Bad Company 2 Beta - thoughts, opinions?

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That's like saying, "guns don't kill people, people kill people."

No its like saying, "Dice allowing the ability to jump and prone at the same time is what caused dolphin diving." Lots of FPS games with prone, only battlefield had dolphin diving problems.
It's possible I need to upgrade to the new build to fix the issues I'm experiencing.

I disagree with folks saying I can't aim, especially with a sniper rifle. U.S. Marine Corps retired and I've been playing FPS and other games ever since the PC was in diapers. People over at SabreTyphoon will vouch for me on that fact. :D

I've logged into several different servers over the course of a week now and the only time I've gotten a confirmed headshot was when I shot a camo'd bastage as he was running away. Every other time it has been at least 2 or more shots in the head to take them down.

I've pinged several servers and the highest lag recorded has been 113 with an average of 70. Certainly not enough to cause the issues. I'll see if I can get the update to the BETA and try again.

Thanks for the input.

Two full clips can easily kill 3 or 4 players, possibly 5 in the right scenarios. If you are expending two entire clips on a single target, you are not hitting your target. Burst fire is your friend, 2 or 3 shot bursts and aim at upper mid body. They'll hit the snow.

Some pistols do more damage, the M9 is not that great, it's an emergency use only. The WWII 1911 on the other hand, that's a 2-3 shot monster.

Also as others have already said, this game is ALL about working together as a squad. If you have a squad that sticks together you can easily dominate.

It actually tells you when you headshot someone with the sniper rifle. So if you're not getting that then you're missing your target. Plus there is a very nice visual queue showing their grape pop when you land one.

-You can't aim. You can take out multiple enemies with a single clip.
-Headshots are a kill with sniper rifle and the game will indicate when you get one.
-I'm not sure about that one because I haven't been run over yet. I know some of my friends have ran over people though.
has anything changed in the last few days the beta has been out? when i first tried it out i was running <10 fps but then i just got cod4 mw2 and it runs perfect... :/
Guys I wouldn't lose much sleep over these issues as Dice has already said this IS NOT the final client build and in fact is a VERY VERY OLD build which hasn't been worked on for a while now. They have said their team is working on the real build getting it ready and polishing for release. So I would just take all these issues with a grain of salt and give them the benefit of the doubt. These guys know how to make a PC game so I mean ya we see alot of consolish shit in this build butlets give em enough rope for now. Know what I'm saying? That's my attitude for now at least. /Shrug

That doesn't make any sense. What's the point of releasing a public beta based on an old client that they've already bug-tested?
so far so good besides the issue of no prone...

other than that it seems good.. i mean its still a beta but i bought it wither way.. final judgment will be when real game comes out and im either pissed off i bought it and wasted my money or felt the investment was worth the cash.
Ask them yourself? It probably is something they fixed already for retail but go find out... kinda silly a thing to cancel over without even checking if you otherwise like the game. If you're dead-set for some reason against buying it because of this, you can contact Steam support to cancel the pre-order.

It's not silly. This stupid movement key bug makes the game unplayable.
has anything changed in the last few days the beta has been out? when i first tried it out i was running <10 fps but then i just got cod4 mw2 and it runs perfect... :/
sounds like you need to try a few tweaks.

The game will absolutely max out a quad-core if you have one, but it will also use a fast dual-core equally well. I know it maxes out a quad because I have system monitoring utilities on my 2nd monitor while I play on my main monitor. I have a quad core AMD Phenom 9850, so an i7 should absolutely tear through this game like butter. The multi-threading is kinda wonky as it is in the beta though. When I added the +fullproc tag to the shortcut properties, it was a night and day difference. Less stuttering and frame rate drops and the menus, loading times, and server browser worked much better. The only time the game hitches now is when I'm inside or near a vehicle exploding. The game used to crash 1 out of 3 times when I was inside a vehicle that exploded. Now that I added the +fullproc tag, it hasn't crashed yet after 12 additional hours of gameplay.
No its like saying, "Dice allowing the ability to jump and prone at the same time is what caused dolphin diving." Lots of FPS games with prone, only battlefield had dolphin diving problems.

Heh, no, many other games with prone had problems too, :(.
It's not silly. This stupid movement key bug makes the game unplayable.

Happens maybe once or twice an hour, and can be fixed by quickly tapping a movement key a couple of times in under a second. Hardly gamebreaking...
That's like saying, "guns don't kill people, people kill people."

Um, actually, that's true... so not sure what your point is. A gun doesn't magically kill people on its own, it's someone pulling the trigger or otherwise interacting with it.
Has anyone experienced their M-com stations randomly blowing up when no one was near them? I witnessed it a couple times last night. It was odd because they weren't activated, and there was no c-4 on them from enemies or teamkillers. They just blew up in front of me. The round ended in less than 5 minutes because of this. Really odd.

