Bad Company 2 Beta - thoughts, opinions?

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the uav is pointless. The missiles aren't very powerful, the aiming is very glitchy (probably just because its beta) the reload time for the missiles is way too long, and the things can be shot down by light arms ffs.

I find the UAV one of the most overpowered thing in the game, atleast on PS3 version. Sometimes i can destroy a tank with one missle. But the missle is not all, the damn thing have a machinegun aswell! So i flying around and killing snipers and only use missiles against tanks and mounted weapons.
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What's the bottle neck for a fast map load? By the time my map loads there are already people taking off in Tanks etc... I would have thought my Intel X25 SSD would have me in game first
What's the bottle neck for a fast map load? By the time my map loads there are already people taking off in Tanks etc... I would have thought my Intel X25 SSD would have me in game first

Don't sit and look at your stats in between games. Just join the next game immediately.
I really, really like this game. It is a blast to play and I think it looks great.
don't know if there will be a demo but you haven't missed the beta. it will be active until the end of february.

I found the issue... ATI cards running DX10 will take a good 30-45 seconds to load a map but if you switch to DX9 it take 5-10 seconds. Nvidia drives apparently don't have this issue.

That's good to know. Here I thought my PC was slow. DICE should put a timer in place to give both teams a chance to load their players. Nothing beats fast loaders rushing into battle with their C4 and blowing up the objective before you can load.
Is the UAV itself an unlock too? I have never flown it, I have tried to use the little command station a few times, but never worked. Do you just have to wait for a UAV to spawn on the ground next to it?
I fucking hate the server browser , it takes forever to refresh and then it takes about 20-25 mins to join a server , I keep getting disconnected from a server with the message "Try again" at the end. It drives me up the wall .. otherwise I love this game so far and am having tons of fun with it.

If they would just fix the server browser I would be a happy man.. btw my connect has DMZ on it so no ports causing problems so I have no idea why it takes so friggin long to join servers.
think I'm going to stop playing hardcore due to team damage

some idiot team killed me in a helicopter since he wanted the seat
I fucking hate the server browser , it takes forever to refresh and then it takes about 20-25 mins to join a server , I keep getting disconnected from a server with the message "Try again" at the end. It drives me up the wall .. otherwise I love this game so far and am having tons of fun with it.

If they would just fix the server browser I would be a happy man.. btw my connect has DMZ on it so no ports causing problems so I have no idea why it takes so friggin long to join servers.

it does take me a good 30-45 seconds to refresh the server list but it takes me maybe 45 seco0nds and I'm in game playing
it does take me a good 30-45 seconds to refresh the server list but it takes me maybe 45 seco0nds and I'm in game playing

Takes me 30-45 seconds for the server list, but only about 15-20 seconds to get in-game once I've selected a server and pressed to join it *shrug*. I'm on a nice SSD but, either way it shouldn't take 25 minutes to join :eek: as he's saying.
think I'm going to stop playing hardcore due to team damage

some idiot team killed me in a helicopter since he wanted the seat

My teammate stole the blackhawk from the other team so I rammed him with the UAV and killed him.
Anyone have a link to a torrent? I finally got a key but that russian site's torrent won't let me anymore
Anyone have a link to a torrent? I finally got a key but that russian site's torrent won't let me anymore

I don't know of any torrents for it offhand... but wouldn't something like fileplanet work fine, other than the wait to start? There's a lot of mirrors out there.
My buddy still swears by the number pad. We learned to play Quake and Quake II with the number pad together, then one day I tried WASD and never looked back.

My brother and I came up with ESDF for quake and never looked back. When WASD came along I never understood it and tried to get as many people on ESDF but then WASD started coming out as defaults and it was all over.

I feel its much more natural to play ESDF since its the home keys for typing... and you effectively can reach more keys since you're not right next to the tab/caps/shift.
Is there anyway to enable toggle crouch? My fingers hurts from holding it down all the time :(
OK so disabling the steam overlay fixed the movement key bug for me, and now I've been having a lot of fun with the game. I won't be contacting Steam to cancel my preorder now (though I do of course hope that the movement key bug is properly fixed rather than requiring a workaround.)
FINALLY got this thing working again.

Specs below, and im in AWE.

1920X1200 4xaa 16x AF DX11....this game it just simply amazing. I havent had this much fun in a game in a long time. It's only 1 damn map, but I just love the fact that you really cannot hide behind a building/fence and camp like before.

I also love how it uses Havok physics.....this shows you dont need Nvidia Physx to make a game have great Physics.

just my .02c
Is there anyway to enable toggle crouch? My fingers hurts from holding it down all the time :(

I programmed a macro on my keyboard so that when I push and hold the left control it presses "L", releases control, and then presses enter. Works for me.
Great game, I think the Recon class is a bit overpowered with the Mortar Strike and super accurate rifle.

....But then again, it's a beautiful thing when you can headshot someone in a Apache and watch their body fall straight to the ground :)
blah, key is invalid

edit, now key is working

blah, crash to desktop after loading to join a game

both fullscreen and windowed. Have newest nvidia drivers--xp
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FINALLY got this thing working again.

Specs below, and im in AWE.

1920X1200 4xaa 16x AF DX11....this game it just simply amazing. I havent had this much fun in a game in a long time. It's only 1 damn map, but I just love the fact that you really cannot hide behind a building/fence and camp like before.

I also love how it uses Havok physics.....this shows you dont need Nvidia Physx to make a game have great Physics.

just my .02c
It's DICE's own custom-built physics engine, not Havok.
Then why does it say (havok TM) on the loading screen?

P.S. yap is uses Havok. not some in-house physics
Oh, I guess it's like the Source engine then where it's heavily modified. In some articles I read that it was their own physics engine.
Tried hardcore tonight and omg..changes the game for me completely. I LOVE it now.

How do you find hardcore servers? Do you just manually scroll through and just the server info for each one?

I wanna try hardcore but can never find any servers :(
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