Bad Company 2 Beta - thoughts, opinions?

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How do you run the game in administrator mode on steam?

I tried creating a desktop icon, then right clicking on it and running as administrator.
I also changed the properties on that desktop icon to always run as administrator,

But none of them actually run the BFBC game as admin,, just the steam launcher.

Therefore i still dont see pings in server browser :(

Can i actually run the BFBC2 exe without going through steam, that way i can run it as admin, or does steam have some other way of running games as administrator?
I don't like the game style as much as the traditional battlefields...

If you mean the actual gameplay modes, there is going to be the classic Conquest (capture the flag), just as in all of the BF series, which should be on larger maps with more vehicles etc. I certainly hope that turns out to be the case, as they've stated in the past it would.
The more I play this game the more I like it. When I first started playing, I was of the opinion that the guns were too weak. However, unlocking new weapons and learning to use the right weapon for the right situation has really made this a non issue. Now I am in the "learn2play" camp if you can't seem to kill anyone.
Sure a Beta is for fixing and testing bugs. I can make a decision about if I like a game or not from playing a Beta. You really think the game is going to radically change, I don't think so. I seriously doubt DICE can rectify all the issues by release, but we shall see (I will try the demo for arguments sake)

Got to wait for the demo. What is being played now could be a build from 2-3 months ago for all we know.

I havent played the beta yet. Most likely will try tonight. But in reading about the problems people are seeing, it really sounds good. I compare this to the initial launch of BF2. I remember people complaining about the server list GUI. Man people thought it was horrible. The reality was, you spent 2 mins in the "horrible" server list per 5 hours of play. Ultimately a non-issue.

My bigger concern is with gameplay it self. I am totally ready to close the book on COD, and get on with the vehicles and squad play! Heres hoping that this is the Arcade version of BF3. ;)
The more I play this game the more I like it. When I first started playing, I was of the opinion that the guns were too weak. However, unlocking new weapons and learning to use the right weapon for the right situation has really made this a non issue. Now I am in the "learn2play" camp if you can't seem to kill anyone.

If you can't kill someone you do need to learn to play or go back to Grenade of Airstrike 6: Modern Grenade 2.
If you can't kill someone you do need to learn to play or go back to Grenade of Airstrike 6: Modern Grenade 2.

exactly, it took me roughly 1 hour to figure out how to kill properly. All the automatic work better if you burst shot. Spraying just uses up ammo.

I find the emdics starter lmg to be seriously strong though lol, I prefer it over the assault class guns lol (have up to the f2000 unlocked on assualt). Mabey the assualt guns get alot better when you get the red dot scope. Dont get my wrong, the xm8 does kick some serious butt, but for some reason I do amazingly well wiht the medic's gun, which is good, always nice to have medics around int he squad lol, and its awsome points reviving people.
If you mean the actual gameplay modes, there is going to be the classic Conquest (capture the flag), just as in all of the BF series, which should be on larger maps with more vehicles etc. I certainly hope that turns out to be the case, as they've stated in the past it would.

Ah that's the word I should have used. That is good news, I never played BC1, I just thought they were going to a TeamFortress push style for all of it. I might have to pre order it now.
Ah that's the word I should have used. That is good news, I never played BC1, I just thought they were going to a TeamFortress push style for all of it. I might have to pre order it now.

Yep :) ...which is what indeed makes this sort like "BF 2.5", since they're including Conquest as a main gameplay mode. If it were not for that, I probably would not be getting into myself, since while Push mode is great, it simply would not be enough for me.

Dune buggy squad ftw!

Ha! Dune buggy squads... killer! :D
I think Conquest is the only gametype I am excited about trying. I loved BF2.
I think Conquest is the only gametype I am excited about trying. I loved BF2.

+1 really bummed they didn't include a conquest mode with the beta. Looking forward to playing it on the full release though.
I think Conquest is the only gametype I am excited about trying. I loved BF2.

Yeah, to me (and many others) Conquest is part of what makes Battlefield what it is we all loved.

+1 really bummed they didn't include a conquest mode with the beta. Looking forward to playing it on the full release though.

Would have been great, but I'm guessing they wanted a chance for people to get a feel for the new Push gameplay. There are vids (on, I believe) of Conquest mode that I've seen, and from little was shown, it looked very much to play like BF2, except more intense.

Many vehicles and infantry racing to the flags, destruction everywhere while capturing... so if it turns out as it looks, it will probably be a more intense version of the same Conquest mode we all know and love... and probably a taste of what BF3 in-full is going to be like, except on a larger scale.
That effect is there for balance reasons. DICE doesn't want snipers to dominate the game.

