the aiming is very glitchy (probably just because its beta) the reload time for the missiles is way too long, and the things can be shot down by light arms ffs.

The UAV is a little bitch. Believe me man, that thing will shit on you often. Its also currently hilariously bugged so it can ram apaches out of the sky like a sumo stuffing a horse jocky.

I really hope they put prone in the game. I find that it's very difficult to find cover in the game, and most of the time when you crouch behind objects your head sticks out.
Prone is not coming. The. End.

As for cover, the game is full of it! It also encourages movement. But, if you do want to hunker in and hold a position, you are going to need some teamates to back you up. Gone are the days of one guy proning in a little crack and taking out half the other team. Hilariously, people keep bitching about prone when really, they should be bitching about the deatch camera or whatever. That is want is killing your cover/hiding spots. I don't have a huge problem with it and understand why they did it. But If I had the influence, I'd get rid of THAT.

The tracer dart is way too noob friendly.
No, its actually a viable tactic now. The tracer in BC1 was really difficult to use (had very low range), and gave like a 3 point bonus to the person who did the painting. Nobody used it. There was no reason to. Now you can actually paint stuff when you want to, missles get a pretty good lock from it, and hey you get a nice amount of points for the assist! Its still REALLY HARD to paint a helicopter so its not broken.

Theirs is a lot of pointless background animations, like a10s strafing bases, I would be fine with this if the bullets actually did anything, but you can literally stand right where they shoot and lose no health. Same thing with the mortar at the start.
Its atmospheric. Also, we'll see how the final game ends up, but the A10 strafe fire in the PS3 beta DEFINITELY could hurt you. Although at the very beginning of a round it really doesn't matter, it still adds to the feeling for that map[/QUOTE]
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