Bad Company 2 Beta - thoughts, opinions?

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Look at all the official server providers that you can pre-order a BFBC2 server from.....not one offers a private unranked server.

That's the only reason why BF2 is still popular....leagues, clan matches etc. is the reason why games like this survive long.
This is still just a beta, wait a few weeks for release and see for yourself? Or maybe ask that in the official forums.
no clanwars=dead gaming community in the longrun.

Look at all the official server providers that you can pre-order a BFBC2 server from.....not one offers a private unranked server.

That's the only reason why BF2 is still popular....leagues, clan matches etc. is the reason why games like this survive long.

Exactly, on both counts.

Online MP gaming has been as "consolized" as the games themselves. Minimal, if any, dedicated servers, as well as the supported player count becoming lower and lower.

The whole situation is odd especially, considering the focus that so many devs are putting on the MP aspect of games these days. But it's revolving either around four-player co-op, or around the twelve-man capacity mark... and some devs (such as with MW2, I believe, though I do not play it) not even "allowing" LAN servers?

I've been involved in leagues and clans for the better part of ten years, and without private servers for matches etc., or at least a place where your clan members and friends can get together definitively to play together, the online gaming community dies, period.

We don't need devs babysitting and preventing "power ranking" by cutting out any private servers, because doing so hurts the gaming community in general. Not everyone participates in such "power ranking", and if that's the reason/part of the reason that private servers are not being made available, that's simply ridiculous.

The whole of MP gaming is going down the tubes fast over the last few years, and I expect it to only get worse.

No dedicated servers, no private servers (ranked or not), low player counts, no LAN options = the death of online gaming, hence the "clan mentality", which is already sorely lacking these days.

So much for "the old days" and the future of online gaming if the trend continues.

But seriously the game is good, and it's so close to release. WooHoo!

Vid I put up, just messing around to show some friends the game.

The colors look wonky as hell in that video. Why is everything so bright blue?? Looks like an alien planet...

Also, not your fault I believe, but it looks like you couldn't kill anyone to save your life. Why does it take so long for 2 guys with full autos strafing eachother at 15 yards to kill one another? Looks like it's quite difficult to make a kill.
Look at all the official server providers that you can pre-order a BFBC2 server from.....not one offers a private unranked server.

That's the only reason why BF2 is still popular....leagues, clan matches etc. is the reason why games like this survive long.

The main bulk of people renting servers are clans, they're not going to do that if they can't private the server for clan matches. Clans are the backbone of any gaming community, like it or not, they pay for most of the servers and create places communities can hang out.

I'm worried what the lack of console is going to do for server admins, not being able to ban hackers, exploiters or griefers for example would be very bad. This is part of what makes these closed off communities popular.

It doesn't really bode well, I'm interested to know how Dice are going to handle these problems, just like IW im not even sure they even recognise/aknowledge these are problems to begin with. Just like with a "normal" FOV it should just be understood that this is what is best, we shouldn't have to fight for things like decent FOV and console access for server admins.
The colors look wonky as hell in that video. Why is everything so bright blue?? Looks like an alien planet...

Also, not your fault I believe, but it looks like you couldn't kill anyone to save your life. Why does it take so long for 2 guys with full autos strafing eachother at 15 yards to kill one another? Looks like it's quite difficult to make a kill.

Burst with assault rifles is the way to go. You empty full auto and you aren't likely to get enough hits to kill.
Likely because he is recording with an external device rather than something like fraps.

or his monitor is set to the cool setting

and to the whole thread.. bullet damage or hip-fire accuracy should be increased. He shot the guy a few times ADS then he had one or two quick hip fire bursts and after he died the other guy still had like 60% health or something.

Im not saying the poster should have won that battle but surely the killer shouldnt have had that much health.

I killed seven people in a row last night all in about 15 seconds cause of somthing like this. I ran into a huge group of people, stabbed two of them then killed 5 more (who were shooting at me) with a lmg and didn't even die... I know they were mad.

Also does anyone else think the two side's outfits look way too similar? I can never tell who the fuck is on my team by first glance.
Unbelievably, I was able to get it to run (everything set to low, DX9, etc) with an Athlon 64 3000+ (2.0GHz) Single Core with 1GB of RAM and a 6800XT

Wasn't very enjoyable, but it 'ran'

Interesting..I am running an Athlon 64 3800+ with 2GB of RAM and a 9600GT. I wonder if I can run it at lowest settings. What were your FPS?
Interesting..I am running an Athlon 64 3800+ with 2GB of RAM and a 9600GT. I wonder if I can run it at lowest settings. What were your FPS?