The effect and sniper sway are not in the console versions because analog sticks are the handicap there.

I tried explaining that mouse+kb is superior to analog joysticks for FPS, and some guy went on and on that they are the same. /facepalm
I cant fathom his logic.
I tried explaining that mouse+kb is superior to analog joysticks for FPS, and some guy went on and on that they are the same. /facepalm
I cant fathom his logic.
its a moot point to try to explain it to a console gamer, they don't and won't know any better. i wish mw2 and bfbc2 would work with multiplayer across all the platforms, we would quickly see who was superior :D
its a moot point to try to explain it to a console gamer, they don't and won't know any better. i wish mw2 and bfbc2 would work with multiplayer across all the platforms, we would quickly see who was superior :D

Developers know what is good for them and they'll never enable this. Console gamers would get slaughtered and not play, and that is the more lucrative market.
That effect is there for balance reasons. DICE doesn't want snipers to dominate the game.

The effect and sniper sway are not in the console versions because analog sticks are the handicap there.

This is incorrect.

The sniper blur is included in the final builds of the console versions. I read it on repi's twitter page today.

He also confirmed that weapon damage has been increased in the final build.
Dunno bout you guys, but I cant stand playing console FPS games after playing FPS on a pc for so long. I get annoyed after like 10minutes because of not being able to aim very well.
Anyone had any luck with joysticks? Mine works (no throttle support), but the yaw is reversed and I can't seem to force it to yaw the right direction. Ie. if I rotate my stick right the helo yaws left.

my logitech joystick does the same thing
I finally made 11 the other day, unlocked everything feasible (that doesn't require 10 billion points) and having a blast.

My opinions of classes/weaponry/gadgetry:

Initial gun sucks
XM8 needs a slight damage nerf
F2000 seems more like a FAMAS (super high firing rate)
40mm grenades used wayyyy too much without impunity (FF on may mitigate this)
Overall my favorite class, F2000 with the red dot scope is amazing at any range as long as you can burst fire.

PKM is utterly replaced by next tier guns, like the AEK from Assault
Reloading takes the appropriate amount of time
Medpacks should provide more obvious healing notifications rather than the blood disappearing from the screen edges
Need better animation for the dead body coming back to life, as it is now the model goes from being flat on the ground to standing up in no time, looks very unrealistic
Overall a very powerful class, especially as a squad point spawner to keep a squad alive and attacking, a MUST for successful squads

Guns available don't seem to mesh well with an engineering standpoint (silent/near silent automatic weapons?) I would expect more choices of shotguns besides the crippled 870 and the takes-too-long-to-reload Saiga)
RPG7 seems to drop faster than it should
Mines should be a bit more camouflaged
Overall a necessary class when playing against vehicles, but very few times where necessary on attack team on Port Valdez. Good at close range but you might as well just knife the guy for the sure kill

Bullet drop is difficult to ascertain when shooting at a target above you. (Fire at snipers at top hill at beginning of Port Valdez from Bravo point, you figure it out)
C4ing objectives is a cheap method to win, somewhat difficult to defend against
Mortar strikes are awesome

Some overall notes:
When you pick up someone else's kit, your model stays the same as your original choice, dunno if this is a bug or feature
Need anti-air emplacements in Port Valdez at second point
Apache missiles need to either do more splash damage, be more accurate or do more direct damage, pick one and run with it
The BMDA or whatever the armor that shoots those grenades five at a time, needs increase of splash damage range and make it easier to see where and what you are aiming/hitting
After the attack team finishes attacking part 3 (where Apache spawns), all defenders have to do is tear down all trees and visible obstructions between 3 and 4 and attackers cannot advance at all
Need to be able to allchat/teamchat/squadchat whether dead, alive or waiting to spawn
Spotting is spotty. If I am tapping my spot button at someone 2 feet in front of me, it should spot the enemy.
Objectives should take more C4 to destroy
Chat swear filter needs to go. If someone is screaming the F word at me, I should be able to type it
Repairing needs to take a tad longer, as it stands it's too quick to fully repair armor

I'll add more later, lappy battery dying
Fun ass game. Me and two of my teamates held of the entire other team for 3 minutes of them just all out attacking our little boulder fort. There wan't a tree or building left anywhere around us for 20 yards. We finally got pummeled by a mortar strike + uav rocket. Got called hackers at least 6 times that round. Going to be a good time with this game and hopefully Bf3 will be an improvement. Still need them to let us into the code and allow us to do what we did for BF2 competition mods and private servers. Other than that, thanks. This game is good.
Engi is the weakest class even with all the upgrades. SMG way underpowered compared to AR/MG
F2000 with the red dot scope is amazing at any range as long as you can burst fire.