Has anyone experienced their M-com stations randomly blowing up when no one was near them? I witnessed it a couple times last night. It was odd because they weren't activated, and there was no c-4 on them from enemies or teamkillers. They just blew up in front of me. The round ended in less than 5 minutes because of this. Really odd.


A defender can blow up his own stations, apparently.
Happens maybe once or twice an hour, and can be fixed by quickly tapping a movement key a couple of times in under a second. Hardly gamebreaking...

It happens several times a minute, not "maybe once or twice an hour." It happens constantly.
It happens several times a minute, not "maybe once or twice an hour." It happens constantly.

I actually had this problem before -- ALOT. Now out of nowhere it is fixed. It was pretty game breaking, now that it is fixed the game is MUCH MUCH more enjoyable. I've heard by deleting the joystick controls, it fixes the sticky key problem. If you haven't tried that yet, give it a go :).
No its like saying, "Dice allowing the ability to jump and prone at the same time is what caused dolphin diving." Lots of FPS games with prone, only battlefield had dolphin diving problems.

Yeah, all they need to do is make it so that the 'go prone' key makes you kneel first and then drop down to the ground. Dolphin diving problem solved.

Second excuse not to add prone is it would slow the game down with too many campers\snipers. Doubtful, because I frequently find myself not advancing because I know my head would be exposed if I tried to move forward into a nearby foxhole.

That all said, the game is very good as is without prone.
It's possible I need to upgrade to the new build to fix the issues I'm experiencing.

I disagree with folks saying I can't aim, especially with a sniper rifle. U.S. Marine Corps retired and I've been playing FPS and other games ever since the PC was in diapers. People over at SabreTyphoon will vouch for me on that fact. :D

I've logged into several different servers over the course of a week now and the only time I've gotten a confirmed headshot was when I shot a camo'd bastage as he was running away. Every other time it has been at least 2 or more shots in the head to take them down.

I've pinged several servers and the highest lag recorded has been 113 with an average of 70. Certainly not enough to cause the issues. I'll see if I can get the update to the BETA and try again.

Thanks for the input.

Are you accounting for bullet flight time and bullet drop? You need to compensate or it will fall low. Which is what your making it sound like.
Are you accounting for bullet flight time and bullet drop? You need to compensate or it will fall low. Which is what your making it sound like.

We pointed it out to him before, guess he ignored it.

I've gotten plenty of headshots no problem.
sounds like you need to try a few tweaks.

The game will absolutely max out a quad-core if you have one, but it will also use a fast dual-core equally well. I know it maxes out a quad because I have system monitoring utilities on my 2nd monitor while I play on my main monitor. I have a quad core AMD Phenom 9850, so an i7 should absolutely tear through this game like butter. The multi-threading is kinda wonky as it is in the beta though. When I added the +fullproc tag to the shortcut properties, it was a night and day difference. Less stuttering and frame rate drops and the menus, loading times, and server browser worked much better. The only time the game hitches now is when I'm inside or near a vehicle exploding. The game used to crash 1 out of 3 times when I was inside a vehicle that exploded. Now that I added the +fullproc tag, it hasn't crashed yet after 12 additional hours of gameplay.

I used the +fullproc command too. I don't know if it's been night and day for me or any improvement at all. I don't see why this would work because isn't a dual core the minimum so you would expect the game to utilize multiple threads as it is.

EDIT: I just took the command out and monitored my CPU usage and all 4 cores were being used on my Q6600. Using FRAPS I was average 45-50FPS for most of the game. Q6600 at 3.6ghz, 8GB Ram, ATI 4870 stock. I did set Bloom=false as the only change.
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+fullproc is a myth and any perceived difference is placebo, this is directly from the dev's. The game is designed to use multi-cores including quads without any special commands.
+fullproc is a myth and any perceived difference is placebo, this is directly from the dev's. The game is designed to use multi-cores including quads without any special commands.
I don't doubt the game was meant for quad-cores. In fact, my quad was maxed before I put in that command. I'm just suggesting that maybe it changes how the threads are scheduled or how it interacts with windows.
-I was playing and asked anyone in chat if they were experiencing glitching. By "glitching" I mean the game literally would play great for 5 seconds, then literally freeze for a fraction of a second, sounds would replay several times in a row.
-Someone then mentioned +fullproc in chat.
-I quit the game. Applied +fullproc.
-Restarted game. Got back on same server.
-Night and day difference.
-Has been playable for past 2 days straight since I applied it.

Unless Steam managed to patch that game in the span of the 5 minutes that interaction occurred, I don't believe it was a placebo. I didn't get an FPS boost, but the game stopped glitching all the time. It could be just my combination of hardware and drivers. But it did make a difference.
But it did make a difference.

Placebos can be powerful, you just have to believe against the odds.

If the developer says they didn't code that command into the game, then chances are: It does absolutely nothing. I did it and saw absolutely no difference.
sounds like you need to try a few tweaks.