I can run it at full blast with Af and AA with a E6600, 3gb ddr2 800, 9600gt. There are some slowdowns with vehicle battles, but thats the only time you notice it.
Wait - keys were given out? I thought it was only for pre-order'ers?

There will always be free keys for PC, but you have to be in the right place at the right time. I linked to a page yesterday that had keys all day long. I snagged 4 extras but have already given them to people across various forums.
I can't wait for the full version to see exactly where my FPS is going to wind up at max.
The colors look wonky as hell in that video. Why is everything so bright blue?? Looks like an alien planet...

Also, not your fault I believe, but it looks like you couldn't kill anyone to save your life. Why does it take so long for 2 guys with full autos strafing eachother at 15 yards to kill one another? Looks like it's quite difficult to make a kill.

or his monitor is set to the cool setting

and to the whole thread.. bullet damage or hip-fire accuracy should be increased. He shot the guy a few times ADS then he had one or two quick hip fire bursts and after he died the other guy still had like 60% health or something.

Im not saying the poster should have won that battle but surely the killer shouldnt have had that much health.

I killed seven people in a row last night all in about 15 seconds cause of somthing like this. I ran into a huge group of people, stabbed two of them then killed 5 more (who were shooting at me) with a lmg and didn't even die... I know they were mad.

Also does anyone else think the two side's outfits look way too similar? I can never tell who the fuck is on my team by first glance.

To the 1st post, ya the blueish look was cause of monitor's Game setting, and I wasnt really trying to win or get many kills. I was just seeing how things ran and get a feel. In doing that like you witnessed the hitbox accuracy seems to be off or they really lowered the damage of bullets.

2nd post, Ya it seems at times the bullet dmg is up then down...or its just some kind of server bug/lag bug...somethings going on. I acknowledge it is a beta however and there are bugs/glitches to be expected. As for the outfits, I dont think they look similiar, but I do think the white snow outfit is a lil too good, you blend so well...I camped a spot n was nearly invisible, LOL.

You guys playin on steam? Would like to add some Steam players who like to use teamwork. Drop your name in here or if there is already a thread, leave a link. Much appreciated, cya guys on the battlefield!

Should be able to add me via link below.
only things really bothering me are.
WAY to many snipers.
explosives splash damage is almost non existent or the shooter.

oh and umm, the amount of snipers. seeing 50% of the players per team just sniping

so glad I have the ins and didn't need to pre-order or fight for a key.
You guys playin on steam? Would like to add some Steam players who like to use teamwork. Drop your name in here or if there is already a thread, leave a link. Much appreciated, cya guys on the battlefield!

Should be able to add me via link below.

Added. None of my normal online friends have a key, so some real squad play would be a welcome change.
To the 1st post, ya the blueish look was cause of monitor's Game setting, and I wasnt really trying to win or get many kills. I was just seeing how things ran and get a feel. In doing that like you witnessed the hitbox accuracy seems to be off or they really lowered the damage of bullets.

2nd post, Ya it seems at times the bullet dmg is up then down...or its just some kind of server bug/lag bug...somethings going on. I acknowledge it is a beta however and there are bugs/glitches to be expected. As for the outfits, I dont think they look similiar, but I do think the white snow outfit is a lil too good, you blend so well...I camped a spot n was nearly invisible, LOL.

You guys playin on steam? Would like to add some Steam players who like to use teamwork. Drop your name in here or if there is already a thread, leave a link. Much appreciated, cya guys on the battlefield!

Should be able to add me via link below.

Ingame is xCantoniousx, add me to friends or whatever if you want. I usually roll with a couple other guys, we dig the squad/teamwork.
Also does anyone else think the two side's outfits look way too similar? I can never tell who the fuck is on my team by first glance.
Yes they do. But that is what is to be expected as far as camo is concerned.

That being said, it is extremely easy to spot the difference between the two teams.
Everyone on your team has a Blue marker above their head. If they don't have ANY marker, or they have an Orange marker. You should then proceed to shoot them, stab them, run them over, shove a grenade up their ass. Do whatever pleases you, as long as they die before you do.:p
thats why I said at first glance... In close quarters combat when their icon is out of sight it is extremely hard to tell the difference. I've seen 10 teammates all around their own bomb shoot at each other cause they thought they saw an enemy
Also does anyone else think the two side's outfits look way too similar? I can never tell who the fuck is on my team by first glance.

yup, just shoot at whatever doesn't have a blue or green triangle over the head. this doesn't really work when you're a medic and attempting to resurrect people though.
not a good experience so far tonight.