Some overall notes:
Need anti-air emplacements in Port Valdez at second point

Objectives should take more C4 to destroy

Chat swear filter needs to go. If someone is screaming the F word at me, I should be able to type it.

^ i agree 100% with all of this. also, i've found the 9A91 SMG that you start out with as an engineer to be lethal. great in close quarters and excellent when burst-fired at medium range targets.

When you pick up someone else's kit, your model stays the same as your original choice, dunno if this is a bug or feature.

i like this. it seems more logical that if i pick up someone's sniper rifle in the heat of battle i'm not going to take the time to change into their ghillie suit :D
Really? I'll have to try. I <3 my M24+12x. Will try the QUB. Why do you like it better?

It allows me to shoot multiple rounds without delay. Does less damage but near machine gun speed can be very deadly. It takes 2-3 rounds to kill someone, but it takes less time to shoot 3 rounds with 88 than to shoot and reload with m24 (if it doesn't kill first hit, usually takes me 2 hits unless headshot).
Some overall notes:
Need anti-air emplacements in Port Valdez at second point
There is an AA tank which completely rapes the Apache although a lot of noobs like to rush in with it and get it destroyed.
Apache missiles need to either do more splash damage, be more accurate or do more direct damage, pick one and run with it
Apache missles are mostly for tanks which you don't have to be all that accurate to hit. The Apache gunner thing is pretty much perfectly accurate.
The BMDA or whatever the armor that shoots those grenades five at a time, needs increase of splash damage range and make it easier to see where and what you are aiming/hitting
Normally I'm not for any kind of splash damage increase but the nades on this thing are pretty weak so I agree.
After the attack team finishes attacking part 3 (where Apache spawns), all defenders have to do is tear down all trees and visible obstructions between 3 and 4 and attackers cannot advance at all
There are other forms of cover such as tanks and smoke grenades.
Need to be able to allchat/teamchat/squadchat whether dead, alive or waiting to spawn
Objectives should take more C4 to destroy
They have already said the amount it will take will be doubled in the final version.
Chat swear filter needs to go. If someone is screaming the F word at me, I should be able to type it
Repairing needs to take a tad longer, as it stands it's too quick to fully repair armor
Kill the engineers and it completely stops repairing.

I'll add more later, lappy battery dying
After the attack team finishes attacking part 3 (where Apache spawns), all defenders have to do is tear down all trees and visible obstructions between 3 and 4 and attackers cannot advance at all
It's meant to be the toughest section to attack, it is the last stand of the defending team after all.

Its actually quite simple to get up there even with all the trees cut. The attacking team gets another Tank and APC. Take the APC for cover, load your squad, then drive up to the concrete barriers. Alll of you bail and leave it for some other teammate to distract the other team while they try to attack straight up the road on the right side.

Take your squad, go left staying under the pipeline. The pipeline will provide cover the entire way up the hill, except from anyone directly in front of you. Barely anyone from the defending team ever defends that area. If your all recon with submachine guns or shotguns, you should make quick work of the objectives with C4.
I've found the chokepoint between 2 and 3 to be the hardest. If their armor is dominating yours, the only choice for infantry is to go down to the left, and thats usually camped by a bunch of their infantry. Better than facing armor in the open though. For some reason I've been able to get up to point 4 fairly consistantly under the pipes.

Anyways, can someone tell me how well this game runs on a 5770 @ 1920x1200? The 8800gt has to go and I won't be able to go for the 5870 till this summer.
I've found the chokepoint between 2 and 3 to be the hardest. If their armor is dominating yours, the only choice for infantry is to go down to the left, and thats usually camped by a bunch of their infantry. Better than facing armor in the open though. For some reason I've been able to get up to point 4 fairly consistantly under the pipes.

Anyways, can someone tell me how well this game runs on a 5770 @ 1920x1200? The 8800gt has to go and I won't be able to go for the 5870 till this summer.

It's not your video card, it's your processor. This game has crap performance on just about every dual core with the exception of E8xxx clocked at 3.5GHz or more. NONE of my Athlon X2's can get out of the 20's (fps) regardless of what video card or settings i'm using while my quad hums right along at or near 60fps most of the time.
It's not your video card, it's your processor. This game has crap performance on just about every dual core with the exception of E8xxx clocked at 3.5GHz or more. NONE of my Athlon X2's can get out of the 20's (fps) regardless of what video card or settings i'm using while my quad hums right along at or near 60fps most of the time.

I think it's part optimization

the game is only pushing my E8500 @ 4.1 Ghz cores at 40-60% usage.
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