The game will absolutely max out a quad-core if you have one, but it will also use a fast dual-core equally well. I know it maxes out a quad because I have system monitoring utilities on my 2nd monitor while I play on my main monitor.

my E8500 @ 4.1 Ghz is getting 40-60% usage on both cores. I don't get any type of hitching though. framerate just tends to stay between 35-40 with a stock 4870 512 playing 16*10, 1x AA, 16x AF, high settings, and HBAO off. GPU usage is all over the place moving frantically between 30 to 100%. vid mem usage is 370 MB.
I don't doubt the game was meant for quad-cores. In fact, my quad was maxed before I put in that command. I'm just suggesting that maybe it changes how the threads are scheduled or how it interacts with windows.
-I was playing and asked anyone in chat if they were experiencing glitching. By "glitching" I mean the game literally would play great for 5 seconds, then literally freeze for a fraction of a second, sounds would replay several times in a row.
-Someone then mentioned +fullproc in chat.
-I quit the game. Applied +fullproc.
-Restarted game. Got back on same server.
-Night and day difference.
-Has been playable for past 2 days straight since I applied it.

Unless Steam managed to patch that game in the span of the 5 minutes that interaction occurred, I don't believe it was a placebo. I didn't get an FPS boost, but the game stopped glitching all the time. It could be just my combination of hardware and drivers. But it did make a difference.

While I don't doubt your experiences, sometimes servers are a major contributing factor to poor performance. My squadmates and I all had terrible frames and latency from a certain server, then left it, joined another and all of our problems went away.
I don't doubt the game was meant for quad-cores.

No of course not, it just lists quad as the recomended processor type for the heck of it.

EDIT: My mistake, i thought you said you "doubt"... anyway, see the link below I posted. The dev team responded to the -fullproc question as well as several other questions.
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Unbelievably, I was able to get it to run (everything set to low, DX9, etc) with an Athlon 64 3000+ (2.0GHz) Single Core with 1GB of RAM and a 6800XT

Wasn't very enjoyable, but it 'ran'
to those saying that there is low damage: I seem to kill things with 3-4 taps of my xm8, but if I hold it down and spray its doubtful I'll kill anything without being next to it. Maybe a little more damage would be nice, but I have a feeling that it'll make rush mode impossible for attackers
I'm kinda retarded so how do you pick up bullets and medkits, just walk over them or press a key?

and has anyone seen a guide for the game yet?
I'm kinda retarded so how do you pick up bullets and medkits, just walk over them or press a key?

and has anyone seen a guide for the game yet?

You don't pick them up, standing within couple feet of them will apply their effects. With ammo you will hear a sound, health just increases the rate which you regain health over time.

I don't know what the deal is then, it must have been something different than the +fullproc tag. Something definitely changed to keep from that behavior from happening again and performance did improve. What the cause was I don't know at this point. All I know is I quit, added it, didn't change any other setting, then re-started the game, even connected to same server. At this point all I can think is something was going on with my video card drivers, or maybe my connection just let out a huge latency fart. Who knows at this point:confused:
After popping in my 5850 today I have to say the game runs much smoother than my old 4870 512mb, and by much smoother, I mean silky. Also Crysis Very High 4xAA is very very nice. :D
I think, as an Australian, it's terrible that there's not even one Australian beta server, despite the game being advertised frantically in the Aussie EA store, and Aussie Steam store. I have to join US / UK servers, which adds to the already sub par latencies people are experiencing. The engine isn't too bad, I find it runs a lot smoother for me without AA and AF, but I'm running an GTX285.
After popping in my 5850 today I have to say the game runs much smoother than my old 4870 512mb, and by much smoother, I mean silky. Also Crysis Very High 4xAA is very very nice. :D

Lol that's a big leap so yeah i should hope so :p . The 5850 is an amazing card.
I think, as an Australian, it's terrible that there's not even one Australian beta server, despite the game being advertised frantically in the Aussie EA store, and Aussie Steam store. I have to join US / UK servers, which adds to the already sub par latencies people are experiencing. The engine isn't too bad, I find it runs a lot smoother for me without AA and AF, but I'm running an GTX285.

I'm pretty sure I saw some Sydney based servers on the list.

Lol that's a big leap so yeah i should hope so :p . The 5850 is an amazing card.

I wasn't too sure how big of a leap to expect but it's like literally twice as fast. I am pleased.

Also rammed a heli with the UAV for the first time earlier. The guys in the chopper were like "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HIT US?" The fact that nearly no one uses chat made it that much funnier for me.
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Are you running DX10 or DX9 Sixtywatt? I wonder how much of a performance jump I can get if I drop to DX9.
Are you running DX10 or DX9 Sixtywatt? I wonder how much of a performance jump I can get if I drop to DX9.

I run DxVersion set to Auto so either 10 or 11, can't live without my anti-aliasing. :D 1080p 4xAA 16xAF everything maxed except HBAO off.
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