had two rounds where somebody UAV/C4'd the objectives constantly and then acted like they invented the concept by saying things like "you guys don't get it. all you do is load up the UAV with C4...." and then went on to explain the process in detail. next game had a guy in a chopper just destroying our spawn (kudos for being a good pilot, i can respect that) but then he constantly said "lol i own.", "enjoy your BASE RAPE", "you guys suck", "u mad?" even though nobody on our team bitched about the ass-kicking we were receiving. next round had a guy who thought it'd be fun to spam random text characters across the screen the entire time so you literally could not aim because all you saw was text in the middle of your screen. all of these were back-to-back games. between this shit and MW2 hackers i'm beginning to hate the PC gaming community (no idea if it's any better on consoles). seems like there's been a big influx of griefers lately.

/rant <----not the game's fault, it's all on the gaming community.
Ok, I got this aiming thing down...

With Assault Rifle only shoot in bursts of 3-4 shots. More than that and 70% of them will go to milk.

Got something like 30 kills just now with F2000. Two bursts usually kills, if you get a head shot a good 4 shot burst will kill.
I've played the game several hours now. It's basically lacking all of the things that made BF2 fun and really deserves to stay on consoles. Do not want.
Ok, I got this aiming thing down...

With Assault Rifle only shoot in bursts of 3-4 shots. More than that and 70% of them will go to milk.

Got something like 30 kills just now with F2000. Two bursts usually kills, if you get a head shot a good 4 shot burst will kill.

Without the red dot sight, I liked the XM8 better. But with red dot.. the F2000 really shines.
What a terrible game.

Thankfully steam allows you to cancel pre-orders. Saved 50 bucks phew.
not a good experience so far tonight.

had two rounds where somebody UAV/C4'd the objectives constantly and then acted like they invented the concept by saying things like "you guys don't get it. all you do is load up the UAV with C4...." and then went on to explain the process in detail. next game had a guy in a chopper just destroying our spawn (kudos for being a good pilot, i can respect that) but then he constantly said "lol i own.", "enjoy your BASE RAPE", "you guys suck", "u mad?" even though nobody on our team bitched about the ass-kicking we were receiving. next round had a guy who thought it'd be fun to spam random text characters across the screen the entire time so you literally could not aim because all you saw was text in the middle of your screen. all of these were back-to-back games. between this shit and MW2 hackers i'm beginning to hate the PC gaming community (no idea if it's any better on consoles). seems like there's been a big influx of griefers lately.

/rant <----not the game's fault, it's all on the gaming community.
why not just go to a new server if it really bothered you that much?
Wow, what a bunch of spoiled little brats here at [H]. And for fuck sakes why are you guys using FSAA in super high resolutions in the first place? And some of you are using 1x AA like that makes a difference anyways, are you guys using 1 x just so you can say you are? LOL

Wow, what a bunch of spoiled little brats here at [H]. And for fuck sakes why are you guys using FSAA in super high resolutions in the first place? And some of you are using 1x AA like that makes a difference anyways, are you guys using 1 x just so you can say you are? LOL


because the lowest setting is 1x, not to mention the fact that certain settings only give you the choice of 1x. Next time look into stuff or get the beta before posting useless crap in a thread you dont know anything about.
Not sure if it's been mentioned before, but it is there anyway to turn on AA in DX9?
Quite the opposite for me. I'm keeping the pre-order, this game rocks.

Same, I love the game!

Wow, what a bunch of spoiled little brats here at [H]. And for fuck sakes why are you guys using FSAA in super high resolutions in the first place? And some of you are using 1x AA like that makes a difference anyways, are you guys using 1 x just so you can say you are? LOL


Hacked account? You've been here five years, you should know better than this ignorant bile. Protip: you still have aliasing even at 2560x1600 like I run: anti-aliasing alleviates that. Hope this helps you learn!
Now, I havn't read 797 posts made in this thread, so I do not know if this problem has been discussed or mentioned before. Here is my problem:

Often when I join a server, I do not see any stats. The scoreboard shows 0 for all the players and I do not receive any points when the game is over with. This does not happen all the time, but I would say a little of half of the time I try to connect to EA/a server. Also, right now I am looking at the server list and I see only 6 servers, where 4 of them are empty and the other ones have 2 and 6 people playing.

Does anyone have an explanation or suggestion what this might be?
Same, I love the game!

Hacked account? You've been here five years, you should know better than this ignorant bile. Protip: you still have aliasing even at 2560x1600 like I run: anti-aliasing alleviates that. Hope this helps you learn!

Notice his little Forum Troll thing in his sig? Yeah I think that's what he's being :p
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